
Sword of Fate: The Holy Grail War in Aincrad

Emiya Shirou is a young man who dreams of becoming a hero of justice. He finds himself in the middle of a secret war for the Holy Grail, a powerful artifact that can grant any wish. He is a sword, shaped by a tragic past and a burning desire to save others. He expects to summon a mighty blade as his servant, a partner in the war. But instead, he summons a mysterious swordsman in black, who claims to be a Saber. A sword cannot change its nature, but it can learn from its wielder. Together, they will face their enemies and their own fates…

sKyarcsc · Anime & Comics
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Sword of Fate | Chapter 3

The man was dangerous. That lance was deadly. It was foolish to think that he would be able to do anything. He couldn't even get his magic to work properly.


The man grinned. "Oho? So you saw, didn't you?"

Run. Shirou couldn't move. The murderous presence emanating from the man froze him to the spot. Run!

"Well, bad luck kid. Looks like this is-"

RUN! Shirou took off at a dead sprint, running back into the school. The man in blue was forgotten, and the only thought in Shirou's mind was to run, as fast and as far as he could. He didn't pay attention to where his feet guided him, focused only on putting as much distance between him and the murderous man in blue as possible.

Damn... Should've listened to Sakura. Shirou leaned against a wall for support and heaved in as much air as he could. He'd made it back to the school, covering enough ground at a speed that would make the track team envious, and the man in blue was no where to be seen.

"I should have known it would be another one of those days," Shirou muttered. "First, I wake up late, Taiga notices it, and then this? Next time, I'm just staying home."

"Impressive, kid. You sure run fast for a human."

Shirou stood with a start. The man in blue was in front of him, crimson lance poised to thrust. "But time's up."

A burning pain seared through Shirou's chest, and he fell to the ground. The man in blue wrenched his lance out of Shirou's chest and sighed. "Tough luck, kid. But don't worry, it won't be much longer." With that said, the man vanished, leaving Shirou to bleed out against the school's main hallway.

Numb. Shirou couldn't feel anymore. Even that searing pain in his chest was fading away. Everything was. Despite that, one thought remained. Sorry Sakura, I didn't keep your promise.

He closed his eyes and waited for the end. Strangely enough, it never came. He didn't know how long it was, but after a while, Shirou realized that he wasn't dead. He jerked forward, and the tightness in his chest reminded him that, yes, he did get stabbed with a lance.

Shirou didn't wait around. It was a miracle that he was alive, but that didn't matter. He promised Sakura that he'd stay home this weekend, and although he'd already broken it, there was no way he would let it stay broken. Not to mention the fact that the crazy guy with a spear is still out there.

Shirou got to his feet and headed home, moving as fast as he could with the pain in his chest. He did so without looking back, and didn't see the gem pendant lying next to him.

The night was ominous, but nobody else jumped out at Shirou as he made it home. Once inside, he looked for a weapon, something to fight back if that blue lancer appeared again.

He armed himself with a rolled up, reinforced metal poster, and sat in the living room, waiting.

It wasn't long.

The man in blue, or rather the blue lancer as Shirou took to calling him, appeared within minutes. After some banter about how Shirou should stay dead, the lancer attacked. Shirou fought back, but the man was superhuman and before he knew it, Shirou found himself flying into his shed. He scrambled to his feet, only to find the blue lancer in front of him, his lance poised to pierce his heart again.

"Well, it was a good run kid. That was weird magic you used, but it wasn't too shabby. Heck, you could have been the last Master."

Shirou didn't respond. Is this it? I'll die here without even being a hero?

The lancer locked eyes with Shirou. "See ya kid. Stay dead this time, alright?" He spun his lance and thrust.

No. Shirou glared at the lance inching towards his heart. I won't accept it.

He had just died, faced death moments before, and here he was again, positioned to suffer the same fate. I can't die here.

He was saved. He was saved so he couldn't die so easily.

It pissed him off. For someone to kill that easily. For someone to die that easily. Dying twice in one day was even more ridiculous.

Shirou denied it, rejected the fate in front of him.

And then it happened.

A myriad of colors, shimmering with a kaleidoscope of lights, filled the shed. The moment before the crimson spear pierced Shirou's heart, a black blur shot past him and brushed the thrust aside in a clash of steel. Without pause, the parry was followed with by a blinding slash.

Sparks flew as the lancer raised his weapon to defend. "Kuh!" The force of the blow sent the lancer staggering backwards. He glared at Shirou, but then leapt out from the shed.

With the immediate danger gone, Shirou's savior turned, allowing him to get a clear look. Shirou's first thought was that his savior was young, looking only a few years older than himself.

Tame black bangs framed an effeminate face. His eyes were contrary to his appearance, paired onyx that would not bend or break. Yet, they were warm, giving off a sense of compassion and playfulness. He was garbed in a plain black outfit, consisting of a cloth coat with matching pants and boots. A pair of sheathes hung behind him, one of the blades they hold in his right hand.

"So, I guess you're my Master?" The black swordsman ran his free hand through his hair and let out a sigh of exasperation. "Man, Asuna would kill me if she knew what I got myself into." He shook his head, a warm smile on his face.

Shirou blinked. "Huh? Master?"

"Yeah, I guess you're as confused about this as I am..." The swordsman sighed again. "Anyway, Servant Saber at your disposal." He frowned in thought. "On second thought, you can call me Kirito. I doubt anybody here would know who I am." The last words were said in a murmur.

Shirou looked on in confusion, the shock of recent events still settling in. "Kirito?"

A sharp pain shot through Shirou's left hand, causing him to grasp it. He looked down and saw that a runic pattern in the shape of a sword had been drawn on it. The marks glowed in a rainbow of colors, then settled to a pitch black.

Kirito nodded. "Well that settles it. The contract's just been announced." He turned back towards the shed's doorway. Just outside, the blue lancer stood, weapon ready for a second bout. "Sit tight, Master. I'll be right back."



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