
Sword of Fate: The Holy Grail War in Aincrad

Emiya Shirou is a young man who dreams of becoming a hero of justice. He finds himself in the middle of a secret war for the Holy Grail, a powerful artifact that can grant any wish. He is a sword, shaped by a tragic past and a burning desire to save others. He expects to summon a mighty blade as his servant, a partner in the war. But instead, he summons a mysterious swordsman in black, who claims to be a Saber. A sword cannot change its nature, but it can learn from its wielder. Together, they will face their enemies and their own fates…

sKyarcsc · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs

Sword of Fate | Chapter 2

When she stared at him like that, Shirou couldn't help but feel a shiver run up his spine. If she was mad enough to take out the shinai for a 'practice spar', Shirou doubted even his magecraft could save him, despite his recent success.

Just as he was ready to bolt, Taiga let out a sigh and released the tension she was holding. "I guess it can't be helped. It's rude for you to make a girl as cute as Sakura do all the cooking, but I know how hard you work. Just... don't do it again, alright?" She frowned. "I worry about you, too. I mean, it's great that you're pursuing your dream but... don't overdo it, alright?"

Shirou let out a relieved smile. "I know Fuji-nee, I know."

After that somber opening, breakfast returned to its usual pleasant affair. Taiga was as energetic as usual, spouting off tale after tale and ranting about how stupid certain students were. Sakura was her usual reserved self, chiming in at the right moments, but mostly giving a content smile throughout. Playful banter and a familiar atmosphere, that was morning at the Emiya household-

"Crap! I'm late again!"

-and it ended as usual with Taiga rushing off to the school, with Shirou and Sakura following after they secured the house.

The Emiya residence was on the top of a hill. If one were to visit it, they'd be surprised that the humble Emiya Shirou lived in such a fanciful home. To be honest, the upkeep of it wasn't much, despite its grand appearance. His adopted father had settled most of its affairs, and the rest were taken care of by Taiga's father. Seeing as the latter's father was the head of the yakuza in Fuyuki, there wasn't much Shirou had to worry about.

...Though it was a bit unnerving at times when unsavory looking men gave him nods as he travelled about the town. Then again, it was something he grew accustomed to and it didn't bother him much these days. Not to mention that those same unsavory people paid well for him to fix their bikes and cars.

Shirou shook his head. There was a time for reminiscing and it wasn't now.

He and Sakura were walking to school, taking the path along the walled road down the hill. It was a bright and dazzling morning, pleasant for a stroll like this. Yet, Sakura was acting strange.

As they walked, the younger classman cast Shirou sidelong glances when she thought he wasn't looking. She would also occasionally frown and glance downwards, muttering something to herself.

"Hey Sakura, are you alright? Shinji hasn't been bothering you again has he?"

Sakura stopped to give Shirou a surprised look, but that eased into a pleased smile and she shook her head. "Ah, it's not that, Senpai. I'm glad you're worried for me but Onii-chan hasn't been a problem. It's just-" Her smile dropped as she gave Shirou a searching look. "Senpai, promise me you'll stay home this weekend."

Shirou gave her a perplexed look. "Huh? Why do you want that?"

Sakura frowned and nibbled on her lip. "Well... um..."

Shirou saw that and shook his head. "Don't worry about it Sakura. If you want me to stay home, I'll stay home. I was just surprised that you asked. It's not often you do that, you know?"

A small grin spread on Sakura's face and she gave a meek nod in return. "Thanks Senpai."

The two stopped walking as they reached the gates of the school.

"Well," Shirou said. "I'll see you on Monday then Sakura. Have fun at Archery Club today."

"See you Senpai. Um... be careful, alright?"

Sakura left with a small wave in departure, and then headed towards the Archery Dojo. Once he saw her off, Shirou started off towards his class, shifting his bag to his left hand as he did.

A sharp pain caused him to almost drop it.

Shirou frowned and rubbed his hand. "Man, nothing's going right today." He sighed and walked towards his homeroom.

Classes were more of the same, ending early as they did on Saturdays. Afterward, Shirou spent some time with Issei, fixing various broken appliances around the school. It was all routine, a simple recurrence of Shirou's habitual actions. Nothing too exciting happened, and it seemed to be another pleasant, normal day.

Then he bumped into Shinji and got roped into cleaning the Archery Dojo.

Shirou sighed as he restrung yet another bow. "They're getting careless these days." He lifted the bow and pulled the string back, testing its draw strength. Satisfied, he set it back in its place with the other bows. "That should do it."

He took a look around.

It was dark now, and Shirou was alone in the dojo. It was hard work, but he had tidied the place up, even polishing the floor to a sheen. A bit excessive, but it wasn't in his nature to do less than his best when it came to things like these.

He brushed himself off and turned out the lights.

"I'm off now." Calling out that customary farewell, the red-head left to return home. He locked the doors behind him and headed along the route back when he heard it.

Steel. It was an unmistakable sound, as clear to him as someone shouting his name.

Shirou paused and shook his head. "That can't be... right? I mean, who would be out this late? And clashing steel?" He let out a small laugh. "Yeah right, like that would happen."

He took a step along the path when he heard it again. Louder this time, metallic clangs reverberating through the otherwise silent night. There was no mistaking it. That was the sound of full on combat.

"I have to go home. I promised Sakura, didn't I? Besides, it's not like this is anything important-" He remembered. The murder cases happening in the nearby town and surroundings. They had all been killed by something like a sword, hadn't they?

Shirou paused. That was right. Then this wasn't something he could ignore. Emiya Shirou could not possibly stand by while a potential threat to others loomed. It was in his nature, too ingrained to yield.

"Sorry Sakura, but I can't leave this be." With those words, Shirou took a deep breath and stepped towards the clash-

"Who's there!?"

-Only to be face to face with a man dressed in blue, a blood-stained lance by his side.

Shirou jumped backwards. "Gah!"



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