
Orphan Girl

Translator: Larbre Studio Editor: Larbre Studio

Lu Yi lifted the cup and took a sip as he leisurely crossed his legs. "What, do you want to try it?"

Fang Zhu always asked for a glass of water whenever she visited the Lu residence. Lu Yi had naturally assumed that was her favorite drink.

"How can you drink that?" There was a hint of stern disapproval in Fang Zhu's voice. "Only little girls who don't know better would choose to drink something like that. It's full of all kinds of additives, you know."

Lu Yi had lifted the cup to his lips again, but he could not bring himself to take another sip, not with Fang Zhu lecturing and glaring at him like that.

He set the cup down. The unhappy scowl on Fang Zhu's face finally went away.

"Lu Yi, you should stop drinking that. No more unhealthy drinks in the future."

Lu Yi gently caressed the cup with his fingers. He suddenly felt as though he had gotten himself a nutritionist.