
Gaining Fame

Editor: Larbre Studio

Indeed, she was extremely dirty. She even carried an offensive odor with her. But at this point, no one would complain about it. 

She was clean and her eyes were exceptionally pure. The purity and cleanliness came from the bottom of her heart and soul. 

"Can I borrow your mobile phone for a short while?" At first, her mobile phone was out of signal. But now, even the battery of her phone was drained. On the other hand, Lu Jin's mobile phone was left in the hotel as it had been broken into bits. She was not able to even find the remnants of the phone. 

"Sure, sure." The journalist promptly handed his mobile phone to Yan Huan.

Yan Huan received the phone and immediately dialed Lu Yi's phone number. She was anxious; she felt terrible; she missed Lu Yi abundantly too. 

"Hello..." the man's voice came from the other side of the phone. The inexpressible weariness could be clearly sensed from his tone. 

"Lu Yi, it's me "