
As The Wind Breezes in

A girl with long dark hair laid peacefully on the white bed of hospital room. Despite the continuous support of the IV that was attached to her left wrist, the paleness in the girl's face was very evident.

Three weeks ago, the girl was rushed to hospital after one of her dorm mates found her delirious with high fever.

It was near the end of the semester before summer break approached.

Students fell sick due to overworking a day before the assignment's deadline was common occurence in University S.

It could be quickly resolved with several days of rest accompanied by consuming nutritious food and lots of water until the body recovers itself.

But after one day rest, instead of getting better, Han Yuelin's body showed signs of becoming weaker.

Her classmates last saw her at class on Monday. Her dorm mate said Han Yuelin was back in her room on Monday night and never passed by her again ever since.

On Wednesday morning, a package arrived for Yuelin.

The dorm mate who also received a delivery carried Yuelin's package to Yuelin's room. She knocked several times but received no answer.

She found that the shoecase in front of the room was still full. So Yuelin should be inside and maybe still asleep.

The dorm mate, Fan Aoning, was very close with Yuelin because they were from the same department.

She and Yueling often came at each other's room to play and study together. The fact that they knew each other's room password just showed how much trust they had with one another.

When Aoning opened the door to drop the package, she found Yuelin's unconscious body and immediately called an ambulance.

The doctor diagnosed Yuelin with an illness called meningitis. Her condition continued to worsen mainly because of exhaustion and lack of proper eating.

On her eighth day of stay in the hospital, Yuelin fell into a coma.

Two weeks flashed by.

It was afternoon break time for the staff at the hospital. There was currently no one inside Yuelin's room.

Yuelin's father will come later after work. Her mother who had stayed vigil was out for lunch at the hospital's canteen. Fan Aoning should be in class now. She usually visited in the morning with some classmates before heading off to campus.

At this time, a gust of wind breezed in through the open window in the room. The wind slightly brushed against Yuelin's body as if caressing it.

Just then, the fingers that had remained still for days suddenly made a small movement.

Random Question: Can you guess what is my main motivation for writing this story in webnovel? Answer on next chapter :3

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