
Sweet Life of AJ and Rena

Lauren_Ross · Realistic
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7 Chs

Dinner Date



Age in chapter



age in chapter 17

By the time the sun had set, Rena had been in her room for hours. Her back was straight and the large stuffed bear AJ had won for her at a county fair rested perched on her knees. She sat on the floor in front of her closet, deciding what she was going to wear to the date she and AJ were going on.

Rena received a text on her phone. She turns her head and glances at the notification.

Are you ready to go?

Rena sighed. She explained to him that she is still working on putting together an outfit. All he had to say in response was, You look good in everything I've seen you wear. From casual to sexy. Don't worry about impressing me, okay? Rena swooned. She quickly snatched up some clothes that were casual yet dressy. It was also still on a sultry side.

She was wearing a cropped white shirt that was a little too tight, showing off cleavage at the top and her toned stomach. Her black pencil skirt was tight, squeezing her butt and only accentuating her curves even more. She was wearing a black lace thong and a matching bra. She brushed through her hair and put some perfume on. She put on a pair of mary jane shoes and long white socks.

She texted him. She went outside to wait for his car. He walked up to the front steps and they shared a kiss. "So, are you ready to go?" He asked. He gave her a onceover. "Wow, you look...incredible." He said. He was practically salivating. His eyes followed down her chest, and obviously appreciated Rena's bare stomach.

Rena got a load of what AJ was wearing. He was wearing a dark gray button down tucked into black jeans. His top three buttons were left undone and his collar was all mussed. Her gaze lingered on the muscles showing through his shirt and then at his legs. She bit her lip and looked back up to his face.

"We could just go to your place?" She whispered. AJ chuckled and patted her head. "I had already made the dinner reservations, there's no turning back now, sweetheart." He murmured. Rena pouted. "But you look so-"

"So do you." AJ said. He gave her ass a squeeze. "Later," He whispers in her ear. She shivered.


As they sat at their table waiting for their orders to be taken, Rena couldn't stop her eyes from wandering.

She bit her bottom lip as AJ shifted, looking over the menu.

AJ looked at Rena, feeling eyes on him. He immediately smirked seeing the look on his girlfriend's face. "Do you see something you like?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. Rena sputters and hides her face.

"I think- I think I wanna skip right to dessert." She said, peeking at him through her fingers. "Patience, Laurena." He warned. Rena's face immediately warms at the use of her full name. She removed her fingers from her face and set them in her lap. She sighs.

Soon, the waiter comes along, starting with their drinks. Rena had AJ order for her before ordering for himself. He reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Rena's breathing was labored. Her lips parted as small breaths escaped between them. Her eyes are heavily lidded and glassy. Her cheeks and neck were flushed to a soft pink.

AJ cursed at her state. "Let's just get you home. It's like you're in heat or something." He comments. She was too out of it to shoot him a glare. Instead, she sends him a halfhearted furrow of her brows.

He took her by the hand and gave her a fireman's carry back to their car. She was all over him, then. He held her off until they returned home.


AJ just decided to tease Rena. He felt she deserved to be edged because she ruined a date he made reservations for. She whined against his lips. She palmed him through his pants, feeling that he is hard. She whined once more. "Sir!" She made a feeble and desperate attempt to get his pants off. She wanted to suck his dick. She wanted to ride him into the night and until daybreak.

Finally, AJ let up. He wasn't used to denying his little girl. Well, she wasn't a little girl anymore. She definitely grew into her skin. He took his jacket off and placed it on the floor. He undid his pants and let them fall to his ankles. Rena looked back at him appreciatively. She knelt down and took his throbbing erection in her hands, giving it a few strokes. AJ leaned back against the door.

While she stroked him, he said through gritted teeth, "I also meant for us to watch a movie at the theater. We have until ten when the movie starts." Rena glanced at his wrist. The time said it was currently 8:24pm. She stands up and completely undresses herself. She grabs his hand and takes him to bed.

She laid herself out on her back and parted her thighs. AJ dove right in, kissing along her inner thighs which were coated in her wetness. He licked a stripe upwards, coating his tongue with her juices. He moaned, loving the taste of his young lover. Feeling the vibrations of his voice, Rena tipped her head back and moaned.

"Just f-fuck me, already!" She whined. He grunts. I guess I was just teasing her. I need to give her what she wants before she gets pissed. She hates being teased. AJ thought. He removes himself from her thighs and pulls her into a hug. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he held her close.

Rena pulled him in for a powerful kiss. He was caught off guard, not sure many people kiss right after oral. He was a little disappointed when Rena had pushed his face away from her cunt. He loved having her cum in his mouth. He loved tasting her. She was still a teenager after all, her hormones always caused a high sex drive within her. In other words, she loved it, too.

AJ broke the kiss. Rena pawed at his back and whined again. "Nnnn! Fuck me! Please baby~!" She moaned. AJ's eyes practically rolled back into his head. Her moans always sounded so sensual.

Rena smashed their lips together again, tilting them so AJ was now flat on the bed. Rena moaned, enjoying the angle more as she swiveled her hips in little circles, stimulating her clit against AJ's thigh. She pulled away from the kiss, hands gripping the bed sheet beside AJ's head as she rubbed herself against her boyfriend. "Please, please," she chanted, ears pink as she slowly soaked AJ's leg. "I'll be a good girl, I will!" She begged.

AJ grunted, grabbing Rena's ass and forcibly flipping them, putting the girl back onto her back and pinning her there. "You wanna be fucked so badly?" AJ asked, breathing in deeply, his panting was interrupted by a moan as the sudden switch in position caused Rena a bigger wanton ache in her core. AJ sat up, releasing Rena from underneath him. "Fine. Show me." He purred.

Rena shifted, turning onto her tummy and crawling forward a bit. She tilted her body so her shoulders were to the bed and her ass was up, back arched forward.

Her fingers went between her thighs, coating the digits slightly, then holding her little pink pussy open, presenting and offering her body to fuck and breed.

AJ gripped onto Rena's hips once she was in position and held her still for a moment. Rena gave an excited trill as she was teased. Her pussy clenched around nothing while AJ's dick rubbed against her slit.

Rena remained still, staying in position as she panted into the bedsheets. She kept repeating in her head 'just be patient, just be patient' , up until AJ sunk his cock into her, only pressing in the thick mushroom head, then holding Rena's hips with a grip so tight, it promised bruises. He held still before pulling her back, moving her entire body to thrust into, using the young woman like a personal pocket pussy.

Rena allowed herself to be fucked without mercy. She had asked for that exact treatment with her begging and pleading. As she moved her hips to meet AJ's thrusts, she let out a high pitched squeal as she was impaled on her boyfriend's delicious cock. Her pussy devoured him over and over.

Rena wanted to lift herself up on her hands and knees instead of assuming the position with her ass up in the air, but AJ placed a firm hand on her back, keeping her where she was. He had leaned down and covered her back and laced their fingers together. Apparently, he was adept in keeping her pinned down like that.

Rena mewled, leaning her cheek into his arm. She tried to get as close to AJ without moving too much and possibly upsetting him. Rena finally couldn't take it as she helplessly tried to shove her hips backwards. AJ grabbed her hips. "No, Rena." He warned. She mewled again.

"Fuck me like you mean it! You're being so mean!" She whined. AJ had had enough of her shit. He reeled himself back and slammed into her. Rena's eyes rolled back and drool fell from her mouth. AJ took a fist full of her hair and pulled her head back. Rena whined. "This better for you?" He asked. Rena didn't have it in her to answer. AJ hammered into her and leaned forward. "Get up and ride me." He whispered.

He pulled out carefully and sat back on his haunches. He pulled Rena to him and she sunk on his cock. "Fuck, good girl." He growled. He pet her head as she rose herself up and fell back down. She arched her back as her pussy clenched around his dick. AJ grabbed her hips and lifted her up. He liked to please her, he didn't mind doing all the work if it meant he'd reach the goal.

Rena clawed at his shoulders as she was bounced up and down. She leaned forward to rest her head on his arm. She affectionately kissed and nipped at his shoulders, collarbone and neck. She hummed softly and held him close.

When he pushed up against her sensitive nerves deep within her, she jumped and let out a scream. Instead of having mercy, AJ continued to thrust into that spot. Rena couldn't contain herself anymore. She moaned against his skin. She clenched tightly against his dick, her back arching as she came.

AJ's orgasm followed soon thereafter and they sat there, coming down from their highs. He pulled out and pushed Rena to lay on her back. He gathered her in his arms and nuzzled her close. "I love you so fucking - that was good." She whispered. She wrapped a leg around his waist and wrapped her arm around his torso.

He kissed her forehead and ran his fingers through her hair, lulling her to sleep. He glanced at the time. Looks like they missed the movie anyway.