
Jiang Nian

Dojo of Limits, Third Building, Fifth floor.

A bald middle-aged man in black robe was looking at the instructor Zhou in front of him full of scrutiny and doubt.

"Old Zhou, are you this thirsty for credit?"

Jiang Nian, the curator of this local dojo simply can't believe it. While he knew that the instructor won't lie about this kind of thing, yet, it's simply impossible and unheard of.

he can accept an eight year old boy warrior because he heard of a lot of this rumors and due to their families rich background, it's barely acceptable, but what instructor Zhou reported is already on the scope of fantasy.

This is beyond his knowledge limits.

Instructor Zhou looked at the doubtful Jian Nian, and hurriedly assured.

"How is this possible?! Old Jiang, I know you won't believe, because I couldn't believe my own eyes, but it's true! how about this, I'll bring him here, and you can assert him yourself."

Jiang Nian eyes lit up, as he nodded in agreement.

Looking at the hurried back of his old friend, he couldn't help but mutter.

"Is it really possible? Old Zhou isn't someone used to lie or brag, if it's really true, then our dojo is about to take off!"

Jian Nian clenched his fist tightly.

Since he took off this dojo, he was always labelled with mediocrity, and never recruited a decent talent to the headquarters. If it weren't for his family background, cultivation realm and merit, he won't have sit on this post comfortably.


On the other side, Instructor Zhou already brought Luo Feng outside the fifth floor.

"Little Feng, We will meet the curator soon. Remember, don't be nervous, and just execute your fighting stance and blade dance normally."

Luo Feng nodded his head cutely in acceptance, as he followed the instructor inside.

Jiang Nian looked at the returning instructor, but he shortly shifted his eyes to the little boy behind him, and he coulsn't help but exclaim inwardly.

'What a beautiful child!'

Jian Nian turned his eyes again to instructor Zhou, as he asked formally.

"Old Zhou, is this the child?"

The instructor Zhou nodded in response.

As the two of them were distarcted a little, Luo Feng looked at the fist strength testing machine, and was a little eager to try.

Immobilizing 1/10 of his physical prowess, his fist slammed against the machine.

The loud 'Boom' resounded all over the floor, followed by Di Di Di sounds.

If it was before, he won't be able to control his power so accurately, but after this morning session, his body control reached the top.

As for the reason behind his action, it was just another fortification for his own plan. Perception and Comprehension may gain him a super genius status, but instant strength is more valuable.

The duo instructor were taken back by the loud sound, as they looked at the strength tester machine, and were quickly attracted by the number displayed.


The two of them looked at each other in daze, then looked at the extremely innocent looking boy with shock in their faces.

Jiang Nian's body quivered in excitement.


Instructor Zhou's head buzzed along with the still shaking fist strength testing machine, as he thought incoherently.

"I may have picked up a treasure!"

Luo Feng watched them in daze, but deep down he knew that this kind of people with low vision can't understand his comprehension horror.

He still recall clearly that in the initial plot, the micro-level was hardly distinguished, and the perfect level is already God of War domain.

Comprehension may gain him attention and care, however cultivation realm can convince everyone.

As expected,

"Little Feng, right? let's test another aspects."

Jiang Nian put a warm smile on his face, as he brought Luo Feng to the assessment of speed and neural response.

Fist Strength: 1,300kg

Speed: 32m/s

Reaction speed test: Initial Warrior level, full points!

Jiang Nian laughed happily, as he look at the data in the screen.

He suddenly patted his forehead in annoyance.

"I forgot, Little Feng show me your body technique basics and blade technique."

Luo Feng felt bad.

He wanted to show his micro-level, unfortunately, he underestimated his dynamic vision and intuition.

The test was just too easy, and the shooting machine felt like slow-motion, he could predict trajectories before launch, and dodge it fluently.

He knew that he betted right.

Never overestimate nor underestimate others.

He soon showed his perfect-level, and Jiang Nian showed an even bigger shock.

"Actually touched the micro-level state! Expert Level! Super genius! this time is my Yi'an District turn to show off its face in front of all the Jiangnan city."

His tone was incoherent for a while, but full of thrill.

Instructor Zhou on the side showed puzzlement and curiosity.

"Micro? what's this?"

Jiang Nian nodded in a sudden understanding.

"It's not strange you don't know. This legendary state can only be mastered by veteran Warlords class after years of honing in the battlefield, the same for expert level."

Jiang Nian tone was incredulous. He stil can't believe that the innocent looking boy in front of him was this evil.

Shortly however, he regained his composure, as he started running around the floor left and right. He then took out his mobile phone, and dialed a number.

An old man's voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Little Jiang, is there something wrong with looking for me so early?"

"Uncle Bai, I found a super genius, and I wanrt to report it to the headquarters."

Jiang Nian tone was full of confidence causing the old man on the other side to exclaim in surprise.

"Little Jiang so confident? what kind of genius, tell me to listen."

The old man's tone was full of teasing, because he knew that the district where Jiang Nian is located is not good, and was near the impoverished area. What talent can be there?

Jiang Nian could guess uncle Bai ideas, so he didn't bother with talking more.

With an air full of confidence and certitude,

"Uncle Bai, I'll sent you a video, and if it's a genius, you can call me back."

With this, he ended up the call, moved towards the central screen display, and after some operating, he sent Uncle Bai a short video.

Turning his head, he look at Luo Feng with a warm smile,

"Little Feng'er, prepare yourself, we are heading towards the headquarters."

Luo Feng nodded his head, and thanked in a soft tone, eyes full of gratitude.

Jiang Nian patted his head, and felt that the boy in front of him was more and more pleasing to the eyes.


Dojo of Limits Headquarters.

Inside a big villa, an old man with grey hair in grey robe chuckled, as he muttered.

"Little Jiang is so confident this time."


His own watch suddenly made a notification sound.

"Is it here? let's go to the multimedia room."

The old man left his chair, as he headed towards a certain room.

Shortly after...

"Impossible! how is this possible?!"

"Report, must report"

The old man in a disheveled state could be soon seen running out of his villa with a terrifying speed.

The people all around looked at the old man in shock, but he didn't care.

'Little Jiang, you are really blind!'

That was only his thought.