
Instructor Zhou.

Mixing in the crowd, Luo Feng got a clear idea of the current situation. According to the murmurs of these children, this building is composed of five floors.

The first floor is a vast hall with nothing than thick excercises mats and it's exclusive for apprentices that just joined the dojo.

For the upper floors, and while there is no clear information, he can guess that it must be similar to the plot, as for those bulgy men, they are the instructors responsible for teaching the basics and clear up doubts for the nebies.

As expected, the ten muscular men apparently reached some kind of consensus, then soon divided the children into different groups of tens, and Luo Feng was also followed his own group to the other side.

The instructor examined the timid, excited and expectant children in front of him, as he smiled knowingly.

"Children, welcome to the Dojo of Limits, I'm your instructor, you can call me instructor Zhou from now on."

The children hurriedly shouted his name politely.

"Instructor Zhou."

The instructor smiled fondly, as he continued.

"You must be very eager to learn the secrets of warriors, then I won't say anymore useless things. each one of you can take his position."

Following his command, each student stood in front of his exercise mat, as they watched him with burning eyes.

The instructor started with simple stretching moves, followed with some basic exercices such as push ups sit ups squats...

Luo Feng also followed advisedly. Shortly, a bunch of children started sweating profusely and couldn't keep up, but the instructor didn't bother them.

He continued his sets of excercises, but his eyes shined more when he examined the children that gritted their teeth and preserve or those that seems to be unaffected.

'There are a lot of good seedlings.'

Luo Feng watched everything with interest.

His inertia thinking was always affected by the plot, henceforth, he mainly thought that only the senior elite students will gain more attention, and was ready to show his talent actively, however he forgot that talent will actually start to show itself from a young age, and those instructors are here to pick leeks.

'I thought of attracting the attention of the bald curator and get contract and a villa, but it may feel a little deliberate, then I can only use this instructor as a mouthpiece.'

He continued exercising according to the instructor advises, and later on, he was actually taken back when he felt his body cells activating and swallowing the near cosmic energy stealthly.

'Yeah, how simple, training can increase strength. I didn't bother trainning much since I came to this world. Other than fooling around with those little boys in the neighborhood , my current strength may truthfully come from sleeping. I didn't expect that I have saitama physique...'

Luo Feng Thought inwardly.

Later on, the instructor finally stopped.

At this time, other than Luo Feng that still looked clean and breezy, everyone was panting like a dog.

Even the children of the rich that were bathed in all kind of heavenly treasures since birth were not spared.

The instructor that also have a little sweat on his forehead looked at Luo Feng with surprise.

Actually he noticed him at the start, because Luo Feng's presence was quite overwhelming, too cute and charming, but his charm isn't just a matter of appearance.

After all in this universe, the most worthless things is skin beauty, but Luo Feng is different. He seems to be going on the road of The Zerg Queen race, and one glance can charm all beings.

The instructor hides his expression very well, but Luo Feng still catch it.

Smirking internally.


'What a cute toolman, don't worry your end bonus will not be less. I still have a lot of things to show you, it's still early for surprises.'

Luo Feng has a very clear understanding of the instructor train of thoughts.

What's an instructor job? Training cute children?

Stop joking. He is excavating talents, as for training? it's just an incidental process.

He still remembered that in the plot there was a 'Gun-master' genius that was recruited by Thunder Dojo, and was even compared with Luo Feng, which is quite funny. This shows how desperate those instructors for credit.

As long as he showed a catchy characteristic, he will hurriedly reported to the higher-ups, and seek benefits. He will even hide it from others.

The bald middle-aged curator Jiang of this local Dojo will yet try to get more, and use his own background and social network to hide it from other curators and eat crabs alone.

Interest is parmount. Even Hong is using this method to recruit masters all around the world, and it seems a very successful formula.

The instructor started demonstrating a fighting stance which was quite intimidating, but his eyes intentionally or unintentionally will stop at Luo Feng's body.

The stance was a mix between all kind of martial arts on earth.

With Luo Feng's perception and photographic memory, he easily learned it and even started improving it to fit with his own body, so his moves started to diverse from the the instructor, and got more smooth, more practical and coordinated, but he still kept his hands.

In his opinion, such a method is too crude and unsighty, at the same time, he was also horrified by his own talent.

To know, he never practiced before nor does he have any knoweldge about martial arts, yet, he was able to decipher such martial arts that was the essence of a civilization.

The instructor that was keeping an eye on him was bewildred at first, and even felt regretful that such a talent has a low understanding, but the more he watched, the more frightening he become.

The level of techniques on earth is:

- Basic Level: decade of honing and experience to get a solid understand of basics.

- Micro-Level: Complete control over the body, use the small amount of energy to execute the most efficient movements.

- Perfect Level: Complete control over the environment. ( such as using rocks and structures to your own advantage in the midst of the battle.)

- Artistic Conception: Legendary domain where the user can integrate himself with nature, and borrow a part of its elements such as wind, lightning, light, fire, wood, earth, water, metal.

- Domains, Laws...

The instructor have a poor vision and can't detect much, but he is still basics expert, and he can at least recognize it.

The boy in front of him just mastered the basics that would take a normal person decades of hard work in seconds, and his basics seems more sophisticated and solid than his own.

Although he can't believe it, seeing is believing.

Instructor Zhou stole a glance at the other istructors and sighed in relief, but his body shuddered in delight.

'Genius, no, no, this level far surpass normal geniuses.

Evildoer! monstrous genius...

Only characters such as Hong and Thor can have such a horror talent.'

In his eyes, Hong and Thor are already the apex of the human race, so this comparison was already the limit of his own brain supplement.

Instructor Zhou's actions was all under Luo Feng's gaze. He could feel that his level was already the so-called Perfect level, as he can easily use the surroundings area to his own use, so he wasn't surprised by the instructor extreme reactions.

The demonstartion continued, and this time it was blade technique. You have to respect this instructor. Although he was eager to report, he still suppress himself and continued his lesson.

Luo Feng repeated the same tricks as his blade got more and more rapid, stronger, lethal and unpredictable trajectories.

Basic–Expert–Perfect–Conception, and he was already perfect, as for conception, it needs meditation or a deadly encounter to be simulated.

Instructor Zhou was already numbed by the terrifying talent of the cute boy in front of him, and while there were some excellent boys and girls in the crowd, He only felt that they were incomparable.

He had only Luo feng in his eyes.

Instructor Zhou continued guiding the children for three hours, and soon he clapped with both hands, announcing the end of this sesssion.

"Have you memorised the training process?"

Faced with such a question, some nodded, while others looked dumbfounded.

The instructor sighed, but he felt reasonable.

Talent, Background, Luck...

These things are really evil.

Seeing the disappointement on his eyes, some apprentices have the urge to cry, yet, instructor Zhou was in a good mood, so he comforted them, and glorified 'Hard Work'.

"Those who feel that they are proficient can go to the second and the third floor and train freely, while others that still feel jerky or incomprehensible will stay on the first floor until they got the hang of it."

Everyone nodded in understanding, and the previous gloomy ambience was swept away.

Instructor Zhou hurriedly left, and his feets were speeding with every step.

Luo Feng watched his actions, as the corner of his mouth rose in a funny smile.

"From today on, my journey to greatness lifted its curtain."