
Swallowed Star 2: Origin Continent - English (Tunshi Xingkong)

Finally passing through reincarnation Lou Feng and his two guests arrive at the Origin Continent. Far away from their primal universe, they must rebuild their status of invincibility, but this journey will surely be filled with obstacles. I will NOT be making any chapters private even though I need to pay for them because this is not my novel. If you can, any donations are appreciated to help fund purchasing the chapters on Qidian. https://buymeacoffee.com/thejhingerbreadman Disclaimer: This is not my original work and do not take any credit for the original Chinese version of this novel. I am simply translating it. If you want it taken down, please contact and I will do it immediately. Please support the author at: https://www.qidian.com/book/1039391177/

TheJhingerbreadman · Eastern
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143 Chs

Path of Destruction

Luo Feng, using the Lie Yuan Technique, completely killed Great Saint Beiyu. The Dark Hall of the Yan Feng Guild quickly confirmed that the "causality of Great Saint Beiyu" had entirely disappeared and immediately informed their important clients of his death.

"Great Saint Beiyu has been completely killed?"

"A top-tier Chaos Realm expert, who had cultivated the Primordial Path of Life. Though his combat abilities were somewhat lacking, his life-preserving abilities were exceptionally strong."

"Who could have completely killed him?"

"Among the ancient God Kings of the Origin Continent, only a few top existences could do this. Those beings are highly revered and usually don't bully the weak. Great Saint Beiyu was very cautious and never dared to provoke those entities. What exactly happened?"

The death of Great Saint Beiyu drew the attention of many powerful figures across the Origin Continent, leaving some of them unnerved. They feared that the terrifying existence responsible might come for them next. After all, most Chaos Realm beings couldn't match Great Saint Beiyu in terms of life-preserving abilities.

"Perhaps Great Saint Beiyu encountered a terrifying foe and immediately chose to reincarnate," speculated some who believed that Great Saint Beiyu might still be alive but had simply reincarnated. This was common practice—when faced with an unbeatable enemy, it's natural to reincarnate decisively.

Luo Feng's divine power avatar in Chu Capital also received this crucial intelligence from the Yan Feng Guild's Dark Hall. Given his current status, he had, of course, subscribed to vital intelligence reports from the Origin Continent.

"This intelligence only notes Great Saint Beiyu's death. Why did he die? Who killed him? No one knows!" Luo Feng mused as he traveled back through the void. He found the situation amusing.

When Luo Feng made his move, the only witnesses were the cultivators in that ordinary city. However, due to Luo Feng's level, those ordinary cultivators couldn't even perceive him. Therefore, the only one who knew Luo Feng had acted was Great Saint Beiyu himself. Luo Feng had only glanced at Great Saint Beiyu before unleashing the Lie Yuan Technique, killing him instantly. Great Saint Beiyu didn't even have time to use his reincarnation technique, let alone spread any word of what had happened.


With Luo Feng's advanced movement techniques, he sped through the void, but it still took about six hours to return from the Extreme Icefield to Chu Capital in the Yan Feng Ancient Kingdom.

Chu Yu Marquis's Residence.

"I handed a bunch of troublesome tasks to Brother Luo He, and he chose the mission to kill Great Saint Beiyu. Not long after he accepted it, Great Saint Beiyu was dead?" Marquis Chu Yu was both surprised and doubtful. "From the battle at Thousand Stars Tower, we know Brother Luo He's physical body is incredibly strong, easily sweeping through the peak Chaos Realm. But no matter how powerful the body is... it shouldn't be able to completely kill a top-tier Chaos Realm expert."

Great Saint Beiyu was known to have numerous life-preserving techniques.

"It seems that Luo He's powerful physique is just one of his surface abilities. He must have hidden killing techniques that can even completely eliminate a top-tier Chaos Realm expert." Marquis Chu Yu speculated, his eyes brightening. "What is Brother Luo He's true background? Could he actually be the reincarnation of a God King?"

If Luo He was indeed a reincarnated God King, it would be perfectly normal for him to have some unknown techniques.

Suddenly, Marquis Chu Yu noticed a figure arriving above his residence.

"Brother Luo He." Marquis Chu Yu immediately went out to greet him, and Luo Feng descended.

"Mission accomplished," Luo Feng said with a slight smile.

Marquis Chu Yu sighed in admiration, "I didn't expect Brother Luo He to have such a method to completely kill a top-tier Chaos Realm expert. It seems you held back when facing those five in the previous battle."

Luo Feng just smiled.

On one hand, he wasn't entirely sure if the Lie Yuan Technique would have killed those five peak Chaos Realm experts. Plus, there were two first-class... killing an Eternal True God from the royal family would result in a bounty, but killing a first-class Marquis? He wouldn't survive the act.

On the other hand, Luo Feng still needed to keep a low profile in Chu Capital.

"Now that the mission is complete, do you need any proof?" Luo Feng asked.

"This mission hasn't been taken by anyone for a long time. You just took it, and Great Saint Beiyu is already dead. That alone serves as partial proof. If you have Great Saint Beiyu's body or weapon, just show it to me, and I'll record it. If you don't have those, you can provide a memory recording of the kill," Marquis Chu Yu explained.

Luo Feng turned his hand, producing Great Saint Beiyu's well-known double-edged axe.

Marquis Chu Yu glanced at it and nodded, "Alright, I've submitted the mission. Your merit points should be distributed soon."

Luo Feng nodded, "Keep the completion of this mission confidential."

Marquis Chu Yu understood and nodded, "Rest assured! I'm directly responsible for your mission, and when I submit it, it's handled by the spirit of the Imperial Palace of Chu Yu! Besides the Emperor and the Ancestor, no one else will know."

Luo Feng nodded. There was no need to publicize his ability to completely kill a top-tier Chaos Realm expert; it was better to keep this trump card hidden.

"Hmm?" Luo Feng received a message through his guest minister token—his reward of 100,000 merit points had already been issued.

"That's enough merit points to exchange for the first volume of the 'Seventy-Two Slashes of Annihilation' technique, rooted in the Primordial Path of Destruction." Luo Feng's heart burned with anticipation. He had initially set his sights on two legacies, having exchanged for one the last time.

Luo Feng immediately bade farewell to Marquis Chu Yu and headed to the Imperial Palace to claim the long-coveted legacy.

In the Imperial Palace, within the Hall of Legacies.

"Guest Minister Luo He, are you sure you want to exchange for the first volume of the 'Seventy-Two Slashes of Annihilation'?" the elder spirit of the Imperial Palace asked, looking at Luo Feng.

"I'm sure," Luo Feng nodded.

The elder spirit nodded slightly, then disappeared. The Hall of Legacies became a realm of chaos, with only a faint glow enveloping Luo Feng, and vast amounts of legacy information flooded into his mind.

Luo Feng quickly absorbed the information, learning the true nature of this legacy.

"This..." Luo Feng was somewhat shocked. Previously, he had only known some basic information about the legacy, but now that he had accessed the actual legacy, he was still taken aback.

The first stage of the "Eight Tribulations Lifeform" involved three major branches of the Primordial Path of Life: 'Life Spirit,' 'Life Body,' and 'Source of Life.' All three branches had to be mastered to undergo the first tribulation.

However, the first volume of the "Seventy-Two Slashes of Annihilation" only involved two branches of the Primordial Path of Destruction: 'Sky-Splitting' and 'Dark Sky.' Even though it covered just two branches, the first volume required 90,000 merit points, just slightly less than the 100,000 merit points needed for the first stage of the "Eight Tribulations Lifeform."

Even though the "Seventy-Two Slashes of Annihilation" had nearly negligible life-preserving abilities, why was it so expensive?

"Because it's incredibly powerful."

Luo Feng finally realized how terrifyingly formidable a path focused solely on slaughter and destruction could be.

On this path, there was no need for life-preserving abilities—when the enemy was slain, they posed no threat.

The blade techniques he had previously comprehended were like a child playing with sticks compared to the "Seventy-Two Slashes of Annihilation."

"The Three Forms of the Sky-Splitting Blade..." Luo Feng observed the inherited information and saw the three slashes. Each slash seemed restrained, and their power didn't seem overwhelming. But despite their ordinary appearance, each slash could easily sever all things, even disrupting the operation of laws.


A seemingly simple cut could slice through everything! Even the complex and profound membrane of the world would be cleaved open.

"My changes in technique unleash power on the scale of hundreds of billions of units, yet it doesn't even budge the membrane of the world. From what I know, even some ancient God Kings can't breach this membrane," Luo Feng thought as he looked at the legacy information of this simple slash.

This slash didn't have overwhelming power, but it could sever anything!

It was as if everything would be cleaved apart!

Even the membrane of the world would be split open!

"In the face of such a slash, what body could withstand it?" Luo Feng wondered. And this was just the Sky-Splitting Blade.


Luo Feng also saw the blade light of the Dark Sky branch in the legacy information. This blade light was even more concentrated than the Sky-Splitting Blade, its concentration made Luo Feng's heart pound.

"The Dark Sky Blade is the epitome of concentrated power, condensed to ten thousand times, even a million times more than usual."

The Dark Sky branch focused on the extreme concentration of power.

The same amount of power, condensed ten thousand or a million times...


A seemingly simple blade light, when swung, could destroy everything. Even the membrane of the world would tremble, as if it were about to crack open.

"This Dark Sky Blade may seem less powerful, but simply because it's condensed to the extreme... its destructive force far exceeds mine." Luo Feng was not surprised; after all, only by fully mastering the Dark Sky branch could one truly grasp the Three Forms of the Dark Sky Blade.

Completing the Dark Sky branch meant reaching the God King level.

It was natural that the destructive blade techniques of a God King would surpass his own.

"The fusion of the Three Forms of the Sky-Splitting Blade and the Three Forms of the Dark Sky Blade..." Luo Feng saw the core of this legacy.

The fusion of the Dark Sky Blade's 'condensation' and the Sky-Splitting Blade's 'severing all' into a single entity.

A blade light condensed to the extreme, easily cleaving a massive opening in the membrane of the world, possessing world-shattering power. Luo Feng had the sense that even his own formidable body would be obliterated in the face of such a blade light.

"And this is just the first volume, the first three slashes of the 'Seventy-Two Slashes of Annihilation,'" Luo Feng thought to himself.

As the first volume, the creator of the blade technique also conveyed the essence of the technique.

The pursuit of the blade technique was to transcend the cage of the world, to achieve the infinite extreme of destructive power, to sever all things, even to sever the operation of all laws.

"What a terrifying obsession." Just by accessing the legacy, Luo Feng could feel the creator's obsession embedded within the technique.


Sever everything!

Even beyond the cage of the world, sever it all!

The "Seventy-Two Slashes of Annihilation" was merely the culmination of the creator's strongest blade technique at the time of leaving the legacy. He continued to pursue even stronger techniques, aiming to sever even more powerful targets.

In the Imperial Palace of Chu Yu, the Emperor was observing Luo Feng.

"He was able to completely kill a top-tier Chaos Realm expert. Could he be a reincarnated God King?" the Emperor mused. "Whatever his origin, all life nurtured by this source world can be cultivated."

The two great ancient kingdoms possessed the capacity to encompass everything from the source world, even accepting peak realm beasts. Of course, they couldn't tolerate uncontrollable, wantonly destructive realm beasts.

"In terms of power, I'm not on par with Emperor Qing! Besides the two Founders, Emperor Qing is the strongest on the Origin Continent, and I can't compare with him."

"But in nurturing disciples, I might not be inferior."

The Emperor was still somewhat unconvinced.

Among the thirteen royal bloodlines, Emperor Qing had fifteen direct disciples, including six God Kings, eight Chaos Realm transcendents, and one peak Chaos Realm expert. Moreover, Emperor Qing's six God King disciples had numerous disciples of their own, and two of those disciples had also become God Kings.

This demonstrated the immense strength of Emperor Qing's lineage.

"I currently have two disciples, one Chaos Realm transcendent and one peak Chaos Realm expert," the Emperor thought.

He himself was not as strong as Emperor Qing, and neither were his disciples.

"This Luo He might be a reincarnated God King. If I accept him as a direct disciple, I'll have a God King disciple in the future," the Emperor thought, watching Luo Feng absorb the legacy. "As a guest minister, he chose two legacies. I'm not very familiar with the Primordial Path of Life, but the Primordial Path of Destruction? That's the path I've cultivated!"

The Emperor was quite pleased. "It seems he's destined to be my disciple."

"However, the two legacies he chose don't rely on Primordial items or Primordial bloodlines for cultivation; they're the legacies of a Dao seeker. A Dao seeker's legacy doesn't rely on external aids but seeks to carve out one's own path. This path is powerful, but extremely difficult," the Emperor thought. "I need to consider what to prepare for this third disciple of mine."

The Emperor began to ponder.

Among the thirteen royal bloodlines, it was customary for Emperors to bestow weapons, resources, and other items upon their disciples when they accepted them.