
Swallowed Star 2: Origin Continent - English (Tunshi Xingkong)

Finally passing through reincarnation Lou Feng and his two guests arrive at the Origin Continent. Far away from their primal universe, they must rebuild their status of invincibility, but this journey will surely be filled with obstacles. I will NOT be making any chapters private even though I need to pay for them because this is not my novel. If you can, any donations are appreciated to help fund purchasing the chapters on Qidian. https://buymeacoffee.com/thejhingerbreadman Disclaimer: This is not my original work and do not take any credit for the original Chinese version of this novel. I am simply translating it. If you want it taken down, please contact and I will do it immediately. Please support the author at: https://www.qidian.com/book/1039391177/

TheJhingerbreadman · Eastern
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143 Chs


These high-merit but troublesome tasks, aside from hunting down some Chaos Realm experts, mainly involved missions related to the Thunder Ancient Kingdom.

For example, the mission to 'Seize the Tianyin Fruit.' For each Tianyin Fruit, the Di Chu Lineage was willing to purchase it for 10,000 merits, the more the better, with no upper limit. At the border region between the two ancient kingdoms, there was a Tianyin Fruit tree, which was currently in its ripening period. It was estimated that over a thousand fruits would ripen in succession, and the Thunder Ancient Kingdom had set up powerful arrays to guard it. The leader of the guards was a Chaos Realm transcendent.

"The two great ancient kingdoms occupy the most prosperous and central areas of the Origin Continent, monopolizing many of the world's rare treasures. They constantly attack each other, vying for the other's resources," Luo Feng thought as he reviewed the tasks.

For instance, the Tianqu Stone Essence was one of the lower-ranked resources among the two kingdoms, only occasionally being stolen by daring individuals.

For more valuable items like the Tianyin Fruit, even God Kings wouldn't dare to easily steal it. Usually, such high-stakes operations involved one of the two ancient kingdoms stealing from the other.

"These troublesome missions are divided into three categories: bounty missions, guard missions, and treasure retrieval missions," Luo Feng observed. "Bounty missions are hard to complete because it's difficult to fully kill the target. If they reincarnate, you end up with an additional hidden enemy."

"Guard missions require a long time commitment."

"Treasure retrieval missions are extremely dangerous."

Luo Feng pondered for a moment.

Using brute force, he could bully weaker opponents.

However, high-merit guard or treasure retrieval tasks were likely to involve opponents of similar strength. Those Chaos Realm transcendent beings had realms much higher than his, with mysterious and unpredictable methods.

"Compared to other Chaos Realm transcendents, I only rely on direct force. It's easy for me to be outmaneuvered. I need to accumulate more experience." Luo Feng considered the tasks, "The bounty missions are the most suitable for me."

"I'll avoid targets with extremely strong mental will."

"I'll choose those with weaker mental wills."

Luo Feng carefully examined the bounty missions and eventually settled on one.

Bounty Mission: Completely eliminate Great Saint Beiyu!

Great Saint Beiyu hadn't offended the Yan Feng Ancient Kingdom directly, but he was on the bounty list because of his peculiar hobby—eating cultivators as his delicacies!

In his domain, he had deliberately built numerous ordinary cities for cultivators to live in, occasionally devouring an entire city's worth of cultivators. He wouldn't consume them all at once but would savor them slowly.

Because his territory wasn't large enough, he couldn't fully indulge himself. Occasionally, he would venture elsewhere to feed.

When he went to other places to feast, he'd devour entire large cities in one go. Such behavior, however, would anger the rulers of those territories! Great Saint Beiyu was cautious not to make too many enemies and carefully limited how often he indulged.

This behavior ultimately put him on the Yan Feng Ancient Kingdom's bounty list! He had been killed several times before, but he was still alive and well. This bounty was worth 100,000 merits!

"Great Saint Beiyu..." Luo Feng remembered that when he was in Huyang City dealing with Mei Wuqi, Mei Wuqi had mentioned this Great Saint Beiyu who could devour an entire large city in one bite.

"He's at the peak of the Chaos Realm, and it's said that he also cultivates the Primordial Path of Life, giving him extremely powerful life-preservation abilities," Luo Feng thought as he reviewed the intel. To him, such wanton consumption of lives was nothing but garbage.

Just by reading the report, he felt a surge of killing intent!

"I haven't heard that his mental will is particularly strong. Let's see if he can withstand my Lie Yuan Technique," Luo Feng mused.

By now, using the Lie Yuan Technique against a Chaos Realm expert was no big deal.

Firstly, the Lie Yuan Technique, as a supreme secret, was unique, known only to Luo Feng himself. No one knew its characteristics, so it would be hard to suspect that he possessed it.

Moreover, as a Chaos Realm transcendent who happened to acquire such a supreme secret, it wasn't an extraordinary occurrence.

From what Luo Feng knew, there were many opportunities left behind by the Original Ancestor, though most were monopolized by the two great ancient kingdoms.

"Killing a peak Chaos Realm expert completely is incredibly difficult. Even for me... I'll have to rely on the Lie Yuan Technique," Luo Feng sighed. No wonder God Kings were reluctant to accept such missions.

In close combat, he could annihilate an enemy with a single strike.

But enemies had numerous life-preserving methods—blood regeneration and resurrection through revival vessels were common. No matter how powerful his close combat abilities were, they couldn't touch a revival vessel hidden somewhere on the Origin Continent.

Tianji Ice Plain.

Great Saint Beiyu, a towering figure with a massive furry head, strolled leisurely through the harsh wilderness, gazing at the city in the distance.

"This city's cultivators have multiplied enough," Great Saint Beiyu thought, his mouth watering as he eyed the food he had cultivated.

Eating cultivators was not only a hobby for Great Saint Beiyu but also a method of cultivation, allowing him to further comprehend the Primordial Path of Life.

On the Origin Continent, there were several Chaos Realm and God King cultivators of the Primordial Path of Life. Among them were those like Luo Feng, who showed compassion for weaker life forms, and others like the Snow World Ancestor and Great Saint Beiyu, who saw countless lives as mere cultivation resources—true demons.

This group might not be the best in direct combat, but they universally had powerful life-preserving abilities.

"Father, I've become a True God!" a young girl rushed out of her meditation chamber, exclaiming excitedly to her parents.

"Big sister is amazing!"

Her younger brother and sister, still children, cheered around her.

In the harsh environment of the Tianji Ice Plain, cultivation resources were much harder to come by. Bloodline-based cultivation systems especially required a variety of resources, and without them, progress was difficult.

The parents smiled with pride at their eldest daughter's breakthrough. Her success was largely due to their father's dangerous venture outside the city to slay a chaos beast and obtain its blood essence.

"In the future, I will strive to become a Void True God. Then I can take care of Father and Mother, and also my younger brother and sister," the girl declared with determination.

"Good, we'll rely on you to buy a house in the future," the parents said, their smiles bright.

Just then—

"They've multiplied enough. It's time to enjoy a good meal." Standing in the wilderness, Great Saint Beiyu gazed at the city and suddenly opened his mouth wide.


Countless beings within the city saw an unbelievably large head appear in the sky. The head was so massive that the residents of the city couldn't see its full form.

This furry head, with its enormous gaping maw, completely covered the sky above the city.


"What is this?"


"Great Saint Beiyu, save us!"

Countless cultivators were thrown into panic, some even calling out to Great Saint Beiyu for help.

Because Great Saint Beiyu always devoured an entire city's inhabitants at once, there were no rumors of him eating people within his own territory. Whenever such rumors arose, he would swiftly devour those who spread them.

Whoosh. An invisible, terrifying force enveloped the city, sweeping up every lifeform and sending them flying into the giant mouth in the sky.

"Father! Mother! Brother! Sister!" The young girl, who had just become a True God, desperately tried to grab hold of her family.

But they were all being swept into the air, unable to come together, and could only watch each other in despair.


The huge head of Great Saint Beiyu was filled with satisfaction as he reveled in his feast.

Suddenly, a trace of doubt flickered in his eyes. He noticed a figure in black standing in the wilderness. The figure had stepped out of the void, appearing like an ordinary cultivator in size.

Compared to the enormous city-devouring body of Great Saint Beiyu, this black-clad man seemed like a tiny speck.

Yet, Great Saint Beiyu's heart trembled. He instantly recognized the figure before him as the one described in the reports—Saint Luo He. Saint Luo He... the esteemed guest of the Yan Feng Ancient Kingdom, a Chaos Realm transcendent.

"Slash!" Luo Feng, seeing the scene before him, didn't hesitate and directly unleashed the Lie Yuan Technique.


Great Saint Beiyu suddenly found that everything before him had disappeared. He could no longer see Saint Luo He, nor could he sense himself.

In the world he perceived, there was only a towering, boundless star. This incomparably vast star was formed from Luo Feng's mental will, condensed through the Lie Yuan Technique. The star crashed down on Great Saint Beiyu's mental will, crushing it with overwhelming force.


His mental will was instantly obliterated, leaving no room for resistance.

Great Saint Beiyu, despite his long years of existence and his peak Chaos Realm will, would only be suppressed by the will of a God King, not easily killed by it. Even among God Kings, those who could kill him purely with mental will were rare.

Yet in that moment, his entire mental will was annihilated.


The enormous body of Great Saint Beiyu, having lost its consciousness, began to fall from the sky.

Countless beings who had been swept up by the force were also released and started to plummet back toward the city below.

"Hmm." Luo Feng waved his hand, collecting the body of Great Saint Beiyu.

"His mental will was still within the Chaos Realm range," Luo Feng confirmed after the brief exchange. "As long as it's within the Chaos Realm range, the Lie Yuan Technique can still obliterate it in one strike."

The leap from the peak of the Chaos Realm to the God King level was a qualitative change.

With a God King level will combined with the Lie Yuan Technique, one could sweep through all Chaos Realm willpower.

However, the difference between the first and second levels of the God King realm was not significant. Even with the Lie Yuan Technique, it would, at best, suppress them.

"The Lie Yuan Technique is already extremely powerful," Luo Feng acknowledged to himself. "To completely kill a cultivator, to prevent even the possibility of reincarnation, the difficulty is immense!"

Completely eradicating a target's will was exceedingly rare and demanded an incredibly high level of willpower. Normal willpower techniques didn't possess the overwhelming force of the Lie Yuan Technique.

On the Origin Continent, there were generally two ways to achieve complete annihilation.

One method involved the path of causality. Even practitioners of the Primordial Path of Causality needed a massive advantage in strength to instantly obliterate all of an opponent's resurrection vessels.

The other method was the soul path, the most difficult to cultivate.

Masters of the soul path could directly obliterate their opponent's soul, ensuring their complete death. However, the soul path was not among the supreme rules of the universe; one had to grow through trial and error in the dark. It was universally recognized as the most challenging path to cultivate.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

Countless cultivators, released from Great Saint Beiyu's grasp, began falling from the sky back into the city.

"Father, Mother!" The young girl and her family, who had just been reunited, were still in shock and confusion as they looked up at the sky.

All around the city, terrified cultivators landed and stared up in awe.

The enormous, gaping mouth that had previously dominated the sky had vanished.

"Killing Great Saint Beiyu and obtaining a complete body to give to Moroza as food," Luo Feng mused as he began to make his way back to the Yan Feng Ancient Kingdom through the void.