
Surviving Till The End

The End Of Humanity. No one expected it but it happened, and it wasn't in a way anyone would have ever guessed. An eye appeared in the sky and with it the Earth disappeared but humanity wasn't eradicated rather they were simply moved, for what reason no one could fathom. Or so, that's what they thought. As if waking up from an endless dream Earth reappeared in their vision. The world around them was destroyed. All machines were obliterated, buildings in disrepair no one could understand what was going on. And then.....that voice resounded. "First Judgement, Greed. Probability of Survival 1%"

Derob · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 Luck

"This is a joke right?" Yarn muttered to himself, gazing at the status screen. Levels, stats, skills, inventory, it was really a game. 'But....what is that Loot Box? Is my luck actually turning around?' He was still almost clueless but now he at least had some hope.

Clicking the open button a golden box appeared in front of Yarn. It shook once, then twice, then a third time.


With a pop it opened up revealing to be a blue book with the title "Ice Magic". Taking a hold of the book Yarn looked at it in shock. He then shook his head trying to calm himself down. "From now on anything and everything is possible, I just need to stay calm."

In a matter of minutes his reality had been flipped. From how he looked at it before he was screwed, but now that he had a thread of hope he decided to pull on it and would hold onto his life as best he could.

[Would you like to learn the Rare Skill Ice Magic? Yes/No]

A system window appeared. Without a second thought he selected "Yes" and instantly he felt a flood of information enter his brain, a warm sensation spreading from his heart to the rest of his body.


[10th Awakener of Mana!]

This next prompt startled Yarn, but he kept his calm as best he could. 'Its only logical that I'd need Mana to use magic so I shouldn't be surprised. But on the other hand does being the 10th Awakener give me another reward? Status.' Thinking it through he decided to look at his status once again. Fortunately it seemed as though he could also think to bring it up not just shout it out.


Name: Yarn

Race: Human

Level: 1

Mana: 10/10


Strength: 7

Durability: 6

Vitality: 7

Agility: 8

Mana: 10


Ice Magic Lvl 1 (0/100) {Rare}

Description: Allows the user to utilise Ice Magic, from turning the ground into ice to shooting ice spikes. Almost anything is possible.


[Lucky 10th Mana Awakener Loot Box] (Open?)


Seeing that he obtained another Loot Box, Yarn decided to open it instantly. A golden box appeared once again, and after it shook 3 times another book appeared before the young man. This time it was a similarly blue book, with the title "Mana Master".

[Would you like to learn the Rare Passive Skill Mana Master? Yes/No]

Clicking "Yes" Yarn felt his headache as even more information entered his mind. Luckily once the information had completely assimilated Yarn felt a cool sensation in his head. 'I guess I should look at my Status again.'


Mana Master (Passive) {Rare}

Description: Allows the user to utilise Mana extremely efficiently, all mana requirements are reduced to one tenth.


".......I need to go help those people." Yarn had been lucky. Very lucky. His first stroke of luck was not dying as Angela did. His second was figuring out how Status worked allowing him to obtain Ice Magic, and this was his third. Ever since he was a child he believed that people got lucky for a reason, and to him the reason for his luck was clear.

'I am going to have to fight the goblins eventually, I might as well help those I can!' Running out of the building and down the road once again Yarn happened upon a gruesome scene. Of the near 100 people that had originally been there, 50 had turned into corpses while the rest had scattered, save for 10 people who were struggling against the goblins.

Really and truly had the people banded together, they'd have been able to stop the goblins together, but due to their cowardice, their fear, their greed for life. The goblins were able to kill half of them, and would kill all of them if given enough time.

'There are about 15 goblins, all of them armed, while those 10 only have some stones and other items they grabbed from the ground.' Yarn quickly analysed the situation before taking aim at a goblin a distance away.

It was perched on top of some rubble, a bow and arrow in hand. 'While I didn't know you very well I hope this will let you rest peacefully.' Yarn thought aiming his right palm at the goblin. 'I hope this works.'

Channeling his mana into his palm, a warm current flowed from his heart toward it, then a pale blue light shone as a frost began encapsulating his hand and then a 15 centimeter long ice spike formed. Tensing his arm the spike shot out at a shocking speed.



In an instant it pierced the goblin's head killing it where it stood. "I-I did it." Yarn muttered to himself, unfortunately he'd been too naive. The goblins noticed this human capable of using magic and immediately rushed at him.

"We're saved!" The men fighting the goblins rejoiced. They hadn't seen what Yarn did so they naturally assumed the goblins had gotten scared by something. But then they noticed him.

"KID RUN AWAY!" They roared telling the young man to escape to no avail. Like a stampede the 14 goblins rushed at Yarn their weapons glinting viciously as blood dripped down their blades.

'I won't run! I can't run!' With that thought he aimed both palms at the rushing goblins. Ice spikes began to form before blasting forth.





Just like that two more goblins died, but they were now a mere 10 meters away from Yarn. 'Ice spikes take too long to form, I guess I'll have to try something else.' Coming to a decision he fell to the floor placing both hands on the ground.

Mana accumulated in his hands as he emitted it into the ground, the goblins were now merely 4 meters away from him when.



Ice spread along the ground and then up their legs before completely freezing the goblins in place. "Haa, that was close." Yarn muttered wiping the sweat from his brow. 'I thought I was going to die.'


[Notifications were withheld due to combat!]

[The User is now Level 5!]