
XV Primach Magnus The Red


A World That was Plagued by Warp Parasites from a Bygone Era, ruined and it's denizens living in a Single City under a Mountain Called Tizca, a World of Knowledge and Progress almost lost...

A Single Child, A giant among his peers, in a Sea of Adults that was colored in Red skin, Conversing with the Elders and Scholars in different Matter of Studies...

His Brilliant Mind of Knowing the Problem and Dissecting it with grace have made many ventured forth to ask and Debate the Blessed child...

One Such day is a Special Day...

"Magnus! You Are late!" Said a Man in Red Hair Dashing toward the Giant with a Grin...

A Fragment of Alexander now tasked to Observing the Primarch, Ever since he landed on Prospero, He found that it was Approximately 50 years before the Crimson Child landed, He Made preparations for the Primarch to be, he resolved the Issues of the Psychneuein infestation, Warp Bugs that Uses untrained Psykers brains as a Breeding grounds, by Requesting a Yggdrasil from the Original to be planted on top of Tizca in those following years, the vicinity of Tizca was safe from the Bug Infestation, He launched in several Expeditions bringing back the lost technologies from the ruin cities and facilitated outposts in the wilderness, People Called him the Explorer... The Red Giant opened his first eye towards him and Recognize The man from conversing with Sanguinius in Terra, albeit he was eccentric as Magnus couldn't understand his actions...But he does recognize his intentions later on...

"Alex... Don't Tell me..."

"Yup, The Prospero Annual Cook-off is starting soon, Me and You will be participating in the festivities."

"I have Books to read, things I have to explore!" Magnus Groaned.

"And Cooking is Also Part of the process on the path of Knowledge, Think of it as a Field Day Approach, a Day to relax, after all it also simple for a Scholar like you. After all, you are Pretty Looking pale from being cooped up for so long debating Narrow minded Scholars, you do need some sunlight to brighten your day." Alexander Smiled as he Dragged Magnus to the Food District...


In the Outside the capital city of Tizca Thousands of People lined up for the Famous Cook-off.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the Prospero 50th Annual Cook off! We here celebrate our freedom from the dreaded Psychneuein that plagued this planet. And the chance for us to survive for another day." The Announcement Yelled through the Voxcaster bringing the crowd to the frenzy..

"This year Dish is... Tacos!" As the Announcer Said the Ingredients, it brought a Groan to The Crimson Giant...

'Why I got the Feeling that I have this discussion before...Taco Tuesday?' Magnus got a De Ja Vu, talking to a Skeleton on a Golden throne...

"Brother, today's Friday. You been Speaking To the old heads for a Week now." Alexander wondered what is going on in Magnus head.

Magnus and Alexander Travel in the Festival, Magnus looked at the people with happy smile as they went on their day...

"Brother... What are you thinking?" Alexander Asked to the concern Primarch

"A lot of things... But when I look at the people... Free from the Warp Bugs...It made me happy that there is simple happiness among them..."

"That just shows how Knowledge is spent on.. Happiness... Tell me brother... What is the reason we research and learn?"

"To understand our place in the Galaxy?"

"No... To make people around us to be happy and be safe from the dangers of not knowing anything... Think about this dish before me what do you see?" Alexander Held out the Taco for the Primarch size..

Magnus Held out the Taco and Observe it ..

"Is it about the Dish? I have already done analysis of the food composition..."

"You already know the composition of the ingredients but you never know the process. That is arrogance, and that is the detriment of any seeker of knowledge. Come..." Alexander beckon Magnus to a Communal Kitchen.

Many Staff look in wonder as the two that help Prospero return to their height of glory now graced them with their visit...

"Brother you have a task, Make me the perfect Taco." Alexander took a seat and Smiled.

"It is as Simple as Looking down on that old fogies at the discussion of the Warp." Magnus Gave Confidence.


Magnus became frustrated as a Pile of Burnt Tacos piled up beside him...

"I am sure I have the right temperature! How!" Magnus groaned...

He already know the implementation of observing the chefs working but somehow he failed to Grasp the timing...

"My liege may I help?" One of the chef approach.

Magnus wanted to drive the man away but knowing that he did lack the experience...

"Very well l, you can assist me in my endeavor..." Magnus said in a Agreeable tone...

After a few moments later...

After countless effort, Magnus have created the Perfect Taco...

"After all that effort... It is done! Thank you." Magnus Praise the Chef that help him...

As he headed out to the tables to show his creation, he saw the last of failed food was being eaten by Alexander...

"Brother... You didn't have to eat all of that..."

"But it is your effort, that I appreciate the most...Now do you have it?"

"Of course the perfect tacos, right here!" Magnus beamed with pride showing a Plate of Perfectly crisp Tacos...

Alexander Smiled as he took one.

"Did you know the lessons that you learn?"

"Of course..."

"You seem unsure?"

"Alright, I got it?! I am now a Best Taco chef in Prospero!"

"My silly brother... I will tell you... Effort to learn is more important than knowing everything Brother, Surely you had someone that taught you about this Tacos, those with years of experience of making this craft just assist you willingly... After considering how many time you failed... Did you learn more than it is necessary?" Those word gave Magnus some pause...

After a Few minutes he came back from his stupor... He found himself having the last Tacos he Made was handed to him...

"Enjoy the fruits of your labor...with the food that made by my brother, I surely have the strength to make Prospero great once more!" Alexander chuckle as he left Magnus stupified as he expand the Reach of Prosperanians... Later He gave a Simple Bracelet that Allows Magnus to Shrink to a human size to better understand the People around him...

Magnus learn a great deal from this single moment in his early day in his life, that Learning is important but without purpose... it's meaningless...

Just as he delved into the Warp he wanted to know more.., He Took Calculated risk that he could prevented... There.. He Saw His Father in Warp Form...

How he heard stories of his brothers and the dangers of the Warp...

Later When the Emperor fleet have arrived to Prospero in the flesh, He was delighted to see his Father, Landing upon the jungles of Prospero was several Thunderhawks and a Golden one just before them ...

Magnus greeted his Father Cordially, and Found his Legion... A Mess...

Out of hundred thousand that was born in Terra, it became a Thousand due the time of the crusade and a Genetic Defects within them... Flesh Change...Magnus Vowed to help whatever affliction that plagued his Legion.

He Dragged Alexander along for the ride as he was task to be the Leader of the Prosperanian Spireguards, together they embark on a Crusade not of Bolters, but with Diplomacy, but if words don't speak, Bolters instead... they were the least blood thirsty among the legions saved from the space wolves as they held some distain of their Culture...

During the Crusade, Magnus Often had Help from The Emperor to Aid in his Legion Affliction through Blueprints and designs that was given to him, he managed to solved most of the problems as the Thousand sons swelled their ranks once more... He traveled the Imperium to look for Artifacts from Destroyed civilizations and Knowledge that he Compile in his book often clashing with a certain kleptomaniac Necron when it comes with the Psychic artifacts and some Eldar Exodites in the League assisted him by entertaining his queries, helping him better understand the issues of the Warp...

He travelled to Chogris, To Fenris, to understand the issue why they are able to use the warp instead of being corrupted by it... After observing from the shadows of what the Rune priest and shamans, he managed to Invent a Safer method of Allowing untrained Psykers into the Warp, instead of using their minds, they were given tools such as staffs and Wands, tools with inscribed runes as a Valve as they placed their powers into to allow them to contribute to the Warfront and... Make their value to the Imperium as a more valuable person in society.

Alexander acquainted with the legion of the Thousand sons especially Ahriman as They enjoyed a Good Wine and Conversation with one another... Ahriman Gave Alexander his First Bottle of Wine from his Orchard as a Thanks for Being a Friend to the Primarch...

As Magnus spent time more to understand the Warp, he unknowingly placed himself into Tzeentch hands...

During the Dive into the Cesspool of Emotions In the Warp in Prospero, Magnus suddenly Erupted into a Psyker blast without warning, erupting his facility that was located away from any known population centers... He failed to comprehend that His actions have made, what he and the Emperor worked together to prevent the Flesh Change unraveled itself...

Those that were newly recruited slowly dying in numbers till it became a thousand once more... As if Fate have a Mockery towards the Sons of Prospero... Magnus Forced to Give his Eye to Tzeentch to learn the knowledge to halt the flesh change behind Revelation Back... Fearing the rage of his supposedly gentle father back...

Later His Knowledge about the Empyrean was being Trodden and with fear as the incident was found out by the Imperium at large... No less than a Mere Solar Year the Imperium beginning to be more wary of the Psykers again...

During the Treaty of Nikea he was judged for his actions, he Pleaded his case that not all Psykers were bad and the explosion did not affect the people of Prospero, especially the Legions Librarians that have the talent of it, and He needed more time to refined the training of them...

His Detractors used the evidence of him being berzerk against him... Some of his brothers were beginning to look at him at a dark light...

Mortarion looked at him and Demanded that all of the Psykers were heavily under constant Surveillance, and with addition demands that made the life of a Psyker more attuned to a Slave than a Actual human... despite he is aware of the usefulness of the Psykers, it was Deemed too Dangerous for being progressive in the studies of the Warp...

Khan and Leman both attacked him with words that Psykers was a danger towards humanity... Despite Magnus Refuting that They also have Psykers in their retinue as Shamans and Wolf priest... Which both deny that they were not witches...

Corvus Corax and Konrad Curze Stayed Silent during this judgement... As they were well aware what they were made of...

Yet there were some that stood by him...

A High Lord of Terra, leader of the League of Ten thousand, one of the more affluent people in the high lords stood by him...

"People of the Imperium, Hear me, During the Long Night, the Age of Unification so long ago, now a distant memory, We were Attacked by forces of our creation, Our Xenos friends that betrayed us, The Corrupted Men of Iron, The Rogue Psykers and the cruel Mutants, We Fear what we don't understand is the main reason why the old Government, the Golden age of Humanity fell. This Man here want to resolve our fears, he is the Beacon to Free our Fear of the Unknown and our Ideals of Humanity rested in him... I know that each and everyone of the people that Entered the Imperium Grace, know how they were attack by the forces beyond comprehension, and now this might be the only chance to face the fear and Strived The Galaxy to be a Better place not only for Psykers but also the people at large that benefit from their contribution, for remember the Reason why Psykers became hostile and power hungry is because there were no teachers like Magnus to lead them, no morality to bind them to their human origins, them living in fear of being burned alive. I will stand by him as much as possible...as Psykers are just as human that sits in this very court." As the Hooded man Said his piece...

There was a Moment of Silence... As the Crowd turned to the Emperor for his Final Verdict... He spoke that Made Magnus... Disappointed...

"The Librarians will be placed to the Frontline as similar to their brothers in the Frontlines, and the Psykers should be Regulated by Mortarion Standards...within 30 years. I am Sorry Magnus... but the Lives of the Imperium is more important than my love for you my son..." Emperor Closed his Eyes, visibly looking pained.

Magnus Looking Fluster from where he stood... As the he resided in his quarters in the Golden Palace waiting for his ship ready to leave, Chaotic Emotions swirled around Magnus... As it to allow Tzeentch to creep into his mind...

"Excuse me... Magnus?" A Hooded Figure approached him in his quarters...

"Ah, So you must be the Leader of the League...I would like to thank you for disparaging the fear of the Warp and help me... But even so, I am grateful that I have someone to understand my research..." Magnus Heave as The man before him entered the room...

"Well a Learned man is better a Ignorant one, I suppose...what this?" The man pointed out a Broken Machine... resting on a Marble table...

"It is a psychic sextant that I commissioned Perturabo to make, My brother Broken it... It was meant to look into the Warp by those that have no Psyker talents to understand it...I just can't seem to understand why he broke it?"

"Perhaps... He must have reasons to do so... You are delving too deep more than anyone here could know... Your intentions were good but your execution was Horrible..."

"Tell me, why do you think so?"

"You have commission the Invention that could increase the knowledge about the Warp.. but did you think of the Safety of those that uses it? The Psyker, if trained properly, they can defy against the dangers and temptation of the Warp... But to the ordinary people that looked through it? They will be corrupted and turned into insane as the warp is no place for a normal person to looked into..." The man Warned him... Giving Magnus a Sigh of hearing that..

"If you Mass produced it and Spread it around the Imperium it would be another case of Old night instead of Psykers, it would be Insane people that will worship the warp instead of learning it... And All your efforts goes to waste...and as a Man of Knowledge I could not abide, that this technology would be lost to time..."

"What are you here for?"

"Seeing that the Emperor refused to understand your talent... Why not Assisting me? We could always use a Good Man."

"As Much as I heard from the League... I am Grateful that You allowed me to interview with the Eldars in your Empire...My loyalty is to Father"

"Understandable since you are a man of Science and of Reason, I will always welcome you in my home if you wish to continue to use your research... Why not give me a Copy of your research? In The event that the Imperium might change its mind about Psykers now and trampled down on Psykers as you are aware that the High lords did not look at me kindly as I sided with you, it would assure you that there is always a Place that your research exist."

"Let me think about it...Fine, It's better to have Insurance..."

"I will take great care of what you given to humanity..." The Hooded figure left...

Magnus ponder of what the man said and he found the device that Perturabo destroyed is working again.. Magnus Dwell in his Research in Prospero until he realize that Horus is in danger but he tried it protect him Psyker but felled and Horus Berated Magnus that he was using his powers, He Tried to Call To the Emperor Via Voxcast but they were being jammed, he Resorted to called Revelation via a Psyker call... There he faced a Great Psychic Barrier that Surrounded Terra, He Tried as he Might but it merely trembled before his might...

"Do you wish for power?" A mysterious Voice asked him...

"Yes, I need a More power to crush this damnable Wall! I have to warn him!"

"Then it shall be granted... " the voice faded away...

Magnus found himself being fueled with more power than he could muster and He Breached the Walls...

As he Rushed his Psyker avatar towards the Emperor study, he was faced with a Man whose rage engulf the stars...

"Father... I hav..." Before Magnus Could Speak... His Avatar was Smashed Into the ground... Scatterings Shards of Magnus Soul across the room...

"Do you have any idea what You have Done!" The Emperor Bellowed not like the Kind and Caring One Magnus seen when he helped fixed his legion...

"I spent years working on this project for the betterment of Humanity and you screw it up?!" The Emperor Rage had no fury as he slammed the avatar to the Screen in his desk showing the Webway project and it is being swarmed by demons and the warp spawn...

"Leave now!" As the Emperor psychic might pushed Magnus Back into his own body...


Alexander is Worried, he was the Knowledgeable of events of the shards that Alexander have Shed... Knowing of what's to come...

He Constructed a Teleporter Array below Tizca in the Crystal caves...

As He Almost Done with it, he saw Magnus... Or more specifically... 3 of them...

"You are no brother of mine... Or brothers in a Sense..." Alexander wary as He raised his Staff in Defense...

"What are you planning to do?" One of them asked.

"Giving my brother a Chance to redeem himself"

"Hah, you know father is the one in the wrong here, sending Leman Russ To Kill me." Another Snorted in disgust.

"No, he didn't, Horus was the one that Changed the order to Leman from Dragging you back to Terra to Revelation to explain why you did that, breaking the Webway, to outright exterminating Prospero as That Furry fool wanted to hear the thoughts of the Warmaster himself."

"You lie!" One of the Magnus Raised his Staff emitting Lighting storms... That engulf the Crystal Caves...

"Then Question that order to this version of Horus as he is still alive... The people of Prospero must not die, I must not lose another part of him to the darkness..." Alexander gasp as he Tried defending Himself against this version of Magnus Attacks... He was not the original, that might have a Chance to slay them... But it was a risky endeavor to talk to them..

But it worked...

The lightning stopped...

As one of them halted them as he observe the runes in the Crystal...

"This is a Teleporting Array... But to where?"

"Away from this Madness that is to come to Prospero... There is a league that is willing to accept them... even if your universe version of this place burned by the wolves and there was no place for you to belong... At least give this place, one chance of redemption...in a Multiverse of Sadness...I may not be your brother that walked alongside you when you needed help the most... But I could tell... Why you are here...you all wanted to prevent this incident from happening?" His words went through the minds of the Multiverse copies of Magnus...

"Fine... I will assist you in your endeavors..Our legions will be at your disposal..."

"Stay here and Watch from the shadows...the Evacuation area is the most prime target of the wolves... So you will guard this place with your forces..."

The one that attacked him turned around and went to see this version of the Warmaster... Seeking answers of the truth... Even if he will pried it from Horus Skull if he have to...

The remaining two assisted Alexander as best as they could... Rebuilding the Array once more.... After it was done, they help Alexander to delay the Wolf King by Tossing Warp Storms in Leman Russ Path..

He approached Brother Magnus Quarters... The Giant Cyclops was Despondent... Realizing the consequences of his action that doomed the Imperium ...


"Leave me alone Alexander..."

"I received reports that Leman Russ is coming here..."

"Is he here to take me? To see Father?"

"I am afraid not...he received orders from someone else..."

"I see..."

"Brother... Why are you like this...you were always the one that fearlessly dove into the Warp and come out alive...where is that Magnus I know?"

"Perhaps broken in Father Office."

"But you are here...You always be my little Brother... Though you have parts of you missing... You are always be the brother I know...and I care about..."

After seeing there was no further reponse from the Primarch... He left...

He approached the Headquarters of the Thousand sons... and approach the one that is his Trusted ally...and perhaps the key of saving Prospero...

"Ahriman I need your assistance..."

The space Marine smiled as he listen to his friend... Though his other friend betrayed him at The Treaty of Nikea by testifying in the court of using his knowledge of the Warp, accusing them that all of the Thousand sons were witches, Alexander remaining positive towards them...

"What can I do for you brother?"

"I need you and the Thousand sons to initiate a World Wide Evacuation to the Crystal Cave below Tizca and Mobilize the soldiers and Titans. There is a Danger that not even us stand against..."

"Is it that serious?"

"Yes, how long would the Evacuation and the fortifications begin?"

"Around a Solar Week...to a month or so... depending on how well trained they learned from the Evacuation training."

"Then we must do it...there will be a Portal in that crystal caves that will lead the people of Prospero safer place."

"Is it that serious? Did you receive permission from Our Genefather?" Ahriman asked with a Certainty...

"Yes, he did..." For the first time, he lied to His Friend to save a planet... knowing full well that Magnus Erected a Psychic Veil to prevent the Thousand Sons from seeing the future.

The People of Prospero was in confusion, why did the Primarch Magnus and Alexander the Explorer Ordered a General Wide Evacuation, Millions of people, scholars, intellectuals flooded into the Crystal caves leaving most and what they can carry... People that just have a better life now being ripped off their home to a destination unknown to them... scholars came with Bags of Parchments and Scrolls of their lifelong knowledge with them, Children didn't know what was happening was carried by their parents away from danger...

Order of Battle:


92,500 Thousand Suns (another 10k is still away on missions)

450000 Prospero Spireguards

1st Helikon Legion and Magdan FreeKorps

Order of the Jackal 904 Space Marines

Order of Ruin 2100 Space Marines and 25000 Battle automata

Zhao-Arkhad Taghmata 18,000 warriors and 9000 automata

Legio Xestobiax 24 titans

50k of Multiverse Version of Chaos Thousand sons that is below Tizca ready to seek revenge...

3 warlord class titan

2 artillery Regiment of Prospero That was trained in the league of Ten thousand

Planetary defenses

Notable Commanders

Ahriman - Leader of Thousand Sons.

Alexander Prospero - Co-Commander of the Prospero Spire Guards

Attacking side:

Space Wolves 98,200

Sons of Horus 8500

91 Sodalities of the Legio Custodes totaling 982 warriors

4 Vigils of the Sisters of Silence totaling 4,000 Sisters

Imperial Army: 790k including Artillery detachments.

Ordo Sinister Secutarii totaling 1,500 troops

Legio mortis 24 titans

Warlord Psy titans 10

Imperial Navy

(A/n: guess that Saving the Imperium ass will bite in the ass of Alexander)

Alexander and Ahriman now Leading a Defense as they built up fortifications, and Warp beast that were trained by the Thousand sons are summoned from the Warp now Materialized into realspace to defend The planet Magnus loved...

"The 9th Prospero Spireguard regiment is ready sir. What are our orders?" A Spire guard approach Alexander...

"Assist the Evacuations, Gather all what is Prospero... Scrolls, Books and Whatever inventions you can carry into the Portal...once you are done... Assist the people beyond the Portal...they need a source of comfort... A sense of home..."

"Understood sir..."

"The Evacuation is halfway complete... What should we do now?" Ahriman approach the anxious Alexander...

"We wait...and I pray that it isn't the danger I know..." Alexander looks to the sky with wariness.

As the Warp Storm made by the Magnus Doppelgangers Rages on towards Leman Russ fleet, he have Doubts of what must be done... Before He tried to called his Brother before the Warp Storm engulf his Fleet.... Telling him to come with him to Terra... But all he heard was silence...

As the Warp Storm ended.. the Fleet Entered into Realspace and they found the Thousand son Fleet now facing them but there was no weapons raised against them... The Auspex Reading shows that the majority of the people heat signature is slowly disappearing in Magnus Capital leaving some patches of heat remain... And there were fortifications in place... And a Kine Shields, a Psychic Barrier Erected in Tizca and the surrounding areas...

"Is that your Answer Brother?" The wolf king growled...

What came to worse to Alexander fears as Leman Russ fleet opened fire towards Prospero...

The last of the evacuees looked behind caves as they headed to the portal they saw orbital bombardment raining on their home from a unknown force...

Amongst the rubble Alexander popped out spitting out the rockcrete dust in his mouth. He Reached his Magnoculars and Search the surroundings...

"The people are saved it's all that matters at this point...the Wolf king gave no fcks...shit...Psy titan legions, Sister of Silence and Frakking Hell Constantine Valdor! they are alot more than expected for a Simple Escort towards Terra, Wolf Boys incoming and they are attacking us! We must defend the evacuation!" Alex yelled to the defender rallying them as they heard his cry... As they opened fire towards the invaders...

The Battle of Prospero began...

Leman Russ was Furious as he deemed the Defense as Defiance toward the Imperium and he was grateful that he listen to Horus of Bringing what deemed needed to kill Magnus... Thanks to the League it help conserve the Resources and Manpower of the Imperium and now it was Twice than what it was originally sent towards Prospero...

He ordered a Detachment of Space wolves and Several regiments of Solar Auxiliary to the place the people are evacuated...

"Brother Come out!" As he Raised his Sword in the air toward Magnus palace...

There was only explosion, Warp lightning and Screams of the defenders that echoed the winds...

"All father... There are Thousand Sons in this place!*bzzt*"

Leman Eyes Narrowed in the Cave, Thousand Sons marched in formation...

Silently in tandem as several Sorcerers silently marched behind them... As they reached towards the surface...

The Chaos sorcerers remember this place... A Millennia Ago as if it was yesterday... The burning of Prospero... The screams of those they protected, butchered by the wolves, The dreams they envisioned for mankind destroyed... And Despite they owe allegiance to the God of change... This Memory etch in their very own souls... And hatred towards the Wolf king blazed in their carapaces Helmets...

They may failed to defend their own version Prospero... But at least this time...

They have Wolves to Slaughter..

They Marched in silence...

Ignoring the Cries of the Wolves as they opened their sorcery and Bolters towards them...

"All is ash..." As One Sorceror raised his Hand to release a more potent Warp lightning blessed by Tzeentch and Engulf a Contingent of Guardsmen turning them into dust... The battle is at a Stalemate...

Magnus Sat in his Marble Chair... Thinking what he have done... There he was greeted with 3 versions of him... One was tattered with injuries...

"I never seen the day that I find myself like this...still thinking about my decisions..." One of them took a Seat across where Magnus Seated...

"So you must be me?"

"Possibly, But we were in a more dire circumstances." Another opens a Mirror that show the Battle outside...

Showing Ahriman and Alexander defending the planet, bloody and Battered.

"The only difference between you and me, is him... We don't have a Brother that stood by you in Nikea...oh how the fools think they are so smart by locking knowledge and tossing it away in the dark."

"It was a High lord that helped me..."

"That brother of yours down there? The one that is fighting for what you stood for? He is not Human...more specifically... A Puppet with a Soul...and the High lord is your real brother pulling the strings as his soul is linked to it...but a puppet no less..."

"He's been with me since I landed in Prospero! What we shared our dreams are nothing but lies?" Magnus was shocked and distraught of the fact that the brother that was by his side was not even human...

"But this is no ordinary puppet as his orders in his head was just simple..." Magnus looked up towards the version with the answers...

"Be A Brother of Magnus to rely on..."; That is what his main task when I scrying into his mind, heh, he thinks he could outsmart me by placing many locks in his mind but no matter...A simple order but yet complex. I do applaud of someone in the Imperium knows the Advanced knowledge of the Warp, much less control a Puppet till now. What will you do now?"

Magnus looked towards the battle with mixed Emotions....

His brother was not real but his actions was real... as He saw the Portal that evacuated the people of Prospero to a place where it is safe away from the burning of his planet... He understood the actions of the high lord...

"Tell me... What happens to my brother if he is dead?"

"When he dies... The Puppeteer will lose his soul... As it grew into something that caters to you... I highly doubt he would have it back...as it became a separate individual."

It was moment for Magnus to Make...

"For the Imperium!" As a Soldier roars and Rushed towards the Prospero Command Center, believing that he was in right that The people of Prospero are the ones in the wrong... In his Eyes as long as he reached the Command Node it will end...

Several moments later he was shot by a barrage of Lasguns into his chest...

In he fell down bleeding from he saw the Man that shot him...

A Red hair that was covered in dust... his face was covered in soot and dust....

He noticed the soldier... It was not in a look of hatred... But sadness... As his life was gone to the Warp...

"A Good soldier follow orders...rest in peace...it will end soon..." The Man closed the glassed eyes...

What's left of the Spireguards that was station in Prospero....

"Men follow me! We Will Drag the Stalemate long enough for my brother to come to his senses... They may have Titans, they may have Weapons beyond our comprehension, but we have our choice, we have a reason to fight while they are misguided believing that they are right to destroy our home, brothers and Sisters... Will you lend your strength once more?"

Before they could rally... Space wolves engulfed in rage, descended upon the Place and to Slaughter them... Several Bolter rounds erupted and their heads went missing...

"Ahriman about time!"

"We must regroup to the Pyramid of Photep."

"Understood, let's go while we can."

Magnus dorn his Armor and his staff... he have several Thoughts about the Copies he seen... But they hid something that he only must experience... And a choice for his destiny now lies here...

As he Reached outside his palace in a lightning speed, both side was still at a stalemate as the Primarch Strode into the Battlefield, lighting erupted in the skies of Prospero destroying those that were unlucky enough to be there... Signifying his entrance as it slammed into the Masses of Men that charged towards him... Frying them in the process.

"Here I am Brother!" Magnus Bellowed as the Primarch control the very weather of Prospero...

"Finally! About time!"

As they clash, others tried to breach the Defensive lines of the pyramid of Photep,

Ahriman fought against his hunter, a rune priest named Othere Wyrdmake in the meantime Alexander defended the duel of his friend as much as he could staving off any fools that interrupted it. After the eyes of the Rune priest dimmed down as Ahriman managed to mind linked the Rune priest, he told him what was the Circumstances, and that this war is not his Gene Father desire...

He kept the soul hoping to use it as a Bargain to make the Space wolfs to call off their attack... as casualties rises he is having second doubts of letting the shaman go and instead toss him to the denizens of the Warp... He was stopped by Alexander.

"Horus is the real traitor not Magnus. Why did the Sons of Horus only sent a Portion of their own forces, while the large portion space wolves and the brunt of the Imperium is sent on our way? Think about it you fleabag! Now go back to your master!" As Alexander Send him off...

"Why did you let him go?" Ahriman asked as he saw the rune priest flee with the information that is needed...

"This war is based on a Misunderstanding, even if we satisfy our bloodlust of the loss of our people, we must not become barbarians like those fools.. at least it would give a warning to the Imperium...I hope...The people of Prospero is safe in The League... That much, is a sole comfort that he will see to it our justice will be done...we must assist the defenders and my brother...." He paused... He felt something was on his chest that darken his red coat...

"Die Traitor!" A Guardsman That he thought was dead, shot him in his chest...

In a Fit of rage, Ahriman Shot the Guardsmen with a Bolter as he swiftly carried Alexander to a field hospital...

"Friend... I can't be saved, my Artery veins is Fried and I got grazed by a Psy titan beam, and I am Beyond repair...will you grant my request one last time?"

"Anything I would do friend..."

"Take me to see my brother for the last time..."

As the fight of the two Primarch rages on they grew to the size of Warhound Titans... Each making a mortal wound that would have killed any man... Shockwaves and thunder erupted around them... Magnus made a Thunder cage to prevent any of his allies to assist him... And Envelop the Pyramid of Photep with a Moat of Acid to prevent the enemy from breaching in, he multitask between defending his sons and repelling his brother blows... But he notices that Leman is Faster and able to dodge his magic... Leman Chopped off Magnus Arm and eye, but not without Magnus retaliating by punching one of Leman Russ Hearts out. As he use his regenerative magic... Leman took a Chance as he grabbed Magnus who was tired and he snapped his spine and tossed him to the ground...

The skies of Prospero drenched in oil and blood as he collapse to the ground...

It brought the defenders disbelief that their Primarch is injured...

When Magnus saw the Sight of the Capital city burn down...he greived as he saw His Brother, a Puppet or not dying in Ahriman Arms...

He sent a Mindlink to Ahriman and Alexander of his last orders...

As Leman Russ began his preparations to chop the head of his brother...

Magnus used Ahriman and the dying Alexander as a conduit to enact the last part of a grand master-spell he had prepared. With those words of power, Magnus and all the Thousand Sons and the remaining forces, instantly vanished from the surface of Prospero. But not without leaving mindlink message to Leman Russ...

"You are a sword in the wrong hands, my brother. You have severed an innocent neck, and it will plague you forever."

In the middle of the Warp is a Daemon planet that Magnus Held... The survivors of the Thousand sons was Sent there while the remaining Spireguards was sent to the League... As Magnus knows they will not survive there...

On the Planet he met The Three Versions of himself... With the one in the center greeted him..

"Are you ready, Once it is done you can never fully go back?"

"I resolved my fate... But I will not be dragged by a Whimsical God..."

"We never Freed ourselves from Tzeentch... As he is Too powerful...in our arrogance we felled to the whims of the Dark Gods."

"But this presents a Opportunity..."

"We will merged together as one, we could free ourselves...And we would like you to to be the main personality..."

"Why me?"

"Think of it... This place changed the fate of you... And you are free...And Our Promise towards that Brother.... That is Besides you..." One pointed out the Man in Ahriman Arms... Now deceased from the blood loss...

"You will be granted the Knowledge and Powers we possessed..."

"And memories of what's to come..."

"Will you take that Chance?"

"I will take it."

"Get ready... It's going to hurt!"

As the Three merged towards Magnus, he was almost overwhelmed by the Memories of what's to come... The power of Magnus Doppelgangers swelled into his body healing him in the process...

If One Magnus was terrifying, How about 3 versions of his Psyker powers stuffed into one?

He went into rebirth not as a Daemon Prince but in other perspective it is terrifying or blessed...

As he was Being Reborn in the Warp, A Enormous Warpstorm Appeared and Surrounded the League of ten Thousand, making Imperium Contact Sparse... But The League took account and Used Hyperdrives and Inertialess Drive to bypass it... However majority of their ship still uses the Warp drives... And those that have the Means were too few in number to turn the tide of war...

Magnus did participated in the Horus Heresy, but it was a more minor role as he wanted to know What is his Father intentions, What did he actually think about his sons? As he received the memories of the Rest of the Doppelgangers that Revelation wasn't Actually a good parent... He and the Thousand sons only support Horus with scrying duties and never in the Frontlines as they were crippled, and he was aware of how Horus Tricked Leman Russ to attack his he... While Horus was blessed by the Pantheon, he was no match of a Primarch tht have more Psyker Powers than him, he silently mindlinked to Horus as the chaos four was drunken by the various contribution that Horus made, they lessened the grip around his mind more so than before, making Magnus take a Opportunity to see what is in his head and he was disgusted of what he saw...

In the Waning days of the Horus Madness onboard on the Flagship of Horus now the void shield is shut down, Magnus stayed behind and Used his Magic to be invincible and observed what his father and Horus Clashed...As The Emperor Blasted Horus from Existence... Magnus could see tears streaming from the Emperor as he fell down as he was found The High lord that appeared before the Command Deck with Rogal Dorn... Without his cloak covering his face as he hurriedly rush past the entrance with distraught eyes, his Actual Feature similar to his brother that was in the last defense of Prospero...

What stopped him from launching a Warp lightning... Was a Single sentence uttered from his mouth....

"I failed my brothers... I failed my duty, I failed you friend...Rogal... Help me Carry Revelation Back to Terra... I want to Give some time to grieve..."

As the Forces that Aboard the Ship Teleported back to Terra...

The man stood Infront of the Command Deck tired from his duty...

Magnus Step outside from the Shadows... He approached the man....

So weak, so helpless... He could have snapped his neck then and there... But he couldn't...

"What is it Magnus?"

"You sent him? That Puppet?"

"You mean a Part of me? Now lost alongside others that protected and guided your brothers? I never wanted it to be a lie Magnus...I never wanted this to happen... Not you, not Horus... Not the brothers that I care about that I lost in this conflict..."

"Then why do it? Ripping your soul to be with us?"

"Surely you have the answers, I know that you merged with the Doppelgangers and absorb their memories and powers, You know what happened to them, If I hadn't been there, Conrad Curze will be alone, without someone by his side preventing him from delving into his madness, Perturabo would held a grudge against the Imperium and no one appreciated his efforts, Your Father would be the Asshole that all the versions of you know, dwell within you is that possibility that I was tasked to prevented... And Despite this, Even if those shards of mine are fake, their bonds with you and your brothers...they were real..." The High lord Sighed...

"Even if I tried my best... It wasn't enough...Fate...is Spinning its course...I will not be around here much longer..."

"What do you mean?"

"I wasn't meant to be in this timeline...I was never meant to last this long..."

"What do you mean?"

"I will return to the Far future soon... Whatever plays out will soon be on its course... Perhaps you already knew that, I didn't exist in all versions of you in the First place or that the League never existed..."

Magnus stood silent as he listens to the High lord...

He had this to say....

"When will you come back?"

"Do you have the patience to wait for a Millennia?" The High lord Chuckle as he disappears from the Command Deck...

The Black Legion rushed towards the command Deck hoping to retrieve their fallen Genefather as they only found Just a Corpse of Horus remains...

Magnus remained neutral throughout the Millennia, there was some campaigns he did participated such as the Battle of the Fang where The Thousand Sons Crippled Space Wolfs Homeworld by destroying the Headquarters and killing off a Generation of Space wolves as payment of destroying Prospero... But most of the time he only interacted with the Black Legion with minimal support... As he still harbors hate towards Horus more so than the Emperor... As one of the Doppelgangers that merged with him already got the truth from Horus...

On the planet of Sorcerors, Magnus Was Standing in front of a Stasis Pod that held up a skull that was still untainted by the warp... Despite how many centuries have passed... He often asked himself... "Was I right?"

Though time in the warp was skewed, he knows when the time to act... Though he may be in Tzeentch hands... He already chipping the shackles around his neck for a Millennia... Just enough for a Crack for the chains to be broken.

For Abaddon 12 crusades he didn't participate outright but he provided some form of Assistance...

But time can make anyone cynical...


A/N: work work work,

I have no time to Die...

I have Wiki Feet to edits

-Doge Vandire

Magnus is probably the most complex character writing, was he good ? Or was he evil? It depends on the viewers perspective...

This ends the Traitors Primarch Perspective, now it will be in the Loyalist perspective... Which is a lot..

Then the main body perspective, back to the future... Then back to Starship troopers... My mind is having Headache.