
XII Primarch Angron

Nuceria, Arid Planet [???]

It was a Place of Arid land where farming was barely enough to sustain the population...

Where the Rulers made coliseums to divert their attention from the daily problems that is slammed in front of them.

A Young Man Swung his Sword in the Coliseum, Day in, Day out to appease the masses.. Beyond his understanding, Crashed into the Planet and attacked by Biel-Tan Eldars that were paranoid of his future, sought to kill him before he become a full man. As he killed them, he was exhausted by the Assault. He was Found by Slavers and made him to fight for their entertainment...

Day in day out, He found his place with the Gladiators, his family...Each Win in the Coliseum he was showered by Adoration, Respect from the Gladiators, While he adored the fame, secretly he hated being a slave.. He Met his Foster Father Oenomaus that is a old Gladiator that taught him the trade of staying alive.

One Day he met a Warrior...

"Here is Alexander Racking several Wins, will he manage to find his stand against the Unbeaten? The Lord of the Sand Angron!" The Announcement yelled and cheered by the Masses.

A Red Headed Man Looked at Angron and Nodded...

The Two Clashed with Strength of Angron and Technique of Alexander.

Angron found this man before him was keeping his strength...

He Smiled as his sword Clashed until it was until the Stranger Used his Strength...

In a Full blown clash Alexander Sword was Flung away, Angron Sword was Pointed at the neck of the Gladiator...


In the Gladiatorial Cells, He was amused that this was his brother as the Stranger Proclaim himself as such.

"What do you think Oenomaus?" Angron Said as a Shadow of his father appeared behind him.

"Well, he doesn't lie, his body movements and his breath...He is your brother?"

Angron Nodded...

"What is his reason?" Angron Asked.

"From what I could gather from the Higher up, He joined the Gladiator to find his Brother. He always finished his fight in a minute."

"Interesting..." Angron left his Cell and went to the Newcomer Cell.

He found himself staring at a makeshift workshop where his brother is Carving a Block. Carvings, Frescoes and a Painting of Angron in one of his fight...

Though Angron was Flattered of a Painting of him... he stare at the carver that had his mind focused on the carving...

His eyes on the unfinished art soon made him appreciate that there was someone that knows his glory not of adoration... but there was something else.... 

What he sense from the Man was just satisfaction of meeting him not having a grudge of him loosing...

Appreciation... He left as he wish not to disturb the painter...

After a While, Angron name was Spoken throughout the planet... Everybody knows his name... The Lord of the Sands...

During his Time with his Supposedly "Brother" that glean him with information that he never knew that he had a Family... and a Father...

"Why was I casted out into this place?" Angron asked as he watch his brother carved a Sculpture of his Victory earlier...

"Not really... more like you and your brothers were kidnapped... Your father made a Crusade to scour every inch of the Galaxy to find you...heck I am sure that your sons are also joining the search." Alexander Calmly spoke with him just as they have done everyday...

"I have sons?" Angron wondered...

"Hundred Thousand to be exact.. Boy you sure are a Father Figure." Alexander joked...

Such a day was bantering with Alexander as he was also welcome into the Gladiators community...

Until one day... the Rulers found out about the relationship with the three of them...

The Match was that They faced of a Trio of Ogryns that was installed with the butcher's nails, Violent and Frenzy without a cause. And Angron got the First Hit and the last stabbed to the Gasping Ogryn, the Coliseum roared in cheers... until a Announcer shook Angron to the Core...

"Now we hold a Special event... A Death match of Fates... Angron is to defeat the two that stand in his way to glory...and to kill is to give life in Nurceria!" The Man spoke with frenzy that the crowd is overjoyed with bloodlust...

Angron sword was shaking... He just met a brother that is his own blood that told him of the coming of his father and his Brothers... a Foster Father that care when he was just starting out... he looked at the two set of eyes that stare at him....

"Brother... if that is your decision... I will gladly let my neck be sliced by your blade..." Alexander unsheathed his gladiator sword...

Oenomaus looked silently...

Angron was torn between brother that knew him and a Man that helped him and Glory awaited you, he Tossed down the blade...

"Oh...Angron has conceded, now time for the Punishment, He Will be placed with a Butcher Nails!" Angron Eyes widen as he realized what he have done...

The slave collar around his neck spark with voltage that he was went unconscious...

He found himself strapped to a chair... They operated his skull, removed the cranium and lobotomized Angron for several hours he was Screaming in pain, as the Fabled Butcher nails was injected into his mind... all he could now think of was hate and bloodshed....

After the operation was done he was tossed back into the Gladiators cells...

Where he met two concerned people that was waiting for him...

"No...I failed..." Alexander sadly looked at his Berserker brother now realizing that the brother he knew was gone...

"Son... Are you alright?" Oenomaus about to reach out to touch him... he was lifted up and stared at the Eyes of Angron... it was filled with hate.. and Malice... And he Tossed Oenomaus to the wall, for a moment Angron was screaming out as the old Gladiator nails clamped down on the Primarch, making his gesture of goodwill turned into a mistake and he pounced on the two people...

He remembers hate... He remembers the crunch of Bones and The blood flowed in his hands, the rage that filled his entire being...he saw the Endless rivers of blood and brass, it was satisfying... After a Sudden Force smashed into his skull, he smash whatever was attacking him...

When he woke up from his trance... there was blood all around him... he saw two people that barely cling to life...

Oenomaus, Lost his left Arm as he profusely bleeding, laying on the ground... Angron Clung to his body... realizing that his actions was the result of this...

Alexander was at the Wall cratered from the force... he suffered a more grevious injuries than Oenomaus...

His Rib cage was Fractured... One of his eyes was ripped out of his socket... His Dominant Right Arm was Ripped apart... and the left was shredded to pieces... his fingers was torn apart...

"Brother...Woke...up...yet?" Alexander Looked at Angron with his remaining Eye...

"There is a Box... in my cell...in there... are two Potions...use one on your Father...I shouldn't think of fighting you...barehanded...you fight like a Doom slayer..." Alexander Wheezed as he joked in such Dire state...

Angron rush toward his brothers cell, Stopping his tears... he found a Simple wooden box... there it was two crimson potions... he rushed back that only a Human could not dare comprehend... and uncorked the medicine and made Oenomaus drink carefully....

His injuries was slowly recovering...

As the blood lost was fully stopped... he turned to look at Alexander who was his last legs, Angron carefully allowed the Crimson liquid into Alexander Mouth...

"Taste like Crap...Thanks... brother..." Alexander Smiled as his wounds was healing... but he lost his eye... and His Right Arm wouldn't regenerate...

After a while after Comforting Angron...

"I don't blame you Brother... it was the High Riders who did this to us is not you..."

"I nearly killed you both!"

"But we are alive, aren't we?" Alexander Refuted.

"Angron... At least you kept your mind intact... I have a gift to you... It was a contingency to slow down the Butcher Nails influence..." Alexander handed him a Token bearing a World devoured by a Sharp teeth...

"It will Slow down the infestation... Though I do not know how long..." Muttered Alexander in his Last sentence...

"Tell me Brother... Does My father... My actual father has a cure?" Angron Calmly looked at Alexander... With Flickering Oil Lamp showing in the midnight to show how serious he was...

"I am Not sure...but the Galaxy is Wide...your father may or may not have the cure, if he doesn't, then one of your brothers have a cure in his supposedly Empire..." Alexander Said with uncertainty...

Afterwards... Angron with his Mind Still intact... Concocted a plan to Make the Gladiators to escape for his desire of his people to escape from their captivity but also to be free of his chains...While he resumed his coliseum while pretended to be a Berzerker still influence by the Butcher nails... He still calmly look at the surroundings... The Armed Guards and Where the Armory was Located... and during the Day of the Largest Royal Battle That Nurceria have made which is the opportune time to escape, Alexander forgotten by the people who visited the colisium as Angron Racking up more wins than the faded Rising star should have been, went to the Armory and Sabotage the Weapons Caches, Knocking out the Guards and emptied their bullets making the guns Useless..then waking the Guards up as if they just went in to a Snooze as to not alert their situation...

Until Finally... After a Signal from Omaneus the Slave Rebellion Occured...

The Gladiators Turned on their Masters...

On the day they ordered their Execution by the Guards to find out their weapons is completely useless and they were overwhelmed by the Gladiators Swords and their blood flowed into the stairs of the Colisium...

Angron Calmly Strode to the VIP Seat that Held the City Lord whose quivering and Wetting his Pants... A Man that Ordered his mind to chained to this Tech... He Swung his Sword into the Lord neck without remorse as his mind was clear...

"You done brother?" Alexander just at the Doorstep witness the Fitting end of a Scum...

"Done Brother...We Must go..."

"To where?"

"To where I first landed... To the Northern Mountains..."

"Alright... I will Inform the Rest of the Brothers and Sister's of your decisions...Take Care..." Alexander Left Angron in the Wake of the Burning Colisium, Scream and pleading Heard throughout the City as they were plundered by the Gladiators, they didn't kill any Citizens as they only took the Supplies and Weapons, Slaves in the City were liberated as it was hypocrite as they were only wanted to escape but leaving them behind was no? They left the slave that refuse to leave their Masters, they now formed into a Group of 40k they headed to the Mountains...

Along their journey to the Mountain they found Caches of Supplies bearing a Aquila which Angron Could Guess that it was his father that sent them as His brother told him about the Imperium and the Flag that it bore... Making him a Bit Grateful of his Father intervention...

They were not starved or thirst as clothing, Weapons, MREs and Containers of Water were in those supplies, making their journey a lot more smoother. And the People under Angron having less discontent of leaving for the comfort of their life as a slave... willingly followed the Gladiators...

A City was Formed by Freemen deep within the Caverns of the Mountain, thriving as life was filled with abundance and people now free work on their former jobs before they were a slaves, Artisans, Farmers, Blacksmiths now travel without fear of being a slave...

Every now and then Raiding Parties were formed to free the slaves as they killed the Governors and Liberating the Cities...

Eater of Cities was their monicker by the People as they attacked The High Riders and In their place was a Fairer Governor that listen and made the people less hostile to the takeover..

The Angron life was Hard as he was not known how to govern as his status was a slave that only know how to fight in the Colisium... Several Supply Caches held some books about governmece and leadership written in Nurceria Language... Making him understand the Importance of People...

Having known some of the People that had administrative work in the Slave that he led from the Cities, he asked if they could teach the Lessons to the people that he found trustworthy and have a good brain. As More Cities Fallen under Angron Name both flourish in wealth and Military hardware that The Emperor Handed him such as the First Lasguns, Military Hardware to equip a Armored battalion, Many Called him monster for overthrowing their way of life, Those that didn't know about him, a Tyrant... but those that saw him... they called him a Liberator of Nurceria...

As More Cities Fallen under the City eaters.

Many of the Lord's that didn't fallen were desperate with extreme measures, they first tried to bribe the slaves with riches and glory... they didn't listen as the Cities under Angron Rule was more Wealthier and their lands were Fertile... they resorted to Kidnapping and Coercion... Until One Slave took the Offer and Sent out a False message...

Angron Army whose roots was a mob with Gladiator experience now turned into a Decently trained Men and Women in Armor and Weapons... they Marched Towards the Major Stronghold of the High Riders which was located in the Mountaintop in the Far East... There were other bases but they were insignificant to the point that upon destroying this, Would Ended the High Rider Reign...

Angron Looked at the Defenders through a binoculars and He felt disgusted as they were forced Slave soldiers that were heeding orders to a Gaudy officer, though the Trinket his brother gave him help kept the Butcher Nails at bay, he could felt the Nails slowly and surely invaded into his mind...

As He Gave the Order to Charge into the Stronghold, Earthshakers given by his father rumbled creating mountain of dirt flying through the air and He Charged alongside with his Men who still favor of going into Melee, They Breached the Walls and Captured most of the Slaves... the High Rider was not there...

The Slave soldiers that were station there Exploded as they were forced to become a Living bombs... Most of the blast Incapacitated a decent amount of People that were guarding them...

It was also a Signal as there were hidden Caverns those that were loyal to the Last Lords of Nurceria flooded out and Almost surrounded the ruined Stronghold... What make matter worse they killed off the Artillery Crew and now Manning the Artillery Guns.

They opened fire into the Stronghold making casualties among Angron Forces.

"Oh Frakkin hell! Brother we are almost overrun over here!" Alexander joked as he Quickly Shot the head of the man that tried to stab a Incapacitated City Eater...

Artillery Blast Kept Erupting around them and the High Riders ignore their men that they sent to the Grinder as they are merely a Slave Soldiers than is lesser than them...

As the Situation seemed Dire...

A Wedge shaped ship appears from the Cloud...(a/n: okay, Acclamator holding World eaters is a Bad combination.)

Just as it about to touch the Ground, Ten Thousand Giant Men that bore of the XII Legion number jumped from the ship and Immediately opened fire on the Attackers.

The enemies were confused and Panicked.

As they could taste the Head of the Rebellion die by their hands, only to find Colorful Giant Men that shoot Thunder and Chain Axes to ripped them to shreds in such inhuman speed...

Many tried to fled but the Ship in the Sky already began shooting on the Stragglers each blast shot a Meteor sized blast as they left no survivors...

The Ship Landed and a Procession of Golden Giants more bigger than the ones that Saved them strode in silence down the ramp as they took position, A Golden Man that Shine Radiant light Approached him and Two Hooded Figures was Nearby, watching Him...

"My Child...You Have done Well." The Man Spoke as the minds of those that heard his voice soothe in his presence...

"Though I must admit we could have come in a More impressionable time... Come now... let's go to your home..."

"My Life with my Brothers and Sister's that Fought alongside me, I cannot go home." Angron Stated.

The Emperor Frown for a Picosecond as he immediately smiled.

"Then I will Bring your Siblings Along, Come Let us meet your Legion." The Emperor Chuckle as he led Angron to his Gene Sons.

Kharn is Nervous as his legion was the Last to Find their Gene Father...

Among the Battles he fought with the rest of their legion cousins, they have met their own Primarch in a Pristine condition and Made Glory in their names... And With the Thunder Warriors to Assist them in some of their hardest battles, their Casualties were miniscule in a Sense, though he wouldn't wished to be next to the Corpse Grinders or Blood Angels so they called by Sanguinius. They were a bit too crazy as he participated some operations that tried to cover them up...

As the Rest of them went on the opposite direction to conquer they saw the things Angron have done he have doubts of the man before him. All the XII Legion Stood ready, Mighty and Proud as their Blue, Red and White Glisten in the Dusk.

The Emperor of Mankind stood amongst the Ashes of the Stronghold, ignoring the Dirty soot and ash that silently clad on his Armor.

"Space Marines, My War Hounds... For Far Too Long, you have been the First to join in my dreams to unite Humanity from Terra, that you sacrifice your own Being to me, saving countless more in the stars ahead, and you were the last that found him, Rejoice, My Son Have Return!" The Emperor Boomed.

Kharn Looked at his Primarch with some metal sticking at the back of his neck....

Emperor noticed their concerns.

"War Hounds, Your Genefather may be the Last to be found, but he is always equal to my Eyes. And whatever Ail him, You will have my word that I would cure him..." The Emperor Have Assured them all.

The Primarch that waited for so long... he strolled into the Formation, His Figure was Observing each and everyone of the War Hounds, they felt his stare swept upon them.

He smiled and spoke with a Voice that echoed the Landscape.

"You are the Gene Sons that I Have heard about, and I would like to thank you for Saving My Family, Come with me and help me on my journey to liberate worlds from tyranny!" Angron Boomed his voice that heard in the World... with his legion raising ther Chain axes in the air as Defiance to fate...

As the War Hound Ascended to the Heavens they were given a name of their own.

World Eaters...

They fought under Angron leadership as they were given a Nurceria Month to handle worlds to conquer worlds and only if they were assured that the Government that their fighting is Corrupt and Defies the Emperor Dream of Unification...

Angron Spent Time recuperating with his Brother as he Sent the City Eaters to the League to be healed and Intergrated as a Decent citizens, and Most Heard about it while some Stayed in the City that Angron Made in Nurceria as they will never forget the time they spend liberating...

He met Lotara Sarrin and He enjoys her company as they discuss philosophy and a decent tea...

Angron was Walking in the Bucephalus as. He was there when he supposed to recuperate as the Flagship has the Hospital need to fix the Primarch and The Emperor wouldn't let him leave and He heard a Conversation of His Father, Macaldor and a Voice that is Familiar...

He approached the Study room guarded by Two Custodians, they ignored him as he heard the rest of the conversation that was spoken from the cracks. He took a peek and he saw The Trio was Surrounded on a Table that details about Angron life

"Tell me... Do you have the Technology of Removing the Butcher Nails?" The Emperor spoke with a Sadness in his tone

"Those Bastards really screw it up... That Tech is so heavily modified from the actual thing... Self-proliferation and constant Adrenalin to be combat effective? It was meant to stop and rehabilitate criminals for Maximum Security, I could Remove the Nails but there is a problem, there is one that is so deep in the Cranium it would take a miracle at this point. The Command Codes of the original schematics would stop the Majority from proliferation but... the Main Nail is the issue...Macaldor...did you spoke to Angron about this?" the hooded man whose back was facing the door.

A groan was heard from another man in the room.

"No I haven't... I clearly hoped that your Magpie habit of securing the STCs would have the answers..."

"Macaldor...While I got most of the STCs from the Last government... that doesn't mean that I have the Modern day Modification...I will tell Angron that he will be cured... As Long as The Token is still around, it will slow down the Infection...more than enough that his natural Healing will keep it at bay..."

"What about his people? The Freemen that followed him? I am aware that there are some that have the Butcher nails?" Emperor spoke with authority that it made the Room filled with Tension....

"They are cured... their butcher nails were removed... Angron is a special case... his Nails formation is different from the ones we used for the prisoners for... But I will Try...They suffered enough to free themselves at least they have a chance in life... I Intergrated them and let them in my league... but only because of the Favor I owe him..." The Emperor Raised Eyebrows of what the man Beside him is speaking...

"Who is that man?"

"Someone that I used to know in a Distant future...A Promise..."

"So you have Future sight?" Macaldor was interested of this encounter.

"Nah... or perhaps something like that?"

"Well all this talk is making me Thirsty... I got that Red Wine that is 2000 year old wine after we are done here, I will try to fix my brother..."

Angron left and Headed to his quarters... knowing that he could not be healed, that Brother of his managed to save his brothers that were interred with the Damnable Nails... that is enough for him...

On the Day of the Operation... He was on a Doctor Table specifically made for him...

The Man that was in charge of him, looked with sadness tht he could have felt...

"Angron... I will remove the Nails as much as I can, I hope that you can handle the Pain..." The Man Injected a painkillers that could knock out the a Legion of Orgryns...

Angron went into a deep sleep...

Once he have some sleep as there was pain in the back of his neck....

In the land of dreams Angron found out that he was a Psyker as well... as his wish was to see his people that was in the league granted him a clairvoyant... He knew some of them... they had scars on their head of what remains of the butcher nails...That was a Brief moment until he woke up... He found himself on the Table and saw the amount of Nails that was placed next to the man.

"Welcome back to the land of the living..." The Man calmly cleaning his scalpel...

"Is it over?" Angron Asked.

"I removed almost all of the nails... but there is one nail deep in your cerebellum that I couldn't take... it will definitely kill you...Just a Warning... never let that token be destroyed... that is one of a Kind that not even the Technology of the past could recreate..." The Man warning him....

Angron took his Warning to heart as he Returned to his Flagship...

There he was Greeted by Lotara and Alexander...

"Is it done Brother?"

"Almost done...I am glad that he already done enough to save our brother and sisters..."

"Alright, not One emotional Baggage on my ship!" Lotara chimed in.

"At least give us some time to celebrate?"

"Nonsense, you will go the The Brig Again with that lazy Bum...Or do you prefer a Laspistol to your head again?"

"I said I am sorry!? I didn't know that color was Red!" Alexander Went deeper into the ship with a Furious Lotara chasing after him shooting several Blast at him...

Angron Chuckle as he was used to the Shenanigans of the duo...

Alas... such day like this sweet moment does not come to a sweet end...

In a Campaign... One Xenos Empire that Defied the Imperium offer as their government decided to Exterminate the local Humans in their controlled territory, Angron was sent in to kill what is needed... he almost conquered the Capital system...

Until one shot managed to destroy the Talisman that Angron Kept... Angron Felt pain once more... The remaining Nail that remained dormant for so long... it became prevalent once more as it grows like a unhinged Cancer cells and Multiply, the butcher nails poking out his skin... Turning him into a Beserker once more... He began to see the visions... the endless Rivers of blood And gore that awaited his future...

After he came to his senses....

A Planet in ruins... Almost the land became desolate from the Carnage he brought...

Gore and Flesh scattered the lands indiscriminately whether the old, the young, the defiant and the weak... all died by his Chain axe and his fist... his Gene Sons that Were nearby is disturbed by the notion that he ended up like that...Him standing on a pool of blood amidst a Ruin City... Kharn approach Angron and found out that the Butcher nails were beginning to come back...and the Primarch was passed out...

"Brothers, we are done here... We best head back to the Emperor... Surely..." he paused...

Facing him was a World eater... that was not his own brothers... His helmet was bearing sigils of a Unknown origins... and most of the armor was drenched in blood... The Axe was Drenched with gore that even Kharn heard screams coming from it from the distance...

"So this is my counterpart..." The figure spoke in whisper as Kharn heard from him...A Vision of Blood and Gore appears before Kharn...Making him wary of the Brother before him...

Each step the Figure approached the World eater... another world eater that look identical materialized... to the point that they were equal in number to the Astartes Present...

"Let's see if you held up to your beliefs..." The Figure Started up his Chain Axe and the army behind him charge towards them...

"Brothers, take cover in the Ruins and Try to whittle them down!"

"They just can't Die!"

"They got Brother Eidemor!"

"The Shells aren't working!"

"Krak Missiles Inbound!"

"Wait... I know that face... isn't that me!?"

The World Eaters was in a panic..

They been fighting people that were beneath them... but facing a Equal and have Millennia of war in their own right...

Sensing that they were losing they were force to retreat... Tactics and Strategy doesn't mean a thing when they forced to fight a Destructive force of Nature...

A Small Group managed to sneak past the Battlefield and Quietly escort the unconscious Angron off the planet...

Until they were found by the monsters that were lusting for blood...

"Kharn... Help me Escort Our Gene Father towards Terra, we have to warn them. I will Stay Behind along few of our brothers and Buy Time..." Magos Spoke with a Encrypted Message to Kharn... As the World Eaters retreated, Magos Looked at the Retreating Forces with a Smile..

"Come you fools and Taste my Blade!" Magos Smiled knowing that he is buying time..

Kharn couldn't help it as he watch his brothers that stayed behind to give them time and mauled by their Copies...

As the Acclamator ship was already went down from orbit managed to load up what remain of the World Eaters... The Last moment Kharn saw behind the loading bay was a Version of Corrupted version himself...

Holding Magos Head...

Kharn Clenched his teeth as This was the most disastrous Campaign that the Word Bearers have participated in...

The news of a Doppelganger legion was conveyed to the Emperor and he was visibly worried... it was kept under lockdown as The Thunder Warriors was sent to survey the planet it was in...

In the Med Bay of Angron Flagship, Angron have been suffering nightmares... He Faced a Version of himself... Bigger and more brutal, they reside in a world filled with blood and Fires... Demons surrounded him and the Monster before him...

The Hulking beast before the Primarch grinned as he swept before Angron...

Angron Woke up... He Grinned that should not been impossible...

Alexander approach him...

"Brother...Are you alright?" Alexander approach the awaken Primarch, his eyes widen as the Primarch immediately grabbed him by the neck...

His eyes widen as as he looked in Angron eyes...

"You are not my brother!" He struggled to break free from the grasp of a stranger that is in guise of his brother skin...

There was a Snap in the Med bay...

Angron only left the premise... with a unidentified Corpse now being tossed in the Air lock...

Lotara Sarin was curious of where was the annoying brother of Angron...

"He went back." Was all she ever got out of Angron...

But as the day go past by... There was notable changes...

Several of the World Eaters that was station at the fleet was suddenly ordered into the Apothecary to be retrofitted with a "upgrades", instead of the normal silence was screams filled with horror... and Roars of Rage that echoed in the rooms and hallways...

And they walked out with a familiar attachment that is similar to Angron...

A Golden Figure looked at the Primarch sadly as he delved deeper into the Ship, biding his time till a opportunity arises...

The Horus Heresy began...

On the Istvaan system the rest of the legions that were sent to Subdue the Traitor Horus, were horrified that the World Eaters had become...

Bezerkers, monsters.... were the apt description of what they have become... Some of the Loyalist had decent friends among the World Eaters.... and it was Ironic that a larger portion of the Loyalist managed to Escaped because of this sudden situation... Horus now powered with the power of the four, believed Angron to be the Wild Card...

And he sent him and Lorgar to Nurceria to finish the job...

The city that was filled with liberated slaves thrived... it was vibrant and joy...

A Transport that bear the World Eater mark appeared in orbit... it arrived home... not as a Brothers to a home... but a Butcher in the ready for slaughter...

They landed in the drop pods by the hour...

What was once a demeanor and noble World Eaters was a being of wanton destruction and craving for bloodshed...

The freemen and women that welcome them on the landing platform... they were butchered without a thought... Omaneus that was a Governor there was baffled why are they attacking the place they called home? The city was in turmoil as Father and Brothers fought their own... and Despite the amount of military experience they Gather over the years... none could go against the primal instinct of destruction...

The city was piled with the corpses of the people... And the Possessed Angron allowed the Real one to see what he have done to fully possessed him completely...

He awoke... for long he tried to fight back... but no avail as he was almost swallowed whole... when he supposedly woke up... he found himself on Nurceria... In his city that Alexander and Omaneus have founded together with him... it was in smouldering ruins... he looked around and looked for answers of what he have done... He noticed Kharn at the distance... he realized that all his legion was imbedded with the Butcher's nails...

And all say the same chant...

It wasn't the Emperor Dream of Unification... Humanity Manifesto for the stars...

It was the "Skulls for the skull throne"

He Ran toward the governor house to find his Foster Father... hoping to find answers...

Infront of the Governor house is a Piece of Mural that depicted their liberation of Being a Slave it was destroyed beyond recognition, A Intact glass mirror was seen ... he saw what he have become... and the mirror made a mockery face of himself...

"This is what you have wrought..." the figure in the mirror smirked at him...

"No...I haven't...done this..." he clasps his head with a blood filled gauntlets...

"Deny it all you want... their blood is on your hands... You are always a slave, that have all you have in your possession is now in ruins... no matter where you are... you are always a slave..." the Figure Mocked...

He ignore the Mirror ramblings... and he rushed out... only to find Omaneus Impaled with a aquila... His face was covered in grief that depicted his last moments of his life...

"No...this cannot be..." Angron deny it.

"Yes... you butcher him by own hands... even Your own foster brother Alexander was killed and tossed in the void of space by your hands..." the voice in his head pounded into him...

His will as a Primarch was shaken... On the day in the Colisium he had brothers and sisters that defended their freedom...he took it away... he killed the only few people that was close to him... the people that believe in him... it made a crack in Angron heart... it was all that was needed to make him the Angron to be... Lorgar was nearby to begin preparations to ascend Angron to Daemonhood... Guilleman and the Ultramarines arrived to Nurceria to apprehend His brothers, only to find out that Angron destroyed everything...

"Brother... you destroyed what you have built!?" Roboute yelled at The Now fully possessed Brother that is Smirking at him...

"You know... brother... if you were in my own universe... you would have called me a Slave king... you would had looked down upon my upbringing... A Leader of a Failed revolt and Father hatred towards me."

"What are you talking about Brother!? You were successful in your endeavor and you made Nurceria a better place! Father never looked down upon you!"

"Is he? Or is that just one of his disguises?"

"Clearly you are not in a right of mind... I will apprehend you and make you face Father for the destruction of your home planet..." Roboute ready his sword and lunged at the Primarch...

After several clash Roboute realize that Angron is slowly powering up... but he took his chance to plunged his sword into Angron Stomach... hindering him for a short while...as the fight went on, Angron became sluggish, Lorgar realizing that In Angron Mind there is Two Personalities clashing one another...

He delved into Angron mind to find the culprit... and Saw the original personality that was Infront of a Faceless Golden figure...

"Leave" was all he could hear until he was blasted out of Angron mind...

Taking no chances, he proceeded with the ritual to make Angron as a Daemon Prince...

As Rouboute managed to get the killing blow... A burst of energy erupted from Angron...

And a Glimpse of a Golden light left Angron just before the transformation...

Angron... The Daemon Prince of Khorn was born...

His roar on the desolate planet heralded the mark of Slaughter and bloodshed...

However he was somewhat weakened....l

And his mind nothing more of a Mindless Beast of destruction.

Horus was displeased that Angron became like that..

He let Angron loose to several planets he conquered... to spread fear and gather supplies on the journey to Terra...

There were some of the World eaters along with some Iron Warriors that was stationed These worlds as part of Alexander making them appreciate the Garrison duties of the Iron Warriors... they were somewhat skeptical about their respective legions turning traitors until they arrived in the system...

They were shocked momentarily but orders are orders as they were told to stall enough time for the Imperium and the League to Arrive... they held out for a Hundred days until a Imperial Battlegroup Arrived and Supported their defense...

But what make matter worse for the Imperium was that they received several report of Identical doppelganger fleets of the traitor legions now attacking several segmentums and their destination was not Terra but the League... and the League bore the brunt of the assault... In their Controlled space... space hulks are numbered in the Hundreds... Destroyed Mobile suits aimlessly drifting in the void only showing their Existence, Space Fortress and Defense platforms now in ruins, their A.I trying to slowly recover and salvage what is lost, Fortress Worlds laid Silent and Barren of life... they managed to stop the Enemy at the gate... but at a cost... they were unable to provide any decent aid to the Imperium saving those that was part of Alexander Hyde forces that was immediately rushed toward Terra...

(In a Unknown location...)

In a Cave a Golden light erupted and forming into a Figure of a weakened Alexander that was protecting Angron...

He Held out a Flask that contains Angron Soul...

During the Mind Battle of Supremacy Alexander realize that Lorgar is preparing to turn Angron into a Daemon Prince... Seeing there was not enough time to fully take back control, he dragged Angron soul before it was consumed entirely...

But it was not perfectly as it was seem as his soul was leaking and Alexander forced to use part of his soul to patch the Primarch...

After looking at the flask he ventured deeper, down in the darkness...

There it was protected by Men of Iron that is loyal to him, Security systems that lasted till the end of time... a Cloaking device that hidden the facility well...

As he delve deep in the Corridor he reached upon a burning tree under it, there was a Vat that was left behind by the Original just in case of emergency....

It Contains a Perfect replica of Angron Body...He opened the flask and poured it into the Primarch body and waited until a golden Glowed cover Angron entire body. Knowing it was already completed... he said his final good-bye...

"Brother....I Failed you again and again...I failed when the nails implanted into you...I failed to take back your body...but this time...I will not fail.. But at least I was a good brother till the end...See you around brother... at least another Millennia..." Alexander Smiled as his body turning into dust...

He was part of Alexander Psykers might... but having expended all his powers that fueled his existence to at least give Angron another chance...

"One more thing...The Freemen that was living in the league? They are still alive, our legacy lives on...so trust in your brother and your father once more...but now... rest brother...Man... I will miss Lotara and you alot...I hope she is okay..." The copy slowly Faded away.... Touching the glass that held the Primarch...

In the Vat a Single tear dripped from Angron... Frozen in time as the Stasis lock envelope the room...