
Visiting Japan

Alexander hummed as he travels by military aircraft..

There are something in his old life that he still retained. He never got the few pleasures in life by travelling in a supersonic plane, much less, military grade one that is heading to Japan.

"Damm, Alexander, we are heading to Japan?" A female voice sounded.

He watched Piper and Eddie accompanied him in this trip.

He felt amused that she wanted a scoop about him in the Siberian conflict and barge into a military installation, she was about to be tossed into the airlock had he not been aware of the situation.

Eddie the Eyebot finished his duties in Ireland, now accompany his friend in his trip. To Alexander, the bot was like a companion to him... It was funny, for it to bobbin about, at ten thousand feet in the air no less. He grew fond with the Eyebot that kept him company.

He hummed as he got a recaff from a flight attendant and the p.a system rang out.

"High lord, this is Captain Wrangly speaking, we are reaching out destination within 2 hours to Okinawa Base."

Travelling to Japan after the end of the Siberian conflict was necessary as he dealt the dangers of the Mortal plane, now he have to meet up with these supposed refugee gods.

What do they even offer to him?

Perks? Power? None could be compared to what the God Emperor blessed him with.

The beaten gods have no perks to even give him a notice.

As he saw the visual of Japan.

He noticed most of the land was covered in oceans.

It made sense since the bombs fell, the only people that survive is unable to handle the radioactive location have fled in the mountains and the infrastructure decayed after a couple hundred years as the flood barriers that didn't have maintenance have long crumbled by the thrashing of the radioactive waves of time.

But what he saw from the viewing port was a nation that is surrounded by pristine waters... As if there was a barrier between the radioactive waters and the waters before the fall...

"A Eastern Venice..." He muttered as he saw signs of life in Tokyo.

The streets is now covered with boats and people travelled via the ruined rooftops. Using gangplank as a method to travel by foot.

He could peer more but... He sense that there is a presence that something observing him...

And he followed the gaze at the foot of Mt Fuji, at a well furnished shrine, where a group of masked warriors surrounded a woman wearing shrine outwear that is enjoying a cup of tea.. And they all wear the fox mask as they stared at him.

He waved at the group with a smile as he disappear into the southern islands.

"Well time for the good old fashioned wearing golden armor and halo..." He muttered.

"You do know that it would make the people think you are a god right?"

"Nonsense, it's nice to make a good impression to the locals Piper. Now, would you like to dress up for the occasion?"

"I prefer my clothing. You do you, Mr. I am not a god."


"Inari-Sama, is it wise to let him come here? Amaterasu did specifically said that he alone would be enough." One of the Fox masked person asked.

The lady sighed as she watched the plane that held the son of the Golden Emperor. From where she look, it was like a sun staring at her. With that much power and strength...

"Fumu... We have a lot to discuss, the seal we made against the outsider have been broken... Even now... I see the ancient enemies is flooding into this realm. Far beyond our gaze." She sighed as she gave a sip as she stared right across the shrine, at the continent to where the battle of Siberian happened.

She felt malice and madness still etched from where she sat. And tendrils of darkness is ever encroaching to where she live.

"We lost Zeus that is one of the seals... And I fear Odin and Amaterasu would be next... If he would allowed our people and our way of life to live...I sincerely hoped that the Gods that is born here would not be so... Arrogant.. faith is one thing that made us exist... Many Yokai have been tainted by this empyrean... We are fighting three way war... If... The Imperium comes with hostility... I doubt we could handle a fourth front." She felt her body shudder. As she was in in deep thought, a white colored fox arrived with a message scroll strapped to it's neck.

She acquired it and read it.... Her eyes furrowed as the contents is somewhat disturbing.

"Tamano-no-Mae is on the move and she is heading towards the Son of the Golden Emperor..." Her words had shaken the people.

"If she made him have a bad impression about our pantheon..." One of the retainers felt chills in his spine.

"Aren't we doomed?"

"Alert the Shinigami to Kyoto, we must not let them two meet!"

(Okinawa Imperial Base)

It was a US Military base, until it was 2041 when the Japanese Government politely told them to evacuate the premises. Now it is refurbished and retrofitted with imperium's standard and the airport is erected nearby. Alexander ordered them to just stay in the premises or do some trade with the locals. And to those that stay there, it was a vacation, sandy beaches, radiated mangoes and the occasional radiated yao guai that swam all the way from China.

The natives never met outsiders for almost two hundred years. And the first one to visit the garrison was a kid that was playing a ball that ended up in front of the gates.

He was lucky it was the Sargent and not the Commissar that he first met or he would been the first casualty.

Trade between the people grew slowly, and the people tried to understand the foreigner language.

In limited capacity, they realized that there was a God Emperor that oversee the imperium and the herald is coming. A age of enlightenment is coming.

Doctors now treated the ill and the elderly.

Some listen to the preaches of the Ecclesiachy.

Converting peacefully as they mingle with the garrison.

When they heard the Son of the God Emperor arriving shortly, they flocked to the airport to see the being in question...

And as the plane arrive and landed, the man in question walked out and their breaths froze.

He was filled with holiness and divinity and a Halo is floating above his head. His golden armor shine in the afternoon sun. As if blessing them in his presence.

The locals swept aside as the man smile and wave at the masess.

One of the locals, a aged grandma watched as her tired face looked at him.

He approached her and held her hand and simply spoke to the crowd and said in their language.

"Your suffering is ended... I hope that your people will see the Enlightenment, my father...No... The God Emperor of Mankind have decree upon this lands... No longer you squalor in the ruins of your civilization... No longer you suffer the hardship of living in fear... I have come to bring enlightenment and prosperity." He healed the elderly and she returned to a age of early thirties.

She smiled as her withered hands Is now closer to maiden..

She smiled with joy as she thank him endlessly as she disappear into the crowd.

The land he stood is revitalizing and shrubs and herbs grown around him.

Piper grinned as she took several photo about him.

'What the hell... that is not part of the script?!' Alexander screamed internally as he smiled and waved at the crowd..

<Does it have something to do with your recovered hand?>

'Frakk...how is the compilation going?'

<When you exit this universe.>

'Frak you!'

<Well, In your language, Frakk you, you do know there is a threat coming here right?>


<Three billion abrahamic Angels is coming for your head right? In Seven months?>

'frakkkk... You mean the Christian God?'

<Yup, get your ass together, or else they are gunning for ya.>

'Here I thought after we done with the Numbers and chaos, now the supposed religion of order is chasing after me?'

<There is no peace beyond the stars...Get your last body part in London, before it's too late, Inquisition already got other arm.>

Alexander is escorted in the ferry to Kyoto as the coastal areas are flooded with sea water and a Local guide decided to accompany him, transportation is viable by boat.

Many of the people gave their thanks as the supposed "Kami-Sama" is heading towards their divine capital.

Kyoto, once was the capital of Japan, is now the capital once more, since Tokyo is now submerged, the former government decided to move the capital back to the old capital.

As Alexander and his people arrive at the Tokyo, he noticed something...

There are several non-humans that strolled in the capital. He asked the guide

"What are these... Creatures?" He asked the guide.

"Kami-Sama... Those are Yokai. They been our protector in the shadows..." The guide nervously spoke.

"I see..." He watched as the Yokai minded their own business... They don't bother him and he don't bother them is his policies towards the unknown.

At the harbor, he was greeted by a Welcome Committee that awaited him. They wore Shinto priest outfits and armed with ceremonial blades as they gave a greeting.

"Son of the Golden King... Lady Amaterasu have requested your presence in the Temple of the Sun. And your guest are invited as well." The head of the Welcoming committee spoke.

His retinue arrived at the foot supposed Temple of the Sun.

It was a shrine that have a tint of Shintoism and Buddhism that is on top of a mountain..

Torii gates line up, as if giving the escorted a sense of wonder. And scores of Buddhism statue gave a sense of solemnly protecting something.

Alexander know that it is just a play of power.

He know that it was a small attempt to show the powers of the old gods.

He already been through hell, killed his version of Slaanesh and smack nurgle pot of decay.

Gods that fled from Warhammer don't have the gall to speak with a God Slayer.

Whatever this Nippon Goddess does will decide the fate not just her pantheon, but the rest of japan.

He arrive entrance, he found a woman that is sitting on the porch of the shrine. She was surrounded by retainers that have paper talisman stuck to their heads, guarding her.

She looked like in her early twenties and wearing a kimono, and the only difference was that she have a literal miniature sun floating above her. As if to represent her divinity.

She reminded him of the woman he saw earlier, but this time it was a weary woman that simply enjoy a cup of tea.

He gave her a nod and she noticed him and beckon him to come closer.

"Alexander Solair... Son of the Golden Emperor, I am glad that you are here today."

"I have come to greet you, Amaterasu the Sun goddess of Nippon." Alexander gave her a Imperial courtesy.

As he approached her.

One of the man barked, with words that displeased Alexander.

"Why are you showing signs of respect of not bowing before her, Amaterasu-sama, this foreigner, nay, this outsider doesn't deserve your attention! I say that we should kill this Gaijin and handle the danger of the outsiders ourselves!" One of the retainer spoke.

Alexander simply replied normally that made the Sun Goddess paled.

"Is that how you treat guest? Or is your retainer, is by himself or he represent all of your pantheon perception towards me? I have came all this way from the battlefield in the frozen east, stopping the gap of the enemies from beyond, spent my precious time to meet your pantheon instead of Odin, and this is how you treat guest? Tell me, Nippon Goddess of the Sun... What is the answer?" Alexander spoke as if expecting of the meeting is already damaged.

One by one, her retainers stood out and express their disgust and hatred towards him.

Each time she grew ever more paler, as the distance between the two grow more distant.

No longer was she seeing a bright sun that brought her comfort.

She could already feel bloodshed now emitting from the guise of the sun before her. A skeleton that is sitting on a golden throne now peering in front of her. Void filled eyes now looking at the goddess. Judging her with its silent verdict, And the Golden sun is slowly turning dark.

The gods unaware this, but they added fuel to the flames, downplaying and belittled him.

That no mortals could even defeat a god.

A blackish sun that is reeking of blood is now peeking behind him, and there was a vision of her head being impale in a pike as Takamagahara, the home of her pantheon burnt to ashes by legions of giant men clad in armor that moved swiftly like thunder..

Metal mechanical constructs that towered the heavens as they deliver light across the landscape. Destruction was their core being.

Endless amount of Mortals flooded the streets she swore to protect.

Minor gods and servants were tossed into a furnace that leads to a Golden throne. For their souls to be consumed in eternal agony.

Their followers gunned down and burn in pyres dedicated to the Divine Skeleton that oversee their meeting, Condemning them as Heretics.

That was the future she saw as the last retainer about to say his piece.

She held out her hand as if trying to stop fate...

"Silence, He is our guest and he should be treated as such. Guide him and his companion to the Guest quarters. I hope you enjoy a week in our country." She smiled as she gasped inwardly as her forehead sweated.

She looked at the guest with more fear than inwardly distain.

She knew that the being before her is capable to burn down heaven and hell at the same time.

And he is already at the limits of his generosity.

As Alexander was guided by the servant, Alexander looked at the group of gods and felt disappointed.

"So this is the reason, why my father never deal with the lot of you...thank you for your courtesy... Me and my companions will stay for the week...

And I will give you one last chance to think of persuading me...

And we leave for Odin day after after our stay... Seems like we are not welcomed here."

As the guests left, the radicals in her pantheon called out on her weakness.

"Why did you let this outsider into your presence!? We don't need help with this Gaijin! We can defeat the Monsters from the void! And the corrupted Yokai!" One of the younger retainers yelled.

She looked at him, with her voice dripped in fear.

"You are young... Just stated as a land god from one of my people that worship me, you don't know the man is capable off..."

"Then why don't we kidnapped his companions and blackmail him? His companion seems good looking..." Another blurts out his thoughts. Until a bolt of fire from the power of the sun hits him.

He was scorched by the heat of the sun until he turned to a crisp. Making the group shocked by her actions.

She grew furious as she hysterically yelled at the shocked retainers.

"Did I already told you that we should have treated him courteously? With your hostility, our chance of alliance is on the brink of collapse!" She bellowed.

"We don't need the Gaijin! Our followers will be the defenders against the darkness!" One of the young God spat out.

"You have been born in 20 years since the bombs fell, and you don't know what's like facing the endless demons in the void! They outnumbered our people beyond measure and now they already smell the wounds that we still recovering from! I lost my family! And this place is the last bastion of the Triad of faith left... And he is the ruler of this world and beyond the stars!

He could easily destroy Takamagahara, with mortal men, and feed us to the soul furnace of the golden throne!

We needed a alliance with the imperium so that our pantheon may live! Aho! Kuzo! How do we mend the relationship with the Son of the Golden king!" Amaterasu screamed as the sunlight emitted like a blaze behind her.

As she raged on. Thinking of what to calm the anger of the supposed son of the Golden King.

Alexander and Piper, were escorted to their respective rooms. Dressed in kimono and enjoying the hot springs.

They spent at the onsen, they are seperated by bamboo walls.

"That was a negotiations broken down... Huh Alex?" Piper checked her camera as she managed to get several decent shots. Her trip to Japan is somewhat worth it and she met a literal goddess in the flesh.

"I afraid so... I was hoping for a more amiable... Discussions." Alexander simply gathering his thoughts as the world passed by.

Eddie the eyebot is bobbing on the side of Alexander hot springs on a rubber duck... How it managed to balance itself from sinking is one life greatest mysteries...

He stare at the moon, that is lit by a cloudless sky.

Untainted by civilization and pollution.

Soon, perhaps one day...

He would like his brothers to come here... Free from radiation and war...

"What do you want to do now?" Piper asked.

She hummed a tune as her back is beside the bamboo wall.

The water in the hot springs kept rippling with soft sounds as the two people is divided by not just mere wall, but status...

"I honestly don't know... I honestly don't know..." Alexander sighed as he hoped to find answers.

His eyes suddenly became alert as he sense a presence at his side of the hot springs.

There he saw a image of his first lover...

The one that died in training camp..

"Oh, My, Alexander.. Mine if I join in?" She smirked as she attempt to slide into the hot spring, and move next to him.

Every movement is like a image of a picture that almost faded from history... Every curve and line etched on her body is almost like a image of her passing...

Alexander growl as he grabbed his shovel from his inventory and pointed at her.

"Oh please, you never do that to me at boot camp... Did you Alexander?" The woman chuckle as she slid down to the bath.

The hot springs is tense, as both parties are just a few meters away from each other

"What's My Full Name?" Alexander asked.

The apparition looked confused as she turned her head sideways...

"Of course.. it's Alexander Solair... Son of the Golden Emperor..." Her eyes widen as the shovel was imbedded into her stomach that is leaking blood that flowed into the water.. with his eyes glowed with gold... She found herself flung to the air as Alexander readied a Railgun that is placed top of the eyebot and it is armed with a vortex shell, Ready to send whatever that thing to hell.

"It is Alexander Hyde, General Militant of the Imperium and Leader of the Dust Hounds of Mina... That is my rank and status I wanted her to know, you wench!" He pressed the trigger, the blast was so silent as the only thing was a wailing scream that went abrupt... The figure disguise gell apart, revealing a fox woman that was ugly and she panicked as several hands from the Neverborn grabbed her, dragging her into the warp.

Whatever that thing that tried to seduce him , is ended up In the warp. He hope that whatever that thing that mimicked his former lover, will have a full course with the unborn in the warp.

"Alexander you okay over there!?" Piper yelled out as sound was heard as she exited the hot springs...

"Doing fine... Piper. Don't come here yet..."

He could hear a thud across the hot springs making him worried. As he met several black clothed figures standing before him. They are armed with katana and naginatas and looked at him as if he was a threat.

"Don't worry about your companion... We are here for someone else..."

"Who the fock are ye looking for Wanker?"

"We are the Shinigami that was supposed to apprehend Tamano-no Mae... Seemed like you send her to the empyrean..."

One stepped out with such arrogance and his wording, have made him pretty madder than usual.

"Gaijin... We are apprehending you for killing one of our pantheon...." One of the youths stepped forth.

"You just going to ignore what that thing tried to do to me?" Alexander growled ever more clearly.

One of the older one tried to reason with the youth.

"Shush... He was in the right to defend himself ... And maintaining tamano no mae seal is getting more harder..." One of the older one spoke reason.

One of the shinigami spoke that question why Inari even wanted to get this shinigami to even approach Alexander...

"She is more deserving for a Gaijin like you... You should be greatful for her decision to sleep with you..." His sentence was cut short as his head was slice by the wind...

"Gaijin!" All of them yelled out as they aimed their weapons at him.

"You want to die like this fool? I sure Amaterasu wouldn't mind a few more missing morons in her retinue?" Alexander smiled as he reach for his blade brought from his inventory.

The one that spoke reason, sighed as he watched the hot blooded youths rushed towards Amaterasu guest and their blood splattered across the hot spring. He knows what better to defend the fury of the imperium. And he was in the know of why the Sun Goddess was adamant to cling to the imperium in the first place.

And it strained the relationship even more... He wondered if they become just servants than vassals of Alexander... He disappear into the darkness to inform Amaterasu of this development...

The fools were like sheeps to the slaughter as they only focused on the Warp Breaches in this world and gain little to no experience for war. Peace through thousands of years before the bombs fell by mortal hands lull them to ignorance.

And Alexander had already Thousands of years of conflict and he been killing daemons. He swept through the crowd and explosion occured.

Strangely enough that Kyoto is not aware of the conflict that is happening.

Alexander found that the Hot springs was defended by a barrier and the locals outside could not hear noise of the skirmish in the Hotel.

One of the shinigami was lucky to lopped off Alexander arms in a desperate attempt and burned it out of existence. But he was filled with explosives that is glued to his body.

He watched in horror as Alexander kicked him towards a crowd that was chasing after their target and a Explosion blew them up, leaving limbs and carcasses scattered across the hot springs.

Painting the serene landscape with blood and gore.

Lose a arm for a bundle of grenades is more profitable, As Alexander scoffed as he used his remaining arm to tossed Eddie that was beeping happily that he was put to use as a Pinvall of destruction. Everywhere the little bundle of joy went, have made the misfortune victims with shotgun and laser wounds.

The skirmish lasted throughout the night, until the sun rose in the east, and what's left in the hot springs was filled with blood and gore that it piled up a few meters of flesh that covered the flooring.

The Servants that went to meet up with Alex to tend to his needs, screamed as they found him standing butt naked and covered with blood. As if he was the famous Ashura. He noticed them and went to his room and dressed up in his armor.

Piper was found awake and met Alexander in the hallways with a missing arm. She noticed his room is smell of blood and gore, the same smell of carnage she seen in Boston.

Piper looked amused as she took a picture of the furious Alexander, now dressed in armor and headed out to the shrine.

"Oh, boy... A juicy topic, I could see the headlines now, High Lord Alexander Assassination attempt by the Japan Pantheon of Gods, and Justice must be done." She smiled Wryly as she put away her camera and hurried after him.

After the incident was known to the Japan pantheon.

They were freaked out that Alexander killed the Shinigami that supposed to apprehended Tamano no mae. And he sent her to the warp. The gods shudder why would Alexander sent her to a fate worse than death.

But whispers and rumors began floating about that Alexander was being assassinated by the Shinigami, put them in a bad light. And he lost a arm in the attempt.

And they have to address a furious Alexander and the Imperium as they noticed several ships above orbit now ready to obliterate Japan off the map.

"For the past two days I have grown tired of your antics, you sent a Harlot after me and Shinigamis to kill me... And one of them managed to ripped my arm off... Tell me... Give me one good reason why should I not blow this nation off the map?" Alexander stood before the pantheon with fury in his eyes.

Many of them went silent as they have no excuse or attempt to attack him. He stood against their death gods and still lives.

Many coughing as they looked towards a paled faced Amaterasu. And noticed something was wrong as she muttered everything is over.

"What can you do to compensate my injuries?"She was scared by Alexander words.

She noticed that now is already on the brink of disaster. And she didn't have time to relax of the situation before her is just a call away from total annihilation.

What she spoke gave made everyone scared by her words.

"We surrender and plead that you keep your word as Son of the Golden Emperor. And you may have what you seek in this pantheon...Follow me..."

Mny of the gods yelled as berated her.

But she knows what's going to happen if she didn't.

She stood up and beckon Alexander to follow her.

Piper wanted to follow, but Alexander told her to stay, and warn the local imperial garrison, Incase he didn't return.

They ended up in a underground passageway.

"So what do you even want to compensate with? I cared no mortal gold or loveless pleasure...." He spoke with coldness.

"You must come here for the golden hand..."

"Oh? So you know what I seek?"

"As we fled from the that galaxy that known no peace... A Foreign God from another realm came to us and handed this body part for safekeeping... It was the last resort that we should use against the endless Empyrean hordes, "a final laugh" he spoke... We scattered the body parts, in tacit agreement, but I kept my part... So that I hoped that whoever seeks it would not purge my pantheon as a deterrence..."

"But it didn't work out as you intended..."

"Indeed... The new gods that is born from this mortals have failed to realized that we cannot fight against Chaos.... Much less than my pantheon... I hope that what you seek, may give us leniency..."

As the duo reached in the darkness, they found a golden light in the end...

Upon their destination... They found themselves on a shrine that held a floating limb that is covered with Shinto Talismans.

Alexander follow the goddess as she undo seals.

And the hand flew out and place itself on Alexander missing limb.

"So...How was it?" Amaterasu asked.

Alexander closed his eyes as he gave his verdict.

"Japan would be a Autonomous Zone, by the power vested in me by the Imperium, I will instate you as a puppet head, to oversee the pantheon duties to not be hostile towards the imperium, and inform my forces of the chaos incursion in this lands and we will purge it. I will not demand taxes or send the pantheon to die, but keep their faith only in this lands, and the moment your pantheon bear your fangs... Is the last day you will truly see the sun."

Amaterasu understood that this is one of the better paths than a full out war...

Her pantheon was exhausted fighting chaos, infected Youkai and fallen gods. Though the Shinigami corps that maintain the Virgil in the night was thoroughly culled down, she hoped at least his forces is enough to stem the tide of darkness encroaching her lands....

After they left the underground, Alexander looked towards the east and A Elderly man sitting in a oak throne smiled.

"So Amaterasu, have been capitulated..." He hummed as if what happened to her had nothing to do with him.

"Brynhilde, what of the reports in the Frontline?"

A woman in armor in question came with reports that made him frown.

"All father... We have received news that the Rainbow bridge have been fixed from the other side and the unclean is flooding throughout the nine realms... Our Valkyries and Einherjar are stemming the tide for now, but ..."

"Go on..."

"There are fallen chosen within their ranks... And the Abrahamic god is now demanding that the blood must be kept away from the Imperium of Carrion Emperor..."

"I see... This have gotten interesting indeed..."


(A/n): just my luck, I been shot in Boston by a bunch of Hooligans last year thanksgiving and spend Christmas in a American Hospital... Frakkin hell... God why do I have to smuggle GPUs to pay off my hospital bills ... And I must not question the graphics card being shipped out ...

I just visit Grandma Margaret in Boston that is paid by my cousin to come to US for Thanksgiving and the graves that my tabletop buddies that shown me Warhammer now resided... And I got shot by a stray bullet in a drive-by. Lost my liver and got a hole in my chest. And I forced to work in the underground to earn money. At least I am not a drug mule, just a Scalper courier. Just ten shipments then they will waive it off.

I truly feel alone now.

The table is so empty now... I am probably the youngest in the group...and now... They are all gone...

I am just one of many that fallen in the cracks of society. The Gen Z that ruined everything...

The retard generation, the woke freaks.

How do we even strive when society ripped off our wings to be better maintain the status quo?

Who gave us the lies?

Who gave us false future?

I often see Feminist ruining people lives for no reason... Other than their power trip. I grew disgusted when they worship Abortion than more pressing issues. Like Income, healthcare and Housing.

They constantly blaming all men despite they should blame the actual one that ruined their life than blanket the majority. They wield the power by the state. And they wonder why men is no longer see them as acceptable mate?

Media blame men, Society blame men. Heck even Movies like Ray Skywalker made men as evil or incompetent... They butcher Thrawn... Even gaming.

Since when did Call of duty lobbies is such a silent halls?

They never discussed the elephant in the room, on why men is checking out.

Shaming is the only thing that they learned from women and men grew apathetic.

They don't give incentives, only whips.

Daniel penny was one thing, forgive if I butcher his name, he was the Veteran that save a woman in New York Subway from some addict, and he was railed by the government as a misogynistic evil man.

There is no longer incentives to be a hero.

When a woman is being molested in a alleyway in one of my routes and scream for help, I was stopped by my smuggling companions as he spoke words that froze my being "they don't need no man, she should wait for a strong independent women. And if you do, you will be arrested and never leave America alive." His looks was so apathetic, that I could not help but realized how Feminism done so much damage to the genders. I ignored the screams and just went ahead.

I visit the Mental Health Seminar during one of my smuggling runs and wonder, what is my purpose? I paid the entrance and listening to some men giving advice to cope, And we all met with a flash mob of Feminist that claimed that we are monsters and society hated us... That we should put a bullet in our heads. And our gender should be the greatest sin.

Dyed hairs, Pig rings and Crazy tattoos... And bunch of men following them for some quickie?

When I was in the seminar, all I look around is Divorced dad's that lost in the Divorced courts, Soldiers with PTSD, Teenagers that is bullied and on the brink of being the next shooter..

I met some people that I could relate to, some that I could consider friends... Now it's just mind blowing how Women as a whole hated us.

Broken men and children... Isn't the Bible stated that we must aid the downtrodden and the lost? Or is that a complete hypocrisy to cater to the healthy that want to hear their ego stroke? As the priest worship the money pouring in, than preaching for salvation?

The seminar, it was forced to be shut down immediately...

And when we exited the premises, the vitriol and hatred... I never seen like this since in the slums...

And the cheers that they shut down one of the very few places that discuss Men mental health...

We have no Men only places...

Gyms is filled with women that is dressed in yoga pants, bars is filled with women that is looking for a quickie. And even gaming that supposed to be for men is now ban happy...

Does America have Boys scouts of America?

One of the protestors words truly impacted my mind. One of them dyed freaks told me straight in the face with her spittle at my shirt.

"No matter what you do, what you try to achieve by being good, you are monsters and evil freaks that should be put down the moment you were born..."

"We don't need broken men like you, you deserved to die in a war for our comforts."

"Your looks is pure evil."

I left America with more depression than recovering my bullet wound...

I despise the Feminist ideology, from them, came the single mother households that plague America, who raised the children to be looters and twerking robbers, that started the Transmen and Transwomen as to prove that men is privilege. And protected the freaks that entered women bathrooms, Who incentives the men to be the rotten undesirable in society. Hell, California didn't stop child brides because feminism solution is to make children more fcked up in their lives by shagging with a middle aged men? No wonder Hollywood is a place for sick fraks to get the deed.

And they are now flooding into Asia, Feminism is now a cancerous movement, doesn't matter which ideology, Democracy, monarchist, Capitalism, Communism, Islam and Christianity, Anarchism, or even theologism, the moment a woman that is infected with that ideology sleep with the man in power, we are doomed.

Feminism with Power of Socialism is a bad powderkeg... With Islam? Say good bye

I honestly don't know what happens to me now...