
Alexander Vox Logs : Fallout

# 1:Concerns about the future

Hello... My psychiatrist Dr.Freund from Germany told me to make records as it would... Somewhat help my mental state, it does help keep my thoughts as I lived... How long is it again... For a arsehole... He was good at his job. And I promise if his descendants come to me... I will aid them... As long as they are not pieces of shit...

I recording this to... Probably pass the time and keep my sanity intact while I live in the years... While I wait for the bombs drop...

# The Failure of the Great war.

When I hear about the Great War... I only heard about it in the History books... But seeing it for the first time... I question if we were in the right in the first place... To me... It's more like a powderkeg by elected officials in European nations that wanted the war... I was shocked to hear some of my closest friends living in Europe is being lynched... It was darkest days.... I sincerely hoped that my invention would have ended the war faster...

When Wildrow Wilson... That sonofabitch....

He knew the Treaty of Vienna was too much of a weakened Germany and he deliberately ensure that they would be the next Boogeyman... As he quoted from his lips...

He needs a enemy for America to thrive, especially the military industrial complex to rake in the contracts... He is probably the start of the madness. Of making enemies across the globe.

Somehow... I made sure there a special place for him in Khorne throne...

# The decay of Weimar Republic

I watched helplessly as the German debauched themselves as the whores of Europe...

Everything they could think of, they do it with glee... Slaanesh should be glad to have them...

The french and Britain flooded the streets with drug and I have seen many women selling themselves for a simple piece of bread... And inflation is so high... The exchange rate of Golden Marks to Dollar was absurd when I last visited there.

My heart broke as I saw a 12 year old lady... name Erica von Rotenstein, a German noble girl that ousted by the people...approach me and wanting me to be her first time... She only heard of me by my interactions with the German nobility...

She was bony and I saw ribs was sticking out and her arms is just bones...

Her eyes were dead and her cheeks is sunken...

She could have lived a better life and study in school with her friends...

A family and a future...

But all I saw in her... Was the despair and hopelessness.

As I spoke to her... It seemed... My power armor regiment killed her father battalion in the battle of Verdun... Leaving her family not without a father...

I am not like the inventors in this era that ignore their inventions that cause untold death... I witnessed it...

I hired her Family as my servants along with some of her friends out of the hellhole if they wished... And let her study in school... I am selfish... But I can't saved all of Germany youths... I becoming more like a hypocrite...

# The rise of Germany Downfall...

I am sad to see a warrior nation fallen so low...

But it was inevitable that Hitler came to power...

The weirmar republic never gave proper solutions... Just print more money to pay off the absurd french debt and raise taxes. It was no brainer that NatSoc and Communist came to power with unrealistic promises... I felt pity for Poland... Slapped like a sandwich between Communist Russia and Socialist Germany... I provided Aid for their fight... But... Roosevelt would definitely choke the military aid...

# The fall of Berlin.

It's ironic... A ruined nation divided by powers...

I was invited by Stalin to oversee the Corpse of Hitler. I never like that man... Shifty like his mustache...

I always like to visit Germany... But seeing the ruins instead of the pictures...

Gunshots and screams echoed in Berlin...

For the red army is definitely the army of rapist... It is no longer a army of vengeance... But of sins...

They kill anything that moves and bang anyone that have a front lower holes... They are even worse than a chem dogs... At least they had decency to simply just rob people...

When I looked at the ruined Reichstag.

For a Ideology that Aryans lived for a Thousand years... Is now in ashes...

I wonder myself if Dad... Witness it in his world?

How he felt about the nature of humanity?

# The Passing of the Little German Lady...

The girl that I managed to save her from Weimar...

She died at the age of 86...

She got married and had several children...

I am practically a step grandparent... Ironic.

She passed away peacefully and her soul entered the Emperor heaven...

I was the last thing she saw before she left for heaven... She looked so peaceful.

The way she looked at her father murderer is... Daunting...

As if she forgiven me...

Sometimes I wonder if I am a reaper of the underworld... Rest in peace... Erica von Rotenstein... Perhaps one day...

# Supposed Modern day era...

I hate politicians...

They act as if they are kings... Without the responsibility... How many times both the Republican and Democrats hounded me... And sent the Osa and Fbi after me?

I am tired of the tirades of Picking a side as both are shittier options... America decay started in the 1950s...

It is funny, in a grand scheme of things... They are the leeches of America, playing good cop and bad cop as the left is becoming more like Stalin and the right just maintain the status quo.. until the right itself is just the former left...and I want them gone.

They demand my employee pensions and their money to fund their moronic socialist programs and weapons procurement... FCK them.

Humanity is destined for the stars and not doomed in a earth that is overwhelmed by morons that their ego and legacy is on a pile of corpses and green bills... And I sure as hell I will ensure that we will reached it as the as the God Emperor have intended. I rather let these two parties die in the ashes of nuclear fire, than ordering me around. If you lived that long...

# The darkness of humanity:

I noticed... Human are... Destructive creations...

Different religions have provided bias and hatred...

I thought to myself... Why didn't I conquered the world before the bombs fell?

Simple... Chaotic.

People always find excuses to wage war and justify their existence for their gods and ideologies.. I know this, since I too butchered countless xenos races in the name of humanity... And sold weapons in the name of unity. I am aware, I am not innocent and my hands is covered in blood. If the God in Abrahamic god did exist... Probably there is a special place for me in hell...

Even if I conquer the world before fallout happened... Do I honestly think the people will see me as a hero of unified humanity?

I think not... They will bitch and moan, make excuses and I have more harder time pacifying the people with different faith... And if I did... They will justify that I am a tyrant just like my foster father did... Heh... Calling Revelation my dad... Is something ... .maybe I gotten close to him... Sometimes... Being long lived makes you question about life...

Ollanius... Macaldor... I wished you were here with me and provide counsel... I wished I was in the grand crusade leading the Ten thousand than babysitting this earth... I never felt so alone...

If people in the future now hear this... They may call me a opportunistic bastard, a monster that took over the world while it is in ashes... But can they blame me? When their ancestors wage war for politicians? To die without purpose in life than to enter college through the military?

Ironic that only way we are united is when there is a nuclear war... That ended their way of life... Do they turn to one that have the solution...

# Is the planet protecting me? Or is it fate?

This is Alexander Solair, at this time... It is Anno Domini 2046 in Fallout universe, just a few more decades till the bombs drop, for resources that people hunger. And my conquest of unification...

I have and made many enemies... And made many allies, but I notice there is a pattern that the organization known as Numbers is not prevalent during my stay in this universe...

As if... There is something or someone protecting me... Can't be the emperor, I know it if the Emperor shard is ringing like a personal detector...

Is there a organization or person that is against them? I will have respect if that said individual have pissed them off more than I should... Or is it this world?

They could have theoretically wiped me out when I was in the 1900s or any point of time when I am at the weakest and I am still amassing strength, and my existence would have been erased forward, making my stay nonexistent.

But I see there is plots in the shadows... Something that I am afraid that it might be impossible for me to untangle...

Like I am in a chess piece in a great game...

# Gem in the dirt

I adopted Mr House as my son... It was something his father told me before the accident in that factory, had he and his wife perish. I shall adopt him as my godson.. I can understand how his half brother was a pig headed man that is paranoid with me adopting House. I am aware how genius he is when he was at the orphanage and worked his way to Robco industries, but with my resources? And knowledge? He was like a gem in the dirt... He liked Las Vegas as it was his home... And I respect that. He gave me his first invention schematics to me a Mr Handy prototype... For me.. I could see many flaws but for once we worked in the project together .. but his attempts in mechanical engineering is somewhat touching... So this is what being a father to a son feels like...

# I can't accept anymore

This is Alexander Solair... This is currently on the hunt against the renegade Brotherhood of Steel Elijah.

When I hunt down that mad Leader Elijah... I noticed my companion Veronica... Had feeling for me

I noticed she tried to replace me as her foster father tried to kill her.. but currently her emotions is running high...

I do not wish to have relation to a woman that simply use me as a comfort or a replacement...

I have Five and that's enough... Any more... Will just bring disunity, and my Beloved Ephritta and Dimh-Yriel will definitely choke me...

I get that she is lost... And confused... But when we reached Sierra Madre... I hope she can find conclusion of her... Past. And there is someone else that is more caring about her...

# Caesar folly

I do somewhat respected the man... Trying to make the empire from the ashes of America using hockey sticks and sword. I personally arrive there to give him a ultimatum... But... He was corrupted... I honestly somewhat felt... Disappointed.

Had he been with the follower of the apocalypse... And had we met earlier... We could be best of friends...

Before I blow his brains out....

# Reasons of Converting.

After the awareness of the introduction of Chaos in this realm... I had to convert the population to the Emperor faith... By force if I had to.

I can't risk them falling to chaos.

I know that it is bad for introducing faith...

But how can the people believe that Daemons is flooding in the Immaterium...

And if the real emperor from 30k was here... He definitely berates me of making people worship him as a god...

I had no choice...

It was either make them think that there is a benevolent god that sent them to the afterlife or be ignorant and summon a daemon by hearing the whispers of chaos...

I had no choice...

# My opinions of Caesar and New Republic of California.

Both sides are terrible...

I honestly don't believe that allowing Caesar would be the best for the wasteland...

He already got a brain tumor and his orders are becoming more erratic... And if he dies... I fear Lanius would rampage across the wasteland until the Caesars legion is exhausted, as his only mind is conquest. What then?

A Age of Chaos? That is if I did not exist.

And I don't think NCR is saintly either. Over bloated bureaucracy, heavy taxes and Conscription... Like the old America...

Especially they retained the corruption of the old Government. Yeah, I remembered how a certain Brandon started a nuclear war that ended my first life... But I hope in another reality, he did not get his third term...

Every reports that came to me... It's all conscript from the slums... And Brahmin magnates financing this so called "War Against the Imperium." And I was labeled as a "warlord that should be hanged" as a propaganda poster, I laughed, when I heard about it... I thought they were a joke... Until they butcher, razed one of my border towns and hanged the inhabitants tha lived in it... I honestly wonder why the people voted for them in the first place?

No... It's just those that counted the votes... I despise it thoroughly...

Perhaps a newer system is in place...

Where one only vote actual policies than the politicians... No Lobbying, no Divisive Racial wars... No Foreign wars for corporation, no Federal Bank that is privatized... No laws to sleeze their slimy hands out... I may not able to save my old home... But this America?

I will not risk it's downward destruction.

Perhaps... A memory of my first brother... That loved the Fallout franchise is what kept me here...

When I leave for another... Maybe I will make a marker for my first family, overlooking San Francisco... They died during the Nuclear explosion...

I never got the chance to say goodbye...

# Issues of the old world.

My uncle died in Middle East for what?

A illusive WMD and a corrupt Puppet government?

A Nation that is crippling with debt? Where Fentanyl flowed freely and Abortion ran nonstop...

All for the guise of liberty and freedom?

I have bad memories about so called Democracy's and the push of Progressive at the cost of Humanity. I remember it was a Constitutional Republic as the founding father envision... But Teachers that is hidden in Union have bashed our head that we lived in a democracy... And it's alright to chop off our genitalia for being gay.

And that the Constitution is no longer valid and free speech should be culled...

We already failed the founding fathers that we should not get involved in European Affairs...

Failed the constitution as Democracy is becoming more like a cult of personality that demanding reason.

They are the reason why we fled in the first place to make our home in the new world...

I remember that one moronic politician mentioned that, "Free speech is a danger to democracy." If that is so fragile for pointing the truth. Then democracy is a failed social experiment.

When I get back... I need to make a few changes for the federation... Federal Mornarchy is much more better... But I am not willing to be the emperor...

# Concerns of Equality.

Feminist movement have killed the soul of my old America... And I witnessed it rise In America in fallout... Ussr and Weimar final laughter from the coffin as it infected the youths...

Made parents irresponsible to the point that we suffer from their irresponsible actions, by saying "think of the children" and gave the government more power to rule our lives.

Made women feminity value so low that Prostitute in the brothels is more saintly than those married...

I seen so many women joyfully spoke of their body count... And want all men killed.

They want female supremacy....

When was the time when we even had a chance to get with the boys? Until some chick come in and demand that we should let them in? With the threaten of the government behind them?

I seen so many Divorce of people of their children that is not their own? Broken homes and insane parents...

How many aborted fetus have made their way to the grace of the Emperor without even getting a chance to be born?

It is enough to outnumber Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and even Hitler's genocides and I lived as long to see the bombs drop... And they got the guts to call others as nazi?

Federal service... Or Imperial service should be mandated. If they bitch and use that single successful woman as their shield and they did nothing... They should be.. I should not risk the equality of the federation for a bunch of Brats that wants the power and none of the irresponsibility... Chaos would truly infect the federation...


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Dear readers

Hello, it's been a while, since our last interactions. Where I am living is currently getting more darker... In prospects of earning money, and getting a financial stability income. The town is slowly dying...Nurrgle decay is here

I grew a bit... Apathetic. The world have gone insane and crazier. I hoped that people will see reason... But... I know that Pandora box of madness is opened...there is no going back.

I seen so much hatred towards men and boys... I wonder...

Why do I exist?

I have been invited to a Thanksgiving dinner in Chicago as of this writing..by my Cousins in Us...

Yeah this is a somewhat a snail mail of sorts, a snail chapter?

(Crossing fingers if I don't get shot/stabbed by black scholars, scientist and not having my cousin act like retards at the turkey table about their political ideology.)

I wanted to visit Washington and visit the Tomb of the unknown soldier and asked questions to those that died.

Why did we even fought in Normandy?

Why did we even fight the Germans?

Is this the world we envisioned?

If I had money I planned to visit Verdun in France to asked the very same question myself...

"Did we died for nothing?"

I lived in a generation that is broken and raised by irresponsible parents, to be born and bred to be narcissist.. I don't know if I could even achieve the American dream... My mind is fragmenting as I suffering withdrawal from abstaining from using antidepressants. My brand of antidepressants made me chemically sexually sterile and apathetic... Worked wonders when threading Twitter and bluesky or any of the communist forums that wants to kill capitalism.

Funny, humanity is always at constant war...

But nobody is concerned about the mental health and stability of the Men and the boys that fought a war within their minds... For acceptance, for recognition and all society did... Is let them down.

No support... No awareness, even if known... Empty words of platitudes. Trapped within their minds as society screams at them to do better instead of asking... "What's wrong?" "Do you need help?" Iron warrior in the core...

I see a powderkeg waiting to blow up...

And all it needs is a match...

Somehow I really wishing for a nuclear winter in the Mojave... And listening Komm süssen tod from evangelion.


If you like the voxs logs, let me know in the comments, maybe there's more of this in the near future... I am aware I am not that smart to make intricacies of plots... This is probably like a dumping grounds of what Alexander is thinking when he is not shown in chapters or his reasoning.