
Heading to Big MT

After Alexander made a deal with the Midwest BoS, he took Veronica to the Ultra Lux.

She noticed the women dressing with style...

"Alexander... I read about this clothes in the books I read... Can I wear them?"

"Sure, but you will give me the measurements when you have the time..."

Veronica gave him her measurements and he relay it to a seamstress to make it to the lucky 38

"I heard about the figure that lives in this strip... The Ghost owner of the strip" Veronica remarks as she see the strip.

"Well, I guess his reputation in the wasteland is popular...we are family in a sense..." Alexander smiled.

"Alexander, Nice of you to drop by, Mr House is waiting for you." Jane the securitron smiled.

"Thanks Jane, here is snow globes for House Collection, Is my companion allow to follow me?"

"Of Course, a companion with you is surely trustworthy, step inside." Jane moved aside and allowed the duo to enter the top.

"You... Are pretty much connected to everyone in the wasteland..."

"Veronica... There is so much thinks that you know little about the past... I suggest that you better dress in a Formal wear... That scribe outfit of yours may... Or may not upset my family..."

"Of course... I always wanted to wear a dress..."

After finding old dress that is somewhat minted on the presidential suite, they arrived to the panel where House is located.

"House, how is business in the strip?"

"Doing fantastic old friend, the funds that your people funnel into the strip have allow me to fund expedition to search for the Platinum chip early than expected." House sarcastically remarked.

It was true in a sense, that tourists and off duty soldiers from Texas is now funding the majority of the search of the platinum chip.

"Old friend, I would like to discuss with you. Something important that concerns Las Vegas."

"Out with it... Seeing that face of yours... It is important."

"I need information about two location, Big Mt and Sierra Madre Casino. I know you have connections with those eggheads at Big Mt, and the Sierra Madre Casino secret will damm the Mojave and Texas or even the world, if it goes past the waters of Pacific and Atlantic..."

There was a silence...

"Why would you go there? The Big Mt is blown up as far as I could remember... and that Casino more than a memory of a forgotten man..."

"These two are connected... Seems like the owner of the sierra Madre casino have made a deal with the Big MT for experiments... They called it the Cloud... A very corrosive gas that cover the casino that affect metal and flesh alike that will spread out to the mojave, and that man is a fugitive from this lady organization that will release it to America if he's given a chance... But I hoping that you know any access to the Big MT?"

"Hmm...I recalled you needed a invitation to enter Big MT... I can give you the location of the casino in your pipboy... Though I doubt it is still functional. But what I could recalled, Sinclair managed to make a teleporter to the Sierra Madrid casino in some bunker nearby, possibly to get my customer to head to his shabby resort. Take care old friend"

"No worries, old friend... I find a way."

After Alexander left the strip he met a stranger..

"You must be Alexander Solair of the Imperium?"

"Who is the stranger that call my name so favourably?

"I am a emissary from Caesar himself... I bring a message from his mouth, Come here and we will discuss the issue of your invasion on our rightful territory... And we will help you with the NCR problem you are facing."

"What rightful territory? This is Imperial Territory, this is America! I bring order to the wasteland better than he does from a textbook he scavenged from a ruined library, Bring a message to your braindead Caesar! This place is not enough for the both of us! I will see you and your cohort to be executed by the method you dealt with the rebels! Now scram before I send my soldiers after you!" Alexander roared at the Disguised Frumentarius.

The man fled before him...

"So you even dealt damage to the legion?"

"They are a mockery of the Legions I known... Had my brothers came with me... Caesar would have been flayed, and tortured to perpetuity. And death is so much more sweeter than what they about to do to him..."

<Wild Wasteland Activated: Fallen Big Mt Satellite>

"Oh no..."

Alexander looked up and saw a flaming meteorite heading towards them.

And he moved Veronica away before she even realize It exploded just a few meters away where they stood. Making a small crate in it's wake.

"Okay... Mr.. what the fuck just happen?"

"A ticket to where Your foster father is heads....come on!" Alexander slid down and approach the wreck...

He observe the wreckage and found it had a primitive teleporter that is still operational...

"So that's why Elijah managed to evade my men... Veronica hold my hand... This is going to be messy."

Veronica nervously touch a man hand as they swept in a beam of light...

They found themselves in a room.. Veronica looked panicked as Alexander observe the surroundings...

There is a complex in the distance...

"Well damm... Just my luck..." Alexander groan as there is robo scorpions scattered all over the complex and the lobotomites, human victims made by the Scientist at Big MT...

He tried using a Teleporter beacon to summon his soldiers but is unable to do so...

As they exited the building that they were teleported into... There was a clearing for his experiment...

"I guess I have to do this the old fashioned way."

A Portal began to flicker next to the two...

He was surprised of the little experiment...

He could not teleport from the outside, but with his soldiers that is in the pocket subverse could.

Formations of Skitariis and red robed men spread across the emply clearing.

"Alright, Guardians of Mars, Clear the enemies before me... And gather the Artifacts and research notes in this facilities depths, anything that would defy you are to be put down and be eliminated! We shall now claim this place for the Priesthood of Mars!!"

The skitarii began to spread and began to search in the buildings, gathering remnants of lost technology and bring it back for their brethren to improve and explore...

Before they could even map out the place, there was a explosion. As a detachment of Skitariis went to venture the source of the explosion, it was a train tunnel and it had been collapsed... Alexander frowned...

"Elijah got away... I better asked those Brain jars of what's happening..." Alexander gritted his teeth.

A Skitarii ranger approach him...

"Emissary... We apprehended two people in the search...One claimed he is a Courier Six and a woman that needs medical attention."

"Alright, let me see them..."

Most of the enemies were eradicated under the fires of plasma carbines and volkite beams... And any that is still alive were brought back to the portal to be dissected and examine, Except the cyber dogs as they were just sedated.

Veronica and Alexander found the intruders in custody of the mechanics. A man in dreadlocks wearing a jacket showing the old America flag and a woman that is dressed in patient clothing and have been shaven with scars in her face... No doubt of the medbots irregularities..

"So you must be the leader of these mechanical men?" The man spoke.

"You must be Ulysses... "

"So you heard tales about me?"

"No one in the wasteland wear that flag so proudly...not... Since the bombs felled... What are you doing here in Big MT?"

"I found irregularities in the weather patterns and I arrive to this place.... A few weeks before your arrival.."

"Are you with Caesar?"

"No... I fly my own flag now..."

"I see...any news of the Divide? My state lost contact with the people living there." Alexander asked.

He lost contact with the imperium base station near the divide... They were tasked to find the missile silos and disarmed them, until the NCR started their raids that discontinued their operations, their last transmission was that they already have taken two thirds of the missile silos that is in the Divide...

"A Courier came from NCR bearing a package... It was the same sign as the flag I bore... It was a home that I wanted a place to plant my flag on .. but... I lost it..."

"I see... What do you want to talk with the scientist at the big mt?"

"I want to asked the ghost living in this place what do the flag in my shoulder means."

"Then should you should accompany me then, I have a concerns about the ghost as well... Who is that woman next to you?" Alexander pointed the women beside Ulysses. She is staring at Veronica.

"Found her held in one of the facilities in this place... She lost her voice."

She seemed to noticed Veronica with such longing...

"I see...she is free to accompany us... Before I forget.... Do you know a man called Elijah?"

Ulysses began to ponder a bit...

"I met him during my exploration... A man twisted by his ambition.. told him about the place where the ghost walked... And the clouds that feast, he must have escape early on, considering how fast your soldiers managed to apprehended both of us..."

Alexander frowned... But he couldn't hate Ulysses to not known about the Clouds in Sierra Madre casino and what they represent to the wasteland.

He came to find his body parts and unite humanity. Not to rule the ashes...

As they entered the building where the masters of the big mt... Five Floating Think tanks awaited them..

The meeting was ... Awkward...

Dr Klein mind is confused as the man before him show him his jacket...

"Tell me... What do the flag represents!" Ulysses yelled out..

"This... A familiar flag... What have we been doing..." Dr Klein pondered...

"*brrzt* *whirrl* *abtiamo*" one of the think jar whose voice modulator is broken is happy.

"Alright by my genius calculations..what are we even making for again..." Dr O began to become strange.

They pondered and questioned... But as they wanted to lobotomized their guest, Alexander stepped forth...

"You forgotten your duties to flag, and now you want to exterminate the last living legacy?"

"I didn't mean to...we must erase his mind..." Dr Klein suddenly became erratic until he mind is reset...

"Greetings Strangers... Welcome to Big MT how may we be in service?"

Ulysses sighed as he and the woman accompanied him ventured out...

He was frustrated as he didn't know where to go... Or where to begin...

"I suggest that you should look at the Divide... Maybe the Courier that blown it up still survived till now..." Alexander tossed a token to Ulysses...

"Here... This will give you access to the imperium for your daily necessities... And let them know that you are a guest under my care..."

"You must be the leader of the Imperium?"

Alexander shook his head...

"I am like you Ulysses... I am just working for someone that have a grander vision of humanity before me."

"I see... Farewell Alexander. May we meet again..."

"May we meet again..." Alexander watched Ulysses as the old world Flag seemed to be a burden to the man that carried it...

Alexander knows that Ulysses is a echo of himself perhaps find a answer in the dust... Once he is done hunting down Elijah... And make the Alliance between the brotherhood complete, perhaps he will visit the divide...

After he left with the woman that is now equip with a scavenged stealth suit, Alexander search for Dr Mobius... Who is a decade younger than the game he used to play... And still had his brain jar filled with mentats..

"Well hello strangers, I suppose that you already defeated my robo scorpions-"

"Mobius, enough now... I will carry your burden... The Big Mt will be under my care... And I will bring you and your associates into having bodies once more, you done America a great service for your research..." Alexander watched the Brain Jar stopped his 80s villain montage...

"America... It's been a while since I remember that name.. tell me stranger what's your name and why are you here?" The floating brain jar is busy scribbling the walls...

"Alexander Solair, Founder of Wondertainment and currently Leader of the Imperium... I come to unite humanity and I want Big Mt expertise to help me unite humanity once more... Mobius, it's been a few centuries since the bombs dropped... I need Big Mt to fix the world once more... You don't have to make lies to your associates that Big MT is the only place...no longer you need to reset their memories and scare them of the Brain eating scorpions."

"Is the world outside ready to handle our genius might?"

"Yes... And I already colonized other planets for humanity. I have the technology for you to return to your bodies once more."

The think tank stopped scribbling and approach Alexander and Veronica.

"You do?"

"I already need your consent...will you help me Mobius?"

"I suppose that I would have a hand in this, but allow me to take part of your vision. I suppose that you can fund our research right?"

"Yes, and Big Mt will have unlimited funding as long as you ensure that the think tanks will not kidnapped people from outside and is not forced into experiments... "

"Sound easy enough... We got a deal... Now when do we start the process?"

"Do you got your DNA sample?"

"Ah... I think I got it preserved in the jar of Mentats... Here."

A capsule contained Mobius DNA is handed to Alexander...

After a While, A vat is set up by Him and Veronica Infront of Mobius to allow him to see his body reformed.

"Excellent, now I looked like in my early twenties..."

The body is made more durable than a ordinary human. And aged more slowly than regular humans..

"All you need is to have your brain attached to the brain stem then it is completed... Do your have the Auto Doc ready?"

"Yes, it have been recalibrated to put my brain inside, this is the most exciting thing I ever seen just allow me to popped into the capsule and I may be unable to talk at you at the given time..."

"I will wait."

The Think tank slowly fell down and a Ejection capsule that contains Mobius Brain popped out, Alexander took hold of it and place it into the Auto doc that contains the body.

It took several hours until the procedure stopped.

Out came a early twenties man that blinked his eyes as he looked around.

"So this is what it felt like to return to your body for such a long time..."

"Welcome back Mobius to the land of the living. Now then, let's get your associates back."

The trio return to the think tank and offer the same thing to the Scientist there, and they agreed, with Mobius popping inside several explosives in the cranium just in case they went to far...

"Ohhh , so this is what I feel like, Chemicals and emotions flooding into me, and now I feel something I have to experiment." Dr Dala smiled as she head to her room and "tested" her body out.

"Dr Klein smile as he heard about the full funding and research paths to make the lands return to normal, they got a prototype G.e.c.k and the schematic notes that is meant for large swaths of land terraform to lush life. Alexander ordered the techpriest to carry it back for research and see if it could be mass-produced."

"Alright, I want to see the world buurrrn!" Cried a toaster.

"This is smooth song for a romantic evening between the two of you." The Radio spoke.

"No thank you.. we are just friends." Veronica smiled.

Alexander smiled wryly at the toaster that wanted to end the world, there are several personality matrix for the appliances that Mobius left behind and Dr Klein tossed it and scattered them all, he sent his men to search for it. Mobius upon returning to his room gave it to Alexander... And decided to stay in the vicinity of his old home.

As they left big mt, they met a more bustling complex.

The Tech priest began to fix the the complex, some even made home in the facilities to commence research.

Skitariis Rangers accompanied by Cyberdogs patrol the area.

Some of the scientist of the Big MT began to ponder and asked for information and research ideas...

"Seems like your dad is not here... Shall we go?"

While Alexander is making a mad dash towards the Bunker that held the teleporter to the Sierra Madre Casino.

(Somewhere in Eastern Siberia)

A squadron of camouflaged Valkyries flew from Vladivostok to Eastern Siberia, over the radiated winterland with its engine that is muffled by the constant winter storms.

In it is a squad of Tempestus Scions that is fully equipped to handle the weather and the most ters that dwell in Russia.

The Sargent holding a Hellgun spoke a brief message.

"Alright men, we should do what the High Lord asked of us... We are go ascertain of the threat of this hidden organization. We infiltrate and scout the surroundings and we will quietly exfil in 1900 hours. Get me troopers ?"

Many of them nodded as they pray to the machine spirit and anointing their weapons with sacred oils.

"Troopers, we are in the designated landing zone, six clicks away from the designated operation zone, prepare for drop." The p.a system rang in their helmets. Many stood ready.

The Valkyries landed and the snow swept up in the winds, joining the winter storm that camouflage the landing.

Many of the Imperial Guard elites stood in the winter storm, making their bodies acclimated to the weather. And their Power armors generate enough heat to keep them warm.

They marched ahead as their target is more important than their lives...

They came across a hill that overlooked atheir destination. They clambered up to see a active facility that is fully functional...

The Sargent used his Magnoculars and observe their targets...

"Mission control, this is Sargent Faraday, I am here at the designated zone."

"*Bzzt* This is Mission Control, Can you pick out the targets?"

"Alright, let's see... There is a vehicle factory, a oil refinery, scanning it for reference on this world vehicles... Negative, Raise the threat level to Industrial age."

"Understood, Increasing the danger levels of the Organization from Primitive to Industrial... Any more?"

"Alright Mission control, farady out."

Faraday watched as he noticed something was not right, and in the corner of the facility was a giant figure that is strolling by."

"Frak... There is Chaos Space Marines!? Are you seeing this Mission Control?"

"Visual received, Increasing threat level to Galactic threat. Check their insignias for reference."

Farady scanned more until he found one of them show their pauldron...

"It is the Black Legion Insignia *bzzt* Mission Control *lasgun fire* we *bzzt* found! Retreating to Ex*explosion* point!"

"Send coordinates to the hand of god, keep them off your back!"

A group of satellites in the sky became active and it immediately unfolded itself, revealing Composite Tungsten and Ceramite rods in orbit ready to shoot at a moment notice. Upon receiving a signal, several rods is ejected and dropped into Russia.

Faraday is fighting with what remains of his men. They are tenacious as the newly formed Black legion and their communistic Allies flooded the surroundings.

"Hold on men! We are having support now!" He yelled as he blasted a Chaos Astates apart with his overloaded Hellgun, leaving the waist still running towards him.

Farady smiled as he heard a boom in the distance and it erupted into a series of earth shattering blows. And the facility behind them is being blown to pieces.

The Valkyries landed with several thunderbolt escorted their transport. Faraday looked at the men that died and bled to death in the snow, he activated the Self-destruct mechanism in the power armors to prevent it from being reverse engineer it. Several black holes envelope the dead bodies and erasing them from existence.

"See you in the afterlife trooper..." Faraday looked at where was the remains of his soldiers as he clenched the dogtags of the men that is killed.

With the information gathered the organization is confirmed having ties to chaos and Numbers, Alexander would be informed of this intrusion after he hunted down Elder Elijah.

(Hours Later)

A man walked to where the fight had happened...

"So this is the might of the Imperium?" He watched as the facility is in ruins, it have made months of setback of starting their war in the west.

"No , Boris, It is the might of Alexander Solair." The Giant beside him chided.

"I know Comrade Abaddon, Seeing that he managed to sent troops from the east... I better send several divisions to the east to where the enemies at."

"I would highly suggest that you should do a raid tactics on the territories he hold, He cares about humanity, like the Corpse Emperor. So it would be a feasible tactics to crush him mentally."

"Good Idea Comrade, those people that embrace the hand of the imperial is just lower than humans after all. So they deserve to be burn and be fed to general winter." Boris smiled as he looked to the east.