
*Static* Bloopers ???

Some random words that enter my mind at the moment... Farming is a pain.

"Carmine! Get your ass down or your brothers will be mad that you died to a grub! There is no Bacon in the Afterlife!"

"Ugh, I don't know what is worse...you grooming that bitch since she escape from that facility, or you became a king of the Locust...".

"Cole Train is the best! Don't go breaking my Baneblade!"

"I want you to find this man... Jim Raynor..."

"You do know your father would not approved of our partnership right Valerian?"

"Of course, he will, you fought with him during the Brood Wars and the United Earth Directorate incursion into our sector..."

"We fallen apart years ago... He is not the man I once knew... He lost his family to the confederacy... Only to become the monster that he once swore to defeat..."

"I know you are a good man Tychus Findley... I can give you another choice than ruining your friend future.. I have a need of services of your caliber.. in the near future."

"Zeratul... Why have you come to my ship?"

"Frak you Kerrigan, you no longer hold any moral grounds of defeating Mengsk, you have become more worse than the queen of blades with your hypocrite actions that Raynor and I save you from the jaws of hell. All Imperial forces, defend the bunkers! Let none of the filth touched the citizens of Korhal!"

"For a Hybrid that uses Psyker powers, along with Zerg and Protoss... You are a bitch to handle..."

"Rakatan infinite Empire sent their Force Hounds to my people? This is a act of war! Make the Xenos bleed!"

" Dooku... What do I think of the Republic and the Jedi council?

I watched it decayed before my very eyes... I seen warriors that fought for what's right... Now the Jedi is nothing but puppet for the Senate... Their way of life will clash with the ideals of the Senate.."

"The Celestial Imperium will now retract their role in the Senate, we gave you trillions of credits, we serve the outer rims people, the Senate have failed it's purpose."

"It's treason then..."

"No... It is the republic have failed it's purpose, Now The Celestial Imperium will now declare war on the Republic for not upholding it's values and so do the Cis for their war crimes.. any systems that wished not to follow the Confederacy of independent system or the Republic, neutrality will no longer be a shield from the fires of war... Join the Imperium, I will protect your people like my own... Any forces that surrender will be given a decent treatment. And the war criminals be punished."

"What happened to you Anakin! You swore that you will free slaves and destroy the tyranny in the galaxy! Where is that kid on tatooine that promise to me, he would keep his family safe! Where is that Jedi Knight that is a family to me! Where is he when he told me that he is going to be a father! Where is he!"

"I am no longer Anakin Skywalker, he is no more... I am Lord Vader.."

"I will beat the ever living shit out of this farce!"

"Unit 117... Master Chief..."

"If the Unsc leave Reach, then the Imperium would stay, My men still not satisfied with the paltry blood of the genocidal xenos and leave civilians to die!"

"Keep the flood out of the Evacuation Center!"

"Peace? You butcher us by the billions for the forerunner artifacts, believed in a lie made by the prophets... And you burn Terra...Arbiter... Don't give us that honor..."

"What are you mean Gravemind? That you know my mother secrets?"

"Horus... Don't... Leave me..."

"You always a good brother of mine... But it is not your destiny to die here, father would understand... Onwards my sons! Kill them and make them bleed! We kill for the living ! We kill for the Dead!"