
Chapter 12: Orphans And Election

For 5 years

Nicholas Hunter Was Curious, A young boy, as he stared out the window of the orphanage

As A Car Arrives and a Brown hair Man and a Child is the Same age as him entered the Orphanage Grounds, A dusty Red hair and Blue eye boy Staring at the Building and Heading in the Hallways with a Box

Every day, The Said Red haired Boy Tells Stories of Giant Robots that walked the earth and Big tanks as large as your imagination can take you and armored Nuns that prayed to their God and in return blessed them with their faith, Evil Monsters that Crawl into the night are being repelled by A God, After given Toys for the Younger children to play with...

He left as just as Fast as they come

Nicholas Is Smart for his age and was well Aware, that the orphanage was a Dumping Ground of Children, Of Miners Children Whose parents lost during Mining operations, Unwanted Children by their Parents...

He was told by the Caretakers, that the Governor been doing Work to Assist the Orphanage, With Food and Daily Necessities through 3rd parties and even Send a Private teacher to teach the Children How to speak and write... and he was grateful by the governor Support, He was Kind of Skeptical about this kid at first, He soon became the Friends with him after spending time with the Governor Son, He wasn't the Bad person in Nicholas Eyes, just a normal guy...

One day he was Called out by his Best friend and was asked to Get Some Of the Caretakers to the Cave Behind the Orphanage...

And what he saw Made him Shocked beyond Belief, In that cave Was A Dome 4 Small Towers were Erected tho hold it from collapsing and in the center was filled with Fruits and Vegetables that only Earth Can Produce, Strawberry, Apples, Oranges, Tomatoes and Cacao trees, And There was a Sun Lamps on top of the Dome, and Infront of it all was His Friend finishing Cleaning up

"Alex!! what is this? How did you do it?"

As Nicholas Still Shock with the Vibrancy of the Plants as he took a Apple from a Basket and Bite into it... Crunchy and Fleshy....

Alex Laugh and Joust with his newfound Friend that he is Doing it for the Orphanage as he Told them, he is Trying to make Mars Self-sufficient and Told them That They could Use It to Feed the Children and Sell the Products as Fresh from Mars...

Making Nicholas Appreciate that this person has been looking out for them for years now.

And Became Alex Avid Supporter During the Years to Come

After Alex Told the Caretakers that if any Miners that is Disabled they could Come and Help with the Harvest, As they done with the First harvest, a party was made

Later as the First Produce Of Mars was Made From an Orphanage, The Caretakers were Selective about Picking the Trusted People they know, to prevent the Children From Getting harmed, While there are some People with Bad intentions, as they wanted to Steal technology of the Plantation and Sell it on the black market, They were Caught and was sent to the Maximum Security, And many Disabled Miners that lost a job were Hired To Prevent that from Happening, And they became Farmers Later After the Federation given Mars A green light Causing a Portion of the planet to be Called the Green Thumb of Mars as a Splash of a Green Color just happened to be Near the Capital Of Mars...

Starting from the Orphanage, Alex Reached to the Lower class People Like the Miners and Local Small store owners as Much During his School Breaks as he would Reply their Petitions to the Governor, In Such their Voice don't go unanswered While more people relay their Petitions to him as a Middleman, While he can't Please everyone at the Same time, With Some of the Petitioners demanding absurdity like a secessionist, which he politely Turn down..

Making His Father Have a Second Win in the Office... During the Election Season he quoted

"Did Any Sons of the Politicians Vouch your Voice? Did they Went Out the streets And Listen to Your Pleas to See the problem, Like I do? I Didn't have a Childhood Life, nor I spent my Youth like the people around you enjoy, My Family Serves to the People of the Federation, I went to the Lowest Slums to the Highest Rung of society to see what is wrong, And we answer the Best we can, and If we are elected We would see Mars Prosper. And As Such, Are We not the People of Mars? If The Position of Governor is Just for Funneling Cash to a select few, What is similar to the Former Government we overthrew? Full of Corruption and Not one even hear the People pleas, Isn't that was The Federation stood for? Out of the ashes of the Old Rotten Corrupted Government, we are The Terran Federation! And this is not a Game when you are dealing with people lives!!" As he Produced Evidence of the Running Candidates of Bribery and Falsifying their Occupation, And A Candidate was Paid for by A Corporation that is running illegal experiments that soon went to bankruptcy.., And Threat of force... Soon The people Enraged enough and the running Candidates went to Jail and were sentence to a Execution Via FedNet every Night for a Month to deter the Messing up the elections

And It Causing a Landslide Victory in the Election To Reelected Joseph Solair as the Governor

And with his Actions, He has Built a Reputation that Even if His Father was Replaced, he would Be the First Candidate to be Governor

Sky Marshal Office

A Man Been Stamping Documents and Perusing Proposals Sent by every Planet Governor, Some Requested Extra Military forces to quell a riot, others demanding To be Succession from the Terran Federation, Others Required more Fundings, Industry Approval... Such Papers Piled on his desk Daily to Much of his Frustration..

Sky Marshal Dienes in one Such moment, saw to it that His Second term in the Office is not to be tarnished... And He did received the reports about the Mars Gaining Self Sufficiency, and the Speech of the Reinstated Governor Son touched him in a sense...

He did Personally Greeted to the Governor of Mars, He saw the Child that Stood Still Like a Actual Soldier, Not one that Joked About his Position with a Childish Salute but The Sense that he felt from Alexander was a Person that went to War and Back

While He is impress that such a Child is Willing to Sacrifice his Childhood to Serve the Federation... He see something that is Important in him...


He Managed to Get Some information Of the Blindspots of Places that Federation Satellites unable to see from a Disabled Miner...



"An: Its about time to Build a Bloody Base For Pete Sakes!"


"An: Wha?"