
Chapter 11

As Alexander Woke up he was Lying on his bed on the Solair Estate, Just wondering how did he manage to survive those years of war...

As he laid down recollecting his thoughts, He heard a Familiar But yet So distant Voice that despite it's so long ago...

"Alex it's time for school... Breakfast is ready!" A Woman voice is heard outside the Door...

Confused what to say but somehow he manages to speak it...

"I am coming Mother..."

As he Went to the Dining room and his parents still Doing their routines, Unaware that their child went through a Galactic War and Carnage of many years in a Single Night..

He felt Unknown, but yet the same time a familiar Song was heard on the radio, as the Smell of Bacon and Eggs was placed on Alexander Plate, He Scarfed it down like there was no tomorrow, nearly choking

"Easy little Trooper, you can't Be quick about it or you will choke, Excited for the big day are you?"

"Yes, Dad.."

"I was like that when I was your age, Hon, I get Alex to school."

While in the Car, He saw a peaceful world of Futuristic Cities and a Distant Horizon still Red of Mars soil, not like the Reconstruction Of Mina, where every street was littered with debris and people helping out and Fixing their homes, This place was Just peaceful... He still realize that despite the Wars he fought against the Orks something haven't changed him...

"Dad, Do we have Orphanage in here?" As Alex Said Out of the Blue

"Yes, Son We do have a Orphanage in here, Why?"

"After School Can I visit there, To pay respect to the People that lost their Parents?"

"Little Trooper A bit Grown Up, I will tell Mother, we would be a heading there After school..."

At the School when he first saw it, he was excited, Now it's just a Building to learn...

When He was in the Classroom He saw normality of life...

Seeing teachers giving lessons...

the Math Homework...

Eating the Cafeteria Mystery Meat...

Looking for friends...

Playing Sports...

After the School, He was Accompanied by his Dad To the Orphanage, He saw Many Children was taken Care off by the Caretakers...

'I just wish that I could help them... But I just a Kid' As he was left the orphanage with his dad...


I better Get my gear together...

here's what gonna happen

In A Few Decades the Bugs will get To Mars..

How to respond?

Currently I have amassed Funds for the Base from slaughtering of the Orkz, But the Federation will Take notice of it...

And they will think of it as independence...

But how?

And the People here will take notice of the

Soldiers I trained or the vehicles I field...

And How Do I gain the trust of the People?

And No one would believed me as I am a Kid.

As Papers filled the Study Table and More was thrown in the trash bin...

Hmm... I could... Try this...

Is there a Slums? Even if the Society is A Controlled Citizenship, there bound to be an Outliers that unable to make the Federation Fitness Test...

Hmm..If the Ores in Mars Ran out then, What happen to the Miners? or their livelihoods? I know Federation will Kicked them on the streets if they are worthless, as was in the Third movie how they almost treated the Farmers to a shootout, Because they weren't paid while they were stayed in that bunker..., if not for the Characters to arrive in the door...

And Our Export is only Metal, Ores and High technology and our import is technically Food, Perhaps Make Farm as a Small Project....

If I can make the people Believe me...

That I am more than the son of the Governor

I might as well Start with the orphan

<Ding! You Got Mail>

Okayyy... What is it?

<Dark Age of Technology Farming Package Found>


Wait, What!!

As blueprints Fell on his Lap, He shuddered about the implications of said technology, that said to have Dire consequences, even Terminator Armor was a Mining suit and the Dreadnought was meant for the Police in Seattle for deceased Police officers when Criminals can afford RPGs in that era of Man golden Age...

A Hydroponics Tower, A Soil Converter and a Fertilizer of Instant Growth that doesn't affect the soil... First two no problem, but the last one... Is he going to win the Noble Prize?

He just Gave Up and Rest in his Bed, Leave the Problems for the Tomorrow him, Killing Orkz is much more Better than Dealing with this Crap, as he put the Blueprints under his bed and Slept...

As Alexander Slept

The door open

His father came in to check If his son is okay after his visit to orphanage, Worried that what his child saw was much shock, to his relief that he was taking it well, And he Noticed the Amount of Papers on the table ..

"Mars Food Security, Children Welfare...And the Recruitment Of Outliers..." Chuckling as he read his Child Papers and interested in this topics...

He Smiled As Even as Young as His Son, he stills worried about the people he leads...

"Perhaps you are really blessed us..." As He Cover the Blanket of Alexander Properly and Patted his son head.


AN: I better Make it Shorter, since I tend to Blast off Somewhere on a Chaotic Start, and Less Strain To My Brain Matter, Better Standardize my chapters, Before The First Movie Starts

He Needs the Approval By the locals and to Make Sure whatever He Does, it's not a Sign that Mars is Breaking off from the Federation, but knowing the Locals It will probably be quick... Perhaps they know Something That Even I don't Know?

A Hidden Place from the Federation Satellites Perhaps?