
Surviving our New Reality

Due to human’s greed and destruction, what awaits us is an abysmal reality. As the world is nearing its doom, chaos becomes the norm. Humans near extinction have one thing going for them, the evolution of the remaining species. They have supernatural power to overcome the adversity that they face. Amaris is descended from a family of dream seers, barely able to see the future unlike her ancestors. She is someone who is easily forgettable, a passerby who doesn’t have a place in the world. After her awakening she does everything to overcome her weakness and pave her way with the help of her space and system, join her as she embarks on her new reality. Tatsuo has always been a soldier. At the end of times he is one of the lucky ones to awaken three powers: lighting, ice and a growth skill. As one of the youngest commanders in history, he has great leadership skills and is someone to admire. In normal times he would have nothing to do with females; as he spends all his time in training and shying away from the opposite sex. That is until faith placed Amaris in his path, he appeared to be stern and cold, sometimes even unfeeling. Faith has introduced them together as they struggle to survive and find love in what appears to be a loveless and cruel world where survival calls for the fittest. This is a work of fiction: not based on any specific country, religion or culture

Tricia_Aldana · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Exploration 2

After leaving the first room, the next two rooms also turned out to be bedrooms. At the very end of the left hallway is another door that looks different from the bedrooms. The door has mahogany leaves entwined with vines as a border. As I opened the door, I noticed a wide dark cherry table as well as shelves filled with different vases. The vases vary in color, size, materials and compositions, they have different writings on them. A pestle and mortar the size of my head sits on the table surrounded by different types of plants. There is also a cauldron close to the pestle and jade jars with pills. I look at the items confused before turning to Cephirah. "These items… this room" I started as I took note of the medical books and manuscripts lining the bookshelves on the wall. 

"The world you know is just one of many. In some of the other worlds martial arts reign supreme. In some worlds, it is magic and yet in others are advanced scientific and mechanical lifestyles of which you cannot fathom. This world is one where magic does not exist, but spirituality and everything else applies. You are able to tap into dreams to foresee certain events is an example of this. What humans call miracles stem from spirituality- this is more than just having faith in a creator being or God. When the world loses its protection, as it will, it becomes free for anyone to enter it. 

The best analogy is to say that your world is currently in slumber, you are protected by dangers outside of it. Once you lose that cover, you become awakened to the true nature of your universe, which contains many different types of danger. 

Humans have the potential to evolve into warriors, magicians, alchemists, elementals and fighters, beast masters and beast trainers. Fighters is a broad term and can range from swords to archers. There are going to be other potential, as not everyone will have physical abilities, some dormant powers can be awakened such as yours: dream seers, magical farmers, weapon makers, cooks, healers are amongst a few. This evolution can only occur when portals are opened from other worlds with magic. Worlds can only be linked with the removal of the protective domes. 

Many worlds have been in conflict with monsters and demons, and so all beings are given different gifts to survive. Systems have been created to aid in human survival since the very beginning. Due to this, whenever worlds fall to violence, we are to provide knowledge and assistance in order for humans to survive. Every planet is provided with a main system which does not interfere unless the protection field is in danger. When the shield disintegrates, the system helps people to awaken. These awakenings can take many different forms: some humans awaken to cultivation, some awaken magic powers, telekinesis, elemental power, mental power and some awaken crafts to aid in the fight for survival such as: alchemists and weapon makers. As mentioned earlier, monsters can be used to help with new weapons and growth. As you start to train and unlock higher levels, your knowledge of what is to come will expand. You are one of the few people who will be able to have both eastern and western elements as your awakened strength. 

Time also flows differently in space than in the world outside, as such nothing within your space will ever expire or go stale. They are essentially frozen and remain fresh, the spirituality in space also will affect the products that are introduced, giving additional benefits. Even junk food and healthy snacks, when exposed to space will become spiritual, keeping the taste, but turning it into a healthy biproduct increasing your power. 

 The river and its surroundings are very spiritual so you can cultivate with and use it on a daily basis. If you create anytime using products in space, it will remain with spiritual power and increase different status or have different benefits depending on what you make. 

For example, if you make any medicine in space, it will be twice as effective as outside. If you cook food using items grown in your space dimension, they increase your stats depending on the ingredients you use. After certain periods, you will be able to create food geared for a specific purpose, like increasing spiritual power, mental power, physical abilities, strengthening one's vision and even providing an increase in one's abilities.

 When you are finished looking around, you should start preparation for cultivation. The sooner you're able to start, the better you will understand the system as well as what's to come. 

"This is the last room to explore, I think I am ready to begin. what do I need to do?" I ask as I put the book, I'd taken from one of the shelves back.

" You just need to sit in the bathtub filled with water from the faucet. The process is quite painful as it will allow your body to be reconstructed and strengthened. Even so, the rewards are quite rewarding." I looked at Cephirah as she explained the process before walking back to the first bedroom. I 'd previously only walked into the room without exploring it. This time I make sure to take note of the room.

 Aside from the king size bed under the window. There are also two more rooms on the opposite side of the bed, as well as a black mahogany dresser and a nightstand. There is a bookcase beside the bed around medium size, filled with books. I walk to the left most room only to realize that it is a walk-in closet the size of a bathroom. "Wow" I say out loud. 

"To aid you with your journey, you have been given 5 pairs of clothes: 2 for training and 3 for fighting. These clothes are not yet available in your world as they have been engraved with status effects for your survival. At the moment they are E-level, comparative to armor level. They are made to look like the clothes currently worn so you can wear it outside of space with no problems. These clothes have a self-cleaning function and adapts to the weather. You have also been given 4 different pairs of combat boots, and 5 types of equipment which can be used for weapons. These will require training. Of the equipment, the needles, if used correctly can be controlled with your thoughts and can lengthen according to your will. The flute you will have to learn to play first but will be able to control low level animals and creatures. It may even influence other humans when used with spiritual powers. The whip should be used as an extension of your hands. Depending on how you use it, you can capture, or you can harm. It also can grow or shorten depending on your mind. 

The last two pieces of equipment are jewelry which you can wear. The bracelet is a defensive item which is automatically activated when physical harm is being done to the body by another creature, humans and beast alike. The earrings are meant to help you with mental cultivation".

I look at the E-level weapons in disbelief. They are all beautiful, especially the jewelry. The bracelet is made of white gold and jade, but slim and looks adjustable. The earrings also appear to be of similar materials, white gold decorating smooth green jade forming a small dangle earring. The flute and whip are both black and sleek. 

"I would recommend the medicated bath first, so that your body can accept this equipment before trying to put them on. As they are E-level they will cause a strain on your current body". I look at the items once more before leaving the closet and walking to the bathroom for my medicated bath.