
Surviving our New Reality

Due to human’s greed and destruction, what awaits us is an abysmal reality. As the world is nearing its doom, chaos becomes the norm. Humans near extinction have one thing going for them, the evolution of the remaining species. They have supernatural power to overcome the adversity that they face. Amaris is descended from a family of dream seers, barely able to see the future unlike her ancestors. She is someone who is easily forgettable, a passerby who doesn’t have a place in the world. After her awakening she does everything to overcome her weakness and pave her way with the help of her space and system, join her as she embarks on her new reality. Tatsuo has always been a soldier. At the end of times he is one of the lucky ones to awaken three powers: lighting, ice and a growth skill. As one of the youngest commanders in history, he has great leadership skills and is someone to admire. In normal times he would have nothing to do with females; as he spends all his time in training and shying away from the opposite sex. That is until faith placed Amaris in his path, he appeared to be stern and cold, sometimes even unfeeling. Faith has introduced them together as they struggle to survive and find love in what appears to be a loveless and cruel world where survival calls for the fittest. This is a work of fiction: not based on any specific country, religion or culture

Tricia_Aldana · Fantasy
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30 Chs

chapter 9

As I enter the bathroom I stand in amazement. There in an inner room as well as an outer room. The walls are made with black and white marble, with sleek and modern design. To the left side of the innermost room is a large white but Rounded porcelain tub which looks like it could fit four of me. Below the tub is a black leader looking waterproof carpet. There was also a small shower on the left side of the tub. The handles on the tub is black, as was all the handles within the room. I'm even amaze to see a toilet on the left side of the innermost room. The outermost room had 2 large sink and a humongous counter. There is cabinets beneath the sink, which could be used to store supplies and items.

"This.. just.. wow" I say aloud. in my excitement I go straight to fill the tub with water.

"I am ready to soak in the tub" I say as I noticed the tub immediately filling without taking time. It almost seem like turning on the water meant instantaneously filling the tub. I also notice that the faucet automatically turns off when the tub is fill. This means I will never have to worry about my tub overflowing. Cephirah also walk towards the tub, half laying at the side of it. Because she is so small I can no longer see her. I do still hear her as she is talking me through the process.

"I will be beside you, walking you through it and also to assist." A few candles appears out of nowhere and are light. The room immediately smells like Ylang-Ylang and my mind starts calming down. Cephirah informs me that I can remain clothed while I soak and A towel appears on the rack beside the tub out of now where. The tub takes much shorter to be full than I am used. Once again I am in awe at the features iI'm experiencing in my space. 

"There is no hot or cold water faucet as the water in space is always warm. The space itself is always at a constant temperature and adjusts to your body's need. It will remain neither hot, nor cold. It is the same for everything within it, unless they are stored in the freezer, refrigerator or stove/oven.

"I can't believe it" I say as I look at cephirah. Out of now here, Cephirah places a mixture of flower petals in the water. "This will help to calm you even further and try to and ease the burden and shock your body will experience, but this initial medical bath will be excruciating."

Since I don't need to disrobe, I climb into the tub full with water, bracing myself for pain only to realize I was not ready for it. In fact I don't think it's possible for anyone to be ready for the pain. As I Sit in the tub tears starts flowing from my eyes like rain falling during a rainstorm. The pain is unlike anything I've ever experienced. It feels as if all the bones within my body is breaking and reconstructing. Like tiny insects and ants are eating me from the inside and I can't help but scream. My body also feels like it's being douse in ice water, followed by scorching hot water repeatedly. my breathing becomes labored as i struggle to remain conscious.

"Close your eyes and cross your legs in the meditative position" I hear. I struggle with my fading mind to follow the instructions, gritting my teeth and biting my lips in the process as I struggle to overcome the pain. Cephirah starts to walk me through a meditative process, giving breating exercises, focusing the mind, distracting me with the pleasant aroma and the pain slowly starts to ease, or 'maybe my body is adjusting to the pain?' I think. I focus on the smell brought by the candle, of the scent of flower petals the pure scent of mint, easing the burden on my body. I start to feel like I'm in a daze, like Cephirah's voice is coming from far away and as I'm floating outside of my body.

I slowly started to fade in and out, but in a calm and relax state. It really seem as if I'm disconnected from my own limbs. Time seems to float away until I hear Cephirah say that we are done. When I open my eyes again I felt as if my body is not my own. It feels like it's become much lighter. I glance downwards and black water surrounds me. It looks like a bucket of mud has been flung into the bath tub. the once crystal clear water is now the color of oil. My eyes open in shock as I looked at Cephirah.

"That's the excess waste that have been accumulating in your body. After about the 3rd medicinal bath you should no longer find any impurities within your body. Just rinse off in the shower and the tub will automatically drain itself. The system automatically purifies dirt and waste."

I'm left speechless after she says this. I get up to walk towards the shower, noticing that the water from my clothes and body seem to disappear before touching the ground, as it it is automatically dispersing as it falls. I'm once again stuck speechless, my mouth opening with no words coming out.

Just before entering the shower, I disrobe and notice a soap bar on the wall. As I grab the soap i notice that my hands have become fairer and smoother. "The pain is definitely worth it" I say after my shower. Although I put on a bathrobe, it seems as if my body has automatically dried. I run towards to mirror to look at myself and realized that it was not just my hands but my entire body that has become slimmer and firmer. Although not all excess waste on my body has disappeared, most of it did, as well as the excess fat I had accumulated. My wavy hair which usually appears unruly and untamed before looked much better and manageable.

"Wow" I say as my honey colored eyes stares back at me, rubbing my face is awe. "Because of the strong spirituality, the impurities in your body will gradually fade away, this is one of the benefits of cultivating and practicing in your space." As Cephirah spoke to me I found myself eager to start training and for the future that awaits me. I have often been told I was pretty, but have never truly believed it until I looked in the mirror.

I think as many females, I too face the problem of self worth and beauty when comparing myself to those on the TV and pictures. looking at myself now, although the difference was not as significant as I thought it would be, I am really happy with how I look.

I walk to the closet to get a set of black training outfit and black combat boots. The outfit conforms to my body, almost like a second skin. The top consists of a black leader jacket, with two side packets that could zip close, as well as a main zipper in the middle. The shirt is a dark green spaghetti strap shirt. The pants is a long black skinny stretch pants.

After putting on the clothes and an ankle high black leather combat boots, I feel like I'm ready for anything, almost like a brand new person. My body feels significantly lighter and I feel like I can jump and flip or do anything I've wanted to do. It feels much easier to breathe and it feels like I'm able to see much further and clearer than ever.

I also equip myself with the earring and bracelet, after which I could hear the sound "starlight earring, E, mental agility +5". "starlight bracelet, E-, physical durability +5. Starlight set equipped outfit, +5 to all stats. Player is ready for first quest.