
Surviving in two worlds (ingles)

When I decided to play Diablo 2 to remember my youth, I realized that I appeared in the game and to top it off, I also got involved with the world of Azeroth. Will I be able to survive? Or be another victim of the disasters of these worlds. most of the characters are not my property, I do not have any property or credit on them and I encourage people to know the original works ---------------------------------------------- English is not my native language, so don't be surprised by grammatical errors. ---------------------------------------------- Link para donaciones (www.patreon.com/Osito0)

Osito0 · Video Games
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27 Chs

First Mission

18 First Mission

I meet with Uther at the training ground.

Uther: good morning boy, I hope you are prepared.

Juan: yes teacher.

Uther: Okay, now let's go to the armory so you can put on some Novice Paladin armor for the quest and a weapon.

I nod and follow him, arriving at the armory Uther shows me how to put on my armor, the armor was similar to a soldier's armor, the difference was that it had a few touches of yellow and more blue

Uther: It suits you, so only your weapon remains.

Juan: Master, can I use a bow?

Uther: listen boy, we paladins are formed to protect our allies, that's why we're mostly on the front lines, I won't forbid you to use a bow, but I recommend you use it as a secondary weapon.

Hearing what he said, I wanted to tell him that I had no plans to be on the front lines, but I knew it wasn't a good idea, I choose a warhammer, similar to the one used in the game, I feel more comfortable with this type of weapon.

John: I'm ready.

Uther: Then follow me, let's mount the horses and go.

We arrived at the stables, Uther taught me in a moment to ride the horses, as these were released it was not difficult for me to learn to ride them.

Uther: the trip will take half a day, there are some soldiers waiting for us in the town to support us, with everything said let's go.

And we started with the trip, during our trip Uther spoke to me.

Uther: How's your paladin training going?

Juan: make a lot of progress teacher, but I have a few questions.

Uther beams with delight at my response.

Uther: ask what you want.

Juan: teacher, when I activated the cross hit ability I noticed that something was wrong and I don't know why.

Uther stops his horse and speaks in surprise.

Uther: What did you say?

Juan: I feel like something is wrong when I cast the cross hit skill.

Uther: You've already learned the cross-punch ability.

A little doubtful I answer.

Juan: yes teacher.

Uther: hahaha, well done boy, show me.

He says happily.

Then I get down from my horse and grab my weapon activating my ability, Uther watches intently.

Uther: Sure enough, you can now cross-slam, and I can see what your problem is.

I stop using the skill to attend to what Uther says.

Uther: when you cast your ability you put a lot of power into it, but you lack purity, the more mana you put into it, the more power it will have, making it more destructive, moving away from the essence of light, you have to put your belief in each action, only then will the light help you. answer to.

Juan: could you teach me his master skill.

Uther: It's okay.

Uther draws his weapon and prepares to launch an ability, when he activates it I feel how his weapon changes, I can feel the sacred power that surrounds him and I see what the difference is, his weapon gives off a feeling of power, but it also gives off tranquility and purification unlike me that when I activate it I can feel a bit of danger and destruction from my holy power.

Juan: thank you teacher, now I understand what my fault is.

Uther: It's good that you understand, but I was surprised by the speed of your progress, if you continue like this you will be a paladin in no time.

He says very happy, he is very sincere about my progress and this makes me happy.

Uther: Let's continue our journey, you can ask me any questions you want on our way.

We continued our journey and Uther patiently answered my questions.

We arrived at the town when the sun was at its peak, on the road there was a soldier waiting for us.

Soldier: Lord Uther, we were waiting.

Speak when we get close.

Uther: rest soldier, indicate the direction, I want to see the captain.

Soldier: Right away.

We followed the indications that the soldier gave us, we arrived at a soldiers' camp and we looked for the captain's tent.

Captain: Lord Uther, I'm glad you came.

Uther: I'm glad to see that all is quiet.

Captain: Yes, we have enough soldiers to repel the bandits.

The captain turns his gaze to me.

Captain: Excuse me, who could be the person accompanying you.

Uther: This is Juan, my disciple, in the near future he will be a great paladin.

He says happily, the captain reacts quickly.

Captain: Nice to meet you Sir Juan, my name is Carlos, I hope you take care of me in the future.

Juan: Nice to meet you, I'll do what I can.

I'm surprised how quickly his attitude changed.

Uther: Captain, I want you to give me a full report, I want to solve this problem and return to the capital tomorrow.

Captain: right away.

The captain hurries to get some documents and speaks.

Captain: Lord Uther according to our information, the base of the bandits is not far away, their group consists of 40 members, most of them are normal bandits, but we have information that their leader and two of his followers have knight training, their group he committed various crimes, including robbery, kidnapping of women, and murders of several villagers.

Uther: I understand, we will leave in an hour, I hope they are prepared, organize some soldiers to stay and protect the town in case they try to attack.

Captain: Understood.

With that Uther walks out of the store and I follow him.

Uther: boy, rest a bit and eat, as you heard we will leave in an hour.

John: okay.

We looked for a place to rest, eat and prepare to leave, after an hour we all met at the entrance of the town, there were twenty soldiers including the captain.

Uther: listen, today we will face bandits who committed various crimes, which only harm our kingdom, today we will bring justice for all who suffered at their hands.

The soldiers shout with enthusiasm.

Uther: Our mission is to finish them off, kill them if they resist, arrest those who surrender.

With that said Uther starts walking, on the way I ask Uther.

Juan: Master, why do we have to kill them? I thought that those who follow the light love life.

I just asked curiously.

Uther: good question boy, you see, it is true that the paladins follow the light, but that does not mean that we only love life, the light encompasses several aspects, for example, justice, compassion, order and others, it is because that we paladins say that we respect life, but we cannot change someone's life for another, for example, I will not risk the lives of these soldiers, just because I want to arrest the bandits without anyone dying, if they surrender without put up resistance then I won't hesitate to arrest them without killing any of them, but this is unlikely to happen, that's why I gave the order to the soldiers.

Juan: I see.

With your answer I understand why paladins don't hesitate to kill their enemies.

We marched for an hour before reaching our destination, the bandits were located in a cave system, inside a small forest, we stopped nearby to prepare without being noticed.

Uther stood in front of us and activated an ability, we were all wrapped in a light and felt how our strength increased, if I'm not mistaken this was the blessing of power, before Uther could react, he activated another, an aura came out of his body and I felt how my body became harder, I'm sure this is the protection aura of the paladins.

Uther: everyone follow me, boy I want to see you show me everything you learned in training.

I nod and charge with Uther.

At the entrance of the cave a bandit was standing guard, he was about to sleep, when suddenly he saw how some soldiers were quickly approaching, he hurried and ran inside alerting the bandits.

Juan: teacher, wouldn't it have been better to kill him before he alerted his companions?

Uther: Yes, but we didn't bring in any competent archers or someone who specializes in infiltration.

I keep quiet, I told him that I like to use the bow, but it seems that he doesn't take it seriously, I shake my head and continue marching to the cave.

When we entered we could see how the bandits were waiting for us, they were armed and prepared.

Uther: If you surrender without resistance, I promise you will all get a fair trial.

Uther yells giving them one last chance, but the other side just stays silent until someone gives the order to attack and Uther gives the order to attack.

Uther was at the front of the group, I followed him, I wasn't afraid of these people, they were weaker than the demons I faced and weaker than Uther when I faced him, with the two of them in front the soldiers behind us didn't He suffered a lot of retaliation, when a soldier suffered a serious injury Uther healed him, he was very attentive to everything around us.

After some bandits died, three people armed with swords and shields appeared, these seem to be the leader and his followers.

Uther: Juan, take care of the leader, I'll take care of his followers.

I roll my eyes, I understood that he wanted me to gain experience and I wanted to see what I learned from him, once I am in front of the leader he talks to me.

Bandit Leader: Boy they seem to have a lot of faith in you.

I don't answer him and I attack, he defends himself from my attack and returns my attack, I dodge him, he was very slow, after a few exchanges I start to gain ground, he is not that strong, but he has a lot of experience and manages to defend himself against me attack, it doesn't take long to get tired until he can't take it anymore, with one attack I knock him down, before he can get up I hit his chest with the hammer and he faints, I don't know if he's dead or just passed out.

The remaining bandits watch as their leader is defeated and begin to drop their weapons.

Uther: Arrest them all, don't let anyone escape.

He shouts when he sees that the bandits are surrendering.

He approaches me when everything is under control.

Uther: well done boy, what did you learn from this fight.

Juan: Although he was stronger than him, he was still able to hold his own against me thanks to his battle experience.

Uther: Right, even though we train for battle, the difference between training and actual fighting is a lot, which is why I wanted to bring you here.

I'm not too happy about this, because I still prefer the bow, but it doesn't hurt to have experience in close combat.