
Surviving in two worlds (ingles)

When I decided to play Diablo 2 to remember my youth, I realized that I appeared in the game and to top it off, I also got involved with the world of Azeroth. Will I be able to survive? Or be another victim of the disasters of these worlds. most of the characters are not my property, I do not have any property or credit on them and I encourage people to know the original works ---------------------------------------------- English is not my native language, so don't be surprised by grammatical errors. ---------------------------------------------- Link para donaciones (www.patreon.com/Osito0)

Osito0 · Video Games
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27 Chs


19 Decision

Once everything is in order, Uther gives the order to completely search the lair of the bandits, in the search we were able to find several gold coins, merchandise from the merchants, we were also able to find several kidnapped women, it is clear that the bandits they left alive to have fun with them, when I saw them I felt discomfort, as a person of the modern era to be able to see this was very rare, I heard news about rape cases, but I never saw the victims, maybe it's my humanity or because I didn't like it this, but I decided that I would help as many people as I could.

Uther: Alright guys, we completed the mission without any casualties, it's time for us to return.

The soldiers shout and we set off for the town, we arrived when the sun was starting to hide, the way back was slower because we had more people and more cargo.

Uther: Captain I leave the rest to you, I hope you handle it well.

Captain: Don't worry Lord Uther, I'll do my best.

Uther nods his head and leaves, I follow him because I feel he wants to tell me something.

We arrived at the tent assigned to Uther so that he could rest.

Uther: come in boy.

Entering the store, Uther motions for me to sit at the table.

Uther: I want you to tell me what you think.

I look at him with doubt, I don't know what to answer, he seems to notice.

Uther: I want to know if you're okay, you killed people boy, some people can't take it and fall apart to take a life, I feel like you're not one of those people, but I want to make sure you're okay.

I didn't think much about this, I saw a lot of blood and severed limbs in the world of Diablo that I already feel indifferent about killing.

Juan: I'm fine teacher, but I keep thinking about the women we rescued, I feel uncomfortable seeing them in that situation.

Uther nods.

Uther: unfortunately the world is unfair, that is why we are here, to protect the weak and try to help the world, it is a pity that we do not have so much power, it only remains to do our best, I hope you understand this and do what best you can

Juan: I understand teacher.

Uther: well, go to rest, tomorrow we will return to the capital.

I retire and head to my shop to enter the devil's world.

I am looking for a place to think for a moment, today when I saw those women who suffered I decided to help people, everything that happened in the world came to mind.

I realize that I am very weak to be able to stop all these threats by myself, first there is the invasion of the plague, killing Arthas is not an option, he is a prince of Lordaeron and very close to Prince Varian, of which I do not want making me an enemy, also the option of holding the Frostmure is a bad idea, I'm not sure I can withstand its corruption and I know the legion will find another way to get there because Nerzul is in this world and will help them, not to mention the Jailer who is behind the sword.

I keep thinking about the ways or plans that could help me, after a while I come to the conclusion of alerting the kingdom about the danger to minimize the losses, but they will not listen to me, they will think that I am crazy, if I want them to believe me I have to To be a distinguished figure in the kingdom, for this I need three things, first it would be reputation, so that my voice is heard, second money to buy supplies and ships so that people can escape, lastly connections which can help me with the task.

Uther can help me get reputation, I can get money in the world of Diablo, but I will need support so that no one suspects, I will have to get a business that helps me earn money and avoid suspicion, for connections I can get it with my business and my reputation.

I think of a plan to be able to complete my objective, after thinking about all the details I am calmer, now I have to train, but I have to change my training routine, if I continue like this I will not be able to advance fast, in order to finish off that army of demons I need another army, this can be possible if I master my skeleton resurrection ability, the other way is to have the body strong enough to withstand his blows, this I can achieve by tempering my body with mana.

In the end I decide to master my skeleton resurrection ability to create an army of skeletons, I'm about to master the method of casting the ability, the next thing would be to find a way to alter the ability so that it can create several skeletons and that be more resistant, for this I will need a lot of mana, my mana attribute is very low compared to the others, I check my status window, I haven't opened it in a long time, this window doesn't help me much, I don't understand the relationship has with my power, my vitality is at 76 points but the demons continue to kill me with one blow or two, depending on the game these points are already a lot and I should hold out in the fourth act without problems, over time I realized that my state no matter the world of Diablo 2, that all the damage and defense is thanks to my team, without my team I couldn't do anything in this world, as for the world of Azeroth it doesn't help me much either.

According to Uther they do not have a defined power system, they only have four ranks to refer to the classes, first there is the apprentice, they are those who aspire to the different classes, for example; apprentice mage, apprentice paladin, apprentice priest. then there are the rookies, they are those who have learned what is necessary to exercise their class and do not have much experience, they are called; rookie mage, rookie paladin, and rookie priest. Then there are the officers, they are those who have already mastered their class, simply called; mage, paladin, priest. Finally there are the elites, who are the best of their class and have various achievements that not many can achieve, here we have the archmages, high paladins and high priests.

Thanks to this I don't have a way to measure my power, according to Uther I could already be called a rookie paladin, not because I master the basics, but because of my strength as a whole.

That said, I only use the status window to check the percentage of my statuses, my strength is at 91, my dexterity is 80, my vitality is 76 and my energy is at 30, seeing this I get a little discouraged, now I need a lot of mana To train.

With this I have already determined my training plan, first I will train my skeleton resurrection ability and then I will temper my mind to obtain more mana, already decided I start training.

When I fly to the world of Azeroth I meet Uther to return to the capital.

Juan: teacher, I want to request all the missions to hunt down the bandits.

this is the first thing i need to do to start gaining rep, Uther looks at me for a while and asks.

Uther: Why do you want to do this?

Juan: I want to get rid of the bandits, so that people don't suffer from them again, and also make a reputation for my own goals.

I decided to be honest with him, although I want to help people I also want to gather reputation and make a name for myself, I don't like lying so I told Uther the truth.

He looks at me for a moment and I get a little nervous thinking that he was going to refuse, after a while he shakes his head.

Uther: I'm glad you're honest, first I wanted to go easy, doing the missions slowly, but since you asked me with good intentions I can't refuse, I don't know why you want to increase your reputation and I'm not going to ask, I just hope you follow the path of light, arriving at the capital I will ask them to give me missions that involve the bandits.

When he says this I am happy, I feel that Uther will always support me, even if we don't know each other for a long time I am happy for this.

Juan: Thank you teacher.

I say while bowing in thanks.

Uther: I hope you understand that I will have to accompany you in your first missions, although you did well in this mission I have to be sure that you will not have any problems while you are alone.

Juan: I understand.

We stopped talking and continued on our way to the capital.

When we arrived Uther told me to meet up tomorrow and to make all my arrangements before leaving, he also told me that I can use this armor and weapon, that I go to a blacksmith so he can teach me how to take care of it and clean it, so that it doesn't get ruined in battles, I follow their instructions and go to the smithy to be taught.

In the blacksmith shop they taught me to clean and take care of my armor and weapon, it was not that difficult to do it, leaving the blacksmith shop I go to the Esperanza food store to meet Miss Carla, her store is improving thanks to the business what we did, I was increasing the amount of food that I bought so that the camp could store enough in case one day I could not bring them more food, I came here to talk about buying food, since I will be doing hunting missions I will not be in much time He is in the capital, so we need to talk about the details so that he can buy food without any inconvenience.

Finishing talking with Miss Carla I go to my room, I don't have time to have fun, I have to get stronger quickly to be able to continue killing demons in the devil world.