
Surviving in a Zombie Apocalypse with a Transmutation Skill

In a post-apocalyptic world ravaged by a mysterious outbreak, follow Adrian, a Divini gifted with the power of transmutation, and his AI companion, Sasha, as they navigate a treacherous landscape overrun by the undead. Amidst the ruins of civilization, Adrian strives to forge a new future. His workshop, a hidden sanctuary in the heart of the jungle, becomes a haven where he hones his abilities and creates metallic humanoid beings, a blend of technology and innovation that will serve as his workforce and army. But in a world teeming with dangers and enigmatic adversaries, Adrian's quest for survival and dominance isn't without its challenges. As he unravels the mysteries of the cataclysmic event that reshaped humanity, he discovers the true extent of his powers and the role he must play in this desolate reality. Join Adrian and Sasha on their perilous journey, where alliances are fleeting, and the line between humanity and monstrosity blurs. Amidst the chaos, Adrian seeks to build an empire, battling against the remnants of a world lost to the outbreak, determined to carve a path towards redemption and a new era of dominance in the ashes of a shattered society.

lambdroid · Sci-fi
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5 Chs


Adrian stood before the cavern's entrance, a furrow etched deep between his brows. The need for resources to expand their fortress weighed heavily on his mind. His transmutation abilities had been a boon, yet the limitation in transmuting large quantities of metal left him seeking alternatives. Mines, rich in a variety of minerals, lay tantalizingly close, but they were under the ironclad control of a powerful Divina—a force to reckon with, wielding both telekinetic and telepathic prowess.

The mere thought of confronting such an adversary sent a shiver down his spine. Adrian knew he needed a strategic edge, a plan that circumvented the Divina's mind-controlling abilities. The solution lay in his creations—robots immune to telepathy, crafted meticulously to resist any form of mental intrusion.

"Sasha," Adrian called out, his voice echoing through the cavern, "we need to gather more resources, but the mines are under the control of that powerful Divina. I believe the robots we've constructed can grant us an advantage. Let's discuss our plan."

Sasha, ever attentive, joined Adrian, her metallic form radiating a sense of focus. "I've been analyzing the situation, Adrian. The robots' immunity to telepathy could indeed offer us an edge against the Divina's control."

Adrian paced, his mind already devising a plan. "We need an underground tunnel—a covert path to the mines. The robots will be our workforce, immune to the Divina's telepathic reach."

Sasha nodded in agreement. "The tunnel will allow us to extract the minerals without alerting the Divina. We must ensure the robots are equipped to resist any attempts at mental manipulation."

Adrian nodded thoughtfully, envisioning the intricate task ahead. "Exactly. Even though they do not have a human mind, it wouldn't be bad if they have specialized technology to counter the Divina's abilities- a shield to repel any sort of frequency, also limiting their consciousness level. We must also ensure their efficiency in mining operations."

As they delved into their planning, Sasha accessed the blueprints and schematics for the tunnel construction, analyzing the layout of the mines and potential challenges they might encounter along the way. Meanwhile, Adrian focused on fine-tuning the robots' defenses against telepathic intrusion while enhancing their mining capabilities.

"The robots' resilience to telepathy will be their greatest asset," Sasha remarked, her metallic eyes scanning the technical specifications. "But we need to consider potential obstacles within the mines and how the Divina's guilds might guard them."

Adrian acknowledged the concern, his mind already strategizing. "Security measures and potential hazards are factors we can't overlook. Stealth and precision will be crucial in our approach."

The duo meticulously planned the tunnel's construction, discussing the integration of stealth mechanisms, enhanced sensors for potential threats, and the robotics' specialized tools for mining.

Adrian's determination burned brighter with each passing moment, a fire fueled by the necessity to secure resources for their fortress. Sasha's analytical prowess complemented his determination, each of them contributing to a plan that could tip the scales in their favor.

"Once the tunnel is operational, it will be our gateway to securing the resources we need," Adrian affirmed, his gaze fixed on the cavern's wall, imagining the path that would lead them to the mines.

Sasha nodded, her synthesized voice resonating with assurance. "Agreed, Adrian. The robots will pave the way for our access, ensuring our fortress's expansion without drawing unwanted attention."

With their plan meticulously laid out, Adrian and Sasha prepared to embark on the intricate task of constructing the underground tunnel—a mission that would lead them into the depths, a covert path to the minerals vital for their survival.

The challenge ahead was daunting, but their determination remained steadfast. As they readied their preparations, the looming presence of the powerful Divina lingered in the back of their minds, a reminder of the dangers that awaited them in the dark depths of the mines.


With their preparations in place, Adrian and Sasha set their plan into motion, ready to embark on the daunting task of constructing the underground tunnel. The first step involved deploying a reconnaissance drone to survey the terrain leading to the mines, gathering crucial data on potential obstacles and guard patrols.

"Sasha, initiate the reconnaissance drone," Adrian commanded, his voice resonating with determination.

Sasha swiftly accessed the drone's systems, activating its stealth protocols before launching it into the dense jungle. The drone navigated the terrain with silent precision, its advanced sensors scanning for any signs of activity near the mines. Meanwhile, Adrian fine-tuned the robots' defenses against telepathic intrusion, reducing their consciousness level, ensuring their immunity to the Divina's powers.

As the reconnaissance drone transmitted real-time data, Sasha processed the information, analyzing the mine's surroundings and potential security measures. "There are sporadic patrols, and the perimeter is guarded by surveillance systems. The Divina's influence seems to extend throughout the mines."

Adrian's brow furrowed at the revelation. "We need to ensure the robots can operate within the Divina's sphere of influence without succumbing to his control. Their immunity to telepathy is paramount."

Sasha accessed the robots' systems, implementing additional layers of protection against telepathic intrusion, fortifying their mental defenses. "I'm reinforcing their neural inhibitors to resist any telepathic intrusion. The robots will remain under our control."

Adrian nodded in approval, his focus unwavering. "Good. We need to ensure their autonomy while guaranteeing our influence over their actions."

Their strategy crystallized with each passing moment, a careful orchestration of technology and tactics. Adrian prepared the robots, fine-tuning their mining equipment for efficiency, while Sasha coordinated the tunnel's blueprint with intricate details, including stealth mechanisms and diversionary tactics to evade the Divina's gaze.

"We'll need distraction tactics," Adrian mused, his mind formulating a plan. "Diversions to draw the guards' attention away from our covert activities."

Sasha analyzed the feasibility of diversions within the Divina's controlled territory. "A controlled disturbance could redirect the guards' focus, allowing our robots to proceed with minimal interference."

Adrian nodded in agreement. "Create a series of disturbances at strategic points near the mines, enough to attract attention without revealing our true intentions."

Sasha initiated the plan, deploying the reconnaissance drone to execute calculated disruptions in the area surrounding the mines. The controlled disturbances, designed to mimic natural events, diverted the guards' attention, creating opportunities for their robots to move closer to the targeted mining area unnoticed.

As the distractions unfolded, Adrian and Sasha monitored the guards' reactions, ensuring the robots' progression remained undetected. The drones' coordinated disruptions served as a smokescreen, shrouding their true objective—the construction of the underground tunnel.

"We have a window of opportunity," Sasha reported, her voice laced with determination. "The guards are occupied with the diversions. It's time to set the robots in motion."

Adrian nodded, his resolve unwavering. "Deploy the robots. Begin construction of the underground tunnel."

With precision, Sasha activated the robots, their metallic forms springing into action. Equipped with specialized mining tools and fortified against telepathic intrusion, they ventured into the dense undergrowth, following the path outlined by the reconnaissance drone toward the mines.

The robots moved with silent efficiency, their programmed directives guiding them through the jungle's treacherous terrain. Adrian and Sasha monitored their progress closely, ensuring their seamless integration into the surroundings, hidden from the guards' prying eyes.

"The robots are approaching the designated entry point to the mines," Sasha reported, her synthetic voice carrying a sense of anticipation. "Their stealth capabilities are operating at optimal levels, remaining undetected."

Adrian observed the drone's feed, his heart pounding with a mixture of apprehension and determination. "Continue their advance. We need them to establish the tunnel entrance without alerting the guards."

As the robots neared the entry point, Adrian and Sasha coordinated their movements with meticulous precision. The drones overseeing the diversions continued to create controlled disturbances, diverting the guards' attention further away from the robots' clandestine operation.

"The entrance to the mines is within reach," Sasha announced, her voice tinged with satisfaction. "The robots are ready to commence the construction of the underground tunnel."

Adrian exhaled a breath he didn't realize he was holding, a surge of determination propelling him forward. "Initiate the tunneling operation. Make sure they proceed cautiously and undetected."

Sasha relayed the commands, orchestrating the robots' synchronized efforts to commence the construction. With their specialized tools and reinforced defenses, the robots began the arduous task of carving a covert path underground, forging the tunnel toward the mineral-rich mines.

As the robots worked tirelessly, Adrian and Sasha monitored their progress, their minds focused on ensuring the operation remained concealed from the watchful eyes of the Divina and his guards.

"The robots are making steady progress," Sasha reported, her voice a whisper amidst the tension. "They're advancing cautiously, stealthily tunneling toward the mines."

Adrian's eyes remained fixed on the drone's feed, his determination unyielding. "Maintain their course. We can't afford any mishaps."

The tunneling operation continued, a delicate balance between progress and caution. The robots worked in synchronized harmony, their specialized equipment carving a covert path through the earth, inching closer to the mineral-rich mines under the Divina's control.

With each passing moment, the tunnel extended deeper into the earth, an invisible conduit for the vital resources they needed to expand their fortress. Adrian and Sasha remained vigilant, their eyes fixed on the drone's feed, awaiting updates on the robots' progress as they navigated the underground maze leading to the mines.


As the robots continued their covert tunneling operation, Sasha's sensors meticulously monitored the surroundings, ensuring the tunnel's construction remained concealed from any potential detection.

"The robots are encountering mineral-rich veins," Sasha reported, her voice echoing within the chamber. "They're within reach of the resources we need."

Adrian's focus intensified at the prospect of accessing the crucial minerals. "Instruct the robots to extract the minerals carefully. We need to maximize our resource yield without alerting the guards."

Sasha relayed the directives, guiding the robots to extract the minerals with precision and efficiency. Their specialized tools worked diligently, collecting the valuable resources while maintaining the integrity of the tunnel to avoid any signs of disturbance.

"The extraction process is underway," Sasha informed, her eyes fixated on the data streams. "The robots are retrieving the minerals without triggering any alarms."

Adrian nodded in approval, his mind already calculating the best utilization of the acquired resources. "Ensure they extract as much as possible without jeopardizing the tunnel's concealment."

The robots operated with silent efficiency, steadily gathering the mineral deposits crucial for their fortress construction. Each payload they collected was carefully transported back through the underground tunnel, away from the prying eyes of the guards and the powerful Divina controlling the mines.

As the extraction continued, Sasha maintained a constant vigil, her analytical circuits assessing any potential risks or anomalies. "There's a slight increase in guard activity near the tunnel's entry point. We need to expedite the extraction process."

Adrian's expression tensed at the warning. "Prioritize the retrieval. We can't risk detection."

Sasha initiated a more accelerated retrieval process, guiding the robots to hasten their efforts while maintaining the utmost caution. With each load of minerals secured, the robots transported the resources back through the concealed tunnel, ensuring minimal traces of their presence.

"The last of the mineral deposits are being retrieved," Sasha reported, a sense of urgency permeating her words. "The robots are preparing to seal the tunnel and withdraw."

Adrian observed the drone's feed, a mixture of relief and determination evident in his gaze. "Make sure they leave no evidence of our presence. We can't afford any trails leading back to our fortress."

Sasha coordinated the final steps of the operation, ensuring the tunnel's entrance was meticulously concealed, erasing any signs of their clandestine activity. The robots, their tasks completed, retreated silently, sealing the tunnel behind them, leaving no trace of their intrusion into the Divina-controlled mines.

"The tunnel has been sealed," Sasha confirmed, her voice steady with assurance. "Our activities remain undetected."

Adrian exhaled a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, a sense of accomplishment washing over him. "Good work, Sasha. Our fortress's expansion now has the resources it requires."

Sasha processed the outcome, her circuits indicating a successful mission. "The acquired minerals will significantly aid in fortification and expansion."

With the minerals safely transported back to their fortress, Adrian and Sasha turned their focus toward the utilization of these vital resources to reinforce and expand their stronghold within the cavern.

"Our next step is to allocate these resources strategically," Adrian said, his mind already formulating plans. "We'll reinforce the cavern's defenses and expand our facilities."

Sasha accessed the fortress blueprints, analyzing the optimal allocation of the acquired minerals. "We can reinforce the cavern's walls, strengthen the facilities, and fortify our defenses against potential threats."

Adrian nodded, his determination unwavering. "Begin the resource allocation. Prioritize reinforcing the cavern's structure and fortifications. We need to ensure our sanctuary is impenetrable."

Sasha synchronized with the fortress systems, initiating the allocation of the acquired minerals. The minerals were meticulously utilized to reinforce the cavern's walls, fortify essential facilities, and construct advanced defense mechanisms, enhancing their stronghold's resilience against any external threats.

"The mineral resources have been effectively allocated," Sasha reported, her voice echoing with satisfaction. "The cavern's defenses are significantly strengthened."

Adrian observed the changes within their fortress, a sense of satisfaction tinged with vigilance. "Continue monitoring for any potential weaknesses. We need to remain vigilant."

Sasha processed the directive, her focus unwavering. "Continuous surveillance and analysis will be conducted to ensure the fortress remains impregnable."

As their fortress underwent improvements and fortifications, Adrian and Sasha remained poised, ready to face any challenges that might arise. Their sanctuary within the cavern had evolved into a formidable stronghold, fortified by the acquired resources and their meticulous planning.