
Surviving In A Wasteland: I Can Evolve Endlessly

# WASTELAND A war in 2030 left almost every city on Earth as piles of ruins. The air was severely polluted while water sources were on the brink of completely drying out. The sky was covered by yellow sand, and sunlight could hardly penetrate through it to reach the ground. Humans who survived the war encountered deadly threats as they struggled to live in such harsh living conditions. When faced with such a cruel reality, Zhou Yuan activated the Unlimited Evolution System. The main function of this system was to allow everything to evolve infinitely. For example, the system could enable an ordinary stalk of paddy to grow non-stop under very harsh conditions, thus producing mass amounts of food. The system could also enable an ordinary freshwater fish to evolve into a purifying freshwater fish that could purify the water it lived in. The system could even enable non-living things to frenziedly evolve and have unexpected results. Step by step, with the help of such a powerful system, Zhou Yuan built a new kingdom solely belonging to him amidst the ruins.

Loaded Dice · Urban
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40 Chs

Super Rice!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The next morning.

Zhou Yuan woke up feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep.

Just as he was about to have breakfast, he was attracted by the noise outside.

It was as if a group of people was exclaiming in admiration.

"That's amazing!"

"Did they mutate?"

"How did that happen?"

Such words were the most common.

Zhou Yuan randomly made a simple version of Roujiamo with a piece of bread and jerky.

He then walked out with the Roujiamo in one hand and clean water in the other.

When he opened the door, he realized.

There was actually someone dozing off outside the door.

The man was awoken by the sound of the door opening and stood up instantly.

Seeing that it was Zhou Yuan, he said in a panic,

"Mr. Zhou, Zhang He asked me to stay here and watch over you."

"He tasked me to inform you to go to the field to take a look as soon as you woke up."

Zhou Yuan took a bite and found that the bread was as hard as a rock.

After taking out the dried meat, he was about to throw away the bread.

However, he found that the person in front of him kept peeking at the bread and swallowed his saliva.

Then, he threw it at him.

"Tell me, what happened?"

The man caught the bread in a flurry and quickly stuffed it into his arms. Then, he nodded and bowed,

"Thank you, Mr. Zhou."

"It's like this, Mr. Zhou. We have only planted the seeds yesterday."

"Yet, they sprouted after one night!"

Despite saying that, this person didn't even believe his own words.

However, he had seen the sprout with his own eyes.

In an instant, the man's gaze towards Zhou Yuan was not only filled with fear but also with a trace of admiration.

In this wasteland era, those who could grow food were people worthy of worship!

They could even be called gods!

Zhou Yuan was pleasantly surprised.

According to his calculations yesterday, it would sprout in about one to two days.

In the past, potatoes sprouted slower than sweet potatoes, about 20 days.

After the evolution, the growth cycle would only be one-tenth of the original, which was exactly one to two days.

However, in reality, it only took one night which was really fast.

Zhou Yuan immediately nodded and said,

"Hmm, not bad. Let's go take a look."

The two of them walked forward and soon arrived near the field.

At this moment, his field was surrounded by people.

After all, growing crops in this era was something worth celebrating.

Not to mention, no one had ever seen a crop that sprouted overnight!

It was a miracle!

Seeing that the road ahead was blocked, Zhang He's underling shouted,

"All of you, move!"

As soon as he said that, everyone who was watching the sprouted crops frowned.

There were even some hot-tempered brothers who looked fierce and wanted to teach the person who shouted a lesson.

However, when everyone turned around, their expressions froze.

It was... Zhou Yuan!

In an instant, their angry expressions turned into calm ones and each of their fierce-looking faces revealed a smile.

The change in their expressions was very abrupt, and the scene was very interesting.

Zhang He's underling looked a little proud.

He was like a fox exploiting a tiger's might.

Zhou Yuan followed the path and walked to his own field.

At this moment, the tender shoot on the potato side had just broken through the soil and was about the height of a little finger.

On the other side, the seedlings of the sweet potatoes have already grown to the size of an arm.

Zhou Yuan casually plucked the seedling and nodded his head in satisfaction.

At this rate, he estimated that he would be able to harvest it in about 15 days at most.

However, the exact time would depend on the actual situation.

15 days was the estimated time that Zhou Yuan had calculated by dividing the growth cycle of these vegetables in the past by 10.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the crowd.

Fu Mengyu led a group of students and squeezed in.

They were all dumbfounded when they saw the lush green seedlings.

At first, they were all in deep sleep.

Then, they were suddenly woken up by someone who told them that the seeds that Zhou Yuan had planted had sprouted overnight.

When they heard about this, none of them believed it.

They thought that the person who told them this news had a problem with their brain.

Among them, the worst was a college student who had studied agriculture-related majors for two years.

Not to mention, there was also a teacher who had obtained the title of Professor before the age of thirty.

How was it possible for a seed to sprout overnight?

It was simply a fantasy!

Before the disaster.

Perhaps some crops' seeds could also have such an unexpected situation.

However, in the current wasteland environment, even if God came, it would be impossible for the seeds to germinate overnight!

This was the confidence that professional knowledge gave them.

Therefore, Fu Mengyu immediately rushed over with her students.

However, after coming here and seeing those green seedlings with her own eyes...

Whether it was Fu Mengyu or the students, their worldview almost collapsed.

What the f*ck was going on?

Could there really be a God in this world?

Or was this just a coincidence?

Or perhaps, it was all a lie?

Fu Mengyu immediately turned to Zhou Yuan and said,

"There's definitely no seed that can germinate overnight in such an environment!"

"Did you deliberately get someone to move them over from another place?"

Zhou Yuan could not be bothered with her.

Zhang He, who was standing at the side, replied,

"Ms. Fu, you're making an accusation against me!"

"Last night, my brother and I took turns keeping watch."

"No one was able to get close to this field during this period."

"Are you saying that we're lying to everyone and Mr. Zhou?"

"I think you're just worried about losing your position, so you're slandering Mr. Zhou!"

Zhang He was confident that Zhou Yuan was the reason the seed could germinate.

This was because he had helped others plant these seeds before. Other than Fu Mengyu, no one else know how to grow them properly.

However, Zhou Yuan's plants had sprouted overnight!

Zhang He did not know how to explain that this was not a miracle.

After much thought, he finally came up with a piece of evidence.

These seeds had been watered by Zhou Yuan with the water in the bottle!

Therefore, the problem should be with the water!

The seeds were still the same, but there was a problem with the water.

No one knew what Mr. Zhou Yuan had done, but he had used the clear water straight to hasten the growth of the seeds, causing them to sprout overnight.

This was the logic that Zhang He had thought about for the whole night before coming to this conclusion.

Otherwise, it really didn't make sense.

After convincing himself of this logic...

Zhang He made a decision.

In the future, he would follow Zhou Yuan's lead.

This was because he was a powerful and generous person who could make the seeds germinate overnight.

Zhou Yuan was capable and mighty!

If he, Zhang He, didn't follow him now, when would he?

Therefore, when Fu Mengyu questioned him, Zhang He retorted without hesitation.

If this was in the past, he would never have offended Fu Mengyu.

After all, this was a woman who was regarded as an important guest by all the bosses in the camp.

Hearing Zhang He's words, Fu Mengyu was so angry that she was about to explode.

However, she did not have any evidence to prove her suspicion.

Therefore, she could only swallow her anger and stop arguing.

However, she did not give up and tried her best to move forward.

She leaned forward in an attempt to see the seedlings clearly and find their flaws.

Unfortunately, in the end, Zhang He started to chase them away.

She did not see any flaws.

Fu Mengyu rolled her eyes and thought of a smart idea.

"Zhou Yuan. You're Zhou Yuan, right?"

"I can help you take care of these seedlings."

"How is it?"

"Everyone recognizes my agricultural skills. I can definitely take care of your seedlings and raise their yield."

Although she said that, in her heart, Fu Mengyu thought.

"Hmph! It must be fake, how could there be such a seed!"

"Don't let me find any flaws, or I'll definitely expose your hypocritical face!"

In the face of Fu Mengyu's self-recommendation, Zhou Yuan said without even lifting his head.

"I don't need you."

This one sentence was enough to break Fu Mengyu's defense!

She had already lowered her voice and was willing to work for him!

Yet, what kind of attitude was this?

Didn't he know that in the past, she would only help when the other bosses begged her?

Fu Mengyu was so angry that her chest heaved up and down violently, creating layers of ripples.

However, she could do nothing about Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan rejected the offer because he really did not need it.

These were all seeds that had been evolved by the system and did not require any special care.

And even if he needed to, Zhou Yuan would not choose this annoying female teacher.

Ignoring Fu Mengyu, Zhou Yuan took out another bag of seeds.

After spending 100 gold coins to evolve.

He gave it to Zhang He's underlings and asked them to plant it.

This packet was rice, and after evolution, it became [anti-radiation super rice].

Zhou Yuan was looking forward to seeing how powerful it would be.