
Surviving in a Fantasy Jungle full of Magical Beasts

Brad was a jobless 24 year old guy who lives alone living of the money he had won in the Lottery, many would say he is quite the lucky person but Brad doesn't think so. Besides winning this lottery, all he had in life was ridicule and disdain from people he knew. They only showed smiles when he had struck rich, this made him quite averse towards human interaction. An orphan who was known to be quite a smart one but a very lazy person. He felt that life was dull even if you work hard so he spent his days alone by himself watch tv and videos in social media to pass his time. Until an unfortunate accident happened in a nearby hidden secret facility. A wormhole appeared and swallowed Brad along with his bed and half of his closet. Follow Brad as he awakens towards the real harshness in life in a brand new world of Fantasy where he would discover many new things and find himself a changed man. Note: Cover picture is not mine, if the creator of this picture wants it to be taken down just message me. (Author's warning; This novel might be quite graphic in words as I would use curse words without mellowing it down. Possible R-18 in the future with some degenerate stuff too and a little bit of gory bits too so if this is not your cup of tea then don't read this. Might do also include Fan fic elements but we'll see how I develope this.)

Eledian · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

Yarrid the Yak Lord.

Brad was happy he remembered many things and the Mottor Hammer was one of them. He realized he might not nee the smaller tungsten crucible and instead use it to ast as the hammer head on the motor hammer he was going to make. He had become so proficient in making stone and wooden tools that his rate of work could be seem as phenomenal.

The gears, ropes and parts to be assembled were almost done in one day. Brad was sure of this as his improved mind also brought a sharp increase in mathematical skills of Brad. He had already determined the right parameters of the equipment and with help of his increased vision which made him able to tell the length and width of things, his wooden gears could move in a very smooth manner.

Should Brad discover something better than Lard or tallow for lubrication then he could also make a better ball bearing. He had already made a small handmade rotary rock tumbler where he put stones he had shaped circular. Though it is a long process he could get some satisfactory circular rocks to make as a temporary ball for the handmade bearing. Once he could make lots of metallic tools then he could improve the machines he ahs here.

He could even make his own electric generator if he could find all materials. But making chips or things inside appliances are not withing what Brad had watched. But what he knew were enough to ensure a relaxing life here. Brad hummed as he kept working on the parts to make sure they are smooth and has no blemishes.

[Five hours later]

Bang bang bang bang bang!!

Banging sounds keep sounding out in the cave as the motor hammer started working. Brad felt proud of his creation, he looked at the various wooden gears that were connected to the three water wheels Brad had made to fully exploit the flowing water in this cave. He went underground and checked the condition of the gears to make sure it won't break in the near future.

Brad then looked at tha earth wall that was made by the Ants in front of him, he wasn't sure what they were doing in there but he hoped they won't bother him. It would be abd if he gets cut of from his own water source. Brad walked to the other half of the large open cave, he listened at the Earth wall to get an idea of what's happening on the other side.

Currently he could hear nothing but the flowing waters behind him, Brad wouldn't fully hope that the Ants would leave him alone and it would make him feel calmer if he had anything that could protect him from getting attacked by these neighbors of his. Brad put a note of that in his head as he walked back to the forging room where the Motor hammer was.

He made sure he could attach and de-attach a gear so he could turn of the hammer when he needed to. Brad smilled as he picked up his tongs and gloves as he wanted to start practicing how to forge like the guys he watched on YouTube. He then pulled on a lever nearby that'll connect a gear to turn on the bellows.

[In the Mist mountains]

"Run! Run! Run!! These birds are gaining on us!!" Turli shouted as he dashed with the party as they he carried a small cage with a beautiful mininature hawk inside tied up. What was chasing them was the underlings of the Hawk Lord who were mostly large brown hawks diving down fron the skies to attack the insolent humans who dared kidnap their young miss.

"Erlune's Shield!!" Rhean the Priestess which is being piggy backed by Brendel the Shield Bearer casted a shield that covered their party from the diving attacks of the Hawks.

"Everybody make a run for it!! We have little time before the Goat Lord get's passed by the Hawk Lord. Eagle Lord is still occupied by Cobra Lord so let's get through this valley mimmediately!" Harold slashed his sword towards a group of Terror Birds that were the goons of the Eagle Lord.

"Let me!!" the Orc axe warrior charged forward as he brought great carnage upon the flock of terror Birds in front of the group. Luckily these Birds were also attacked but large horned Rams and Heavy furred Yaks. This valley they were in is the border between the territorie of the two Beast Lords.

They haven't seen Yak Lord yet but they must move on cause when they reach the end of the valley then these Hawks behind them would be rendered useless because of the strong winds that pushes in the valley. Even now they could move hurriedly cause the diving attacks of the hawks are delayed but the wind that passes through.

"Turn at the left!! We'll lose this birds in these tall rock pillars!" Harold then led the Party along the Orc Axe warrios as they slashed away those that were in front of them. Strangely the large Yaks seems to avoid the the party altogether. Harold noticed this but he has no time to think of the meaning of this actions done by the herd of Yaks.

Their passage became easier as the yaks seem to cooperate together in blocking the terror birds and the winds were getting stronger for the hawks. The party of adventurers ran in a hurry as they navigated the stone pillars. The Archer elf now led the way as he followed where the wind is strongest.

Soon they felt the strong winds that could almost lift them all up but the Shield bearer orc stood in front to block it as they pushed her to get out ot the valley. Then they saw the light at the end of the path and the winds lessened because the exit of the valley was like a funnel where all the winds get stronger but was weak at where it started.

{You're here} a voice suddenly sounded out in the minds of everymember of the party. They were alerted and looked around, they then saw a sixty meter tall beast that dwarfed them all. Reason they didn't notice as this beast was lying on the side of the mountain and its luxurious brown hair blended in the mountain side thus becoming a camouflage.

They were able to notice him when its eyes opened and they were like the largest gems of amber-like opal. And as well as the hot breath that greeted their faces as they watched the hulking mass of fur and muscle inch closer to them.

"Th-the Y-yak Lord!" the Thief almost wet his pants seeing the Beast Lord in all it's glory.

{That's right human, it is I, Yarrid Wisehoof. I have been observing your group when you came to this mountain, I was curious why slavers would dare to go this deep in the continent.}

"Lord Yarrid, we mean no harm and I assure you we are not slavers" Harold stepped up even if he felt fear seeing the large Beast in front.

{I know, no child of Erlune would ever dare to collude with the slavers.} The Yak Lord's eyes looked into Rhean the priestess.