
Surviving as an extra in the novel

Thrust into the world of his beloved novel, "The Legacy of Shadows," Ashton Nightshade, the fifth-generation scion of the prestigious SSS Ranker family, strives to carve a tranquil path. With a fervent desire for personal freedom and a peaceful existence, he navigates the fantasy realm. Determined to change his destiny on his terms, Ashton faces countless challenges seeking to fulfil his dream of living a carefree life full of luxuries. Trying to avoid the clash between the protagonist and antagonists, he embarks on a quest for self-determination, seeking to redefine his role and live life by his own rules in a world steeped in power struggles and heritage. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Author's note:- Ashton Nightshade is not a hero nor a villain. He is just a person who got recarnated in the novel he was reading and this story is about how he achieve his dream in this new fantasy relam which he could not achieve in the original world. Also I am a new author and English is not my first language but nevertheless I will try my best my best to give you the best reading experience)

king2005 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


(3rd person pov)

The Kingdom of Aurelia, nestled in the southern expanse of the Arventia continent, stands as a pinnacle of power and cultural diversity. Its renown transcends borders, drawing myriad races and ethnicities into its vibrant tapestry. Boasting a colossal population of 1.78 billion, Aurelia pulsates with life, an embodiment of unity amid diversity.

At the helm of this majestic kingdom reigns a formidable royal lineage, steeped in history and authority. The monarch's family, a bastion of tradition and influence, wields power over a realm steeped in tradition and progress. Their name resonates through the annals of Aurelian history, each monarch leaving an indelible mark upon the kingdom's legacy.

Amid the sovereign's court, a constellation of noble families orbit the throne, their lineages intertwined with the very fabric of Aurelia's societal structure. Among these esteemed houses, the Nightshades, a quartet of grand dukes, reign preeminent. The Nightshades, revered for their sagacity and unwavering allegiance to the crown, command vast territories within Aurelia's expanse.

The Nightshade family's legacy traces back centuries, each grand duke serving as a paragon of wisdom, valor, and unwavering loyalty to the kingdom. Their ancestral seat, a sprawling citadel nestled amidst verdant valleys and rugged terrain, embodies both the grandeur of the past and the promise of the future. Towers adorned with intricate carvings stand sentinel, echoing the tales of bygone eras, while within, halls resonate with the hum of modernity and innovation.

These four grand dukes, revered as pillars of Aurelian society, each possess distinct domains within the kingdom's borders. Grand duke Nightshade, the patriarch, commands the southern provinces, renowned for their lush landscapes, beautiful beaches and flourishing trade routes. His indomitable spirit and astute governance have fostered prosperity among his people, earning him adulation akin to a living legend.

Lord Magnus Nightshade, renowned for his mastery of diplomacy and intricate political maneuvering, presides over the southern reaches. His keen intellect and ability to navigate the intricate web of courtly intrigue have solidified alliances and ensured the kingdom's stability in tumultuous times.

He an SSS-ranked hunter, embodies sheer strength and unparalleled prowess. Renowned across realms, his very name strikes awe. Towering and resolute, his form exudes an aura of seasoned power. Clad in intricately designed armor, forged from the rarest metals, he wields a weapon of unfathomable craftsmanship. His eyes, a reflection of unwavering determination, pierce through adversity. With each battle, his legend grows, tales echoing of feats that defy imagination. Magnus stands as an indomitable force, a living testament to valor and skill, revered not only for his combat prowess but for the unwavering courage that defines him.

He is the patriarch of the Nightshade family, a lineage steeped in the tradition of relentless warriors, embodies a legacy of formidable fighters. Each member, from generation to generation, is forged in the crucible of battle, their names etched in the annals of Aurelia for their unparalleled combat prowess.

Their training grounds echo with the clang of steel and the whispers of ancient battle strategies. From childhood, Nightshade heirs are honed in martial arts, armed combat, and tactical warfare. Their prowess isn't limited to physical might; it encompasses the mastery of weaponry, strategic brilliance, and the unyielding will to triumph in the face of adversity.

Legends tell of their valor in protecting Aurelia's borders, their unwavering loyalty to the crown, and their fearlessness when confronting the kingdom's adversaries. The Nightshades are renowned for their ability to turn the tide of battles, their unity in conflict, and their unshakable resolve in the defense of their realm.

Individually, each member is a force to be reckoned with, possessing a unique fighting style and skills that have been meticulously refined over centuries. Collectively, the Nightshade family stands as a bastion of strength, their unity and unparalleled combat prowess making them an awe-inspiring force within Aurelia's rich tapestry of warrior clans.

NeoGothia, the jewel of Duke Nightshade's realm, enchants with a symphony of futuristic marvels and medieval allure. Its skyline, a fusion of soaring spires and sleek skyscrapers, blends stone-carved battlements with gleaming glass facades. Hovering transports whisk through cobbled streets adorned with holographic tapestries, while ancient-style markets buzz with the hum of advanced technology. The castle, a breathtaking fusion of nano-architecture and traditional fortress design, stands sentinel amid meticulously landscaped gardens. Radiant luminescent flora intertwines with classic topiary, creating a surreal yet nostalgic beauty. NeoGothia mesmerizes as a testament to innovation embraced within the embrace of bygone splendor.

In the Nightshade main castle, a grand fusion of medieval fortifications and futuristic innovations, stands atop a rugged cliff. Its towering spires adorned with Gothic embellishments overlook lush valleys. Within, halls echo with history, blending nanotech marvels with ancient architecture, a testament to the family's enduring legacy.

The ten-year-old boy slumbers in opulence, nestled amidst silken sheets in his lavish chamber. Moonbeams cascade through the expansive windows, bathing the room in a gentle glow, illuminating the serene visage of the fair-skinned child with sleek black hair. His sanctuary is adorned with plush furnishings, exuding an air of regal elegance. Amidst tranquility, his tousled locks spill over the pillow, a stark contrast against the pristine linens. Serenity envelops the room, cradling the youthful innocence of dreams in the embrace of luxury and comfort.

The boy's eyes shot open to the grandeur of a lavishly adorned chamber, a sight that struck him with awe and disbelief. He blinked repeatedly, trying to dispel the surreal illusion, but the opulent surroundings persisted. Velvet-draped windows filtered golden moonlight into the room, casting an ethereal glow upon the intricate tapestries that adorned the walls.

Panic surged through him as he surveyed the room, noting the sumptuous bed draped in rich fabrics and the plush furnishings that bespoke a life of opulence. But what truly bewildered him was the sight of his own hands—smaller, unblemished, and belonging unmistakably to a child.

Terror rippled through his veins as he realized he was occupying the body of someone else—a ten-year-old Ashton Nightshade, the 5th generation of the esteemed Magus Nightshade lineage. Astonishment mingled with fear as disjointed memories of a different time and place collided with his own.

Struggling to make sense of the inexplicable, he rose cautiously from the bed, his limbs feeling foreign and unaccustomed to the youthful energy that coursed through them. He ran a hand over the intricate embroidery of his attire—rich fabrics that bespoke wealth and status beyond his understanding.

The room beckoned exploration, its luxurious décor hinting at a life far removed from his own. Stepping tentatively onto the plush carpet, he moved towards a gilded mirror, his reflection a stark reminder of his altered reality. Ashton's youthful face stared back at him, a mixture of innocence and curiosity that clashed with the turmoil roiling within.

Questions flooded his mind. How had he ended up in the body of a ten-year-old noble scion? Was this some bizarre dream or a cosmic twist of fate?

The jolt of realization hit him like a thunderbolt. His last memory—being run down by a truck—clashed violently with the opulent surroundings and the reality of being within the body of a young Ashton Nightshade. Confusion and disbelief gripped him as he grappled with the inexplicable transition from his own world to this luxurious chamber.

Questions clamored for attention amidst the tumult of emotions. How could he have gone from facing imminent danger to waking up in the life of another person, in another time and place altogether?

Fragments of the accident lingered—a screeching truck, blinding headlights, and the sickening impact before everything faded into darkness. But now, he stood in the midst of a world that seemed light-years apart from the chaos of that moment.

Fighting the rising panic, he wrestled with the possibility that this wasn't a dream but a surreal occurrence that defied logic. His mind raced, attempting to rationalize the incongruity between the memories of his former life and the reality of inhabiting Ashton Nightshade's body.

Was this some sort of second chance, a bizarre twist of fate, or a glitch in the fabric of time itself? No answers presented themselves, only the daunting task of navigating a life that was not his own.

Ashton, still grappling with the amalgam of memories, hurried to the adjoining washroom. The marble-tiled chamber gleamed under the soft glow of chandeliers. He reached for the ornate basin, its intricately carved edges a testament to opulence. Splashing water on his face, he hoped the cool droplets would dispel the lingering confusion. The reflection staring back seemed a curious amalgamation of a young nobleman and a bewildered soul from another time. With a steadying breath, Ashton resolved to navigate this perplexing new reality, each splash of water a symbolic act of embracing the enigma of his altered existence.

Amidst the turmoil of his displaced existence, he resolved to adapt, to learn, and to unearth the truth behind this inexplicable transference. With determination and a sense of urgency, the teenage boy, now inhabiting the body of the young Ashton Nightshade, embarked on a journey that blurred the lines between two disparate lives, driven by an unrelenting need to comprehend the inexplicable and safeguard both his former existence and the newfound world thrust upon him.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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