
Surviving as an extra in the novel

Thrust into the world of his beloved novel, "The Legacy of Shadows," Ashton Nightshade, the fifth-generation scion of the prestigious SSS Ranker family, strives to carve a tranquil path. With a fervent desire for personal freedom and a peaceful existence, he navigates the fantasy realm. Determined to change his destiny on his terms, Ashton faces countless challenges seeking to fulfil his dream of living a carefree life full of luxuries. Trying to avoid the clash between the protagonist and antagonists, he embarks on a quest for self-determination, seeking to redefine his role and live life by his own rules in a world steeped in power struggles and heritage. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Author's note:- Ashton Nightshade is not a hero nor a villain. He is just a person who got recarnated in the novel he was reading and this story is about how he achieve his dream in this new fantasy relam which he could not achieve in the original world. Also I am a new author and English is not my first language but nevertheless I will try my best my best to give you the best reading experience)

king2005 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


( 1st person pov)

I woke to the soft hues of dawn filtering through the grandiose curtains, casting a gentle glow across the lavish chamber. The weight of the unfamiliar body I inhabited—Ashton Nightshade's—reminded me of the perplexing reality I now navigated. Wrestling with disjointed memories, I tried to compose myself as the morning sun heralded a new day.

Before long, a polite rap on the door signaled Ron, the astute butler, entering with a tray. His calm demeanor and impeccable attire bespoke years of devoted service to the Nightshade family. "Good morning, young master Ashton," he greeted with a respectful nod, placing a carafe of chilled lemonade and a crystal glass on the bedside table.

"Good morning, Ron," I replied, attempting to mirror the noble etiquette expected of Ashton. The clinking of crystal against silver as he poured the lemonade filled the air, a soothing melody amid the surreal silence of my thoughts.

"Will there be anything else I can assist you with today, sir?" Ron inquired, his attentive gaze unwavering.

"No, thank you, Ron. That will be all for now," I responded, trying to match the polite demeanor of the young lord I now portrayed.

As he silently departed, I sipped the refreshing lemonade, its citrus tang a welcome distraction from the whirlwind of emotions and memories that engulfed me. The liquid cooled my parched throat, grounding me in the present moment while I grappled with the enigmatic circumstances that had woven my fate with that of Ashton Nightshade.

As the lemonade offered solace, I resolved to unravel the mystery shrouding my inexplicable transference, embracing each sip as a reminder of the need to adapt, to navigate this unfamiliar life, and to honor the responsibilities of a noble lineage thrust upon me.

A crucial recollection unveiled from the depths of memory. Astonishingly, Ron, the unassuming butler within Ashton Nightshade, was more than a mere servant; he was a C-rank assassin assigned with the covert mission to protect me.

Fragments of information coalesced, revealing the intricacies of Ron's dual role—a masterful blend of butler and guardian, his vigilance shrouded within the guise of impeccable service. His unassuming presence concealed a vigilant protector, committed to ensuring my safety within the enigmatic realm of the Nightshade household.

Invisible threads connecting my fate to that of Ron's veiled proficiency in the clandestine arts emerged from the recesses of memory. His watchful eyes, seemingly benign actions, and unobtrusive demeanor now carried the weight of a silent vow—to shield and safeguard, poised to navigate the intricate shadows that loomed beyond the façade of opulence.

The realization of Ron's covert assignment as my protector imbued the luxurious surroundings with an air of subtle danger, an unseen threat lurking within the confines of the Nightshade estate. Amidst the grandeur, a sobering awareness of potential perils mingled with the comforts of this lavish life, a reminder that dangers might lurk behind every polished surface.

The knowledge of Ron's dual role, a guardian disguised in the guise of a butler, brought with it a sense of both reassurance and disquiet—a peculiar intertwining of safety within the elegant trappings of an existence now fraught with the enigma of unseen adversaries and the reassurance of a vigilant protector.

But, there is an bigger problem I need to solve. After looking through the memory of Ashton the realization dawned that the bewildering transference into Ashton Nightshade's life wasn't a mere accident or cosmic glitch—it was a reincarnation, a leap from the pages of a novel into a living, breathing existence.

Last night's novel, "The Legacy of Shadow," resonated as the very narrative into which I had seemingly materialized. Astonishingly, the plot and characters from the book had become my tangible reality. Memories from that novel intertwined seamlessly with Ashton's, blurring the lines between fiction and reality.

The sheer impossibility of this revelation felt both surreal and daunting, yet a strange sense of purpose began to take root within me. If I had indeed crossed realms from the confines of a story, then there must be a reason, a purpose to fulfill within this newfound existence.

The intricate layers of "The Legacy of Shadow" now intertwined with my understanding of Ashton's life. Recalling details from the book, I sought clues and guidance within its pages that might shed light on the path forward in this uncharted reality.

Resolute and curious, I delved into the memories bestowed upon me—both from the pages of the novel and the authentic experiences of Ashton Nightshade—striving to merge the realms of fiction and reality in a quest to unearth the truth behind this perplexing reincarnation and fulfill the legacy woven into the fabric of a fantastical tale.

"The Legacy of Shadow," an enthralling tome chronicling the odyssey of Declan Blackthorn, unfurls a tapestry woven with trials, tribulations, and triumphs. Declan, a protagonist forged in the crucible of adversity, embarks on a quest that transcends the ordinary, navigating a world teeming with enigmatic challenges.

From the opening chapters, readers are drawn into Declan's world, where shadows dance with whispers of ancient prophecies and forgotten lore. He grapples with both inner demons and external adversaries, each encounter a crucible for his growth and evolution.

The narrative weaves intricate threads of mysticism and valor, as Declan navigates treacherous landscapes, confronts malevolent forces, and forges unexpected alliances. Through his journey, the lines between darkness and light blur, painting a canvas of moral ambiguity and existential quandaries.

Each page unfurls a new layer of Declan's character, revealing his resilience, cunning, and unwavering determination in the face of insurmountable odds. His allies, each with their own complex backstories, converge to form a fellowship bound by a shared purpose—to unravel the secrets shrouding an ancient prophecy and confront the looming threat that shadows their world.

Within the narrative's rich tapestry lie elements of sorcery, intricate politics, and a legacy steeped in mystery. The legacy hinted at in the book's title, entwined with shadows both literal and metaphorical, becomes a driving force behind Declan's journey—a legacy waiting to be unraveled, holding the keys to a destiny that transcends the pages of the novel.

As the plot thickens, challenges mount, and revelations intertwine, "The Legacy of Shadow" promises a narrative replete with suspense, intrigue, and the timeless struggle between darkness and light—an epic odyssey that mirrors the journey of a soul now entangled within its pages.

In the confines of a carefully crafted diary, I meticulously transcribed the pivotal events from "The Legacy of Shadow." Each stroke of the pen captured the essence of Declan Blackthorne's odyssey—his encounters, challenges, and triumphs—unfolding within the novel's narrative.

With reverent detail, I chronicled Declan's journey, delineating the enigmatic prophecies, the alliances forged amidst intrigue, and the battles waged against ominous adversaries. Pages became a canvas for the vivid tapestry woven by the author, the richness of the story breathing life into the diary's parchment.

Descriptions of mystical encounters, shadowy realms, and the complexities of Declan's companions found their place among the written chronicles. The diary became a repository of the novel's essence, each event meticulously transcribed to encapsulate the allure and mysteries of "The Legacy of Shadow."

Amidst the meticulous recounting of the novel's events, a peculiar resonance echoed within me—a familiarity with the tale that transcended mere storytelling. Despite my deliberate efforts to distance myself from the novel's narrative in favor of an opulent existence, an inexplicable connection with Declan's saga persisted, urging me to explore the untold chapters that beckoned beyond the book's pages.

The act of transcribing the pivotal events served as both homage and a silent invitation, inviting me to delve deeper into the mysteries of the tale that now seemed inexorably entwined with my existence. The diary's pages bore witness to my acknowledgment of the narrative's significance, leaving a trail of unanswered questions and uncharted paths that whispered of adventures yet undiscovered.

And I know how dangerous my thought was. All I want in this life is peace and a carefree life filled with luxuries. A life I wanted but could not achieve in my original world. This made me even more determined to achieve it in this life and to achieve it I needed to stay away from the main plot and live in a remote place where I had full control of the territory and more importantly the strength to protect myself in this world filled with dangers and various challenges where death would come knocking at your door with the slightest of mistake you could make.

It seems challenges and hardship followed me to this world, guess this is what people destiny and it seems true that no one can escape it not even in second life. Now lets start planning my action hopefully I still have 6 years before the plot starts it is enough for me escape all the troubles and live comfortably in some remote area away from the troubles. At least I was born in freaking rich family which solves one of my problem to live a comfortable life.