
Surviving as an extra in the novel

Thrust into the world of his beloved novel, "The Legacy of Shadows," Ashton Nightshade, the fifth-generation scion of the prestigious SSS Ranker family, strives to carve a tranquil path. With a fervent desire for personal freedom and a peaceful existence, he navigates the fantasy realm. Determined to change his destiny on his terms, Ashton faces countless challenges seeking to fulfil his dream of living a carefree life full of luxuries. Trying to avoid the clash between the protagonist and antagonists, he embarks on a quest for self-determination, seeking to redefine his role and live life by his own rules in a world steeped in power struggles and heritage. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Author's note:- Ashton Nightshade is not a hero nor a villain. He is just a person who got recarnated in the novel he was reading and this story is about how he achieve his dream in this new fantasy relam which he could not achieve in the original world. Also I am a new author and English is not my first language but nevertheless I will try my best my best to give you the best reading experience)

king2005 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Just to make it clear it is a slow paced novel and I am a new author so don't expect professional work but, I would still request you to try it as I am trying my best to write this story.

Second thing is that in this world lifespan increase as your rank increase and it is very difficult to rank up and it uses a lot of resources. It also take a lot of time to rank up.And due to the long lifespan most of the strong family are large clans.

Third thing is that the protagonist is not op he will make mistakes and grow after making mistake and he will fullfil the dreams he could not fulfil in his original world.

That's all I hope you have a great time reading this novel.

Oh and add it in your library.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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