
Surviving as an extra in the novel

Thrust into the world of his beloved novel, "The Legacy of Shadows," Ashton Nightshade, the fifth-generation scion of the prestigious SSS Ranker family, strives to carve a tranquil path. With a fervent desire for personal freedom and a peaceful existence, he navigates the fantasy realm. Determined to change his destiny on his terms, Ashton faces countless challenges seeking to fulfil his dream of living a carefree life full of luxuries. Trying to avoid the clash between the protagonist and antagonists, he embarks on a quest for self-determination, seeking to redefine his role and live life by his own rules in a world steeped in power struggles and heritage. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Author's note:- Ashton Nightshade is not a hero nor a villain. He is just a person who got recarnated in the novel he was reading and this story is about how he achieve his dream in this new fantasy relam which he could not achieve in the original world. Also I am a new author and English is not my first language but nevertheless I will try my best my best to give you the best reading experience)

king2005 · Fantasy
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6 Chs




National level













It is the continent where the dominant race are humans. But you can also see other foreign race in this continent living in peace and harmony.


It is also known as Heaven and is ruled by the holy angels who are the best healers you can ever find. This continent is said to be protected by the gods


It is the strongest continent ruled by the Dragon Emperor and his 12 Dragon king's .

They don't like the presence of other species in their land.


It is the continent filled with forests and natural treasures. Elves and their subspecies rule this land.


It is the continent filled with beasts said to be ruled by the best king. Information about this continent are not public.


This is the continent filled with blacksmith who create the best artefacts in the world.

The dominant race are Draves but blacksmith of other races are also welcomed here.


It is the continent ruled by demon Emperor and the 72 pillar family of the demons.

Dark continent

It is ruled by the foreign species who came from a different world. Not much is known about them.

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