
Chapter 1: Prologue

I'm bored.

I'm very bored. This world has nothing to offer to make me want to keep living in it.

At least that's what I thought until I'm 14 years old when I encountered web novels.

They became one of the pillars that hold my life together. You can say I'm addicted to them. Mangas, animes, and others are okay-ish, I guess, but novels top all of them. That's my opinion after enjoying all of them in the past years.

But then, my world turned from boring to hell. My dad discovered my mom was cheating on him. Then my mom left him for another man. My dad then became depressed and committed suicide after a few months.

Now, I only lived with my big brother. He worked hard to support the family, if it can even be called one. But, my big brother's girlfriend also cheated on him and he fell into a deep depression. Seriously, what the hell is up with these unloyal bitches that keep targeting my family? Can one good girl come? Guess not.

Then I tried to study as hard as possible, to no avail. My grade still stayed the same, some of them even flunked. Seeing my effort In studying isn't paying off at all, I decided to drop out of college and do part-time jobs, and things are actually looking good! But no, the god of this world sent another misfortune to me.

Just when our family is recovering, my big brother committed suicide in his room. Now, I'm alone, working just to support myself. Remember when I said this world turned to hell for me? Well, this hell became boring to me too. Guess I get used to things easily, huh?

Now novels aren't only my entertainment, they're my reason to LIVE. If they didn't exist, I would've probably killed myself a long time ago. When it's break time at work, l read web novels. When I'm home, I read web novels. While I'm eating, I still read web novels.

Why am I so addicted to them?

The protagonists...

They're the complete opposite of me who has only ever experienced misfortunes in my life. They are luck machines, they can only get lucky. Even if they were hit by a misfortune, ten fortunes will come at them. I wished to be like them, though I know it's not possible.

Ok, back to my life story. Fortunately, one of my father's friends took pity on me and let me work at a company. It was hard at first, but I got used to the work pretty fast. However, the bastard seniors started to dump all their work on me, and I can't even complain since the goddamned superiors supported the seniors more.

Now, my routine is to wake up, eat, work, read novels, sleep, and repeat. And that just makes my boredom grow. Now, even novels felt bland. Now what should I even live for? Haa, I really missed the time when I was playing with my big brother as a child.

I remembered when I was running at the beach and my big brother trying to catch up with me.

"Ha ha ha! You can't and will never ever catch me!"

"Hey wait-"



"That was a good dream," I mumbled after turning my phone alarm off.

"Do I have breakfast?" I thought while waking up and walking to the kitchen.

"Where is all the food?" I said to myself while checking more thoroughly, then the sound of my phone alarm disturbed me.


Welp, guess it's time for work. Yeah, that's right, I set two alarms, one for waking up, and one for work. What, you have a problem? I stood up after searching from the lower cabinets, then I walked lazily from the kitchen back to the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, I walked to my room to dress up properly. After tying my tie half-assedly and finding out I spent too much time on trying to find my underwear, I ran out of the apartment's door and locked it, ignoring the landlord's letter about my unpaid rent money.

Then I ran into the elevator and got out of my apartment building. Thankfully, the bus still hasn't departed yet. After rashly tapping my bus card, I stood near a seat, because all the seats are full, hell, I don't think there was any more space for another person to stand there!

After the bus door closes, the bus started to move. That's when I decided to whip out my phone and open the novel that I just read this morning. Then I caught something in my peripheral vision. A PERVERT. Yep, a pervert wearing a hoodie is casually touching what seemed like a high school girl's butt, and I can see from her expression that she absolutely isn't enjoying it.

What do I do? What do I do? I may get in unnecessary trouble if I help her, but fuck it, my consciousness won't let that slide. At that moment, I felt as if all of my blood is circulating twice as fast as usual.

"Hey pervert, can you please get your dirty hands off?" I said politely.

I can feel that every eye there is staring right at me, the pervert, and the molested girl.


I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. When I looked down, I saw that pervert just stabbed me with a goddamn kitchen knife. Unfortunately, the bus stopped and the door opens, so the pervert pulled out his knife and ran out from the bus.

As I am losing my blood, my shitty life flashed right in front of my eyes.


If reincarnations are real, I hope it will be a better life next time.

Then my consciousness slipped as I slowly closed my eyes...

But then, a stinky smell came into my nose.

I opened my eyes and woke up.

This... Where am I?



Sorry for the bad grammar. English is not my first language. Hehehe.