

"Make it in time! Make it in time!.."

I'm running fast but careful so I wouldn't damage anything in my way. I also manipulating the wind so no one would notice my presence. 

After few seconds of running I've arrived in the Inn. There's a commotion inside, many people were crowding in a place so I go there. When I arrived I saw two men kicking the other men lying down. I'm familiar to the face of the two standing men, they are Vin's companions. And the one they beating up is... Ah! That's Lori's father!

I quickly jump on the crowd and attack the two bastards. I give the first guy a round house kick and body blow for the second one, they tried to dodge but I'm incredibly faster than them. So they're knockout in an instant. 

The people around were all impressed in my performance and give me a round of applause. I'm a little bit embarrassed and scratched the back of my head. 


I heard someone creating a painful sound. When I look at my back I saw Lori's father trying to stand up. I forgot him! I immediately help him and sit him on a nearby chair.

"Mister stay still I'll heal you."

I use healing magic immediately. After he got healed, he look at his body and try move it. He look at me after checking his body condition.

"Thank you very much! young man!"

He bent his body and thank me. I feel embarrassed every time someone sincerely thanking me. I need to get use to it if I continue to help the people in need.

"Your welcome, I just did the right thing to do."

Lori's father lift up his body from bowing and approach me. I was surprised in the next thing he do. He suddenly kneeled down in front of me.

"Please young man! Help my daughter! I beg you!"

He said it while crying. Of course I planned to help Lori in the very beginning, he don't need to beg for it. I also kneeled down and seriously look in his eyes.

"Leave it to me!"

I run like a wind after saying those words. They're all surprised because it's like I teleported because of my speed. Only the veteran adventurers can tell what happened. 

Tracking the location of Lori is a piece of a cake. I use my Clairvoyance Skill and easily found her. She's running inside the slums area and someone following her. Of course I really know who he is, that's the bastard Vin. I immediately follow them, and after a while a catch up to them.

When I get there Vin's already pinning down Lori and slowly closing his face to kiss her. I use my other skill "Blink" and instantly appear beside Vin. I give him a kick and his body flies and hit the wall. The wall was destroyed because of the impact, but unfortunately he's still alive.

I ignored Vin and look back to face Lori. Her eyes were closed and her body is shivering. I try to call her but I stop when she open her eyes slowly. She's a kind of confused and restlessly looking around. When our eyes met each other I smiled to her and give her a hand to stand up. But she ignored my hand and jump to my bosom and started crying. It's like a bitchy move to get a man's heart but because I know that she's truly scared I allow it only this time.

I stroke her hair to calm her. After a while she stop crying and look at me with upturned eyes. What's that look! It's very cute!

"Ummm.. Rod, can we stay like this for a while?"

"Sure, but is it okay for you? we're embracing each other right now."

I blush a bit when I said it. Suddenly Lori chuckles and look at me while smiling brightly. My heart skip for a bit but I steeled myself and look to her beautiful blue eyes.

"It's alright, I feel comfortable and safe here so let me borrow this place, please."

"If you're okay with me I don't mind, please enjoy yourself."

"Hihihi.. I will, and thank you for saving me again."

She laugh cutely and cuddled on my bosom and I happily stroke her soft, smooth and glossy blonde hair.

After she satisfied herself I separated from her and tie up Vin. He's still unconscious, my kick earlier is so powerful for him to take, even though I adjust the power at the lowest that I can do.

"Now that the troublesome was already subdued, what will we do next?"

I'm don't know what to do to him. Should I call the guards or take him personally in the guard-house? 

"I think taking them to guards are the best option."

Lori's suddenly talk and give her suggestion, is she an esper? How did she know what I thinking? That's not important now, I need to take Vin to guard-house like Lori said. I lift Vin like nothing, I didn't feel heavy at all even though his body is like a bear. 

"Woah! you're really strong. You lifting Vin's body like nothing."

She was astonished to what she seeing. It's really normal though, in the forest the only thing I lift heavy is the body of the forest ruler, that's a massive dragon.

"It's nothing, let's go so we can end this trouble."


"Isn't that's Vin?" (Mob 1)

"You're right its him." (Mob 2)

"He's beaten up greatly, he deserves it!" (Mob 1)

"Yeah you're right, almost all adventurers and citizens are pissed off to him because he's so  arrogant and blackmailing and skimming people." (Mob 2)

I heard many bad comments about Vin that I dragging using rope to guard house. I decide to stop lifting him because I can't see what's in the way because of his bear like body. Most people of this city harbored resentment to him.

And after a while we got in our destination, the guard-house. 

"Excuse me! Mr. Guard we've like to surrender those man who did a criminal act."

I shouted and a guard approach us. His hair is blonde, he had a brown eyes and his height is as tall as me(5'8 ft.). He's wearing an armor with the kingdom symbol engraved in the middle. If I would describe the symbol, it's a man riding a dragon and the man at the back of the dragon is racing his right hand with his sword, it's like a victory pose. The guard stop at our front and look at me intently.

"This is my first time seeing your face. Is this your first time here in our city?"

"Yes, I'm just arrived here yesterday."

"Umm... I see."

He nod and look behind us. He got surprised seeing someone behind us, of course the cause was Vin the B rank adventurer.

"Are you the one who beaten and captured him?"

The guard have a curious look while questioning me, I answered him honestly.

"Yes I'm the one who did that. Did I do a bad thing?"

I'm a bit nervous because Vin is still an adventurer so beating him up is a kind of crime or violation, that's what I thought but the guard shake his head vigorously and bowed down deeply.

"No, you did the right thing. We already investigating Vin in a long time and discovered that he's in the underground society. But even we already knew it we can't capture him because of lack of evidence. 

So that's why he said it's the right thing that I captured this bastard.

"But now that I captured him because he attack and tried to assault Lori, We have a concrete evidence now and witnesses to tell what happened."

"You're right, alright I'll call my underlings to put them in jail. HEY! JOAQUIN! TAKE THOSE CRIMINAL IN JAIL!, DO YOU UNDERSTAND!"

"Y..YE..YESS!.. S..SIR!"

Woah. He's scary. He's like a mafia boss commanding his underlings. After talking to his underling he look at me again and smile.

"It's rude that I didn't give my name, so I'll introduce myself. I'm Robert, captain of this guard post. I managing this area of the city and practiced my juniors to become a good and strong soldier."

What an admirable man, just remove your bossing attitude to your junior soldiers and its good. Of course I also introduced myself, I'm not a stingy person.

"I'm Rod, nice to meet you. Please take care for me."

"Nice to meet you too, Rod. Now that we've already know each other can we enter inside so you can explain what happened."

I knew it! This thing would happen. But for Lori's sake I do this troublesome thing.

Almost an hour when the questioning is over. I feel really exhausted because of the questions that they always repeated and the atmosphere of the place, it feels like suffocating.

We thanked Robert and leave the place. He said that he will call me and Lori when the trial is over. It's reassuring that not all official of this city has a corrupted mind.

We walk back to the inn. And when we got there the two companion of Vin is already tied up and guarded by other adventurers. I told them that I surrendered Vin to the guard post, when they heard that they're surprise. So Vin was strong after all. After I told them what to do, they dragged the two bastards to the guard post.


Someone called Lori, we look to the direction where the caller is. And we saw a man standing there while crying. 


The one who called her was her father. They run and hug each other while crying.

"I'm sorry, if father didn't take that money you'll not experience this horrible thing."

"No! It's not fathers fault. You just want to continue our business for me, I knew that father was more devastated than me when mother's died. You want me to have a good and healthy life that's why it's not fathers fault!"

Her father got surprised in Lori's answer. But eventually he smiled to her and gently stroke her hair. Lori is like a kitten stroked by her owner. 

"Thank you my daughter, I promise that this thing would never happen again."

It's like I'm watching some sort of t.v. drama. Some women were in tears and some guys too. Well I'm not easy to cry, so don't expect me to cry in that level of drama.

I turn around and started to walk out but suddenly someone called me. I look back and saw Lori and her father bowing at me.

"Thank you very much! Young man. It's because of you that our problem was solved. I can't reward you now but if you need help just call me and I will aid you right away. Can I know your name?"

"I'm Rod an adventurer."

"So you're also adventurer, I think not all the adventurers are like him."

"Yeah you're right."

I will change the image of the adventurers. But before that thing happen I need to remove the corrupt officials and adventurers. When I say remove it's not I'm going to kill them, It means I going to put them behind the bars. I would not kill someone as could as I can.

"Today that our problem was solved and the culprit was captured. We will have a little banquet and all of you are invited!" (Lori's father)

"oohhhhh! give us more booze old man!" (Mob 1)

"Hey! I'm not an old man, I'm just in my late 40's. Do you want a fight!" (Lori's father)

"Hahaha! Old man is as energetic as always! It seems your body is already okay." ( Mob 2)

"Of course! I would not die in that kind of beating, they are still weak!" ( Lori's father)

"Haha! That's our old man! For our old man CHEERS!" (Mob 3)

"CHEERS!!" (Everyone)

The banquet begins, it's very noisy but because this is a celebration so it's normal. I ate some sweets and sit on the corner and watch the crowd. There is someone who eating excessive, their's also someone who already drunk and sleeping peacefully.

While watching them someone approach me, he's Lori's father. I always said "Lori's father" because I didn't know his name. Now is the time to know it.

"You are Lori's father and the owner of this inn, am I right?"

"Yeah you're right. Sorry that I forgot to give my name earlier, my name is Walter a former official of the Kingdom's soldier."

So his name is Walter what a handsome name, well his a handsome man after all even he aged a bit.

"Thank you very much again for saving me and my daughter."

"You're welcome, I just do the right thing so don't sweat it."

And at the edge of my eye I see Lori approaching in my direction.

".... Rod can we talk, I want to talk to you, just the two of us."

Before I say something Walter is already vanished in my sight. What's that! Teach me that skill sensei! But my astonishment also vanished when Lori started to talk.

".... Rod I wish you'll not hate me after you hear what I'm going to say."

"I promise, I'll not hate you so don't be nervous."

I said it to her while smiling. When she saw that she become red all over her face. Nah I'm a sinful man, Haha just kidding.

"The truth is this is the first time that I feel this. I thought it's just an admiration because you help me, but now I knew it when I jump in that place. I felt the warm and security that make me comfortable."

I'm not a dense protagonist who don't know what is she talking about. I anticipated this kind of event when I saw her passionate gaze to me when I save him from Vin. I intently look to her eyes and wait to what she was going to say.

"... I..I.. love you Rod, please make me your woman!"

I pretend to be surprised so she would not feel awkward. Well she's a beauty and capable to do many household chores, specially cooking. She's a wife material so I decided to accept her.

"If you're okay with me, please take care of me from now on."

She cried and hug me, I also her back and stroke her hair. Stroking her hair makes my mind peaceful.

"Yes! From now own I'll be your bride, I'll love you forever!"

She look at me and slowly close her eyes. She wants me to kiss her. Of course I want to too. I kiss her, it's just a normal kiss but it's really refreshing. Feeling the soft lips of the beautiful woman is really a jackpot!

We separated after a few second and hug each other again.

"So you've become my daughter's fiancé. Congratulation for both of you. I'm so happy for you my daughter that you now met the man for you."

I already knew that he's watching us in the shadow that's why I'm not surprised when he suddenly appeared and talked.

"Thank you for accepting him to be my man father."

"Are you alright that your daughter become the woman of a stranger like me?"

"It's alright, you're a good and strong man, and my daughter picks you because she loves you. I know that you will protect her no matter what so I'll not interfere in my daughter's decision."

"How can you be sure about that?"

"My intuition, it always right so I'm sure."

Haa... (Sighing) this man is an idiot, he would do or decide anything by using just his intuition. No wonder that Vin skimmed him easily.

"The banquet is just only started, don't hold back yourself and eat and drink anything you want."

Walter walk away while laughing. I call Lori who's hugging me, she lift her head and look at me.

"I didn't it a decent meal since morning so can we join them."

She smiled brightly and hold my hand.

"Let's go! I'll cook the best dish that I can cook, It's exclusively for you."

She blushed and dragged me to the kitchen. What a cute creature this woman.

I enjoy myself eating the dish that Lori personally cooked. I chat with her and to his father.

I feel that I forgot something but I couldn't remember it, it's already on the tip of my tounge. Nevermind, today I'll enjoy myself eating, drinking and chatting.