

Hearing the chirping of the birds I woke up. I get out of the bed and stretch my body. This is my second day in this city. I'm planning to take many quest again today to rank up. I clean myself using [Lifestyle Magic : Clean] and went out of the room.

There already many people and most of them are adventurers eating their breakfast. I feel very hungry because I forgot to eat last night. I take a sit and call Lori to order my food. While Lori taking my order the door open forcefully and 3 big man walks inside.

Their attires are like an adventurer but their faces are like a bandits. They look around like they're searching for someone. And one of the man look at my direction and smile disgustingly.

"There you are, Lori. This day is the deadline of your fathers debt so pay me now."

"I'm sorry Vin but I can't really pay you right now, please give me some more time."

"No! I'll not wait anymore, I will take you as a pay in your father's debt."

Vin grab lori's arm and forcefully dragging her out of the inn. 

I don't want to butt in, but seeing the crying face of lori and the disgusting smile of Vin makes me uncomfortable. I stand up and grabs Lori's right hand, because Vin is grabbing Lori's left arm firmly I give his arm a hand chop and loose his hand grip that holding Lori.

"AAaaaaaahhh.. Mm.m..my aarrrrmmmm!"

I pulled Lori to my side but because of my force Lori stumble. I catch her and she land on my chest, It's like I hugging her. 

"B..ba..bas.tard y..yo..yo..u will pay for tthhhiisssss!!"

The three big bastards quickly flee after they threatened me. I thought his companion would fight back but it's not. They're more like a mob than a companion.

"Are you alright Lori?"

I shift my sight to Lori, she's looking at me passionately. Of course this will happen, it's like I'm a prince rescuing the princess against the bad guys. But I can't deny that she's really a beauty, that's why those bastards were so eager to take her.

"Thank you for saving me, Rod. HuuuWaaaahhhhh!"

She cried again after thanking me. I pat her head while hugging her, she's really scared because she's hugging me tightly. Even there's so many people watching us I don't care, I continue comforting Lori until she calm down.

After a few minutes Lori calm down and look at me again.

"So you're already calm down"

Hearing my voice, Lori got back to realization and understood our situation now. In the middle of many observers we're hugging each other like we are in a relationship.

Lori immediately separate from me and cover her face that is blushing. Even she's a bitch it's not like I don't like it, it's really cute.

Suddenly Lori take my hand and pulled me until we get in the kitchen who only authorized persons are have a permission to get in. Even this inn is not a rich one, they still have a restrictions in some parts of it.

Her face looks sad when she look at me, it's different from before.

"I'm sorry Rod, because of me you get into a trouble, I'm really sorry!"

Oh that's why you look sad, what she said is true but that's my fault too because I butt in on my accord.

"It's alright I don't blame you. I did it on my own accord so it's my fault too. So cheer up don't blame yourself."

"But those guys are really a trouble. They would go for you to take a revenge, so be careful."

"I'll be careful so don't worry"

I patted her head and smile to her to remove her anxiousness.

"It's time for me to go, it's really bad that I didn't eat breakfast. They may comeback so be careful too."

"Yes, I'll do what you said"

I secretly cast a Danger Perception Magic to her. When she get into a dangerous situation a bell alarm will resound into my mind. I also familiar in her magic essence so finding her is not a problem.

I get out of the inn and happily walk to the guild. It's really refreshing to help someone in need. 

Based to that guys attire they're adventurers, we may see each other again in the guild. Should I report to the guild the commotion they did in the inn? Hah..(sigh) I should not, after all the guild would not interfere in personal problem of their guild members, and the guild is nothing to do in Lori's father debt problem.

I bought some food in the street stalls while heading to the guild. Because of the commotion I didn't eat breakfast in the inn. After several minutes I arrived at the guild and go inside. When I walk inside their attention focus to me. I'm startled a little but because of my poker face they didn't notice it.

I continue walking to quest board to take quest. I focus my senses so I can hear what they're talking about.

"Hey guys.. that's the brat who broke Vin's arm." (Adventurer A)

"Heh.. He looks like a weakling, is the news really true?" (Adventurer B)

"That's true idiot! Don't underestimate the adventurer's informants" (Adventurer C)

That's fast! The commotion happened just several minutes ago. The adventurer's information gathering is scary. 

I intentionally stand in front of the quest board in a long time, pretending that I have a hard time choosing quest. And after several minutes I got the informations that I need regarding about Vin.

Vin is a Rank B adventurer. He's one of the few higher rank adventurer in this city. There's also news that he's doing some criminal acts in the shadow, but no one has an evidence and witness to prove that. And the alarming one is, every adventurers knows that he's eyeing the inn girl in "Dragun Inn". That inn is where I'm staying now, there's no doubt about it, that inn girl that the adventurers talking about is obviously Lori. The only people who are running the " Dragun Inn" are Lori and her father that's why I'm sure that the inn girl is Lori.

I got a hunch that Vin skim Lori's father to sink in high amount of debt to take her. But why? He can try courting her normally, why he resort in this underhanded thing? Even he is big, his face is not bad,so why? I still need more information to understand his reason.

But for now I need to take some quest to rank up. I quickly take the 4 quest like last time, the only one I didn't take is the lost pet quest. 

"I'll take all of this quest. And also I already hunted the monsters in all the quest. Is it alright that I do the quest in advance? Could I repeat taking these quest?"

Alice the receptionist was startled in my quick movements and fast talk. 

"Eh.. Ah! Yes! It's not a problem. Those quest are common quest, you can take it repeatedly."

I quickly go to the back of the guild to take out the corpses of the monsters. Because I'm worried for Lori I accidentally take out a hundred corpses of every monsters in the quest. 

"Ah... W..wha..what are those? There's so many corpses of monsters. Did you slaughter all of them... by yourself?"

Even the adventurers that watching us are dumbfounded. This is the first big mistake I did in my new life. I can't do the low profile image anymore. Hah.. (Sigh) for now I need to quickly finish this and rank up.

"Yeah, I did it on my own. Could you by all of them?"

"Yes, the adventurers guild will buy them all. Because you obviously completed more than 5 quest, your rank will go up. Wait for several minute I'll process your ranking up, can I take your guild card for your rank up?"

"Alright, here's my card."

And Alice immediately left, the guild staffs were still counting the corpses and checking the bodies condition. It will take several minutes before they finish their work.

While waiting at the counter, the alarm bell resound into my head. 

"Lori is in danger."

I quickly run outside to rescue Lori. I already have a bad premonition that this will happen. I hope I'll make it in time before the worst happen.


            LORI'S POV(Point Of View)

"A boring day again."

A  girl with snow white skin and glossy blonde hair is sitting in the inn's counter while talking to herself. Based on her appearance, everyone could say that she's beautiful like a princess.

Her name is Lori. She's popular for being beautiful and kind. There's so many suitors tried to make her their wife or mistress but no one succeeded to take her heart. Many suitors gave up and accepted that Lori was impossible for them. But some can't accept it and try to take her using force or skim.

But none of them succeeded because of her father.

Lori's father was a former official of the Kingdom's Army. Even he became a bit older, he can still beat up someone with his strength. That's why even the noble who skimming something can't do anything. 

Her mother was a mage, she's a Rank B adventurer. Like Lori her mother is also a beautiful woman. 

Her mother and father meet each other in a huge monster subjugation. They fell in love to each other and eventually got married. Their life is so colorful and fulfilling but a storm come and destroyed everything.

Her mother got sick and that decease can't be healed even the healing magic of the high priest in the church can't do anything. And eventually her mother condition become worst and died. She and her father were in pain for many years but they try to overcome the sadness to help each other. She's only 12 when her mother died. She help his father to stand again and do a business, and that business is the "Dragun Inn" that her and his father made.

"Rod is really cool, his face is good and he's strong too."

I remember Rod while thinking what to do to entertain myself.

"If Rod didn't help me, maybe right now my body is already defiled by that man."

That Vin, every time he saw me I felt like he's licking my body because of the lust he emitting. All my suitors are like that, they only like me because of my beautiful face and good body. I waiting that someday a man will look at me in respectful way.

"Father go home faster, I'm scared."

He's buying the Inn's necessities every morning, that's why father is not here when Vin try to take me away. I'm truly fortunate that Rod is here when that's happened. No one try to anger Vin because he's strong, even father don't know if he can beat him.

"On that night, If I hide the money in a secure place this problem would not happened."

A month ago, a thief broke inside the inn and took all the money inside. No one knows who's the culprit.

Both me and father tried to work harder to save the Inn but we are short in time. The Kingdom's tax collector visited us to collect our tax but we couldn't pay him. We beg for sometime and he only gave us 1 week to pay the tax.

Father try to borrow money in the bank but they refuses. We don't know what to do, and that's the time Vin appears. He approached us and kindly let father borrowed the money we need. On that day I thought he's an angel fell from the sky but he's not. He's a devil who's hiding in a human face. 

A week after father borrowed the money he appeared again to get his money. And the problem started when father said he couldn't pay him for now. He said that if father didn't pay him after 3 weeks he will take me. Father become furious when he heard that, but he decided to not fight him because of strength difference. On that day we realized that we got the wrong person to sick help. He only want to take me away from the very start.

Today is the deadline of our debt. The truth is, Vin can really take me if father didn't pay him today. That's the rules here in the Kingdom, that's why many children and woman are become slaves because of their parents debt.


I got surprised because of the loud sound. Someone forcefully open the door. It can't be!

"Hello Lori, I'm back to take you again and beat up that bastard."

Yeah, Vin and his companion are the ones who enters.

"My Father will pay you today so just wait."

"I don't think so. Gari put him in."

Gari one of his companion go outside and take something. What is tha...!

"Father! What did you do to him."

Gari throws father on the floor. I quickly approach him and check his condition. They really beat up my father, his whole body is full of wounds.

"That's his fault for trying to kill me and my companions. Because he attack us, your father is now a criminal. Now that you've already know that there's no hope for your father to get paid, just let me take you and everything will be alright."

So We are checkmated. We can't do anything, now that father was beaten and become a criminal. The only thing that I can do is to sacrifice myself. I'll try to beg for fathers crime, so he can continue his life like a normal people not as a criminal. I try to stand to approach Vin but someone hold my hand. It's father! He woke up!

"Lori my daughter, don't worry about me. That man is a devil, your life will become hell if he take you, so run away my daughter... RUN!.."

My father shout at me to run, even I don't want to, father's eyes is so serious that's why I also strengthen myself and do what father said. I run while crying, I run and run without looking back.

I realize that I'm now inside the slums area. This place is dangerous because of the low public safety. I stop to take a breath inside a dark alley and someone grab my arm and push me down while I'm resting.

"Playing tag is over now. What game we gonna play next. Aha.. We will play House, I'm the husband and you're the wife. Hihihi"

Vin push me down, I don't know how he found me but this is the end of my colorful life. I'm sorry father. All I can do is to cry, I can't move my body because of the difference in strength.

I surrendered myself, when Vin noticed that I didn't use force anymore to make myself free, he smile. That smile is really disgusting, my body shivered because of it.

His face is closing in, he's trying kiss my lips. I shut my eyes really close, he's going to take my first kiss. I don't want it! At least if someone take my first kiss make it a man like...


A loud sound resounded in the alley. When I open my eyes, Vin disappeared on the top of me. And there's a man standing in front of me. He smile when he saw that I'm alright. He give me a hand to stand up but I don't want that. I want to...



I called his name and jump into his chest and cried again. This warmness is really comfortable and I feel secured when I'm here. Now I get it, this is the place where I belong.

Next chapter