
Survive the disaster

Solar storms paralyzed global power communications, caused climate abnormalities, and caused frequent natural disasters. High temperatures, thunderstorms, hail, acid rain, floods, typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, dust, extreme cold, meteorites... The polar glaciers are melting rapidly, resurgent ancient germs are raging around the world, sea levels are rising, and countless city countries have become oceans. Fortunately, Qiao Xi had a storage space filled with supplies.

DaoistzypD36 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 23

The staff on the dock were all astonished. They had received countless batches of compatriots who had returned to China, and many of them cried with joy, but the total number was not as large as this batch. When they found out that the people on this boat were first hijacked by vicious thugs and then rescued from a sunken ship, they immediately understood that they should cry with joy after escaping from death several times.

After landing, passengers will be greeted by routine immigration inspection.

Lin Shao, who thought he could hold a gun close to his body, was worried. Guns were banned in the country and it was very difficult to get one. It was rare to pick one up. If the situation continued to get worse in the future, maybe this gun could save lives.

Several passengers who had their guns confiscated showed depressed expressions. Several other passengers were embarrassed. They found several thick stacks of M yuan in their luggage.

A male passenger insisted that it was his belongings.

Someone exposed him: "I was sitting next to you. When the robber came to collect the things, you poured out all the things in the bag. There was no such money at that time. Don't say you secretly hid it somewhere else. You just This bag. Don't think that everyone doesn't know, you must have taken it secretly from those boxes containing money."

The man's face turned red and he thought angrily, they didn't believe it and they weren't moved to get the box. He went back and waited for the call to come. He could exchange it into RMB at the bank. Who would have thought that there would be immigration inspection and all this? It's time to check it out.

Qiao Xi looked at the red-faced people and calmly looked away. She had no right to look down on them because she had fallen in love with gold and jade.

That was the labor fee for rescuing people, she thought confidently.

After the inspection, several passengers who could not explain the source of the huge amount of cash were taken away alone, and the remaining passengers were taken to the terminal office building and given cold drinks, barreled instant noodles, and iced watermelon: "I'm really sorry. Our compatriots arrived at night, so we didn't prepare lunch."

Everyone can understand that they were an accident within an accident. Besides, although they were frightened, they were not hungry. They brought a lot of food from the villa to the boat and left most of it uneaten.

As the only lucky person who was free from beginning to end, Qiao Xi was paid close attention to by the staff.

"I have an advanced diver's certificate, so I dare to jump... The corpses are okay, I've seen a lot of them. I experienced a thunderstorm when I was in M ​​City, and tens of thousands of people died... It was pitch black, and I didn't know What happened inside? I only heard constant gunshots and screams... There was a forest all around, and I didn't know the way. I had to take a boat if I wanted to run away, so I had no choice but to go in and look for someone... I started from the open car. Go in through the gate and go down the garage passage, but you don't see anyone..."

The staff member smiled reassuringly: "You are very lucky."

Qiao Xi also smiled: "Yes, if you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed later."

Another person who received a lot of attention was Gu Peiyao, who escaped from death.

"...I, I bit off half of his ear. I was blind at the time, but I was very hateful and didn't want him to feel better...I fainted, and when I woke up, I was under the bed with a gun in my hand. Someone saved me...I don't know who saved me. I guess it was someone with a clear conscience among the robbers...When I woke up, I went back the way I came to find everyone...I must be scared, But what's the use of hiding in a room? There is strength in numbers...

Several staff members met and laughed: "Nowadays, the prettier girls are, the bolder they are."

They asked just to understand what happened as much as possible so that they could deal with it, not to suspect anything. Now that I understand the ins and outs, I can't help but feel a little admiration. If it were them, they might not have such courage.

After the inquiry, you can freely choose to leave or stay one night to rest and recuperate before leaving. The food and accommodation on the first day are free, but there is no such good thing on the second day.

Nowadays, money and supplies are needed everywhere, and it is really hard to do so. So many people complained that since they brought people back to their country for free, why not send Buddha to the West and arrange vehicles to take them home?

They can only explain that it is difficult and dangerous for people stranded abroad to return home on their own, so the state helps. It's not difficult to go home by yourself in China. There are a group of long-distance drivers waiting for disembarking passengers at the pier every day. The charges are just a little higher. If you don't have cash, you can use valuables. If you meet a driver who is easy to talk to, you can wait for the passengers to get off the boat. Give it to me.

So many student parties, working parties, business people... all returned home on their own, and they cannot rely on the state for everything. There are too many things that the state has to take care of, and it can't handle them all.

Most people chose to rest one night before leaving. They were frightened all night and no one fell asleep. Now that I have set foot on the country, along with the sense of security comes a surge of fatigue.

Qiao Xi chose to set off immediately. Being up all night was nothing to her. She spent the afternoon on the road and slept at night.

On the pier, some drivers who lived nearby heard the noise and came over, holding loudspeakers and shouting: "Anyone who wants to go to South China can go to South China. If you want to go to South China, come and have a look. Let's gather four of us and set off."


Qiao Xi walked over.

The dark-skinned elder brother smiled enthusiastically: "Where are you going?"


"No problem, are you alone?"

"Have you been to Beijing recently?"

"I just came back from Beijing the day before yesterday. I have run this route several times and I am very familiar with it."

Qiao Xi's eyes lit up: "How is the situation in Beijing and the city?"

"It's pretty good. It's the capital. How could it be bad? If it were not good, other places wouldn't be as bad. The city has opened many subway stations, shopping malls, libraries, and gymnasiums for everyone to escape the summer heat. They are open all day long. It's air-conditioned. I even went to the subway to enjoy the cool air. It was crowded and busy, and many shops were open. It was just like before, but it was much better than our small place." The driver said with envy in his tone.

Qiao Xi beamed with joy: "How is the road condition? Is there a traffic jam?"

"Don't worry, there's no traffic jam at all. There are no cars on the highway. Most people don't go out on this hot day."

Qiao Xi was satisfied and started to make friends out of thin air: "I want to go to the city to find friends, but I forgot the name of their community. I just remember that there is a parking lot over there with cars impounded by the traffic police. I should be able to Find the way, will you go?"

Theoretically, the traffic police team would have such a parking lot to store all kinds of illegally impounded vehicles, and she would have to get a few license plates before she could get on the road.

The driver looked at the sparse group of people. It was only a boatload of people, and he probably couldn't make up a car for a long distance. So he would go to the city first, and then come to pick up people when a large number of boats arrived in the evening.

"It's over there on Xiangyang Road. Let's go. Don't use the meter. It's two hundred. You get one hundred when you get on the bus, and one hundred when you get off." I met someone who had a Bawang meal before. After arriving at the destination, he said that he had no cash and owed him first. Wait until the network is restored before transferring him. You say you're angry or not, even if you want to call the police, you can't call 110. He learned a lesson from the experience. Now he gets on the bus and takes half of it, at least keeping his capital.

Qiao Xi gave him two hundred.

The driver grinned: "Get in the car."

"Miss Qiao." Lin Shaoan ran after him and found someone.

Qiao Xi looked up at him.

Lin Shaoan smiled and said: "Look, we can be considered to have lived and died together. Why don't you leave a phone number? When the network is restored later, I can create a group and we can chat."

The two companions looked sideways. It's shameless to use everyone as a cover. You clearly just want to chat with them.

"No need." Qiao Xi looked at Lin Shaoan. He puffed up his chest subconsciously and heard the beauty say, "Don't stand up randomly next time."

Lin Shaoan: "..."

Two companions: "Poof!"

"Have a safe trip."

Qiao Xi left his last words, got into the back seat of the taxi, closed the door and said to the driver: "Master, let's go."

The driver stepped on the accelerator and chuckled: "Young man, do you want to chase you?"

Qiao Xi smiled and said: "Master, we won't walk above, but on the ground. I'll pay more for the extra road."

The driver was surprised.

Qiao Xi said in an exaggerated tone: "It's always hailing over there in T country, and a lot of people are missing. If it's hailing here too, we won't be able to hide there."

The driver comforted her: "Don't worry, we've never had hail here. It's safe."

Qiao Xi then talked about the tragedy that happened in the Mek River yesterday afternoon: "It's only more than a hundred kilometers away from here. I watched the thunderstorm all the way from south to north. If we really encounter it, we can still find a place to hide below. Hide. Master, try to avoid going up there as much as possible. Making money is more important than life."

The driver's heart went crazy when he heard it: "Okay, okay, thank you, I'll keep it in mind."

Along the way, she asked the driver in detail about the situation in Beijing and the city and the road conditions along the way. Half an hour later, she saw her destination and called the driver to stop: "I remembered the way, so let's get off here. I want to buy something, so I can't go empty-handed. "

The driver didn't doubt his presence and pulled over.

Qiao Xi put two thousand yuan on the shelf next to the driver's seat: "Master, something is wrong in this world. One disaster follows another. Try to buy as much food and drink as possible and put it at home. Also, it is best to put it in the window Install a layer of anti-theft windows outside to prevent burglars even if there is no hail. "

The driver looked at the pile of money and was stunned, and subconsciously said: "No need to pay more, I didn't run too much."

"I have always been worried about my family. After listening to your words, I feel more relieved. This is just a small token of my heart." This money is used as money for buying news. Anyway, she is not short of money. After spending it, she can just sell something to make money.

After saying that, Qiao Xi opened the door, got out of the car and left.

The driver brother was still in disbelief that he could exchange so much money with just a few words. Count on it, two thousand! Hey, why is this girl so generous?

I can't help but think of what she said. It's actually not bad. Although the power and Internet were cut off, after the chaos of the first few days passed, I gradually got used to it and continued to live my life as I should, and it became easier to make money. This week he ran long distances and earned five to six thousand in one trip, which was as much as the previous month.

"I must have been frightened by the hail. It's really scary. If you encounter it, it will really kill you. I don't even dare to drive on the highway anymore."

He muttered to put the money away and buy more food and drink, as his wife at home was already doing it. When the power went out, my wife heard people saying that the world was going to end, so she rushed to the wholesale market and bought a lot of things. Later, the wholesale market was taken over by the government. She didn't mind the heat and went to the supermarket to queue up every day to buy things. Although it cost a lot of money, looking at the things that filled half of the room, it felt really practical.

As for the security windows, he couldn't make up his mind, so he decided to go home and ask his wise and powerful wife. In their house, the wife was in charge.


Due to cost considerations, the parking lot where the traffic police impounded the car was located in a remote location. There was only an old man sitting in the guard room holding a cattail leaf fan. Qiao Xi, who had disguised himself, walked around behind the wall, looked around to make sure no one was there, and climbed in deftly. Hey, in just twenty-one days, she had done all kinds of sneaky things.

There were many cars parked inside that had signs of car accidents, and some had signs of burning. Qiao Xi picked up the badly damaged cars to remove their license plates, including blue plates for small cars, yellow plates for large cars, and green plates for new energy vehicles, as many as possible. Multiple provinces.

After picking off a bunch of license plates, she left immediately and walked to a closed shopping mall with an underground parking lot. She found a hidden corner in the dark parking lot to enter the space.

She selected three cars in the space to install license plates on, and she would install the rest during her evening break. Then I took a comfortable bath, soaked in the rain and soaked in the river. Even after changing clothes in the bathroom on the ship, I still felt uncomfortable.

Everything was ready, Qiao Xi set off, she had both a map of Yun Province and a map of the whole country. This city is a tourist attraction, and she took her parents on a self-drive tour in their RV.

The local area is 3,000 kilometers away from Beijing, and it takes more than thirty hours by highway. Including rest time, if everything goes well, it will take two days and two nights.

She had to hurry up. She felt that as long as she moved fast enough, she could reach the capital city before the thunderstorm.

There were few vehicles on the road, the visibility was high during the day, and he had a vague impression of the route. Qiao Xi drove until it was completely dark before entering the expressway service area to rest. We started at three in the afternoon and stopped at eight in the evening. After five hours and 700 kilometers, we had already entered Sichuan Province.

When entering the service building, the staff standing at the door asked Qiao Xi to show his valid ID.

The staff searched for her ID number in a document full of ID numbers. When no record was found, they handed Qiao Xi a red note and a green note: "Use the red note to go to the supermarket to buy something. The purchase is limited to ten items, and when you go to the restaurant to eat with your green ticket, you are limited to one meal per person."

After the power outage and Internet disconnection, doomsday rhetoric became popular, and there were even incidents of looting and vandalism in some areas. In almost every city, some people are hoarding supplies, so much so that people who didn't want to hoard have started to follow suit. Empty shelves trigger anxiety and a vicious cycle, with more and more people hoarding goods.

Evolved to this day, the universal greeting "Have you eaten?" has become "Have you stocked up?"

Some drivers passing by are eyeing the supermarket in the service area. If you limit the purchase quantity, they will finish it again and again. Supermarkets in the service area are not like supermarkets outside, where you have to queue for hours, and sometimes there is no need to queue.

This is why we have to implement this policy. Each ID number can only receive a red and green strip once in the same service area within 24 hours.

The staff asked again: "Are you staying overnight?"

At this time, many drivers sleep and wait for dawn before leaving. Today is different from the past. Most of the road sections are unlit, and cautious drivers do not like to drive at night.

Qiao Xi nodded.

The staff handed her a green ticket again: "It will be used for breakfast tomorrow. Don't drop it. If it is lost, it will not be replaced."

Qiao Xi looked at the red and green note. There was a date on it, and the date was stamped with an official seal.

She took the red strip and went to the supermarket. There were a wide variety of products in it. In less than a month, it was impossible for the stocks of so many factories, dealers, supermarkets and stores to be exhausted so quickly. It is said that the country's grain reserves are enough to feed the people of the country for several years. I hope this is true.

It's different when there's supervision. Everything is at the original price. She bought ten cans of xylitol with different flavors.

The restaurant sells fast food, and the dishes are self-service. Qiao Xi chose a braised rabbit head, a boiled fish, a stir-fried green bean, a hot and sour soup and a bowl of white rice.

She found a seat where there were many people around and sat down, eating and listening to people chatting. Nowadays, communication is paralyzed, and news is spread by mouth. When you meet someone you're interested in, just strike up a conversation and ask her. She looks good and has a good attitude, and the other person will be happy to tell her.

They are all ordinary people, and they can't say anything particularly valuable. They are mostly complaining that life is not easy.

Overall, it sounds like there are no major disasters other than power outages and small-scale fires. The situation is much better than in country T.

After staying outside at nine o'clock, Qiao Xi returned to the car, set the alarm clock for 4:30 tomorrow morning, and entered the space to go to bed. Recharge your batteries tonight, stay awake tomorrow night, and drive home in one go.

Wake up feeling refreshed.

Qiao Xi set off immediately after breakfast. He stopped for five or six hours to eat something and stretch his hands and feet. He rested for half an hour to an hour and then set off again. Finally, he entered Beijing at 10 a.m. on the 29th.

There were not many people or cars on the street, but there were many police cars, military vehicles and fire trucks.

Due to the scorching heat and dry weather, many residents make fires to cook on their own. Fire prevention has become the focus. Currently, there is no way to call the police in time, so fire trucks can only be sent around the city.

The orderly scene made Qiao Xi feel happy, and he would be home in half an hour.

At the next intersection, there was a traffic jam. Hundreds of people blocked the door of the X Bank headquarters holding banners with handwritten words 'Give me back my hard-earned money', and more and more people joined from all directions.

Obviously, bank depositors are protesting. When the Internet is cut off, many people cannot withdraw the money they have in the bank. But in life, they need money for everything they eat, drink, and eat. What should they do?

Physical businessmen are okay, they can sell their goods to get cash, but there is really nothing they can do about hiring workers. Power outages and network outages have caused widespread unemployment. Wages are gone, and savings are gone. The last cash and inventory have been used up, and even valuables have been sold. If we don't make trouble, we will really starve to death.

Qiao Xi didn't know how it would end. The traffic police who arrived redirected the vehicle. Ten minutes later, she left from another road. The bank entrance was still crowded with people.

Twenty minutes later, she stopped in front of the main gate of Jinlan Villa.

There are few owners in the villa community, and the property security guards know every owner. During this period, at the request of the community, they specially registered and learned about each owner. Therefore, they found out that Qiao Xi was abroad. They were very surprised at the moment: "Miss Qiao, are you back?"

Qiao Xi asked anxiously: "How are my parents?"

The security guard smiled: "Mr. Qiao and the others are fine. They were just worried about you. Now that you are back, they can rest assured."

Qiao Xi beamed with joy instantly and felt half lighter. Looking at the security guard, she took out two packs of cigarettes from her backpack and handed them out through the car window: "Thank you for your hard work during this time."

"It's not hard work or not, it's all what we deserve." The security guard took it over with a smile. The owners here are all wealthy people, with their net worth starting at nine figures. There are definitely some who are too arrogant and disdain to look at them, but there are also many owners who are particularly generous. The owner of the house at No. 60 is a generous person. He will give small gifts from time to time when he comes in and out, so everyone is particularly concerned about their family's affairs.

For example, recently there are often vendors bringing chickens, ducks, fish, shrimps, and fresh fruits to sell. Everyone knows that the people living here are not short of money. As long as the goods are good, the price is not an issue. When they go in to notify the owners, they will give priority to the owners with whom they have good relations.

The security guard raised the brake lever, and Qiao Xi couldn't wait to step on the accelerator. He had never felt that the mountain road home was so long.

It's so close, that's my house...roof? Solar power panels, hey, it's quite promising. Qiao Xi raised the corner of her mouth. The more comfortable her parents live, the happier she will be.

However, why was the garden door open at this time? Qiao Xi frowned.

"We are all neighbors. We help each other in difficult times. Besides, your frozen meat won't taste good after being frozen for a long time. Who can you sell it to? You might as well sell it to me. I don't want you for nothing. Twenty It only costs 15 yuan in the supermarket." He Meiying, who was wearing a gold bracelet with a thick thumb, spat. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and winked at her two sons, "That's it. It's agreed that one hundred pounds of pork will kill me in the sun. Let's go in quickly. Do you still have seafood? Let's sell it to our family for one hundred pounds. My grandson likes seafood. It's hard to buy live seafood now. It's frozen. You can still eat it."

Two chubby young men followed her and rushed in.

"Whoever decided it for you is just talking to yourself." Qiao Yuanshan laughed angrily and held on to the iron gate of the garden without letting go.

The little wife's mother-in-law couldn't get on the table, so she even hooked the latch on the back of the door from the outside. This was not a door-to-door purchase of meat, but a door-to-door robbery of meat. Meat in the supermarket costs fifteen yuan a pound, but you have to wait in line for several hours under the bright sun. Nowadays, there are people who work as scalpers. They sell it to people who don't want to queue immediately after coming out of the supermarket. A pound of meat starts at fifty. If there are many people who want it, they can sell it for one hundred. The meat sold by private traders is much larger. Eleven pounds.

When the power went out, their family had already sold a batch of inventory to neighbors in the community. They couldn't store so many ingredients at home, and it was too expensive to store them in the restaurant's cold storage. It was better to exchange them for cash to buy other missing items.

If the neighbors came to buy at that time, they would sell some to them. Whoever sells is not selling.

But it has been more than twenty days. I used the price in the supermarket as the standard and gave you an extra three to five yuan to show that I was taking advantage of you. Isn't it just because I have two young and strong sons? The two of them are easy to bully and want to take advantage of them. If today's advantage is given to them, it will be fine, but when times get worse, everyone will come to 'buy' it, or even rob it.

Xi Jingyun was also helping to close the door, but how could the two of them be the opponents of two young guys and a middle-aged fat aunt? They saw the mother and son breaking in.

Xi Jingyun became angry, turned around and rushed back to the house.

"Get out, get out, you are forcing your way into a house, I want to call the police, I must call the police!" Qiao Yuanshan shouted angrily, reaching out to stop him.

He Meiying felt timid when she heard the call to the police. Then she thought of her daughter who was having a tantrum at home, and she became bolder again. The son-in-law gave his daughter a sum of money and asked her to buy some things from the neighbors to keep at home just in case. There are many bosses in this community. Some people open pharmaceutical companies, some make solar photovoltaic panels, some open hotels, some do catering, and some open businesses. Supermarket chains...are willing to make things convenient for their neighbors.

The daughter thought it was troublesome, so she gave the money to her. She only spent a little, thinking that she would be back to normal soon. She was afraid that there would be no place to buy it, so why buy it at a high price and hoard it? What a waste. The remaining money was divided among his sons, and they all lost it.

Unexpectedly, it never returned to normal, and the refrigerator at home was almost empty. When my son-in-law found out later, he would definitely scold his daughter. The vixen outside has given birth to twin sons, but they are eagerly waiting to take over.

No, she brought her sons to No. 60 to buy things, because there were only two elders in their family, and they didn't even have a nanny or driver, so they were the least likely to be bullied.

"Why call the police? It's not like we won't pay," He Meiying frowned. "We are all neighbors. Why don't you do something so cruel? If my son is taken away, I will come to block your door every day. Wait for my son Come out, hum, I can't control what they will do."

Being threatened so bluntly, Qiao Yuanshan was so angry that he fell backward. He Meiying's eldest son accidentally pushed him and fell to the ground.

"Old Qiao!" Xi Jingyun, who came out with a golf club, was furious: "You bastard! You've gone too far!"

He Meiying was shocked. This woman was so gentle, how could she be so tough?

His two sons are not afraid. They are 1.8 meters tall and weigh 180. How could they be afraid of a middle-aged woman who is shorter than them and a little thinner, even if she holds a golf club in her hand.

Qiao Xi was stunned as she ran in, but she didn't dare to ask her mother to take action. What if she was hurt? She quickly kicked the stupid guy away and caught the furious Xi Jingyun.

Xi Jingyun was stunned, then hugged her daughter whom she hadn't seen for more than half a month, tears welling up in her eyes: "Mom knew you would come back, you will definitely come back, my Xi Xi is so powerful, how could he not come back."

Qiao Yuanshan wanted to stand up, but his ankle hurt so much that the pain made him gasp.

The mother and daughter, reunited after a long separation, hurried over.

Xi Jingyun looked at the pale Qiao Yuanshan, handed the golf club to Qiao Xi, and gritted his teeth: "Beat him, beat him hard."

That's what Qiao Xi thought. If she dared to bully her parents, she wouldn't be human unless she was beaten.

Qiao Yuanshan opened his mouth and finally said: "Be careful." Things are different now. He has to scare the monkeys and show his neighbors that they don't think they are easy to bully because they have a small family. One of his daughters can stand up to their ten sons.

He Meiyun looked at the two fat sons who were kicked out, and then listened to what the Qiao couple said. Under what circumstances would parents trust their daughter to beat up two strong men who are taller than their daughters? It can only be because they have confidence in their daughters.

She realized that the beautiful daughter of the Qiao family might be a thorn in the side, and she wanted to pick on the weak, but did not want to cause quarrels, so she immediately said with a smile: "This is really an accident, why did it happen like this. Look, Boss Qiao, you fell down and my two sons were kicked by your daughter, so let's forget about it. It's been a long time since you and your family have seen each other. You must have a lot to say. Let's go first. Let's go first. "

Like mother, like son, He Meiying's two sons were also scared. As the ones who were kicked out, they could feel Qiao Xi's strength, which was too strong to be like a woman, or even a human being.

If Qiao Xi could let them leave in such a swagger, she would not ask Qiao Xi to change his name to Qiao Zang and walk over with a golf club.

Liang Jiawei and Liang Jiajie were inexplicably flustered, and even had the illusion that their legs were weak. Soon their legs were really weak and were beaten to softness.

He Meiying, who felt sorry for her son, rushed up crying and was slapped by Qiao Xi with a club, her face swollen. She fell to the ground and howled with her two fat sons, causing the neighbors in front and behind to poke their heads out of the windows and balconies.

What Qiao Xi wanted was the effect of killing the chicken to scare the monkeys. She stared at the mother and son coldly: "I feel like I died outside. My father and mother have no one to rely on, so I can bully them at will, right?"

She couldn't even imagine how much grievance and humiliation her parents would suffer if she didn't come back in time.

It's really not the case. They dared to come even if Qiao Xi was at home. They only took refuge with their daughter who had electricity and water at home after the power outage. They didn't know Qiao Xi's glorious experience and didn't take her seriously at all.

They regretted it now. Seeing the golf club move in Qiao Xi's hand, their hearts jumped. It hurt too much, and they were afraid that it would fall on them again.

He Meiying was afraid and hated: "How can you hit someone? Just wait, we will call the police and let the police arrest you."

"Go and report it. At worst, I will be detained for a few days, but wait until I come out." Qiao Xi stared into her eyes with a cold smile. "One day, your two precious sons were hit with a brick from behind while they were walking on the road. Then again. What if I didn't get to the hospital in time and died from excessive blood loss? Now there's no surveillance and the police can't find out who did it, so it's just a waste of time, right?"

Things were changing, and He Meiying still remembered that she had threatened the Qiao couple just a few minutes ago, but what she was talking about was blocking doors, swearing in the streets, and beating people in revenge. This daughter of the Qiao family actually dared to talk about murder. How could she say it so lightly, but And creepy.

It was obviously a temperature of over forty degrees, but He Meiying, mother and son, who were shrouded in Qiao Xi's gaze, had goosebumps.

He Meiying shuddered and trembled: "You dare?"

Qiao Xi shrugged slightly and suggested, "How about you give it a try."

Xi Jingyun felt her heart tightening when she heard this, and said, "Get out of here, don't dirty my garden."

He Meiying, mother and son, seemed to have received amnesty, supported each other, and limped away.

Qiao sneered and turned back to Qiao Yuanshan, who was sitting on the lawn: "Go to the hospital?"

"I've seen it, it doesn't matter, just go back and rub it with medicinal wine." Xi Jingyun used to be a pediatrician. Ten years ago, there was a family member of a child who ignored the doctor's advice and secretly gave the child folk prescriptions. Blaming herself and Xi Jingyun, she broke into the consulting room with a fruit knife.

After walking around the gate of hell, Qiao Yuanshan and Qiao Xi were so scared that they both advised her not to do it. There is a saying among doctors—Golden ophthalmology and silver surgery will never make you go to pediatrics. The main reason is that children are the treasures of the whole family. If they are not careful, they will be blamed by the whole family. Complaints and complaints are minor, and beatings are not uncommon.

Even Xi Jingyun, who had narrowly escaped death, was still frightened. The restaurant business at home was booming and Qiao Yuanshan couldn't handle it alone, so she resigned from the hospital, enrolled in a class to study finance, and took over the financial power of the restaurant.

Qiao Xi asked her father: "Can you go and let me carry you in?"

Qiao Yuanshan, who couldn't walk, was angry: "Why don't you give me a hug? You can't help me."

In the end, Qiao Xi carried the person into the house. It was dozens of meters away from the garden and there were steps at the door. Hobbling back could easily cause more injuries.

Lying on his daughter's back, Qiao Yuanshan's eyes were sore, tears burst out on the spot, and he quickly wiped them away secretly. Why should a grown man cry? His daughter has returned safely and helped them avenge their shame. How cool it is. You should laugh.