
Survive the disaster

Solar storms paralyzed global power communications, caused climate abnormalities, and caused frequent natural disasters. High temperatures, thunderstorms, hail, acid rain, floods, typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanoes, dust, extreme cold, meteorites... The polar glaciers are melting rapidly, resurgent ancient germs are raging around the world, sea levels are rising, and countless city countries have become oceans. Fortunately, Qiao Xi had a storage space filled with supplies.

DaoistzypD36 · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

Chapter 22

The smell of blood quietly filled the air.

Qiao Xi lowered his eyes and looked down. Blood seeped out from the bottom of the container. An exposed hand trembled and soon became motionless.

In terms of marksmanship, a desperado who licks blood from the muzzle of a gun may not be worse than her. With so many people, there is a risk of being killed with a gun. The container can be saved once and for all.

She has mastered a new use of space, but she is not happy about it.

After all, so many lives.

No matter how much she deceived herself, she knew in her heart that these were not animals, but people like her.

But given another chance to choose, she would still do it.

She wants to go home, and anyone who prevents her from going home should die!

Qiao Xi landed lightly on the container, jumped to the ground, and reached out to take the container back into space. The bloody scene suddenly rushed into her eyes. In fact, it was okay. She had already seen more tragic scenes. The corpse on the beach was scorched by lightning and smashed by hail. The corpse in the highway service area was smashed by hail and smashed. Being swept up into the sky and thrown down.

The smashed sofa and coffee table will also be taken away.

There were also corpses, rolled up and taken away with the carpets attached.

There was only a little blood on the ground that soaked into the carpet.

Some people may be surprised by the missing furniture and carpets, but no one will know what happened here.

Qiao Xi left the hall and checked whether there was anything missing in the villa. It would take at least ten minutes for more than 300 people to retreat and board the ship. If a robber jumped out and fired at them halfway, the casualties would be difficult to estimate.

They also need to find where the passengers are being held. If they find them, don't rush to release them. The robbers who are still alive at the moment probably don't have the time to harm passengers who pose no threat to them. If you let him run around, it would be dangerous to run into robbers. After she was sure that the villa was safe, she changed back into her original clothes and went to rescue them. Then she said that she had just swum out of the water and didn't know anything.

Let's start from the second floor and check on the girl first.

The two corpses placed in front of the bed are still in their original positions, with no trace of displacement. The monthly fee is only four to six yuan to follow up on the pornographic posts. Join the T smoke group 81 ④ 8 has been saved 6 3 Then the girl hiding under the bed should be safe.

Qiao Xi left this room and headed to the next room.

Two fish that slipped through the net were found in a bedroom. They were unconscious. Their wounds had been simply treated. They didn't know whether they fainted from the pain or took painkillers and fell asleep.

There is no longer a threat, let them go?

But which one, the boatman, the male passenger, or the female passenger, poses a threat to them? They didn't just kill whenever they wanted, they even took pleasure in it and laughed.

Then why should she let them go, if the injuries were not serious enough to lead to death, if they were saved afterwards... There is a saying that good people don't live long, and disasters last for thousands of years.

Qiao Xi's eyes were cold. She had just killed 1+2+9, twelve robbers. Since she had already killed them, she didn't mind adding 2 more. It's the end of the world, and kindness to the bad guys is cruelty to the good guys.

She raised the silenced gun, pointed it at the heart of one of the robbers, and decisively pulled the trigger. A muffled groan sounded in the room, followed by a second one.

Ten minutes later, I found two injured fish that had slipped through the net in another bedroom, and they followed the same pattern.

In a magnificently decorated bedroom cloakroom, valuables that the passengers had been forced to hand over were found, along with some gold, jade, and cash.

After checking the second floor, Qiao Xi went to the first floor.

I didn't find any fish that had slipped through the net on the first floor, but I did find the robbers' weapons arsenal. The 60- to 70-square-meter room was filled with all kinds of guns and ammunition. There were six corpses inside and outside the door. They must have been the result of internal strife. The robbers started fighting as they replenished their ammunition.

Smiling at a dead person was detrimental to merit, but she couldn't help but curl her lips. It's only the twentieth day of the apocalypse, and there are people who dare to openly rob passing ships. Even though the main reason is that the country has always been in turmoil and chaos, as long as the apocalypse continues to intensify, sooner or later the domestic situation will deteriorate into a jungle society where the jungle prevails. The most terrifying thing in the apocalypse is human beings, and guns are the magic weapon to defeat the enemy.

There were five fish that slipped through the net in the room that looked like a medical room on the first floor. Two robbers were lying on the operating bed, and three other robbers were lying on a makeshift bed made of stools. One of the robbers felt someone entering the room while he was drowsy. He thought it was his brother and asked for water in his throat. When he opened his eyes, he saw a slender and unfamiliar figure. His alert instinct of licking blood from his knife all the time made him pick up the bed. He was shot in the head, and the next moment he was hit by a bullet in the heart, and fell heavily to the ground.

Qiao Xi dealt with the remaining four people and took away the dazzling array of medicines and medical equipment in the room.

On the second floor below ground level, she finally found the trapped passengers and looked in through the uncurtained window. It was dark and dim inside, and she couldn't see anything clearly. There was no unusual movement, so she asked them to wait and wait for herself. Check out this last layer.

In the room not far away were everyone's backpacks, duffel bags and suitcases. She threw the four large duffel bags she found in the luxurious bedroom on the second floor into it, which contained the passengers' belongings.

Also thrown in were several boxes containing cash, which contained local currency and M dollars. They were handed back to the government staff at the dock, which might be used during the evacuation of overseas Chinese.

After checking all the rooms on this floor, no more fish were found that had slipped through the net. There was a high probability that they were gone. Qiao Xi returned to the room where the drinks and food were kept. She doesn't lack these things, but it's better to stay here to benefit outsiders than to benefit her own people. It doesn't matter if she donates it later or gives it away. She should just do good deeds and accumulate merit. After all... After all, she doesn't regret killing so many people, but she feels a little embarrassed.

While he was busy, Qiao Xi heard panicked footsteps, looked stern, and walked towards the door with a gun.

Gu Peiyao woke up under the bed on the second floor. As soon as she got up, she hit the bottom of the bed. The pain was so painful that she burst into tears, but she did not dare to cry. At this movement, she discovered the gun and dagger in her hand, and was shocked.

Afterwards, I thought about it, I was clearly knocked unconscious in the corridor by that scumbag, how could I appear in this place? Who brought her in and left a weapon for her?

Gu Peiyao's whole body was full of doubts. Where was she, why was she here, what happened, how could that triangular eye let her go?

When she thought of the triangular eyes, the smell of blood in her mouth intensified in vain. When she thought of what she had done before unconsciousness, a wave of nausea surged into her throat. Gu Peiyao retched twice and spat out a mouthful of blood.

She crawled out from under the bed tremblingly, and touched the cold corpse with her tentacles. She didn't feel it for the first two times, and suddenly she shuddered hard. She finally realized what might be standing in front of her, and almost fainted from fear.

After waiting for a while, she carefully pushed away the body in front of her, crawled out from under the bed, and rushed to the door. The door could be opened. It was dark outside. The dark environment amplified her sense of smell. She smelled the strong smell of blood. .

Gu Peiyao was a little scared, but she was even more scared to be alone here with two corpses in the same room. The presence of people could embolden her, so she decided to go find her imprisoned companion.

The gunfire just now was so fierce. Is everyone okay?

In the darkness, human hearing will also be amplified. The passengers who were imprisoned in the room were completely out of their minds listening to the various movements outside. They were afraid that someone would point a gun at them and shoot at them. The seconds seemed like years.

Suddenly, everyone heard the sound of panicked footsteps, and then the sound of locks being twisted, and there was a sudden commotion.

Who is coming?

The door could not be opened and was locked by the robber with a key. Gu Peiyao clenched the gun in her hand. In the TV series, you can use a gun to open the lock. Can she? Will it attract robbers?

No matter what, it's important to save people first.

It was a loaded gun. Gu Peiyao pulled the trigger and the bullet came out. The powerful recoil shook her whole arm.

She ignored the pain and found that the door lock was broken. She quickly pushed it open and said repeatedly: "Don't be afraid, it's me!" Then she started to cut the ropes on the passengers' hands and feet with a dagger.

The freed passengers had no time to cry with joy and quickly helped to rescue others.

Free people changed from one to two, from two to four, from four to eight...

"Yao Yao, Yaoyao." Her boyfriend tore off the tape on her mouth and cried out in surprise. He saw clearly that there was a lot of blood on her face and body, and her hair and clothes were messy. His smile suddenly froze, "You?"

Gu Peiyao only gave him a cold look and continued to introduce the situation outside: "...Someone saved me, I don't know who it was...Many people died outside. I didn't meet anyone all the way here. It seemed like they were all dead. Same, let's run quickly, if someone comes, we'll never have a chance again."

But there was controversy over the escape.

Some people think that many of the robbers are dead, but not all of them are really dead. There must be some living robbers. What if they run out and run into the muzzle of a gun and are shot to death?

The fifty-four robbers all had different thoughts, not to mention the more than 300 passengers, who all had their own worries and ideas.

Lin Shaoan was furious: "If you don't want to leave, stay here and wait for those desperadoes to come back and tie you up. Don't even dare to run away. I'll make you a coward. Captain, let's go!"

"Captain, don't listen to him. If you have any shortcomings, what will the rest of us do?"

"Then have you ever thought about what you will do when they come?"

"But what if I run out and get beaten to death?"

"It's better to be beaten to death than to sit here and wait to die."

The noise got louder and louder, so loud that Qiao Xi could hear it from several rooms away. She clicked her tongue and thought they were at a debate and not a den of thieves. If there were still active robbers in the villa, it would be too disrespectful to take them seriously if they were strong enough to rush over and shoot them.

Qiao Xi shook her head and stayed on the road she must pass. If any robbers came following the sound, she would be able to deal with them immediately.

However, there should be no more.

The passengers finally argued about the outcome, and the captain made the final decision: "Such a loud gunshot didn't attract anyone. There is a high probability that there are no robbers nearby. They may have been shot in the mountains and forests outside. God will help those who save themselves, don't wait for the country to come." Save. It was difficult to save so many people who were deceived here in the past, let alone now. If you want to leave, follow me. If you go out, you may get on the boat and leave, or you may be shot to death by the robbers. It's your choice. "

After saying that, the captain left immediately.

Gu Peiyao and a group of young girls followed closely behind. They knew very well what would happen if they fell into the hands of the robbers.

Seeing the captain leaving, Qiao Xi immediately changed back into his original wet clothes and showed up. The living map of his return home must not be missed.

"So you are here!" She was the best actress at this moment.

Lin Shaoan was pleasantly surprised: "You're okay!"

Qiao Xi looked happy: "Fortunately, I have learned to dive." He then answered their questions one by one, "I have been hiding outside... I heard a lot of gunshots, but then there was no sound... The door was open, and I So I braved it and came in... I saw our luggage, which was just in front of the room. There was also a lot of food in that room, should we bring some to eat on the road? "In case something bad happens. Getting lost and feeding and drinking more than 300 people is not a small problem.

Hearing this, all the passengers were overjoyed. Everyone's IDs and other documents were inside, and they quickly followed Qiao Xi.

It was too dark in the basement. The only light source was the green emergency light in the corridor. It was so dark in the room that I couldn't see clearly.

"Don't care whose it is, take as much as you can, and we'll talk about it on the ship." The captain ordered a few more boatmen, "You can take a few strong passengers and bring some food, especially water, when you return home. More than ten hours."

"Hey, what is this bag? Why is it so heavy?" A passenger opened the zipper and touched it. He touched a mobile phone and turned on the screen. With the light, he finally saw the contents of the bag clearly. "It's us who were arrested." The valuables stolen."

Everyone was overjoyed when their finances were recovered. It doesn't matter who owns the mobile phone, and the mobile phone that can be used as a light bulb is given out, so there is no need to operate in the dark anymore.

As for whether the light will attract robbers, I really can't care about it at this point. I can't stay blind all the time. They were making such a fuss and no one came, so it seemed like no robbers would come.

"Hiss~ This bag is full of U.S. dollars, it doesn't belong to us."

"It must have been stolen by robbers. The ill-gotten gains were taken away and handed over to the state."

Those who stayed in place and dared not leave heard vague noises. Some of them couldn't sit still and decided to follow up to see what was going on. It didn't sound like they were in danger. Come take a look and immediately join in the procession of picking up bags and moving things.

Others hesitated for a moment, but still did not dare to act rashly, for fear of being shot by the robbers who suddenly appeared.

A group of people took all their luggage and carried a lot of food and water, and walked out along the driveway in fear. Many people were so frightened by the corpses scattered along the way that they screamed.

There are also some brave passengers, such as Lin Shaoan, who picked up the gun that fell on the ground, regardless of whether he knew how to use it. This thing is safe in his hand.

The group of people came to the ground in a panic and saw many corpses. There were also two cars parked in the yard. There were corpses in the driver's seat. Everyone was a little numb.

A layer of rainwater accumulated in the cabin. Fortunately, the storm came and went quickly, so the water was not very deep. The captain asked everyone to scoop out the water as much as possible.

It's about ourselves, no one is lazy, some people take plastic bags, some people just take duffel bags, and one by one they scoop out the water.

The captain hurried to the cockpit to check, hoping that it would not be damaged by lightning. He turned off all the power when he left, so it should not be so unlucky.

The captain breathed a sigh of relief when he found that the equipment was intact and could be started normally. "Amitabha, that's good, that's good."

"Captain, do you have enough gas?" Qiao Xi was particularly afraid of running out of gas while driving. If it wasn't enough, she had diesel and she could just put it in a corner and say it belonged to the robber. Although she only has diesel for cars, generally speaking, diesel for cars is of better quality and can be used by boats. Conversely, cars cannot be filled with marine diesel.

Captain: "That's enough. I filled it up before departure. It's enough for two trips back and forth."

Qiao Xi felt relieved and followed the captain every step of the way, fearing that something might happen to the old man.

The flustered captain did not care about whether it was against the law or not, and concentrated on directing the boatmen to prepare to sail the ship.

At this time, the few passengers who were huddled in place and did not dare to come out listened for a long time without hearing the sound of gunshots. They felt that it should be safe outside and did not dare to wait any longer. They were really afraid that the captain would leave them and leave. I really couldn't help but scream every day, so I ran out quickly. On the way, I couldn't help but scream like ghosts and wolves.

Stumbling to the edge of the pier, there was a rush.

Regardless of the process, all passengers finally got on board.

The boat turned around and left as fast as possible, as if there was a ghost chasing behind it.

They were indeed ghosts. Qiao Xi looked in the direction of the villa. At that time, he didn't feel the tension. Now that the energy was rising, he just felt like it was a nightmare.


Is she crazy, or is the world crazy?


After leaving the hellish manor far enough, the captain had to slow down because it was too dark and he was not familiar with this passage. He relied on his impressions when he came.

Fortunately, he was a qualified captain and didn't remember the wrong way. At around seven o'clock in the morning on the 27th, the cargo ship finally returned to the main channel of the Mek River. Looking at the familiar scenery, the captain couldn't help but wet his eyes, damn it! I almost thought I was going to give up on this trip.

The boatman conveyed the good news to the panicked passengers that they had returned to the original route. Next, they sailed to the motherland as originally planned and arrived at the destination about five hours later. Many passengers couldn't help crying.

Two hours later, the cargo ship suddenly slowed down. Under stress, many people turned pale on the spot and nervously asked what happened? They had been frightened by the previous incident and just wanted to set foot on the country.

After a while, all the passengers knew that there was an overturned cargo ship not far ahead, and someone was salvaging the body.

Yesterday at around three o'clock in the afternoon, thunderstorms appeared over the river. Two cargo ships and a sightseeing ship capsized in the strong wind. The passengers who had finally escaped from the shipwreck were killed by hail falling from the sky.

A cruise ship behind them luckily did not enter the thunderstorm range, rescued 68 survivors, and conveyed the bad news back home.

It was already dark at that time, and the salvage personnel also had their own lives. They could only wait until dawn before coming over. No matter what, they had to try to bury people in the ground and deal with the sunken ship to avoid affecting passing ships.

Leader Xue, who was in charge of the salvage work, was overjoyed when he saw the captain: "I didn't expect you yesterday, I thought you..." There was also a thunderstorm and the ship sank completely.

Of course it's hard to say bad things, so he just asked: "What's going on with you, and why are you here now?"

The frightened captain described his experience on the ship in this way with fear on his face.

Leader Xue was dumbfounded, and after a while he said: "Looking at it from another perspective, you are a blessing in disguise. Counting the time, if you hadn't encountered that incident, you would have almost reached this channel. It would be a pity for those three people."

The captain made a mental calculation and couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. He felt sorry for the deceased and felt happy at the same time.

Leader Xue asked: "Are all those robbers really dead?"

The captain calmed down and said, "I don't know about that. Anyway, we didn't encounter any obstruction when we left."

Leader Xue shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Natural disasters continue, and man-made disasters occur again. It is too difficult."

The captain shook his head and said tiredly: "I won't go through this trip, no matter how much money I give. To tell you the truth, I'm scared in my heart, afraid of encountering another disaster, afraid of encountering changes. sky."

Leader Xue tried to persuade him, but he couldn't. Yesterday, three captains and eighteen boatmen quit their jobs. They all witnessed the miserable conditions here and were frightened to death.

How could a person not be afraid of death? In fact, he was also afraid of being caught in a thunderstorm when he went out this time. This kind of local weather could only be predicted half an hour to two hours in advance before, let alone now.

Under the threat of thunderstorms, more and more people are afraid to take the highway. Now it seems that no one dares to take this waterway. How can our compatriots stranded in foreign countries come back? Even our compatriots at home are in a dangerous situation. According to this trend, thunderstorms will appear in their country sooner or later.

Leader Xue calmed down and said to the captain: "Let's send the passengers on this boat safely back to the country first. When they arrive, let them not leave yet and explain the matter in detail. If those people are not dead and repeat the same tricks, it will be a mistake." Big hidden danger."

Some passengers who had already suffered an emotional breakdown cried and begged: "Captain, let's go quickly. What if we encounter a thunderstorm? I don't want to die. I want to go home. My parents are still waiting for me at home. I am the only one among them. If I go out If something goes wrong, what will they do?"

With the first one, there will be the second, and the third... The shadow of the escape from the den of thieves has not yet passed. Now, hundreds of people have been heard and witnessed, and more and more people are experiencing emotional breakdown.

The captain reassured: "Let's go now, let's go back now, and hurry back to the cabin. If you don't go back, how can I sail the ship?"

The people on the deck quickly returned to the cabin.

"Let's go back too." Lin Shaoan said to Qiao Xi.

Qiao Xi withdrew his gaze, turned around and walked back.

Lin Shaoan's mouth moved, but he couldn't help but ask: "Is the person the frogman just brought out from the cabin the girl he met yesterday while waiting for the boat?"

Qiao Xi hummed in a low voice. He Haiyu was proud to have escaped the thunderstorm on the highway, but he could not escape the thunderstorm on the waterway. He ended up underwater more than a hundred kilometers away from the country and could not go home after all.

Natural and man-made disasters occur one after another, and more and more people will not be able to return home.

At noon, the cargo ship arrived at Yunzhou Pier. The sampan had just been set up and passengers were rushing ashore, fearing that they would not be able to get on if they were too late.

Qiao Xi, who was left at the end, walked ashore slowly. The moment his feet set foot on the country, an indescribable sense of peace came from the soles of his feet and felt on his limbs.

Many passengers couldn't help but cry with joy. Some even knelt down excitedly, pressed their hands on the ground and cried: "I'm back, I'm finally back."