
Survey corps

As I arrived at the boat I could hear people cowering in fear, I even heard a great sum of people leaving some of their family members because of Titans.

I sneakily snuck past the people to avoid the long line of people. As I got on the boat I could see a familiar blonde kid sitting with crossed legs looking like he was about to cry. He then noticed me approaching and said.

"Ran? Where were you? I was looking for you."

"I just had to check for my friends if they were all right, and they were in the back boat."

"O-oh, that's good then. How are they?"

"They're fine... Probably. And how about you Armin?"

"I'm fine just waiting for Mikasa and Eren."

"Oh, are those your friends from earlier?" I said to sound more convincing.

"Y-yeah... I forgot to tell you their names earlier."

"It's all good, don't worry they're probably fine," I said while he suddenly looked at me with an antagonizing look.

"Fine? They're Titans all over the place Ran! What do you mean fine? Maybe they're already dead." Yep, I made a mistake with my words I thought to myself.

"I'm sorry Armin, I talked too soon."

"No, I'm sorry Ran. I was just concerned for them, I'm sorry for lashing out at you."

"It's okay Armin, I was at fault too." We then fist-bumped and sat down next to him.

We talked for a few minutes and then saw Eren and Mikasa in the crowd Armin quickly shouted.

"Ere-!" quickly stopping halfway as he looked at the faces that they were making, which surprised me that Carla wasn't there. Their faces still look the same as when they lost Carla in the anime.

Did I even save someone? Are my actions all for naught? Why is she not with them? Wait. As I thought it must be some plot shit preventing me from intervening too much with the plot. Because in the story Eren saw his mom getting eaten by a titan and resolved to kill every last one of them. So maybe that was why Carla wasn't with them because of the plot. I do not know what to feel about this. As soon as I finished thinking I saw, Eren and Mikasa boarding the boat.

Their faces were grim when they got close to us. Admin suddenly asked why they were grim and Eren then said.

"Those titans... They took mom. We thought we saved her because someone lured the first titan away. But there was another one waiting for us. And she sacrificed herself again." As soon as Eren was done talking Armin suddenly jolted as he watched Eren cry.

A few minutes later we suddenly heard a quick and loud thumping outside the walls and cannons firing toward it. Then we saw a titan coming through the wall while also killing some of the regiment. It was a titan that was designed with armor covering its whole body.

Eren suddenly stood up while looking furiously he then suddenly changes his view to the titan and said.

"I'm gonna destroy them! Every last one of those animals that's on this earth!"

"Oi, sit down. You're not the only one who lost someone today." As soon as I said that Mikasa turned her head toward me and it was honestly so scary.

"Ran? What're you saying?" Admin said while looking at me shocked.

"Who are you, bastard!" Eren shouted at me while he looks like he was about to kill me.

"I'm Ran, and you said that shit without even taking in the feelings of others. Honestly, that made me cringe so hard, where is your self-respect?"

"I don't need self-respect I need those animals gone, so I'm going to kill them!"

"I can relate to that but still, sit down. You're not strong enough to kill Titans yet with that body of yours."

"I know that! That's why I'm gonna be stronger than anybody else so I can kill all of them, I swear!"

"Then sit down. You will have all the time you want killing titans in the future but right now don't make me feel secondhand embarrassment."

"Oh- oh sure..." Eren then sat down next to Armin and Mikasa.

"Sorry about that, I was just a bit mad. I'm Ran Abel by the way and you?"

"Eren Yaeger and that girl is Mikasa Ackerman."

We finally arrived at the front-line town after two hours of travel by boat, and I decided to be alone at that point on. I left the three of them and decided to find myself a shelter to stay on. The sun was already starting to set when we arrived at the town. So I decided to follow where people were gathering and found a spot where I could sleep for the night. I took some food out of my inventory secretly so people won't be annoying me.

The spot I found wasn't decent but it was the only place that I could find to stay at. It was a barn but there wasn't any hay in it so I needed to use my cloth as a bed.

"This is shit." I thought to myself as I lay down on the ground and slowly closed my eyes and went to sleep.

As I woke up to the sound of people shouting outside and lining up to people that were handing them food. I went out of the barn and lined up as well so they wouldn't get suspicious of a child not eating. As soon as I got out I already saw someone familiar with blond hair and it was Annie. I haven't seen Reiner or Bertolt but they must be here if she's also here... People suddenly started clamoring at a garrison regiment member about to hit a black-haired kid.

I sighed at the scene and started sprinting toward the soldier that was about to punch Eren, but I kicked his feet making him lose balance.

"This fucking brat!" shouted the soldier.

"You don't know what it's like! You've never even seen it! You've never seen what the Titans do to people!" Eren said while laying on the ground.

I sighed at the scene and started sprinting toward the soldier that was about to punch Eren, but I kicked his feet making him lose balance.

"Brat! What the heck are you doing!"

"You were about to hit him you useless scumbag!" I said while holding his collar. His partner then tried hitting me but was stopped by Armin.

"I'm sorry! We were just hungry and that made us irritable that's why he suddenly lashed out at an adult. I'm very sorry!"

I then let go of the soldier's collar and stood up and the soldier also stood up wobbly because of the kick. They then just left with annoyed expressions on their faces, afterward, I got back on the line that I was on and finally got my share. I went back into the barn and ate the bread as I enter and then opened the shop.

I went to the section where they sold Omni-directional mobility gear and how to use it. I bought it and suddenly a device fell beside me with a moderately loud noise and it was the mobility gear. I put it inside my inventory and checked outside if anyone heard the noise but fortunately no one did.

I took it once again and it came with a manual and a book consisting of how to use it. I read through the book and my mind immediately started to remember everything.

[Host obtained aerial combat grade 1.]↓

"Grade? Not level? That is new" I thought to myself.


Grade 1: Signifying newly acquired information and no further experience in the manner.

Grade 2: Moderately skilled with the acquired skill.

Grade 3: Least experienced with the acquired skill and are now on the way to mastery

Grade 4: Experienced and knows multiple techniques and now mastered them.

Grade 5: Considerably the best in this world and now mastered every technique and now mastered aerial combat.

"This is great and all but are now every skill I have like this?"

I checked and it wasn't the case. Maybe it was just this or any skill I gathered here.

Using killer queen isn't the best here so let's try simply to learn how to use this gear for the meantime until the main scenario.

I left the barn and went outside and decided to go where people won't know where I am and build my own house. After days of exploring I found a spot full of trees to cut and a stream full of fish to eat. I took my sword and used aura to cut the trees. I opened the shop and looked for a book to teach me how to build a house. And moments later I found what I needed, I read through the book and finally heard a familiar sound, and then I suddenly know the basics of carpentry.

[Acquired carpentry grade 1]

And days after acquiring the skill I finally built a house. It was moderately big and could fit three or four people and for the very first house that I built, it wasn't bad. I went inside the house with no furniture yet and went into my room. It has one bed and a window on the side of the bed. It wasn't much it was honest work.

I took out the mobility gear and went to the back of my house to train my balance with it on the trees. But because of my bloodline, I immediately got the hang of it.

"It's just too easy ain't it?" I sighed while I stayed completely still while hanging. It was like I was suffering from success. I felt empty and powerless. "I want a MILF to breastfeed me... Why did you have to die, Carla!"

It was needed for the story to continue if Eren didn't see his mom get eaten then he wouldn't have the hatred for the Titans and the story wouldn't be as it is. But still, I tried so hard to save a big titty MILF and I couldn't even get a hit. I then contemplated for a while until I saw someone approaching me. A girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.

It was Annie Leonhart... What was she doing here? And how did she find me?

"Hey! Are you okay?" she said

"Fine, just testing this stupid thing!"

"Isn't it illegal for non-regiment people to own one like those?"

"Nah! My dad gave me this."

"I see your dad must have been killed by the Titans" I turned quiet for a while to think.

"Yeah, how did you know? Did your's too?

"He killed himself... He couldn't handle the situation and left us"

"Us, huh? So you had siblings?"

"Yeah, three brothers one of them got eaten while we were fleeing his name was Marcel."

"I see... So why are you here? In my property? I could count that as trespassing you know?"

"Well our village isn't far from here and I was just investigating the noise because I was near it was probably your voice."

"I see, I hope you didn't hear anything."

"Unfortunately, I did but it's okay I wouldn't tell."

I chuckled at her and I know she was lying because I read the manga and watched the anime. I then retracted the ropes and greeted her.

"I'm Ran."

"Annie, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too Annie. So, are you gonna report me now to the regiment?"

"No, if you let me use it."

"Sure only for an hour."

"Okay." she nodded and I gave her the mobility gear.

I then taught her how to use the ropes and how to balance with the gear on the trees after minutes of me holding her she can finally balance with the gear.

"This is nice."

"I know,"

"Have you tried practicing with this yet? While moving around?"

"I haven't this is the first time for me" I didn't technically lie the information was from a book and not from experience.

"I should get going, my brothers must be worried."

"Okay, bye Annie," I said while Annie went home but it was also sunset so I should prepare dinner.

I went inside the house and cooked the fish I got earlier when I was fishing. And after eating I went to sleep.

I woke up 6 hours later and chopped more firewood. I went to my personalized gym and did a quick set of Arms, legs, and chest. I cooked breakfast and after finishing I decided to keep training on how to use the mobility gear.

After two years of training my grade finally went from grade 1 to grade 3 mastery. And the past two years weren't that eventful if I so myself. Me and Annie did keep hanging out and maybe we are what you call best friends but yesterday she didn't come to my house. It was probably because she joined the training corps that was also why I stopped training a month ago to join.

I packed my stuff and went to the recruitment and I was assigned to 104th southern camp where of course the three of them were.

As I was making my way to the camp I saw Annie with Reiner and Breathold.

"Yo! Annie! You were here?"


"Yeah? Why so surprised?"

"It's nothing," she coughed "This is my brothers Reiner and Bertolt. They aren't my brothers because my father adopted them."

"I see, that's complicated, I was used to you calling them brothers they must be very nice if you consider them as your blood relatives. And *ahem* my Name is Ran" I introduce myself to them and I saw their smiling faces it must be because of Annie's personality.

"Reiner, Reiner Braun. It is nice to meet you Ran, I didn't know Annie had any friends."

"Me too it's nice to meet you, I'm Bertolt."

"Shut up." Annie then turned cold and glared at Reiner. Reiner shuddered

"My pleasure is all mine. Did you all decide to enlist?"

"Yeah, we were going to the southern camp," Reiner said

"How about you Ran? Did you also enlist?"

"Yeah, I was assigned to the 104th camp in the south."

"That's a coincidence that's where we were headed," Bertolt said.

"Let's go there together then," Reiner said.

"Sure, are you okay with that Annie?"

"Okay, let's go."

We then left for the camp. And minutes after walking we saw multiple houses and training grounds and a bald scary-looking dude.