
Survival of the Fittest

The Republic of Herculean Misava lives by the saying, “Survival of the Fittest.” The island is isolated from civilization and lives by laws and values that would cause a riot in our modern-day world. Everyone has only ever known a certain way of living and everyone lives by it without question. Galaxy, Stone, Major, Icterine, Falcon and 6, try to navigate this harsh world as they try to understand why it is the way it is. “ Secrets fill every society in the world. Our world is no different. The Misava people live on an island far away from civilization. Our leaders believe it is safer so we can protect the world we've created and so no one can change the values we have. Our world is different from yours in many ways. We live by our genetic material and what it tells us. Our society believes everything is written in there and it reveals information that is vital to our status. The process of determining this is hidden in the few geneticists available in our world, and they are a rarity that holds this secret. Another important factor is the number 12. The number 12 is used and evident in every society. There are a few rules but nothing too protecting from harm since the motto of the state is, "Survival of the Fittest." The Misava people live by these laws and hold them dearly. Welcome! The jobs of the republic give you your rank as follows: (1 is the lowest and twelve is the highest) 1) Dancer 2) Cleaner 3) Waiter 4) Teacher 5) Police Officer 6) Athlete 7) Doctor 8) Singer 9) Writer 10) Veterinarian 11) Astronaut 12) Leader 12 jobs. In the 84th 12th year, 1008 years to be exact have passed since the Misava people have existed. It is the twelfth month, December, the last day of the month which will bring us to the 84th 12th year, 1009 years since the Republic of Herculean Misava was created. The country has 12 days in a week and they are called by the numbers representing them.”

micahbotha · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Genetics Society

As the darkness covers the sky like a blanket, creating an aurora of colors that fade as the sun runs away to hide beneath the warm covering, leaving the moon to fend for itself against the army of stars, Galaxy ponders all she has learned.

The black car, matching the sky, is travelling silently towards the leaders’ mansion. Quade is watching Galaxy silently as she processes all the information. His heart is pounding in his chest as he awaits her words.

Galaxy is pondering over the things she has just learnt. Her heart is calm but her mind is raging like a stormy sea. Galaxy starts to recall how that visit went down.

Ibis walks towards a big looking phone that she calls a computer. She taps on the screen a few times and opens a file with Nazareth’s name on it. Ibis also pulls up a file with her name on it and proceeds to explain.

“If you notice this A, G, C and T sequence,”Ibis says as she points to the difference between hers and Nazareth’s, “this is called DNA. We use it to figure out everything about a person and it is unique to everyone.” Galaxy nods and she looks at the bright screen.

“So if you notice,”Ibis says as she motions for Galaxy to come closer, “I have 5 T’s and Nazareth has two T’s. Based on this, my name could’ve been with an I or a V and Nazareth’s could’ve been a C or a N.” Galaxy nods, “So I got my name the same way?” “Yes,”Ibis says with a bright smile, “you have one T.”

Ibis pauses as Galaxy thinks it through, “For jobs, it’s how many C’s you have. This factor can make you a Zero if missing but if you miss the others than it makes you a Partial.”

“Wow,”Galaxy says as she looks at the white room infront of her. “Moving on,”Ibis says as she enjoys the attention she is receiving, “Nazareth has 6 C’s and I have one C. This makes her an athlete and me a dancer but there are exceptions.”

Galaxy’s eyes widen at the complexity of the society and the way it works. “If you have a sports level or intelligence level of 10 and above then you can be an athlete, for sports level, and a geneticist, for intelligence level.” Galaxy looks at her with confusion. “For example,”Ibis says as she pulls up her file, “I have one C and I am supposed to be a dancer, but my high intelligence makes me able to take the job of geneticist.” Galaxy looks at her with pride as she wonders how this girl can possibly remember all this information.

“This is done based on G and C for sports level, and A and T for intelligence level,”Ibis says with a beaming smile that never fades, “your hair color and eye color are linked to your DNA as well.” Galaxy looks at her with confusion, “How much more can you possibly get from that one sequence of twelve letters?” “We can get your RNA which gives us your amino acids which gives us proteins,”Ibis says sweetly, “and that is how we determine those but we don’t use them until the eleventh year.” “Oh,”Galaxy says with a slight smile, “for the confirmation testing?” Ibis nods and smiles brightly.

“Also the A’s tell you your personality. I have 5 A’s so I am rational but spontaneous. Nazareth has one A and that makes her intimidating,”Ibis says as she attempts to continue. “Like me,”Galaxy says with a sad smile. Ibis nods, “Also G tells us the strength you have. I have one G so I’m good at communication and Nazareth has 3 G’s so she has Stamina.”

Galaxy is taken out of her thoughts as she exits the black car. She always wondered why the car was black but now she knew why. The black car is a symbol of their power over everyone. The fear that they instill in the hearts of the people. The mysteries they hide inside themselves. The strength to control those who wish to end it. The elegance to look as if they have nothing to hide. The formality of never letting anything slip through. The death that surrounds their deeds. The evil that they hold. The aggression that it instills in them. The rebellion to go against their own laws.

Galaxy continues walking as these thoughts wage a war that controls her mind. She is nothing to them but a sequence of 12 letters of DNA that tells them everything about her. Those 12 letters can ruin an entire life or bring one to glory. 12 letters or random DNA sequence determines everything that everyone is and all that they will ever be to anyone and everyone.

Quade just watches her as they eat in silence. He also watches her intently as they arrive at their room. She walks around in a daze of confusion and sadness.

“DNA,”Galaxy says finally, “is all it takes to ruin someone’s life. That’s why it is more likely that you will stay in the rank of your family.” Quade nods, “Yeah, it is more likely but it’s not impossible.”

Galaxy lays in the white bed and looks at the ceiling of the room. The dent that signifies the life of a Zero that is insignificant. “Why are some cared about while others aren’t?”Galaxy asks and her heart aches at the idea. “I don’t know,”Quade says kindly, “I didn’t make the system and I can’t change it right now.” Galaxy nods in understanding and they both drift to sleep until the sun decides to wake up.

As the sun’s rays hit the earth, everyone awakens to the world they know. Stone walks through the tall orphanage building as he wakes up all the orphans that are confined to this place of sadness.

The quietness of the building starts to bustle with life. The babies, the toddlers, the children, the tweens, the teens and the adolescents all start walking the halls. They are either eating or changing as the school rush ensues.

Stone cleans the mess left by rushing children. Their clothes and food is tossed all over the floors. As soon as he is done, he makes his way to the train station so he can get the final train. Stone recalls his siblings telling him that they are playing a guessing game, today, about their future jobs.

As he arrives at school, he spots Galaxy and Quade walking towards their classroom. Their shadows leaving a trail on the white, marble floors that stretch across the school. His siblings are already walking towards their classes. He spots his friends walking towards their classrooms. His heart aches at having to lose them and at having to leave this place.

Four hours later, lunch break ensues. The group is bigger today. Flute and Faris sit alongside them.

“So how’d the game go?”Stone asks them as he sits down. The friend group looks up at them. “That game was today?”Galaxy asks with concern. Flute and Faris nod. “What game?”Quade asks with worry taking over his features. “It’s a guessing game,”Major says honestly and then shoves his sandwich into his mouth. “It’s a 12th’s tradition,”Icterine says as a continuation, “they guess who will get what job and quite a lot of the time they’re right.”

Worry fills Galaxy’s eyes, “I don’t like the game.” “Well,”Flute says sadly, “I got a one. Anansi. It’s sucky.” Everyone looks at her with sadness. “Why are you guys concerned about this game?”Quade asks with concern. “It’s quite accurate,”Galaxy says honestly as she watches Falcon’s face contort in annoyance. “What was Faris’ guess?”Falcon asks as he holds a different look for Flute now. “A nine,”Flute says with happiness, “Selkie.”

“So how do they guess?”Quade asks with curiosity. “Based on your personality,”Galaxy says honestly, “or what they want you to become.” “It’s more of a voting game,”Flute says honestly, “everyone votes and based on that you get your guess.” “I hope yours is inaccurate, Flute,”Quade says with a sad smile. She shrugs her shoulders and then leaves the group along with Faris.

“Will we have to do this?”Quade asks with fear in his eyes. “Yes,” Falcon says honestly, “the loyal supporters love it. Everyone has to take part unless they want to be falsely accused of some crime.” “Yeah,”Icterine says sweetly, “but you won’t have to. Galaxy will have to because they will still try and guess her real outcome.” Everyone nods and looks at him with concern in their eyes. “Anyways,”6 says as he looks at them, “it’s a few years away in any case.” Everyone smiles at him as they go back to their activities.

The school day comes to its end. Everyone goes their separate ways. Icterine, Major and 6 go towards the train along with their friend group. Nicolette, Navy and Siren are in their designated carriage. Faris and Flute as well.

Icterine, Major and 6 enter the Argaron society. All the homes are black and dull. There are no trees in the area. Gravel encompasses their surroundings. Everything is sanitized and clean. There is a, whole, building designated for cleaning supplies. Everyone is dressed in a black dress or pants and shirt as if they are mourning the loss of a nation.

Icterine watches these people work their lives away and wonders why people question her father’s death wish. Major walks around without a care in the world. Nothing fazes him as he walks the streets and no thoughts of distress fill his mind as he sees the dying people infront of him. 6 only thinks about these things and what it could mean for his family. In many ways, he is very much like the man that his father wanted to get rid of so that he could peacefully live out his life in a world that he couldn’t change.

They, finally, arrive at their doorstep. Today, their mother is working a seven-to-seven shift. This time it’s a night shift to a morning shift. Their home is empty except for a meal that is on the table. Fish and fruit are on the table. The three siblings stop as they look at the table of food that hasn’t been touched by their mother and sigh deeply. Their hearts ache as they know she doesn’t eat food for their sake.

The three sit down and separate the fish into four pieces. The fruit is spilt into four plates and then they eat their staple meal. The survival rate of the lower ranks is much less than the higher ranks. The children have to survive till atleast eighteen and any parent that doesn’t accomplish this is guilty by law. The law holds them accountable for taking the life of someone that could’ve been useful to them.

Icterine thinks about how lucky her father is to be in prison with a stable supply of food. Their mother will most likely not make it for much longer.

Leaders usually die between ninety-five and a hundred but dancers usually die between twenty and thirty.

“6,”Icterine calls and he lifts his head to meet her eyes, “what’s the life expectancy of a cleaner?” 6 sighs deeply and looks down at his food again, “thirty to forty-five.” “Mum has five years at most,”Icterine says with tears in her eyes. Major looks at her out of his daze of happiness, “What are you talking about?” “Life expectancy,”6 says sadly, “every category has one. It’s believed that Zeroes have the longest one.” “Why do you guys always talk about things like this?”Major asks with anger in his eyes, “we get it. We are going to die someday and it might be sooner than we hope but, seriously, you guys are negative about everything in this society. There’s nothing you can change so stop complaining and wishing for something you can’t have.” Icterine and 6 go silent because of the logic that Major utters.

Everyone in the society wonders about what goes on in each society. Sitting in your own makes you fantasize about the greatness that encompasses the others.

Quade walks into their room and finds Galaxy reading a book as she waits for him to come for their lesson. “Ready?”Quade asks as he notices her interest. Galaxy nods with a smile, “What are we learning today?” “Kalpavriksha,”Quade says as he sits down beside her, “Astronauts.” Galaxy nods, “What about them?”

“Well,”Quade says and looks at her, “we already know that each society has a leader that looks over the society as the oldest person. The leader is a member of that society but is overlooked by a real leader. The leader would choose a leader to train before they die and that person will take over the role next.” Galaxy nods, “So what don’t I know?” “The things that make up each society,”Quade says honestly as he takes the book, she is trying to read, away from her, “there is a learning center that helps them learn the necessary skills needed to operate a spaceship. Groups are made and the necessary skills needed are put into each group.”

“So knowing engineering, biology, physics, computers and mathematics,”Galaxy asks knowingly. Quade nods, “These are necessary for survival in space. We also have a section to make them physically fit. A section that creates the atmosphere of space life. A place to practice flying a plane and also learning to fly a plane. We also provide scuba diving which is like going deep into the water. This helps them learn to cope with having limited oxygen. We teach them many languages. We teach them leadership and give them wilderness experience so they can cope in this tense atmosphere.” “When can they actually be an astronaut?”Galaxy asks as she thinks about the years that it will take to learn all this stuff. “About thirty or thirty-five,”Quade says with a smile, “it’s hard work. Much like being a leader.”

Galaxy tries to retain this information since they don’t learn in depth about these areas even in school.

“Which person spent all their time and energy coming up with this society?”Galaxy asks him. “I wish I knew,”Quade says with a distant look in his eyes, “I would ask all the questions I have.” “I would punch them,”Galaxy says honestly, “but they probably aren’t alive.”

The day ends with them contemplating meeting a person who is long gone. While others try to imagine a different world that might exist beyond the island they are trapped on.