
Survival of the Fittest

The Republic of Herculean Misava lives by the saying, “Survival of the Fittest.” The island is isolated from civilization and lives by laws and values that would cause a riot in our modern-day world. Everyone has only ever known a certain way of living and everyone lives by it without question. Galaxy, Stone, Major, Icterine, Falcon and 6, try to navigate this harsh world as they try to understand why it is the way it is. “ Secrets fill every society in the world. Our world is no different. The Misava people live on an island far away from civilization. Our leaders believe it is safer so we can protect the world we've created and so no one can change the values we have. Our world is different from yours in many ways. We live by our genetic material and what it tells us. Our society believes everything is written in there and it reveals information that is vital to our status. The process of determining this is hidden in the few geneticists available in our world, and they are a rarity that holds this secret. Another important factor is the number 12. The number 12 is used and evident in every society. There are a few rules but nothing too protecting from harm since the motto of the state is, "Survival of the Fittest." The Misava people live by these laws and hold them dearly. Welcome! The jobs of the republic give you your rank as follows: (1 is the lowest and twelve is the highest) 1) Dancer 2) Cleaner 3) Waiter 4) Teacher 5) Police Officer 6) Athlete 7) Doctor 8) Singer 9) Writer 10) Veterinarian 11) Astronaut 12) Leader 12 jobs. In the 84th 12th year, 1008 years to be exact have passed since the Misava people have existed. It is the twelfth month, December, the last day of the month which will bring us to the 84th 12th year, 1009 years since the Republic of Herculean Misava was created. The country has 12 days in a week and they are called by the numbers representing them.”

micahbotha · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

Classified Secrets

Quade walks through his home that consists of his family and every security that people crave. A dent is still evident on his bedroom roof, his sign that his sense of security is short-lived. If anyone is upset about the way things are all they have to do is find the biggest house in society and attack.

Galaxy walks into the room to find him lying on his bed and staring at the huge dent in the roof. “Even I don’t understand how a normal human can make a dent like that?”Galaxy says with a small smile as his gaze meets hers.

He gets up and sits on the white bed. Galaxy comes closer and sits infront of him on the bed. “Do you think people in society will question it?”Quade asks with concern. “I doubt it,”Galaxy says sincerely, “people barely have time to breathe.”

Quade lays back down on the bed. Galaxy sighs, “I know you’re going through a hard time right now, but I have to go and talk to your mother. She called for me.” Quade nods and smiles, “My dad called for me, but I don’t feel like facing him.” Galaxy smiles sadly, “I know he is putting a lot of pressure on you but soon you won’t have to keep it all to yourself.” Quade gets up and smiles at her.

He makes his way to his father while Galaxy goes to his mother, Nazareth.

Nazareth is waiting for Galaxy in Mazarine’s room. Galaxy approaches and finds Mazarine waiting alongside her mother.

“I think it’s time you girls know about my past,”Nazareth says sincerely, “just keep in mind that it’s a well-kept secret of mine and I’m letting you girls in.” Mazarine and Galaxy nod. Mazarine and Galaxy sit on chairs facing Nazareth’s chair.

“I am two years older than Aldrich,”Nazareth says honestly, “I got married to him when I was eighteen and he was sixteen. I had to pretend I was sixteen.” Mazarine scrunches her face in disgust. Galaxy giggles at her expression of emotion. Nazareth sighs, “I got tested at eighteen for my name and my identity. I was told that my Zero parents had withheld me from the necessary skills of society.”

Mazarine frowns, “So your parents are Zeroes?” Nazareth nods and Galaxy’s eyes widen. “So you had a different name and everything?”Galaxy asks politely. “Yes,”Nazareth says honestly, “My name was Avis. No one cares about what letters are assigned in that place. In any case, I was hidden from the authorities. My parents were afraid of me being taken away from them.”

“That’s understandable,”Mazarine agrees. Galaxy nods, “I would do the same.” “Who wouldn’t?”Mazarine asks rhetorically. “Exactly,”Nazareth says and smiles, “Barnabas came when I was eight-years-old. We became friends because I was always hiding and he thought it was a fun game.”

Nazareth pauses and looks at them, “Inspections always take place but they never enter the place where we are kept. Any children are always accounted for along with the R’s and the 5th’s.” “So they stay together?”Galaxy asks curiously. Nazareth nods, “I was always hidden during those inspections. My parents never let me play with the other children when they weren’t being forced to work. When I turned eighteen, though, my parents knew I had to be announced to them. I had to get my testing done. They had to confirm I was a Zero. I said it was a bad idea because I was in hiding for such a long time but they didn’t listen. Barnabas tried to help me stay hidden but it didn’t work out.”

“So you’re saying that innocent children are forced to work everyday?”Galaxy asks with annoyance. “Yeah,”Nazareth says honestly, “they failed to be successful survivors and so the society uses them for profit.” “What about me?”Mazarine asks with concern in her features, “you’ve lied about me and my existence. Everyone thinks I’m a leader because of my fake appearance.”

“Can I continue the story?”Nazareth asks and Mazarine looks at her with fear in her eyes, “Anyways, my parents ended up being killed for lying after I was tested. I should’ve grown up in society because I am a normal person according to them. I knew too much and, so here I am.”

Nazareth gets up and leaves without, even, looking at Mazarine.

“She has let history repeat itself,”Mazarine says with tears in her eyes, “I’m hiding in plain-sight. When they do final testing next year, I will be discovered. Will I have to keep this façade forever while living somewhere else? I don’t even know anymore.” “Calm down,”Galaxy says sincerely, “I get that it’s scary after hearing that story but remember your father was also involved. Don’t put all the blame on your mother. When you’re tested, your mother and father will be going down before anything happens to you.” Mazarine nods, “That’s the thing. Mother and father made me relive her history.”

Mazarine gets up and runs into her bathroom. Sobs can be heard and they are uncontrollable. Her heart is hurting at having to lose her parents despite the trauma they have caused her little heart.

Galaxy leaves a heartbroken Mazarine to drown in her sorrows and approaches Nazareth about the matter.

“Nazareth,”Galaxy calls out, “what’s going to happen?” Nazareth shrugs her shoulders, “Whatever she ends up going through due to her father’s choices will just make her a stronger and more resilient person when it comes to living in the real world.” “Is that what it did to you? Or did it make you more scared?”Galaxy asks her with a determination to protect someone she cares dearly about.

Nazareth pauses and turns to look at Galaxy, “Well it ended up making others stronger. Barnabas escaped.” Galaxy looks at her stunned, “Escaped?” Nazareth turns away and walks towards her husband’s study.

Quade comes out of the study with a heavy heart that is expressed on his dull face. Galaxy catches his eye and he looks at her with pain in his eyes.

Galaxy walks faster to catch up with him and hugs him tightly. He holds her with the same strength.

“Tomorrow’s school,”Quade says with pain in his eyes, “you will get to see your sister.” Galaxy nods with a smile on her face, “What happened?” “My father,”Quade says with a heavy heart, “wants to take you to the Zeroes after you turn seventeen.” “Oh,”Galaxy says in shock. “It’s a test,”Quade says honestly, “he wants to make sure you won’t tell your friends for two years.” Galaxy nods, “That’s understandable.”

The next day arrives without warning and doesn’t care for anyone else to catch up with it.

Major, Icterine and 6 get up in the black community of Argaron. Their mother is nowhere to be found today. The triplets get dressed in their uniforms and get to the Dray train as usual. Navy and Nicolette are tagging along with them.

“When is your re-testing day?”Icterine asks Nicolette. “Soon,”Nicolette says vaguely, “they like to get it done early in the year so the results are ready for graduation the following year.” 6 nods and says, “I’m sure you will get good rankings.” “What can be done if we don’t get what we want?”Navy asks dejectedly, “we will probably get a low ranking like everyone else.” “It’s so rare to get a high ranking,”Major says sadly, “if you’re born in a low rank then that’s usually where you stay.” Everyone nods in agreement.

Falcon walks towards Galaxy’s Capistrano home and finds Legacy leaving the home. “Hey,”Falcon smiles and waves. “Hey,”Legacy says quietly, “lonely?” “Just walking to school,”Falcon says honestly. Legacy nods, “I’m lonely too. My parents are always working.” Falcon nods, “Relateable. We are Capistrano after all.”

Stone, Clover, Siren, Flute and Faris make their way to the Dray train in silence. Only Clover speaks above the silence of the others as she holds Stone’s hand. She babbles on and on about second grade and being eight-years-old.

Quade and Galaxy arrive at the school in their white uniforms. Everyone stares at them, as usual, and then they arrive at their first class of the day. The teacher looks at them with fear in her eyes and then tries to go about the lesson without stuttering.

Quade looks at Galaxy and Galaxy rolls her eyes with annoyance. They both hate that they are judged over how Aldrich and Nazareth used to be in school. Quade and Galaxy sit in silence throughout the lesson and pay attention.

Their first lunch break arrives and they go to sit alongside their friend group.

“Anything new?”Icterine asks Galaxy. Galaxy nods, “Have to have one like Benning before I’m eighteen.” Everyone laughs at the thought of the chubby baby with amber eyes and straight dark brown hair.

“Speaking of,”Quade says sweetly, “how is it going with him?” “Dad takes care of him while we are at school. He takes him to work with him,”Nicolette says honestly but with sadness in her eyes, “when we get home we go and get him. We take care of him as soon as we arrive home until our bedtime.” “We have to hope dad will be home by that time otherwise we have to let him cry,”Navy says honestly and everyone looks at them in horror. “He doesn’t have a mother,”Nicolette says to them, “we aren’t his parents. We have to follow the rules set out for us.”

Everyone nods in understanding.

Everyone goes silent for a few seconds. Quade’s phone vibrates and he opens it, “We are going to the Genetics lab soon.” Galaxy nods and looks at her friends’ faces of curiosity. “His cousin works there,”Galaxy says honestly. Quade looks at her and knows she told a truth to hide a lie.

Everyone is silently eating snacks and trying to think of a good topic to talk about.

6, Major and Icterine look at each other. “We thought,”6 says with pain in his eyes, “it’s time you find out about why our father is in prison.” Major goes silent as he looks at his siblings for confirmation.

Everyone looks at them curiously. “You don’t have to tell us if it’s bad,”Galaxy says honestly as pain fills her eyes. “It’s suicide,”Icterine says with tears in her eyes, “he tried to kill himself so he is locked in jail for life.” Everyone nods and waits for an explanation. “Till now,”Major says with sadness in his eyes, “he won’t tell anyone why he attempted to take his life.” “Is it better to know?”Quade asks honestly, “or better to stay oblivious?” “It might hurt more to know the reason,”6 says with anger and pain clear in his eyes, “but I’d much rather know why he felt the need to leave us behind.”

Everyone looks at them with pain in their eyes and pure guilt because of asking repeatedly.

The trilling sound of the bell makes them all move towards their classes. 6, Major and Icterine move about in a daze throughout the day.

Quade and Galaxy leave school, when it ends, with their black car and arrive home soon after. Mazarine is sitting in the field crisscross as she stares out into the distance that seems to hold her bleak future in its hand. Quade goes towards his father’s office and finds his parents waiting. Galaxy moves towards Mazarine’s figure.

“Hey,”Galaxy says as she sits crisscross beside Mazarine. “Hey,”Mazarine says as she looks at Galaxy’s white uniform. “You ok?”Galaxy asks knowing the answer. “No,”Mazarine says honestly, “my future is as bleak as mum’s. She didn’t do it to herself and I didn’t do it to myself. I will suffer for my parents’ decisions and so has mum. It doesn’t seem fair.” “I promise Mazarine,”Galaxy says with hope, “I will make sure Quade and I send you to the society you belong in so you can be yourself there.” Tears fill Mazarine’s eyes as she hugs Galaxy for freeing her from the prison of her parents’ decisions.

Quade interrupts their moment when he calls, “Galaxy!” Galaxy lets go of Mazarine and smiles sadly at the little girl infront of her. Galaxy then gets up and moves towards Quade.

“We have to go meet Ibis and teach you about genetics,”Quade says kindly as he gently pushes Galaxy forward and goes towards the black car that awaits them. Aldrich, Nazareth and Mazarine are waiting in their car so they can leave.

As they drive towards the testing station near the hospital, Quade talks to Galaxy. “Mazarine has been learning this stuff since she was young,”Quade says honestly, “she was prepped to be a leader so she can go up the ranks quickly.” Galaxy nods, “What if she isn’t a leader?” “Well,”Quade says nervously, “I’m sure mum and dad checked that before revealing this stuff to her.” “What if she’s not though?”Galaxy asks sincerely as she looks at him. He fails to keep her gaze, “I don’t get what you’re getting at.” “I’m sure your father wouldn’t forget to tell you such a big secret,”Galaxy says with annoyance as she knows he’s lying to her. “Let’s not talk about this now,”Quade says as he glances nervously at the driver, “let’s focus on Ibis and genetics right now.” Galaxy nods knowing he will tell her later.

They arrive at the genetics lab and get out of their cars. Mazarine is in another world and Galaxy goes towards her but Quade stops her. Aldrich and Nazareth walk with linked arms while Mazarine stands staring into space.

Quade calls out to her, “Mazarine!” Mazarine then begins moving forward. She catches up to Quade and Galaxy. All three walk with linked arms. They enter the genetics lab together and spot Ibis. Quade whispers to Galaxy, “She’s not a leader. Mazarine will go to her society when my parents are out of the picture.” Galaxy smiles at him.

Ibis walks briskly towards them and hugs them all tightly. Her eyes sparkle because she gets to see her family. Her dull beige uniform doesn’t compare to her glowing face.

“Welcome,”Ibis says sweetly, “this way.” The whole group goes towards a separate room that contains various instruments unknown to them.

“So this lesson is for Galaxy,”Aldrich announces. Ibis nods and Galaxy moves forward.

“Welcome to the world of DNA and the characteristics that we use to reveal the details of what make you who you are,”Ibis announces and Galaxy smiles sadly.