
Survival Manual in the Dawn of Time.

Thrown into the beginning of time in the DC universe with a wish. - - - - - patreon.com/Horadomori [Early Access]

Hora_Do_Mori · Movies
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66 Chs

rebellion (part 3)

Your movements were very fluid, managing to dodge most of the attacks, and what did hit you didn't affect the armor. The enemies ended up fleeing in fear. At this moment, Merkare discovered other functions of the armor. Wings emerged from his back, allowing him to fly, and small cannons appeared in his hands that could shoot blue energy projectiles.

He continued to hunt his enemies. As his excitement subsided, his feelings returned to normal. He realized what he was doing. Initially, he thought he was doing the right thing, until he saw in the faces of those he was killing the same expression he saw on his friends' faces. In the end, they were just people.

He realized that killing these people wouldn't change anything. The war would continue. They were just soldiers following orders, much like he and his comrades. His fury still burned in his heart, but he decided to let the remaining people go. Rockets emerged from his back, propelling him away from the battlefield.

Those who survived returned to the camp and spread the tale of the blue beetle, an unstoppable being that rained fire, killing all in its path. Some, whose minds were broken by the war, had to be restrained to prevent them from impacting the army's morale.

Merkare was flying through the clouds at supersonic speed, heading straight for the main city of the Wairdors. The walls and defensive weapons were meaningless to him; his powers were on another level.

As night fell, he activated his camouflage mode, causing the armor to blend with the surroundings, rendering him practically invisible. He would try to kill the main leaders of the empire and end the war without spilling more blood than had already been shed.

He entered the palace, his fluid movements making no noise. He reached one of the king's rooms and entered. He saw the figure sleeping. He approached as a blade formed from the underside of his right wrist. It would be a fatal blow that would kill the king silently.

He made his move when the blade was about to pierce the king's heart. His arm ended up passing through the sleeping figure's body. This startled him, but he quickly stepped back from the bed and assumed a defensive stance, preparing for battle.

The king rose and looked in his direction, something that shouldn't have been possible as he was still camouflaged.

"Who sent you here?" the king asked calmly, seemingly not taking the strange assassin seriously.

Realizing his camouflage was useless, he deactivated it and said, "I am here to end this wa..."

As he spoke, his head began to ache. However, thanks to the armor, he managed to expel the intruder from his mind. Merkare was quick, but not quick enough.

"So you're a Wendotips. I understand that you don't want to continue this war, Merkare, but it wasn't us who started it. We're just protecting ourselves," the king seemed to have obtained the information he wanted, which frightened Merkare, as his name had been revealed.

He didn't try to argue and simply aimed his cannons at the king, creating a loud noise and destroying the entire room. The dust settled, and he could see the king there, completely unharmed. His armor warned him that this person wasn't human.

However, it was too late. Two figures emerged from the left and right walls, passing through solid matter like ghosts. He realized that he wouldn't stand much of a chance without knowing his enemies' abilities. He might die here, so he tried to escape, smashing through the palace's roof and heading into the clouds.

As he attempted to flee, various debris and rocks were hurled at him. A strange force tried to hold his body back, but he still attempted to move forward. These obstacles prevented him from reaching his top speed.

He ended up surrounded by three people floating in the air. Although the beetle granted him protection against telepathy, it wasn't enough. When the three Martians joined forces to attack his mind, he had no way to defend himself. He let out a scream as he fell to the ground.

He plummeted from the sky to the ground, creating a large crater. His armor protected him, so he suffered no damage. In truth, his mind hadn't suffered a major mental attack. What happened was as follows.

The Martians saw in him a way to end the war more quickly with less bloodshed. They knew Merkare wasn't powerful enough to defeat the Thanagarian, but they knew he could be the key to dethroning them. 

Merkare was a good man who had been given power. Unlike the Thanagarian, he didn't want war. So they showed him what the Thanagarians wanted. Their plans weren't for peaceful coexistence. Unlike their propaganda, they were the ones who started the war. 

They didn't care about the people. In the end, the only ones who would benefit from this war were the five of them. They also revealed their own histories. They weren't from this world, but they had become a part of it. They wanted to protect the humans who had accepted them, unlike the Thanagarians. 

Merkare couldn't accept this reality and had a breakdown, but he quickly recovered and flew away. The Martians didn't follow him; they knew Merkare needed time to think.