

The world’s first VR survival game is finally going online. The officials took the chance to host the first limitless survival competition to promote it. As a survivalist, Su Han eagerly signed herself up. How to survive pernicious goods inflation? How to survive natural disasters? How to continue surviving when trapped on an abandoned island? Facing all sorts of difficulties, Su Han smoothly dealt with them all. Along the way, she pulled a like-minded partner with her, surviving till the end with him.

BabyF_05062016 · Fantasy
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32 Chs


The system confirmed, "Occupation chosen, please wait, the system is processing."

A few seconds later, a translucent panel appeared in front of Su Han, which read -

Name: Su Han (Verified)

Level: 1

Occupation: Nutritionist (Skill: Elementary)

Satiety: 100/100

Cleanliness: 100/100

Energy: 100/100

There are attribute descriptions below.

Satiety: 75%-100%, dark green, very full. / 50%-75%, light green, not hungry. / 25%-50%, yellow, a little hungry. / 0-25%, red, unbearable hunger.

– Eating food can increase satiety.

Cleanliness: 75%-100%, dark green, clean. / 50%-75%, light green, not dirty. / 25%-50%, yellow, dirty. /0-25%, red, smelly.

– Using daily necessities can increase cleanliness.

Energy: If satiety, cleanliness levels dropped below 50, energy will slowly decrease continuously. (The lower satiety and cleanliness are, the faster the decline in energy. When the energy level drops to 0, the player is eliminated and cannot be resurrected.)

– If the player is sick or injured, energy will decrease continuously. (These negative states can be removed by taking complementary medicines.)

– If satiety and cleanliness levels are dark green or if the player enters "Sleep" or uses medicine, energy will slowly recover.

– Every 30 days of survival in the game will reward the player – [+1 level, +100 satiety, +100 cleanliness, +100 energy, +1 skill level.]

Su Han thought, 'so this game is basically surviving and fighting for assets.'

'The lower the satiety and cleanliness, the faster the decline in energy. So, to maintain the energy level, it's necessary to continuously consume food and daily necessities to ensure satiety and cleanliness levels are above the green safety line.

Almost instantly, Su Han made "hoarding supplies" her top priority.

After reading through everything, Su Han closed the panel.


The system notified,

"The player has obtained 100 points and can now purchase materials in the system mall."

"Note 1: Player is not allowed to enter the system mall if he/she is in an instance (A special area, typically a dungeon, that generates a new copy of the location for each group or for a certain number of players.)."

"Note 2: The number of goods in the mall are limited, and the mall operates on a first-come-first-served basis. After all units of a product is sold, a 'sold out' sign will be displayed. Players can purchase the product again once it's restocked. (Products are restocked before players enter the next instance)."

Su Han, "!!!" 'The goods in the mall are limited? Doesn't that mean players who took a long time choosing their occupations (and spent time analyzing the attributes) are going to be unlucky then.'

She swiftly opened the system mall and activated panic buying mode.

The system mall appears to have everything a player would need to survive in an apocalyptic world. There's everything from things to eat, to wear, and to use, such as military knives, sabers, daggers, as well as all kinds of electronic devices.

As expected of a mall in a VR game.

Su Han, who only has 100 points, felt that this pitiful amount of money was not enough to buy everything she wanted.

Seeing the continuous decrease in the inventory of goods in the mall, Su Han sighed, quickly determined the goal, and instantly spent her 100 points.

The items she selected were—

[1 personal warehouse costs 50 points. There are ten slots inside, and each slot can hold up to 100 pieces of the same item.]

[1 great value gift bag costs 40 points, contains 10 bars of soaps, ten bottles of mineral water, ten buttered pork floss bread, and five medical bandages.

Soap: Cleanliness +25, costs 2 points.

Mineral water: 250 ml, satiety +10, costs 2 points.

Buttered pork floss bread: Satiety +25, costs 2 points.

Medical bandage: Energy +10, "Bleeding" buff disappears after using the item, costs 4 points.]

In other words, buying everything separately will cost 80 points. Instead, one can buy the gift bag, which includes items for only 40 points.

'It's really a great deal!' Su Han bought it without hesitation.

After buying the above items, Su Han saw that the personal warehouse, which initially had a total supply of 100,000 in the mall, dropped to 70,000 in a blink of an eye. The other players have started their shopping sprees.

Fortunately, she has finished buying everything.


The remaining 10 points were exchanged into the currency of the game, and she got 1000 bei. (The name of the currency in circulation in this instance is called "bei.")

On the surface, it seemed like it should be easy to buy food, necessities, and medical supplies in the instance with game currency, so it didn't make sense to use points to exchange goods.

But no one can guarantee that these materials can be bought in the instance she will end up in.

'And even if I can buy them, who knows how the currency works inside. What if I need to pay 1000 bei just to buy a bottle of water, wouldn't I be losing out then?' (T/n: The currency of the game is "bei," but I'll use "coins" from here on.)

That's why, after thinking about it carefully, Su Han selected these three items (Warehouse, gift pack, 1000 coins). Although she wouldn't say she's 100% prepared, and there are still many things she's lacking, the things she bought should be enough to deal with most scenarios.

She heard the system asks, "The preparations are done, does the player wish to enter the game now?"

Su Han chose "Yes" without hesitation. With a flash of white light, Su Han officially entered the game.


The system began its introductions, "The goal of this round is to survive in a world that experienced hyperinflation, please do your best."

"Note 1: After surviving for 10 days, the player will have met the requirements to achieve pass conditions and may request the system to leave the instance at any time."

"Note 2: Once energy level reaches 0, the game character dies, and the player is disqualified from the competition."

"Note 3: The more days you survive, the more rewards player will get after clearing the instance."

"Note 4: If you completed the round in extreme challenge mode – survive for 20 days in the instance, you will receive additional rewards. After 20 days, the surviving players in the instance will automatically be transferred out."

"Note 5: A5 Town (The server where the player is located) has 100,000 players and 400,000 resident NPCs."

"Note 6: Hyperinflation officially begins at 9 am. (Generally, the monthly increase rate of price exceeding 50% is defined as hyperinflation. The data has been adjusted in the game.)."

'Hyperinflation starts from 9 am?' Su Han paused. She entered the game at 8 in the morning, choosing an occupation, reading the information, and shopping for goods took five minutes.

The time in the game right now is exactly 8:06 am.

Suddenly, Su Han had an inexplicable sense of urgency in a race against time, as if every minute could not be wasted!