

The world’s first VR survival game is finally going online. The officials took the chance to host the first limitless survival competition to promote it. As a survivalist, Su Han eagerly signed herself up. How to survive pernicious goods inflation? How to survive natural disasters? How to continue surviving when trapped on an abandoned island? Facing all sorts of difficulties, Su Han smoothly dealt with them all. Along the way, she pulled a like-minded partner with her, surviving till the end with him.

BabyF_05062016 · Fantasy
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32 Chs


After a day of hard work, Su Han returned home, made some food to fill her stomach, and browsed the "Survival Enthusiasts" forum.

Some people live in a peaceful era and do not have to worry about food and clothing, are still prepared for danger, and always remain vigilant because no one knows which will come first tomorrow or tomorrow disaster.

The members in the "Survival Enthusiasts" forum are like this. They're always prepared for any crisis.

"I have already bought enough food and drinking water at home to last a year."

"I bought a backpack, filled it with essential items. Once something happens, I can run away with just the backpack at any time. There are a lot of things inside, so the backpack's really heavy. It's a good thing I bought a car, I can just throw the backpack on a seat and just drive away."

"Essential medicines are already packed, military knife, gas masks, military boots and bulletproof vests are on the way. I want to ask fellow comrades, which brand of canned food is better? Help me recommend two, I plan to stock up."

Of course, many of them overwhelmed their sense of worry and accidentally hoarded too much stuff.

"Ten years ago, after the nuclear leakage accident, I rushed to buy edible salt and accidentally bought too much. I still haven't finished eating it just thinking about it is making me feel like crying."

"Pftt," Su Han laughed out loud. She clicked open the post, and she found that the floor owner's (The poster) words were filled with sadness.

"The salt that was bought at a high price in the past, 10 yuan a pack, cannot be resold, and no one want it even if I give them away for free! After eating for ten years, there is still a lot left at home, and I don't know when I can finish it. Fortunately, salt doesn't have a shelf life, so at least I can take my time…troubles of life.jpg."

After reading that post, Su Han made a mental note: 'There's no need to stock up on too much seasoning.' She could learn from others and constantly improve her defense plans. Then if there's a disaster, she could better deal with it.

After flipping through the forum for a while, Su Han was planning to go offline and sleep. At this time, a new post that had just been posted was highlighted, and the number of replies under it increased sharply.

Su Han was surprised, thinking she had read it wrong, and quickly reread the headline. However, the headline reads, "The world's first VR survival game is coming soon. The game's developer Jinjiang Group has decided to hold a competition to promote the game. Everyone is welcome to sign up."

'The world's first VR survival game!', Survival manic Su Han immediately clicked on the post to read the instructions on how to sign up.

One month later, the registration for the competition was over, and the game was scheduled to start on October 1st.

Starting from Interstellar year 3000, October 1st to October 10th was declared as a public holiday. Therefore, players who signed up for the competition did not have to worry about making time.

Early in the morning on October 1st, Su Han lay down in the gaming cabin and couldn't wait to enter the game.

At exactly 8 am, contestants started logging into the game.


The scene in front of her blurred, and Su Han found herself standing in a white mist. A second later, she heard a mechanical voice saying, "Welcome to 'Limitless Survival Game'. Please choose an occupation from the following choices."

Su Han took a closer look; the three options were –

"Occupation: Doctor

Skill (Elementary): 30% chance of receiving common drugs and a 5% chance of receiving rare drugs every day."

"Occupation: Miner

Skill (Elementary): 30% chance of receiving gold, and a 5% chance of receiving rare gems every day."

"Occupation: Nutritionist

Skill (Elementary): 30% chance of receiving '1 bottle of milk and one loaf of brown bread' set meal, and 5% chance of getting '3 bottles of milk, one buttered pork floss bread and one chocolate cake' luxury meal set every day."

"Note: The above probability events can happen at the same time."

After thinking for a while, Su Han realized, choosing 'Doctor' means getting a supply of medicines, choosing 'Miner' means possessing hard currency, and choosing 'Nutritionist' would mean having food and water.

All three professions have their advantages in different environments.

During extremely challenging times, medicines will be in short supply, which will have more worth than gold. In relatively peaceful times, having money means you can buy power and resources, but money would be worthless if she were sent to a deserted island. Food and water will be the most important items to have.

'It's difficult to choose not knowing what kind of world she's going to end up in.'

After thinking about it for a minute, Su Han made a decision. "I choose Nutritionist."

'No matter what the environment is, if I want to survive, I can't lack water and food.' As for medicine and money, she can exchange those with food and water if she needs to.