
Survival Evolved: Incarnation

*ALL CHAPTERS ARE FREE* With little to no explanation for their wiped memory, several survivors, referred to as Arkians, wake up on a beach on what seems to be Earth. These survivors have many differences, but the most defining one is Sky; The one with a White Stone on the back of his left hand. What kind of journey will Sky undergo because of this White Stone? My Twitter is @Twitchy_Asterio, please follow or feel free to contact me with any questions! My Cover Artist's Twitter is @Bombyixmori, follow if you like their work! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Warnings: 1. Survival Evolved is meant to take place through the eyes of a teenage boy (mainly), meaning that some things he doesn't pick up on or connect in his mind are done ON PURPOSE. 2. Survival Evolved often describes gore/wounds in a gruesome way. There are many scenes in which slavery, human trafficking, or torture are talked about, so read with caution!

Twitchy_ · Fantasy
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704 Chs


"Four hundred years ago, when the conflict between Asterios and Achamos first started, my mom, Providence Achamo, was thrown into the ringer to become the Achamo Deity, also known as Providence. Her name became one to fear between all other clans and tribes, until Sky Asterio interfered," Cole began.

He held me, hostage, while he began to explain. However, this is something I would've loved to hear while he was on the opposite side of Mahina metal jail bars.

"You're talking about Sky more than your own man, is that the influence you keep talking about?" I asked Cole.

"Alexia! Where are you?!" Fudo yelled out. Cole threatened me again, telling me to stay silent.

"Sky Asterio and Providence Achamo were very influential to all communities, that's why Asterio and Achamo are the top two families, because of those two. Sky Asterio pushed my mom into the dirt in two-thousand twenty, and when he towered over her in popularity, he shamed her, and eventually, sealed her away in The First Trial to make himself more powerful, more influential... Mom rotted in The First Trial, time and time again, until she met him once more, only a month ago," Cole told me.

"I'm aware how time works... it doesn't sound like Sky to kill somebody to be more popular than them. Are you telling me the full story?" I asked Cole quietly. I could hear Fudo's footsteps get closer. It was only a matter of time before we were discovered.

"The full story? Must you know about the part when The Deity of Wrath killed my sister after paralyzing her? Must you know about when The Deity of Wrath stomped out two billion lives on Earth while trying to rise to the top? What about the countless people he murdered in cold blood? What about this endless cycle he put my family through, to reincarnate them over and over again until he could regain his Deity Powers? What about reviving you, time and time again, just to force you under him?" Cole asked me.

The more he talked, the more curious I became. Hearing Sky does all of these things seemed impossible. He wasn't the man Cole painted him to be, and he did everything with good intentions to save his friends and his family. Nobody can threaten him or us without receiving even treatment. I stood silent, still listening to Cole.

"I was recently revived, luckily it wasn't under the veil of deception Sky holds over you Arkians, and I was gifted something so brilliant that it can't go without mentioning... it makes me far more powerful than almost everybody in Quake. I'm sure, you know of my abilities, don't you?" Cole asked me.

I remained silent. Anything I say from this point on wouldn't be getting information, it would be giving. He would know we had a meeting before this, and know that they should be prepared for according retaliation.

Cole, with that strange chain sword floating around the room, looked at it with the pitch-black pupils of the Eye of Providence and enlarged it. I didn't pay attention to it at all and kept my eyes locked on his.

I could kill him here... I just need the right moment.

"Do you know about the rule with Arkians and powerful beings like Asterios and Achamos? Do you know that as time goes on, as more Generations are born, more powerful kids come out of it? A Pure Achamo like Mom giving birth to a kid makes them extremely powerful, an equal to a Pure Asterio. It's like the Animal Kingdom, Alexia. It's all one big game to dethrone the most powerful person. Sky Asterio was so concerned with staying on top that he destroyed the only other person capable of producing somebody more powerful than her... and he stomped out my sister's tragically short life, to make sure she couldn't rival him... but he never touched me," Cole told me.

"That doesn't make any sense, if your sister's life was short, why wouldn't he keep her alive and then kill you? Why are you somehow immune to all of this?" I asked Cole again. I couldn't hear Fudo's footsteps, but I assumed that was a good thing.

"Because I was weak. I was a weak Achamo, not fit for the throne. My sister? She would've been the most powerful being on Earth... my existence was cut short in the end, but I was brought back. I used to be a Generation Two Arkian if you want to call it that... but after so many years, so many consciousnesses that were obliterated because of me, so many different reincarnations of my Mom and sister in The First Trial, that puts me at the very top of the scoreboard as an Achamo. A Pure, Generation Zero, Achamo. One that can rival Sky Asterio," Cole told me again.

Woah... I knew Sky was a Pure Asterio based on the previous information, but to think there were others? A Pure Achamo... Boo isn't even one of those... but, Cole didn't seem as powerful as Sky, so why didn't he wipe him out when he had the chance?

"If I ask you what makes you so strong, will you tell me?" I asked Cole. I held my button on the radio to transmit the message, and he chuckled.

"You want me to tell you what makes me so strong? Will it even matter? You're not beating me this time around... what makes me so strong is my pureblood as an Achamo. My speed, like my sister, my Arkian Prowess from my sister, and last but not least, the Deity Status from my mom. I have their abilities, their intelligence, their strength, and their speed," Cole told me, as I let go of the button on my radio.

Fudo kicked the glass from the second floor down on the floor next to Cole, and jumped in on the chain sword, shooting a hole in the wall with a weird sling on his arm, and pushing me out while tucking his head to dodge an attack.

"HERE!" Fudo screamed out. Fudo picked me up and carried me out of the building, making a crazy long jump that shouldn't have been possible, and from under his feet, I saw both Sky and Dani with golden sabers charge into the building.

It felt like time slowed down as we got close together, with Sky right under my feet, I turned my head down at him.

"Cole... Achamo..." I told him, the words leaving my mouth right as he passed by me.

Dani tackled him into the opposite side of the building, cracking it and completely demolishing it, and Sky came to a stop as he slid on the ground, looking at me.

"What?" He asked me.