
Survival Evolved: Incarnation

*ALL CHAPTERS ARE FREE* With little to no explanation for their wiped memory, several survivors, referred to as Arkians, wake up on a beach on what seems to be Earth. These survivors have many differences, but the most defining one is Sky; The one with a White Stone on the back of his left hand. What kind of journey will Sky undergo because of this White Stone? My Twitter is @Twitchy_Asterio, please follow or feel free to contact me with any questions! My Cover Artist's Twitter is @Bombyixmori, follow if you like their work! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Warnings: 1. Survival Evolved is meant to take place through the eyes of a teenage boy (mainly), meaning that some things he doesn't pick up on or connect in his mind are done ON PURPOSE. 2. Survival Evolved often describes gore/wounds in a gruesome way. There are many scenes in which slavery, human trafficking, or torture are talked about, so read with caution!

Twitchy_ · Fantasy
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704 Chs

Orion VS Nova (1)

--Orion's Perspective--

"Oh come on, don't make me put effort into killing you. Just fall over and die, pretty please," Nova told me.

I held my sword widely at an angle, analyzing her body language. Nova had a staff in her hand and it was nearly scraping the ground after being held behind her back.

I ruled over the Isle... that title wasn't for any simple reason... hand-to-hand combat was something I excelled in. I couldn't be beaten in a battle, I used everything to my advantage, knew my surroundings, and even knew my opponent.

Nova is a sporadic girl, but I've also heard the allegations that she wasn't able to be hit by any natural person. Shike hit her, which means she isn't invincible I could count on quick reactions and counter-attacks if I left an opening. I have to tighten my style.

The ground around us was hard, but still full of dirt. I'll have to watch my eyes for any loose dirt she'll try to throw into my eyes. Her staff can bounce off of the ground because it was so tough, and she could probably plant it into the pathing to vault over me. It was a big staff... but she was a small girl. Probably a few inches shorter than Sky.

Oh, damn. I'm starting to sound like Charlie, talking about that man.

Don't tell me that kid is going to influence me here...

Nova ran at me with a wide swing on her staff. I easily deflected it with my sword, pushing it to the side and closing the distance by sliding my sword up the length of it. If I kept it at a distance, she would have to use her fists. I would absolutely annihilate her if I closed the battle down to fists alone.

I was surprised, to see how flexible Nova was, even in her old age. She deflected the sword easily by tilting the staff on the point with her hand, which tilted my sword up, and she tried to punch me in the face.

I ducked under the hit, swept out her ankles, and rose the sword to plunge down into her chest.

Just as I assumed, she used the staff to vault back to her feet before I could even tilt the sword up, which created distance between us. Nova was already panting... maybe she was out of shape?

We ran at each other again. I kept the staff at a distance by sliding along the length of it with my sword, but at the very end, tilted it down, and wrapped my legs around it. I tried to bend it and get it stuck between my legs, but she retracted it down to a small length.

Oh? It seemed that she just revealed an interesting tactic to me...

She extended the staff in an attempt to hit me in the face, but I grabbed onto the end of the staff before it could go anywhere else.

I planted the tip of my sword into the wooden staff and pierced it, going straight through.

I have to admit, it was an idiotic decision, as Nova ripped it out of my reach, and used the new hybrid weapon I accidentally made to strike at me.

It was like a war hammer with a pointed tip since my sword was stuck in the staff, and she swung it at an angle that was tough to dodge.

I jumped over it, ducked, and even did a handspring to get over it while closing the distance between us.

Nova was now trying to purposefully change the terrain to something where she had the advantage... but she forgot why I came here in the first place.

I wanted to kill Nova... for what she did to my family, of course, I would want to kill her. But, to just stop at Nova?

If I can't have Nathan because of her, why should I let her have Mizu? I know for a fact Mizu is in that house.

Nova's army has been mobilized, which is why they're not here trying to kill me either. I don't know where that army is, but I do know that Nova is here, which means Mizu is nearby. I would bet my life on Mizu being in the house I'm running toward right now.

"You wanna play dirty?! Two can play that game!!" Nova screamed out. She ran at me with the staff and pole-vaulted over me with the sword raised up, shining the glint of the sunlight into my eyes with the metallic blade of my sword.

She threw the staff at the door and lodged it in the way, meaning I couldn't get in, but now the battle was hand-to-hand... fall right into my hands!

I threw a punch toward the right side of her, reluctantly weakening the blow before it connected, and got close to her against her will.

I slammed my knee into her ribs and threw her into a wooden fence. She crashed through, smashing the weak wood under her weight and causing the fence poles to collapse on top of her.

"The thought of killing you before you know your daughter is dead has started to get old like spoiled meat. I've changed my mind, Nova. I think I'll let you live, but your daughter? Oh, she'll be friends with Nathan before long again," I told her, walking up her porch steps.

"You're a child murderer now? I didn't think you fell that low, King of the Isle," She said to me.

I chuckled, looking down at her from the top of her porch.

"You didn't say that to me, did you? I saw Chi-Chi's scar... 'Property of Ultima', huh? That's real mature. Aren't you like fifty years old by now?" I asked her, pulling her staff out from the door and throwing it to the side.

"People are property when they aren't strong enough to handle themselves, you of all people would know that," Nova told me, pushing herself up through the broken fence.

"It takes a villain to know one, doesn't it?" I returned to her. I knew I was wrong, but this was the path to betterment.