
Survival Among the Dead: The Outsider

A man met God after death and embarked on a journey into the world of The Walking Dead.

Morgan_Slizerin · TV
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3 Chs

Chapter 3

On the next morning, Jesse and Sam came, but their older son didn't want to join the training. Maybe he'll change his mind later. Jesse seemed a bit different, likely due to her husband's actions. I wished I could visit their home and teach him a lesson, but it was too soon for that, as we had only been here for a day.

After our training, I invited them over for breakfast. Jesse hesitated but gave in, especially when I mentioned there would be cookies. After breakfast, she thanked us and went to work. Diana called us and explained what we would be doing. Beth would be in charge of cooking, I would go on expeditions and train people who were interested three times a week. I also suggested setting up a watch to patrol the walls, and she said she would consider it. Well, when the main group arrives, things might get a bit easier; they know how to survive. After a few days, we gathered for an expedition. Our team consisted of Diana's son, the guy who wanted to kill Glenn, and another guy named Jack. We got in the car and headed into the city.

Listen here, newbie, you should follow my orders, understood?

But I thought we don't have leaders, and our mission is to gather supplies. Let's keep searching.

Look, don't be naive.

We started searching for supplies. Diana's son acts like he's something special, thinking his father building the wall makes him important. He doesn't know life outside. Though I don't know much either, it all comes quite naturally to me. But I've seen the show, and we used to kill walkers. I spotted a pharmacy.

I'm going to check the pharmacy.

Do you think there's anything there?

I don't know, but we need to check. Keep searching.

I entered the pharmacy, finding two walkers inside. After dealing with them, I started searching the shelves. It seemed empty. I proceeded to the storage room for medications, carefully examining everything. I found a few medicine packs, syringes, bandages, and gauze. Not a lot, but better than nothing. There were also several large packs of condoms. That was unexpected, but I grabbed them too.

As I was packing everything into a bag, I heard gunshots. I rushed toward the sound and found those idiots shooting a walker for fun.

What are you doing, you morons?

What's the big deal, newbie?

Let's get out of here. There will be a horde coming soon.

Calm down.

After that, I witnessed the walkers approaching us, and we rushed to the car. I was killing the walkers with my knife, while those idiots continued shooting at them. We managed to get to the base, but when we arrived, I was furious, and I got out of the car.

You idiot! Do you think it's fun to shoot at walkers?

Don't you dare tell me what to do.

This only fueled my anger.

What, do you want to hit me? Come on!

Following that, without thinking, I punched him, and he fell. His friend tried to do something and got a left jab to his nose. Then, I heard enough, and it was Diana who said so.

Whether you're mad or not, he's an idiot. Together with him, I might as well die a lot quicker. I'd rather go on scavenging trips by myself or with Beth, who needs to learn how to shoot anyway.

After that, I went home, and after taking a shower, Beth called me for lunch.

What happened?

They were shooting at walkers for fun. These people behind the wall never really saw walkers, especially not up close. They're lucky that some strong group hasn't found them yet. Are you okay with going on scavenging trips with me?

Of course, I'm in.

You can find a lot of ammunition and continue practicing your shooting.

After lunch, I talked to Diana about going on scavenging trips. She agreed, and she also thanked me for intervening.

A week passed, and Jesse and Sam were still training with me. After a training session, Jesse approached me.

Is this our last training session?

Why? You're doing quite well.

My husband is against it.

Sam joined us.

Hey Sam, you did great today. Go get some cookies.

Sam rushed to the kitchen.

Why? Isn't it necessary in this world? Let's sit down and talk.

After that, I hugged her from behind, and she flinched.

Is he hurting you?

Everything's fine. I pulled a muscle during training.

Show me.

Everything is okay.

She said, lowering her head. I touched her cheek and lifted her head.

Show me.

After that, she took off her workout jacket. I raised her T-shirt and saw a bruise on her left side, quite significant. Ah, this darn bruise wants to throw punches. I'll make him pay.

I'll break his arms.

I was already planning to go and knock the hell out of this scumbag. I should have stopped everything right away instead of waiting to get closer to him.

Stop, you don't need trouble.

Then I'll go talk to Diana; let her deal with this scumbag.

He's a doctor; there's no need to do anything.

Well, I won't leave it like this. Be right back.

I walked out onto the street and started shouting.

Hey, Pete, come out; we need to talk.

Any problems, Derek?

Yeah, since you seem to enjoy hitting people, let's see if you can hit me, Pete.

I don't understand what you're talking about.

If you don't understand, maybe I need to remind you.

After that, I punched him. He held his split lip, and I could see he was getting angry. He swung at me; I dodged and punched him again.

Is this all you're capable of?

After that, he attacked me, and we started fighting. I got hit a few times, but finally, I sat on him and began punching him one after another. Jesse and Sam rushed out of the house; Jesse was screaming for me to stop, but I continued to beat him until they pulled me off. His face was swollen from the punches. Diana arrived.

Come with me.

We went to her office.

You knew?

Yes, there was no need to beat him.

If you knew and didn't do anything, what should I do?

He's a doctor, and his wife didn't complain.

He needs to be relocated away from her; I think Jesse will agree with me.

Now we need to figure out what to do with you.

What's there to do with me? I gave him all the beatings she wanted. Maybe it'll help him if he doesn't think otherwise.

After that, I went to Jesse; she was waiting for me at my place.