
Survival Among the Dead (The Walking Dead) Fanfiction

After opening his eyes after a helicopter crash, Damian Wolfe finds himself in a chaotic world. A Virus has spread worldwide that brings back the dead. Would he be able to live in such a world? See how he navigates in the world where humans are not the apex predators anymore and are near extinction.

CaringSoul · TV
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54 Chs

Pete's Motel

It was morning. The group of three people that had reduced to two and now increased to four stopped their truck near a motel along the way. There were no houses nearby. Just a gas station and a store attached to it a little far. They climbed down. Lane jumped down and turned to pick the girls and put them down. They looked scared and weak by looking at their face, Lane figured out what those guys did to them. She caressed the girls trying to let them know that they were safe with them. Wolf closed the truck's door and locked it and signaled the rest to follow him to the motel. The motel signboard was still lightened. *Pete's Motel*, it said. They entered the gates carefully expecting infected coming their way from sides but there was none. They saw someone looking at them from inside a room on the first floor but suddenly dropped the winds of the windows noticing that they have seen him. They slowly walked towards the reception and entered it. The atmosphere inside the reception was different. There was a calming song playing and it made everyone feel comfortable all of a sudden but made Wolfe a bit unusual. There was no one at the reception. Wolfe looked around and called if someone was there, but no one answered. He looked at Lane who was sitting with the girls and giving them glass of water. At that instant, a bald man in his early 30s came inside with a smile and looked towards the strangers. "Welcome to the Pete's Motel. You guys want a room or two to stay?", he asked creepily smiling looking at the girls. 

"I saw you up there looking at us from the window", Wolfe said.

"Oh yes. Last tenant left without saying anything. So, I was just cleaning up the room", he replied.

"Oh! okay. We want to stay here for a few days", Lane said without looking.

"Yes. Yes. that's what this motel is for. But you have to pay upfront. I don't want to end up with no money like last time", he said looking at Wolfe, his eyes accusing him of something.

Wolfe put his hand in his back pocket, brought out a wallet, opening it, it could be seen that it was someone else's purse. He took out few 50-dollar notes and put it on the table saying, "For two days. We also want food. Can you arrange that?".

"Yes, dear customer. Just fill these details here", man said while putting forward a diary.

"Really? What's the meaning of doing this now when the world's going to shit?", Wolfe looked at the man annoyingly.

"This is my motel and I control it. I don't care if the world goes to shit or not. Rules are rules. If you want to stay, you fill the details now", the man said in a strict tone. Wolfe stared at the motel owner.

"Wolfe", Lane called him, telling him to do it quickly and be over with irritated eyes. Wolfe wrote down fake name and passed the fake ID which the man didn't even look at as his eyes were on the girls this whole time.

"Room number 11 and 13, first floor", he said as he passed the keys to Wolfe. "Why not ground floor or adjoining rooms?", Wolfe asked doubting the man's intentions.

"There was an infected I shot down in room 12 and haven't cleaned it yet and the ground floor isn't safe for kids. I myself am staying in the first floor at night", he clarified bringing down Wolfe's guard.

"You want breakfast? I was gonna prepare it , I will prepare it for you guys too", he offered.

"Thanks, we'd appreciate it", Lane said and looked at Wolfe who nodded at the man and started walking out the reception with others.

They were just outside when the man called them from behind and said with a creepy smile, "By the way, my name's Luke. Nice to make your acquaintance". Wolfe looked at him who had brought out his head out the window.

"Nice to meet you too. Name's Wolfe. Let's talk later. We need some rest", he responded. They left the man behind who kept waving his hand looking at the girls.

Entering the room 13 that was away from the stairs, Wolfe sat down on the chair nearby while Lane took the girls to sit on the bed. The room wasn't that impressive. Except for a TV and a fan, everything was ordinary. The bed was large enough and could accommodate two people with ease. Wolfe turned on the TV but the channels didn't work.

"Looks like the TV stations are down too", he looked at the girls and added, "At least this motel still has lights". He brought out four cold drinks from his bag pocket and forwarded them to the girls.

"Drink it. And tell us about yourselves. What are your names? Where are you from? We could help you take there. Your parents must be searching for you", Lane said.

The girls looked towards each other. And the elder one spoke, "I am Alisha Stokes, and she is Leah, my younger sister. Dillon, that man who tied us killed our parents. He took us away from our home and kept us in his van", she said controlling her tears while the younger one couldn't and her tears came out her years while she put her face down so they couldn't see it.

Alisha slowly wiped her sister's tears and looked at Wolfe, "We have no one else now, except each other", she said while lightly hugging her sister. Wolfe looked at them and then at Lane not knowing what to do.

Lane looked at the girls and said, "Then how about you guys stay with us for now? We would protect you until the situation is under control. After that we'll see if someone could look after you girls". The girls just nodded without anything.

"For now, you guys rest. We will be just outside if you need something. That man Luke will bring breakfast soon. So, don't fall asleep and call us if he comes", Wolfe said to the girls while signaling Lane to come out for a moment. They nodded and the duo left the room.

"Are you sure you want to look after those girls. What about us going back to the base?", Wolfe asked as soon as they were a good distance away from the room.

"So, what do you want me to say or do. Leave those girls there? They are vulnerable. They will not survive alone by themselves", she replied. Wolfe wanted to argue that what has it got to do with them, but seeing her seriousness, he didn't dare say it.

"Alright, then what about us going to camp?", he asked.

"We will stop here for a while. Maybe they would solve the situation by then and we would be able to go back then. Moreover, I don't know the military base and We didn't take the map from Smith", she said.

Wolfe stayed quiet. "Okay then. We stay here for a while and then when the girls seem okay, we'd leave. By the way, where are you going to sleep? The bed won't be able to take 3 people", Wolfe looked at her indicating something.

"We'll take turns sleeping. Someone needs to keep watch over our surroundings", Lane replied turning Wolfe's expectations down.

"You're right. I didn't think of that. You are so intelligent", Wolfe trying to distract her from his intentions spouted bullshit.

They moved towards the other room and Wolfe unlocked it and entered and thought of something while turning around towards Lane who followed behind him, "By the way, we've been with each other for more than half a month but I never once asked your name. Come on I know it's not Lane right?".

"Claire. Claire Patricia Lane", she said after taking a long pause. "Claire. Beautiful name", he said smiling at her. They looked at each other for a moment, Claire suddenly averted her gaze turning back, "You didn't tell me yours?", she said.

"I... don't remember my name. I just heard the dr. calling me Wolfe when I was up in the lab once", Wolfe lamented. The next moment a sound came from outside calling them, "Guys breakfast is ready. Should I bring it in?", Luke asked from outside. Wolfe opened the door and said, "Hey, Yes, put it in the table, I'll bring the girls", he said to him while looking at Claire.