
Survival Among the Dead (The Walking Dead) Fanfiction

After opening his eyes after a helicopter crash, Damian Wolfe finds himself in a chaotic world. A Virus has spread worldwide that brings back the dead. Would he be able to live in such a world? See how he navigates in the world where humans are not the apex predators anymore and are near extinction.

CaringSoul · TV
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54 Chs

They turn without bite

"See, I told you. If we follow the path these soldiers came from, we'd get ourselves some weapons", a man could be heard laughing boisterously.

"We were not wrong to have followed your lead, Sir", another voice came. Smith peeked outside from the barred window and made signs with his hands saying that there were 6 men outside.

Wolfe and Lane approached the window and took a peek themselves. They saw a middle-aged man in his 40s, ordering around some nineteen-twenty-year-old boys coming out of two black vans to look around the area and scanning inside the truck.

"Oh... lookie here. What is this?", the man jumped down with an assault rifle in his hand laughing aloud. He tried to fire it in the air while the others gathered around him in excitement.

"We have food and weapons inside this truck boys, now we can protect ourselves better", the man said but soon his voice turned cold, "and we're going back to that house. I will kill that fucker and fuck his wife crazy. Oh wait, I will fuck his wife first in front of him and then shoot him", he said like a maniac.

"You guys can enjoy yourselves with his daughters", he told the boys, who got more excited. 

They hadn't finished enjoying when Lane suddenly came out of the door with her gun pointing at the man, followed by Smith in the back.

"Drop the gun and put your hands in the air", Lane said in a cold tone aiming her gun at the leader. The boys got scared and put their hands in the air. Smith's gun pointing at them had suddenly changed their excitement into fear.

"Oh... there were soldiers here. Sorry, we didn't know. We thought all the soldiers had been infected", the man said while he was slowly bringing his hands down and walking towards Lane.

"Stay where you are", Lane said taking aim at the man with a serious face.

"Okay. Okay, we are not the bad guys. You should be protecting us, not aiming your guns at us", he said in a voice that made them look like the actual victim and the boys started looking at each other acknowledging what he said.

"You think we didn't hear what you were saying just now. Rather than a victim, you appear to me more as a criminal here".

While their focus was on the guys in front of them, Wolfe was still looking from inside the factory, positioning his gun towards them, when he suddenly saw a boy hiding behind the truck with a gun in his hand gathering his courage. He suddenly came out and just as he raised his hand to shoot Lane, Wolfe shot his leg.

"Aaargh...", he screamed in pain gathering attention of everyone towards him, distracting Lane. Taking the distraction as his chance, the man picked up his gun and jumped towards the truck taking cover while ordered, "Spread around. Pick up the guns and kill these fuckers", and fired his gun at Smith and Lane who quickly took cover inside the factory.

"Hurry take the gun. Someone, climb up and pass over the rifles", the man said while shooting at the door and giving them cover.

A courageous boy came running towards the truck and jumped to climb the truck. Just as he was about to go inside, a bullet came from the window and hit his leg. The boy fell down on the ground and started screaming.

"Damn it, you motherfuckers", the man said and hid behind the truck in frustration while the screaming boy continued screaming in agony. A boy once again climbed on the truck and Wolfe was about to shoot when a bullet was shot towards him from other side. Looking at the direction, he saw a boy that had picked the gun of the boy he had shot earlier.

"Shit", he said when he noticed that the boy had entered the truck successfully.

"Smith what do we do?", Lane asked Smith if they should shoot them dead. Smith thought for a bit before nodding. He looked out to shoot but was interrupted by the counter coming his way.

"You guys are so fucked. Hahahaha...", the man said while guns were being thrown down and the boys were picking them up. The trio could not come out and stop it. 

"Alright, you guys should now know that there is no way out for you except surrendering. Come out now and surrender your weapons. There is no need to kill each other for no reason. We'd leave after we take some ammunition and food", the man said shortly after a ceasefire. Smith and Lane looked at each other and then at Wolfe, nodding to each other. They knew that the man didn't mean what he said and would kill them if they go out.

Lane said from inside, "Take whatever you want, and leave". "And what if you shoot us when we are not looking, huh?", the man said.

"Come out and we can sort this out", the man said. Seeing that they were not going out, Wolfe looked outside from the window and saw three infected coming from behind them. He suddenly said, "Alright, we're coming out", grabbing everyone's attention towards the window. Lane looked at him, and he said, "Trust me, you guys".

They slowly came out with the weapons in their hands. The man came out from the back with a grin on his face that showed that he had accomplished some incredible feat.

"Now that wasn't that hard, was it?...", the man asked when suddenly two of his boys, who were looking at the trio, were grabbed from behind by the infected, and got bit, their flesh ripped with the teeth. The painful screaming prompted the man to look at them for a moment, which gave Wolfe and Smith enough time to shoot at the boys holding rifles while Lane shot at the man who jumped sideways, to avoid the bullet.

Four of the boys were down by now, two being eaten by the infected and two killed by the Wolfe and Smith while another two were injured and sitting on ground pressing their wound. Only the man remained and looking at him, the bullet had hit his shoulder. Lane approached the man with pace, came near him, while kicking the rifle away which he was trying to hold. She kicked his abdomen and looked at him with seriousness.

"Crazy bitch, I will fuck you. I will...", *Bang*, and he was dead. Lane looked at Wolfe who had shot the man with anger.

"What? Should I have let him finish?", he said in response while went away to kill the walkers.

Smith aimed at the boys who were injured by Wolfe earlier and aimed at them, but they started crying begging him to not shoot and spare them, that they were good boys and were only doing it because they thought he could keep them safe. Hearing them, Smith couldn't bring himself to shoot them and dropped his gun. Just as he did so, one of them brought out the gun from his back and shot Smith in the heart.

"Noo... ", Lane saw Smith being shot and ran towards him, while shooting the boy with the gun down and pointing at other.

"No, it was him. He did this. I had already surrendered". Lane looked at Smith, who was looking at her in pain and spouting blood. His chest was red with blood and with a jerk, he stopped moving. Lane closed her eyes, lamenting the loss of a good friend with tears filling her eyes. She opened her eyes, looked towards the boy with anger, and pointed her gun towards him once more.

"No. Please, hear me ou-", before the boy could say any further, she shot him. Wolfe came running towards her and saw Smith lying down on her lap with blood covered uniform, dead.

"How did this happen?", he slowly approached Lane and held her shoulder trying to console her. She kept her head down not letting Wolfe to see her tears.

"This place isn't safe. We have to leave here now. The gunfight sound is attracting more infected", Wolfe told Lane. Lane after a moment of silence, stood up with her back towards Wolfe, looked up and wiped her face. She turned back and said, "Let's go".

They quickly picked the guns up and threw them in the truck. Wolfe sat on the driver's seat and started the engine and called Lane to come up who was shooting the infected, but suddenly she heard a sound from inside the van that the enemies came in earlier. She hurried and opened the door and found two girls around 15-16, with their hand, legs tied up and mouth gagged. Lane quickly brought out her knife, that made the girls afraid, but she cut the rope that bound them and asked them to come out. They quickly removed the gags of each other and came out only to notice the infected approaching. While they screamed in fear and grabbed Lane by her shirt, she shot down two infected. She turned towards the girls and calmly said to follow her. Wolfe saw the girls running towards the truck followed by Lane who was scanning the area. He opened the side door, and the girls quickly climbed up the truck and came inside. Lane also climbed in and closed the door.

"Should we leave?", Wolfe asked looking at her. "You ask?", she replied mockingly.

He turned the truck around to leave the gate but suddenly, he heard Lane say, "Impossible. How? How did he get infected. He was dead". Wolfe looked in his front and the boys he had killed, walking towards the truck.

"They weren't bit", Wolfe asked. "No. They weren't", she replied. Wolfe didn't stop the truck though and ran over them and left drove through the gate, which made the girls shriek in fear and Lane a little uncomfortable.

A little while later Smith opened his eyes, stood up and started walking making gurgling sound. 

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