
Survival Among the Dead (The Walking Dead) Fanfiction

After opening his eyes after a helicopter crash, Damian Wolfe finds himself in a chaotic world. A Virus has spread worldwide that brings back the dead. Would he be able to live in such a world? See how he navigates in the world where humans are not the apex predators anymore and are near extinction.

CaringSoul · TV
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54 Chs

Getting out

Damian came out of the room stumbling and wobbling. He felt as if the blood inside his veins was burning and soon burst out of his body. He reached the bar area and grabbed a wine bottle and opened it. He then poured it on his bite. The burning pain made his whole-body shiver, and he tightened his teeth to endure it in agony. 

He brought the bottle to his mouth but threw it away without taking a sip. He then sat on the sofa and started mumbling a song, trying to forget the pain. And as time passed, he closed his eyes. 

Damian opened his eyes on his bed. He sat up in the bed and found that his clothes were drenched in sweat. He also noticed that he was wearing a night suit he used to wear in his childhood. Looking around, the place felt a bit familiar. He got out of the bed but noticed that his leg didn't reach the ground and his frame was quite small. He looked at the mirror in the side and was surprised to see his younger self in the reflection. His eyes got wider and wider due to this surprise. Then he looked at the digital table clock and saw the date. 

[14 - 03 - 1998]

Looking at the date, Damian suddenly remembered something and started running downstairs towards her mother's room, calling out to her. As he reached outside the room and was about to open the door, he hesitated a bit and stepped back a little. Then he gathered his courage again and reached the knob. Rotating the knob, he pushed open the door and looked inside. He suddenly got petrified and closed his eyes.

As Damian slowly regained consciousness, the throbbing pain in his shoulder brought him fully awake. Groaning, he shifted slightly, feeling the stiffness in his muscles from lying still for hours. He carefully sat up, wincing as he moved his injured arm. His hand moved instinctively to the shoulder wound, fingers brushing over the torn fabric of his shirt, now stiff with dried blood. 

Pulling the shirt aside, he examined the injury. The jagged edges of the bullet wound were still visible, but the area had significantly changed since he last saw it. Fresh, pink skin was beginning to knit together around the edges, forming a rough but noticeable seal. The center of the wound, where the bullet had done the most damage, was no longer and open, gaping hole. Instead, it was filled with a dense layer of rapidly forming granulation tissue - a mix of new connective tissue and tiny blood vessels, all working to close the gap. Looking at the wound in mirror, he murmured, "Unbelievable", running his fingers gently around the edges of the wound. "It's really healing... and fast". The around the wound was still bruised and swollen, but the inflammation had noticeably decreased. The skin was no longer taut with swelling; instead, it looked more like a slightly raised scar, already in process of smoothing out.

'Is this really possible? Whatever they did to me, not only made me immune to the bites but it made my body heal faster', he wondered. The bite marks from where his skin had been peeled off were still visible, but even those had started to disappear. He gingerly pressed around the wound and felt the tenderness and the unmistakable sensation of healing. There was pain but it was muted, more of a dull ache than the sharp, searing agony he remembered. The wound that should have taken weeks, or even months, to reach this stage had only taken 8-9 hours. He flexed his shoulder slightly, marveling at the range of motion he had regained. 'I should thank Dr. Kur-', he was thinking but his thought was suddenly interrupted when he saw in the mirror, that the gate that he had locked earlier to keep the walkers out was not open, although no one came in.

Damian then slowly approached the door to look outside, quietly, but just as he reached at the door, he saw a person just standing outside the gate staring at him. He stumbled back in surprise and fell on his ass. As his fall on the floor made a sound, the walker woman who bit him earlier stepped inside. Damian wondered how she was alive as he had shot her and just then, he noticed the bullet mark on her forehead. The bullet didn't pierce the head but just grazed it. 

'The brain. It didn't go through the head', Damian thought as the woman slowly walked towards him. Damian slowly backed off and pulled out the knife from his belt. The walker woman didn't attack Damian or rather stopped moving just moving her head sideways. Damian wondered why that was and noticed that her eyes were gone. He tried to turn towards the door and make a run but just when he moved and made a sound, the walker woman instantly turned towards his direction. The speed at which she turned spooked Damian as he stepped back. The walker woman suddenly ran towards him. Not walked. Ran. Damian who was spooked had already grabbed his gun and raised it towards her. She had already jumped towards him and was in mid-air when Damian fired the gun. Luckily, it hit the centre of her head and she fell down. "What the fuck? They can run?", Damian said out loud, although, no one was there to listen.

Damian kept pointing the gun at the walker, that was lying lifeless on the ground, for a few seconds before lowering it down. He still couldn't contemplate what just happened. The movements of that walker were just like that of a normal human. Although faster and stronger, the walker still didn't have the intelligence to tackle the living. Damian gave out a sigh of relief before noticing that the shirt he wore had been dirty. He quickly changed the shirt and stepped out of the room. 

As he stepped out, he saw several walkers, lying down on the ground without head. It seemed like someone had forcefully tore their head from the bodies. 'Such strength', Damian thought and suddenly looked back at the door and started thinking about the walker inside. A chill ran down to his spine thinking about its crazy strength. As he moved forward, he saw every walker lying headless while the heads ware not far away from the bodies. Damian quickly ran towards the exit gate and forced it to open but the door was closed from outside. 

'I'll wait for you, he said. Motherfucker', he remembered what Jim said when he ran away and scoffed. Deciding that he won't be able to get out from here, Damian entered a classroom. He slid the window open and jumped out. Outside, he saw a truck. He looked back inside the class, then at the truck. 'Supplies', he gave it a thought and jumped back inside. After some time, he came out with three four bags. Put them in the truck and sat in the driving seat. He started the engine and drove away. Away from the school, away from the town. He wanted to make sure that he wouldn't be tracked back to the farm, so he thought of taking a detour. 

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