
Survival Among the Dead (The Walking Dead) Fanfiction

After opening his eyes after a helicopter crash, Damian Wolfe finds himself in a chaotic world. A Virus has spread worldwide that brings back the dead. Would he be able to live in such a world? See how he navigates in the world where humans are not the apex predators anymore and are near extinction.

CaringSoul · TV
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54 Chs

Back at the farm

He kept driving all night in the outskirts and took a nap in between those roads occasionally. It was dawn when he decided that he should go back now. He went back to the town and found the car he had left behind when he had come there first day. He checked the car and there was no sign of it being touched by anyone. He brought out the supply bags and put them in the car. He then parked the vehicle he was driving till now in a gas station and went back after collection the petrol in the jar. He refilled the car and started driving towards the farm. 

It was early in the morning. Andrea was on the RV fulfilling her duty to be on watch. She suddenly saw a blue car coming towards the farm. As it entered, Andrea alerted T-Dog and Dale who were just down doing some stuff. "Hey, someone's coming to the farm", she said while adding, "only one person... wait a minute- oh it's Damian. He's back", she completed as she noticed Damian sitting inside. Damian looking at her waved his hand which she waved back. He turned his car towards the RV and stopped near them. As he came out, T-Dog approached him with enthusiasm.

"Hey man, welcome back", T-Dog said extending his hand to high five. 

Damian returned the gesture as he said, "Man, how's your hand?". 

"It's better. But still feel pain when I move it", he said smiling.

"Well, it'll get better", Damian wished truly.

"Andrea, what's up?", he said while looking past Dale. 

"Hey! What took you so long to return? We thought you had bailed on us", she said as she came down.

"I would never. By the way, where are others?", Damian asked.

"Carol, Lori and Amy are in their kitchen. Shane and others are in the shed", she said as her smile dropped.

"What are they doing there? Is Shawn's mare giving birth?", he asked smiling. 

"Hershel, Glenn and Rick... they brought someone back with him yesterday. Some boy with messed up leg. Said his group attacked them in the bar and ran away leaving the boy behind when a walker horde came", T-Dog said. "They are asking him questions right now", he added.

"Oh... I will go take a look", Damian said, walking away from the trio. As he entered the barn, he heard a scream and a slap just after that which made the screaming stop. Damian looked inside and saw a boy he was familiar with was tied on a pole while others were surrounding him as Daryl had just slapped him. 

"What's your name?", Daryl demanded his name as he pressed him with his palm on the ground.

"Daryl. Let him go. He said he'll speak", Rick said as he grabbed Daryl to pull him back.

"He's a lying piece of shit. That's not his name", Daryl said trying to free himself while intimidating the boy. 

"I'm telling the truth. My name is Randall. Randall Culver. My father's name is Adam Culver. My mother's nam-", he was continuing when Rick looking at him in frustration, said, "Shut up".

"He's telling the truth", Damian said as everyone looked back at him in confusion. 

"His name is Randall. His group called him that", Damian said as he approached the boy.

"When did you come back?", Shane asked.

"Just now", he replied.

"Hey man. Welcome back. Looks like you know him", Shawn said as he came at Damian with a handshake.

"Nah. Not personally. I just saw him few days earlier. He was with the group I saw that day", Damian said.

"Do you know his friends attacked us night before yesterday", Glenn said as he looked at Randall with fuming eyes.

"I heard these guys encountered three people who attacked them, and they had to run away due to walkers- oh sorry, they call them trailers", Damian said. He looked at Randall as he said, "So, you were alive. Nate would have been so happy right now".

"Damian, you. You were a mole? You are with these guys?", Randall who had now recognized him asked with eyes of someone who got betrayed.

"Yeah. I was just checking out your group", he replied.

"Hey man. You know me, right? Tell them. I was just their errand boy. I was just a sidekick. Tell them I just helped around a bit there. I am not a bad person like them", Randall said.

"So, you know that they were bad people?", Damian asked squinting his eyes.

"Yeah. I knew. I was there when they were attacking others for food. But I didn't do anything. I just did what my father told me and stood back", Randall said.

Damian looked at him and then turned towards others. "He's not a bad person", Damian said without expression. "But we can't let you go free yet. You got this wound here. How will you go back? Let them treat you. I'll take you back", Damian said as he looked at him. This made Randall a little relieved as he calmed down a little.

Damian came out of the barn with others as Rick closed up the gate. 

"You know about his group?", Shane asked with high voice that made Damian shush him.

"Lower your voice man. Yes. I do. I was with them till yesterday before leaving", Damian said.

"You know how many people they have? Are they searching for him?", Rick asked.

"They had almost forty people in the group. The man said everyone else was dead but ordered everyone to find you guys", Damian said.

Hearing this, Everyone got tensed as they looked at each other and Shane started blaming Rick. "See, what did you expect? You come here after killing their people and think they won't retaliate? And you wish to let that boy you brought back go so he would come back with everyone else?", Shane said.

"We have to get ready. Damian, tell us where they are staying. Let's ambush those guys. Let's kill them before they come here", Shane said.

"No one's killing anyone. We need to think this through", Rick said as he looked at Damian who was smiling for some reason.

"Hey, I said they were forty. They are not now. Yesterday morning, there was a change in leadership that other people in group didn't take too well and started infighting. There are only a few men left now and they are not there anymore".

"So, that means...", Glenn said expecting Damian to fill up the rest.

"That means we're not their concern anymore. This boy though, I honestly don't think we should just let him go. He'll become a loose end", Damian said.

"What do you recommend then. Kill him? Keep him with us?", Shawn asked.

"Well, he shot towards us, so we possibly can't keep him with us. We possibly can't trust him. We also can't kill him either", Damian said, while adding, "I say we observe him a little more and decide whether he's really a danger or not".

"I agree to that. Let's observe him till his leg recovers", Hershel said as everyone except Shane nodded. Shane smiled as he shook his head and started leaving the discussion. 

As the group started walking back towards the house, Damian asked Shane, "Oh! By the way, I thought you said there were walkers in the barn before I left?". Everyone around them looked at him strangely. 'Oh shit. Did I say that out loud?', he thought as Shawn looked at him accusingly. 

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