
Surrogate Wives For Billionaire

Her sister ran away with another man on her wedding day, forcing Danera Gillard to replace her twin sister in marriage to Zayn Wilde, a successful but heartless young billionaire and businessman. "Don't get your hopes up in this marriage; you're just a substitute until I find Doriane," Zayn whispered in a cold voice in Danera's ear. "I understand," Danera said softly and hoarsely while planning how to escape. Then, her twin sister returned and wanted her husband and marriage. Doriane and the Gillard family trapped Danera in a scandalous affair that earned her the scorn of everyone. "You want my husband? Fine, take him back! He's a bastard of a husband." Danera swapped places with her twin sister and ran from the authoritarian Zayn Wilde with a baby in her belly. Five years later, she returned with a cute little boy and avenged her twin brother and the Gillard family. .... "Sir, the young lady is back." The secretary reported to Zayn in a hotel room. Doriane leaned spoilt on Zayn's arm and stroked his chest. "Young Madame? Honey, you haven't divorced my sister yet?" "Not yet. Since she's back, I'll divorce her soon." Zayn replied coldly and indifferently while taking a sip from his glass of vodka. "But sir, the young madam returned with a little boy who looks much like you." Zayn immediately pushed Doriane and stood up. "Hurry up and get the child and do a DNA test." "What about Young Madame?" "We're not getting a divorce!"

Missy_Elf · Urban
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29 Chs

You've got a twin sister?

Emily's face immediately looked unhappy. Zayn also glanced at Danera, his forehead frowning slightly.

Although Doriane was very extravagant and liked to shop with Zayn's money, she knew how to dress modestly and elegantly as a young miss. But Danera, on the contrary, looked like a girl from the village. Why are Danera and Doriane so different in their personalities?

Danera didn't even give a better reason and embarrassed herself in front of the Cooper family.

Danera bit her lip as she felt Emily staring at her with a displeased look. She realized she had given the wrong reason and was humiliated by Mrs. Cooper.

"I'm sorry, I'm ...."

Before Danera could finish her sentence, Emily interrupted her coldly.

"Lisa, go take Doriane to change. You should change your clothes into decent clothes. Don't look like a girl from the village in front of our guests. The Wilde family isn't poor, don't bring your family's bad habits to ours. If you want anything, tell Zayn and buy some dresses you like."

Danera looked embarrassed after being scolded by her mother-in-law in front of the guests.

Mrs. Cooper gave her a mocking look. Joyce and Emily looked unhappy. At the same time, Zayn didn't say anything in her defense.

"Why are you still here? Didn't go change?" Emily reprimanded her.

Only the beautiful woman next to Mrs. Cooper looked at her with a pitying smile. She stood up and approached Danera.

"Hi, I'm Leticia. My mom and I happened to go shopping at the mall today and bought some dresses. I'll give you some of my new dresses."

"No need. I don't want to trouble you." Danera immediately refused. She knew accepting the woman's offer would only make Emily even more unhappy because it showed that the Wilde family's daughter-in-law was poor.

"No trouble, I just want to help you. If you don't want to, that's fine." Leticia smiled and stepped back. She glanced at Zayn for a moment. Her cheeks flushed slightly, and she quickly looked down with a blushing expression.

Danera raised an eyebrow slightly. Ah, it seemed that the woman liked Zayn.

"I'll excuse myself to change my clothes." Danera then retreated and followed one of the servants, who led her to the room to change.

Behind her back, she could still hear the conversation in the living room.

After changing into an elegant dress, she returned to the parlor. Emily and Mrs. Cooper were chatting cheerfully as if they were family. There was an extra person in the living room, Danera recognized her as a model who often appeared in magazines.

Everyone looked very familiar. Even when Danera sat next to Zayn, no one paid attention to her as if she were a stranger.

Janeth turned her gaze to Danera.

"Hi Doriane, how are you? Sorry for not coming to your wedding yesterday. I was so busy with my photo shoot that I didn't attend your wedding."

Janeth was the daughter of Joshua Wilde's younger sister and was very close to the Wilde family.

Danera smiled back, not knowing how Doriane was related to that woman. She glanced at Zayn, but he was indifferent and chatting with Mr. Cooper.

"Well, it's okay ...."

"Gosh, what's with that style of talking? You give me goosebumps. You've never spoken so softly to me. Did your personality change after marrying Zayn?" Janeth said in a mocking tone.

Danera stiffened. She looked at Janeth but didn't say anything. She didn't know what relationship Doriane had with that woman to antagonize her.

"Janeth, don't bother her. Doriane is married and has learned to be a good and obedient wife." Joyce, who was helping Danera Gav, gave her an annoyed glance.

Although she didn't like it, Joyce had to maintain her brother's dignity so that the news of Doriane running off with another man wouldn't get out.

"That's how it turned out. That's good. She should learn to be obedient and a good wife instead of making vague rumors outside."

Janeth's words immediately caught everyone's attention in the living room.

"Rumors? Rumors about what?"

Janeth's eyes looked sly as she stared at Danera.

Danera felt uncomfortable as Janeth's gaze on her seemed malicious.

"Uhm, I'm not sure what to tell you about this. I don't want to make Doriane angry." Janeth said carefully, afraid of offending 'Doriane. '

"What rumors is Doriane making? It's okay, just tell us." Emily said firmly. She glanced at Danera coldly. Although she was not Doriane, her face was very identical to that of her twin sister. Emily did not like what Doriane did, running off with another man on the wedding day.

"It was... my friend noticed that Doriane was often seen with a guy who wasn't Zayn.

They've been seen in and out of hotels. It was a few days before their wedding day." Janeth said as she watched everyone's expressions. She glanced at Danera with a provocative smile.

The faces of all the Wilde family members instantly changed. Zayn looked very cold.

The Cooper family's expressions looked strange.

Danera clenched her fists, trying to look calm. Although the person being told was not her, she had to maintain Doriane's good name as Zayn's wife.

"About that... you probably don't know I have a twin sister. Maybe what you saw was Danera. She's my twin sister." Danera replied calmly.

"You have a twin sister?!" Janeth's expression looked incredulous.

"Yes, she has a twin sister. Her name is Danera, and she eloped with a poor man because the Gillard family did not approve of their relationship." Joyce sneered while glaring at Danera.

Janeth was very disappointed and dissatisfied. She and Doriane had always been enemies because Janeth liked Zayn. To Janeth, Doriane was a hypocrite who kept draining Zayn's money. She was jealous that Doriane was in a relationship with a cousin she liked.

"That's how it turned out; I apologize for the misunderstanding." Janeth smiled forcefully.

"It's okay. It's natural that you misunderstood because you don't know my twin sister." Danera replied calmly.

Janeth sneered inwardly. But also confused. The Doriane she knew was easily offended and would not tolerate it if Janeth bad-mouthed her. Why did she look so calm today?

Was she trying to maintain the image of a good wife?

Janeth would not let her. She smiled sweetly at Danera and Zayn. "But why aren't you guys on your honeymoon? You just got married yesterday."