
Surrogacy for the cruel lycan prince

Ariana's already sad life moved from bad to worse as she was sold to Kai, the ruthless lycan prince as a surrogate. Unable to accept his cruelty towards her anymore, after he brought in his intended fiancee who also treated her like a worthless omega, she escaped from his mansion. Helpless, she trudged on until she found solace in the arms of a mysterious man who had compassion and offered a home. Their blossoming relationship however is threatened as Kai in his jealousy searches for Ariana and discovers an augustly Family Secret. Kai's jealousy turns to rage as he swore to find Ariana and protect their unborn child, but that's when his rejected mate suddenly showed up, trying to prevent him from having access to his surrogate, and ends up abducting her to discard the pregnancy which meant everything to him.

Jophiel_Blue · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Sleek black car

Ariana POV

"You're a Libertine!" I yelled, almost tripping down in fear, and he ran out of my room.

"It isn't even up to a day since he arrived," I grumbled, running my hands through my hair as I wondered when he began watching me dress in my room. I could only hope he hadn't seen me nude.

I scoffed and locked my door with the key. After ensuring that it was truly locked, I threw my keys into my bag and rushed down the stairs, my handbag swinging by my side as my black hair danced behind me.

I was eager to make my exit and get on with my day, but just as I reached the doorway, a voice called out my name, causing me to pause and turn towards the dining table where my family sat.

"What is it?" I asked, my impatience thinly veiled. I didn't have time for idle conversation.

"Ariana, could you join us for breakfast before you leave?" Lucas's voice reached my ears, making me raise an eyebrow at him.

He still had the guts to talk to me after watching me dress up in my room? Why wasn't I surprised?

"No, I'm not," I replied curtly, ready to walk away, but Jade's voice stopped me in my tracks, making my hands clench at my sides.

"Yes, Jade?" I responded, a forced smile on my face.

"Join us for breakfast," Jade said, and my mouth hung open as I stared at her, a mix of surprise and disbelief evident in my eyes. Jade, my stepmother, actually inviting me to breakfast? Something was off.

With a slight nod, I reluctantly made my way towards the table and took my seat, the atmosphere tense.

We began eating, but I couldn't bring myself to look up. I could feel Lucas's eyes on me, his gaze unsettling and discomforting. What did he want from me?

Feeling increasingly uneasy, I abruptly rose from my seat, determined to escape the suffocating tension.

However, Lucas stopped me in my tracks with an authoritative command.

"Ariana, sit," he ordered, his tone brooking no argument. I glared at him, my disdain for him evident in my voice as I questioned his authority.

"If I may ask, Mr. Lucas, who are you to give me orders?" I retorted, my voice dripping with venomous hatred.

"I am your elder brother, so you better obey me," he replied, a self-satisfied smile playing on his lips. He was truly a psychopath.

"To hell with that mouth of yours," I snapped, my anger flaring. "You are not my brother!"

His smile widened, relishing in our verbal confrontation. "Ariana, shut up!" he barked, his words laced with superiority. It only fueled my anger further.

"Oh, dear, you better shut up first," I shot back, my voice seething with rage. I watched as a flicker of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"You are indeed the daughter of a bitch," he sneered, his words meant to wound. I remained defiant, meeting his gaze head-on.

"And you are the fucking son of a fucking bitch!" I spat, a smirk playing on my lips. But before I could fully revel in my retort, Jade suddenly stood up and delivered a painful slap across my cheek.

Stunned, I stood there, my hand instinctively moving to cradle my stinging cheek, tears welling up in my eyes. I locked eyes with Jade, witnessing the satisfaction etched on her face. Lucas, too, wore a smug expression, reveling in my pain.

I turned to my dad, seeking solace or support, but all I received was a disapproving shake of his head. At that moment, I was tempted to unleash a torrent of curses at him, to brand him as weak and spineless. But before I could utter a word, a resounding slap echoed through the room, striking Lucas's cheek with a force that seemed to surpass Jade's own.

My dad was now glaring at Lucas who had his hands covering his cheek that my dad had slapped, while me and Jade did the same.

"Now you've proven yourself to be my dad," I muttered with a smirk as I also walked out of the house with my dad, leaving the bewildered Lucas and Jade behind.

The joy I felt was inexplicable.

I was so happy that my dad had stood up for me.

Lucas had called my mom, which was my dad's late wife a bitch, so I also cursed his, so there was no need for Jade to slap me.

But as she did slap me, it was only proper for my dad to slap Lucas, and I'm so happy he did. He had just proven to me that he wasn't controlled by Jade.


Glancing at my wristwatch after leaving the house, I realized with a sinking feeling that I was already late for work. I picked up my pace, practically sprinting down the street, my heart pounding in my chest.

Reaching the corner of the busy main road, I halted, waiting for the stream of vehicles to clear so I could safely cross to the other side. My workplace was located at the opposite end of the road, and I couldn't afford any more delays.

As the traffic light turned red, indicating a temporary halt for the cars, I took a deep breath and started making my way through the maze of vehicles. Just as I was about to pass in front of a sleek black car, it lurched forward, blocking my path.

Confused, I glanced at the traffic light, which remained stubbornly red. Then, I turned my attention to the driver of the car. The tinted windows prevented me from seeing the driver clearly, but the opulence of the vehicle spoke volumes about its owner.

To my surprise, the driver rolled down his window, and our eyes met. I couldn't help but be captivated by the sight before me. I would admit that I was stunned by the sight of the young man who was seated in his car. He was the total definition of a handsome, sexy, and dangerous guy combined.

The man in the car was the epitome of allure and danger, with piercing hazel eyes and black hair that framed his face. He seemed to be studying me intently, his gaze intense and intriguing.

Without a word, the car reversed slightly, creating a gap for me to pass through. At the same moment, the traffic lights switched to green, signaling the resumption of traffic flow. I hurriedly walked through the space he had made, grateful for the unexpected kindness, and continued on my way to the other side of the road as the cars started moving again.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I finally entered the elegant doors of the supermarket where I worked, mentally preparing myself for the consequences of my tardiness.


Taking my seat in a quiet corner of the bustling supermarket, I let out a tired sigh and absentmindedly scrolled through my phone.

I just got embarrassed by my boss in the presence of my coworkers for coming late. He complained that it wasn't the first time this was happening, and he was right. Only if he could talk to Jade on my behalf.

A sudden unease washed over me, causing me to look up from the screen.

It was an inexplicable feeling as if someone's eyes were fixed on me. I scanned the surroundings, observing the busy shoppers and employees, but everything appeared normal.

Furrowing my brow, I continued to survey the area, the sense of being watched lingering in the back of my mind. Yet, no one stood out or seemed suspicious.

Deciding not to dwell on something that might be mere paranoia or a secret admirer's gaze, I rested my head on a nearby desk surrounded by various goods. Fatigue weighed heavily on me despite having slept the previous night, and I succumbed to the drowsiness that overwhelmed me.

As my eyelids fluttered shut, I drifted into an oblivious slumber, oblivious to the events unfolding around me.